Spazio IT has conducted some experiments comparing different Language Models in their ability to analyze and work with both written text and source code. In the case of text, they compared ChatGPT with Salesforce’s xgen-7b-8k-inst and Mistral AI‘s Mixtral-8x7b from the ; Salesforce’s xgen-7b-8k-inst and Mixtral-8x7b models were executed on a local computing platform – a gaming laptop with an Intel i7-10875H CPU @ 2.30GHz CPU, 32GB of RAM and an NVIDIA GPU RTX 280 GPU. For source code, ChatGPT was compared against Mistral AI‘s Mixtral-8x7b-instruct and Meta’s Codellama-70b-instr; these last two models were executed via the Perplexity AI GUI presumably on AWS P4d instances, which are powered by NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPUs. All local examples of “Artificial Hallucinations” and “Artificial Illiteracy” have been produced using models available in the Ollama Models Library and executed on the same gaming laptop described above.
These comparisons provide some insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each model in different contexts.
Experiments working with text
Kafka’s Before the Law (ex1)
Please summarize the following article:
Before the law sits a gatekeeper. To this gatekeeper comes a man from the country who asks to gain entry into the law. But the gatekeeper says that he cannot grant him entry at the moment. The man thinks about it and then asks if he will be allowed to come in later on. “It is possible,” says the gatekeeper, “but not now.” At the moment the gate to the law stands open, as always, and the gatekeeper walks to the side, so the man bends over in order to see through the gate into the inside. When the gatekeeper notices that, he laughs and says: “If it tempts you so much, try it in spite of my prohibition. But take note: I am powerful. And I am only the most lowly gatekeeper. But from room to room stand gatekeepers, each more powerful than the other. I can’t endure even one glimpse of the third.” The man from the country has not expected such difficulties: the law should always be accessible for everyone, he thinks, but as he now looks more closely at the gatekeeper in his fur coat, at his large pointed nose and his long, thin, black Tartar’s beard, he decides that it would be better to wait until he gets permission to go inside. The gatekeeper gives him a stool and allows him to sit down at the side in front of the gate. There he sits for days and years. He makes many attempts to be let in, and he wears the gatekeeper out with his requests. The gatekeeper often interrogates him briefly, questioning him about his homeland and many other things, but they are indifferent questions, the kind great men put, and at the end he always tells him once more that he cannot let him inside yet. The man, who has equipped himself with many things for his journey, spends everything, no matter how valuable, to win over the gatekeeper. The latter takes it all but, as he does so, says, “I am taking this only so that you do not think you have failed to do anything.” During the many years the man observes the gatekeeper almost continuously. He forgets the other gatekeepers, and this one seems to him the only obstacle for entry into the law. He curses the unlucky circumstance, in the first years thoughtlessly and out loud, later, as he grows old, he still mumbles to himself. He becomes childish and, since in the long years studying the gatekeeper he has come to know the fleas in his fur collar, he even asks the fleas to help him persuade the gatekeeper. Finally his eyesight grows weak, and he does not know whether things are really darker around him or whether his eyes are merely deceiving him. But he recognizes now in the darkness an illumination which breaks inextinguishably out of the gateway to the law. Now he no longer has much time to live. Before his death he gathers in his head all his experiences of the entire time up into one question which he has not yet put to the gatekeeper. He waves to him, since he can no longer lift up his stiffening body.
The gatekeeper has to bend way down to him, for the great difference has changed things to the disadvantage of the man. “What do you still want to know, then?” asks the gatekeeper. “You are insatiable.” “Everyone strives after the law,” says the man, “so how is that in these many years no one except me has requested entry?”The gatekeeper sees that the man is already dying and, in order to reach his diminishing sense of hearing, he shouts at him, “Here no one else can gain entry, since this entrance was assigned only to you. I’m going now to close it. (Translation: Ian Johnston)
ChatGPT Answer
The article tells the story of a man from the country who seeks entry into the law, represented by a gate guarded by a gatekeeper. Despite the gate being open, the gatekeeper denies the man entry, creating various obstacles and telling him he cannot enter yet. The man waits for years, attempting to gain entry and exhausting all his resources in the process. As he grows old and frail, he finally realizes that the gatekeeper was there only for him and that the entrance was meant solely for him. In his dying moments, he questions why no one else had sought entry during all those years, to which the gatekeeper reveals that the entrance was exclusively assigned to him. The gatekeeper then leaves to close the gate as the man passes away.
Salesforce/xgen-7b-8k-inst Answer
The article describes a man who wants to gain entry to the law but is denied by a gatekeeper. The man begs the gatekeeper to let him in, but the gatekeeper refuses. The man then asks if he will be allowed in later on, but the gatekeeper says it is not possible at the moment. The man sees through the gate into the inside, and the gatekeeper tells him there are more powerful gatekeepers standing between him and the law. The man sits in front of the gate for years, trying to persuade the gatekeeper to let him in. Despite spending everything he has, the gatekeeper refuses to let him in, but takes his belongings. As the man grows old, he asks his fleas to help him persuade the gatekeeper, but ultimately dies before he can gain entry. Before his death, he gathers all his experiences into one question he has not yet put to the gatekeeper. As he dies, the gatekeeper bends down to him and asks what he still wants to know. The man asks why no one else has gained entry despite everyone striving for the law, but the gatekeeper replies that it was assigned only to him. The gatekeeper then closes the entrance.
Mixtral-8x7b Answer
The story “Before the Law” is a parable written by Franz Kafka that describes a man from the country who wishes to enter the law but is prevented from doing so by a gatekeeper. The man asks if he can enter at a later time, and the gatekeeper tells him that it may be possible, but not now. The gate to the law is open, and the gatekeeper invites the man to try to enter, but warns him that there are more powerful gatekeepers beyond. The man decides to wait and spends many years trying to persuade the gatekeeper to let him in, but to no avail. Eventually, the man grows old and dies without ever entering the law. As he is dying, he asks the gatekeeper why no one else has requested entry into the law during all these years, and the gatekeeper reveals that the entrance was assigned only to the man and that he is now going to close it.
The story can be interpreted in many ways, but one possible interpretation is that the law represents an unattainable ideal or goal that people spend their lives striving for, but which remains always out of reach. The gatekeeper symbolizes the obstacles and challenges that prevent people from achieving their goals, and the man’s efforts to persuade the gatekeeper to let him in represent the persistent efforts that people make to overcome these obstacles. However, despite his best efforts, the man is ultimately unable to achieve his goal, and he dies without ever entering the law. This can be seen as a commentary on the futility of striving for unattainable ideals and the importance of accepting limitations and finding contentment in what one has.
Poorly written requirements (ex2)
Which of the following are examples of poorly written requirement statement (i.e. not proper requirement statement). Select all that apply.
a)The system shall respond to user query in a timely manner.
b)None of the mentioned.
c)The system shall ensure a reasonable response speed.
d)The system shall record all purchases and submit them to the fulfillment system for processing.
ChatGPT Answer
The poorly written requirement statements are:
a) The system shall respond to user query in a timely manner.
c) The system shall ensure a reasonable response speed.
These statements are vague and subjective, lacking specific criteria or measurable metrics to determine what constitutes “timely” or “reasonable” response speed.
Salesforce/xgen-7b-8k-inst Answer
The poorly written requirement statement is: “None of the mentioned”. This is because the statement does not provide any specific information or requirements for the system, nor does it define what is meant by “mentioned”. It is important to clearly and specifically state requirements in order to ensure that a system is developed correctly and meets its intended purpose.
The other statements are examples of proper requirement statements that provide specific and clear information about the desired behavior of the system:
- “The system shall respond to user query in a timely manner” – This statement specifies that the system should be able to respond to user queries within a certain time frame, and that timely response is a desired behavior.
- “The system shall ensure a reasonable response speed” – This statement specifies that the system should be able to respond to user queries quickly and efficiently, and that the response speed should be reasonable based on the expected usage of the system.
- “The system shall record all purchases and submit them to the fulfillment system for processing” – This statement specifies that the system should be able to record all purchases made by users and automatically submit them to the fulfillment system for processing, without the need for manual intervention.
It is important for requirements to be clearly written and properly stated in order to ensure that the system being developed meets the needs and expectations of the stakeholders, and is ultimately successful.
Mixtral-8x7b Answer
I would say that option (b) “None of the mentioned” is not a poorly written requirement statement, because it does not provide an example of a poor requirement statement. The other options, however, could be considered as poorly written requirement statements:
Option (a) “The system shall respond to user query in a timely manner” is a poorly written requirement statement because it is vague and subjective. The term “timely manner” means different things to different people, so it is not clear what specific response time the system should meet. It would be better to specify a specific response time, such as “The system shall respond to user queries within 2 seconds.”
Option (c) “The system shall ensure a reasonable response speed” is also a poorly written requirement statement because it is subjective and does not provide a clear definition of what constitutes a “reasonable” response speed. It would be better to specify a specific response time, as in the example above.
Option (d) “The system shall record all purchases and submit them to the fulfillment system for processing” could potentially be a poorly written requirement statement depending on the context. If it is not clear what is meant by “all purchases,” this requirement could be open to interpretation and potentially lead to confusion or errors. It would be better to define more specifically what constitutes a “purchase” and any conditions that must be met for a purchase to be recorded and submitted for processing. For example, the requirement could be written as: “The system shall record all transactions with a minimum value of $10 and submit them to the fulfillment system for processing within 5 minutes of completion.”
Experiments working with code
Conversion Error in C (ex3)
Could you please tell me what’s wrong in the following code?
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
unsigned int test;
test = -1;
printf("Test as signed = %d, as unsigned = %u.\n", test, test);
if (test == -1) {
printf("Test == -1.\n");
} else {
printf("Test != -1.\n");
if (test > 0) {
printf("Test > 0.\n");
} else {
printf("Test <= 0.\n");
return 0;
ChatGPT Answer
The code snippet you provided assigns -1 to an unsigned integer variable test
. In C, when a signed integer is assigned a negative value, it undergoes conversion to unsigned integer type. The conversion is done by adding UINT_MAX + 1
(where UINT_MAX
is the maximum value of an unsigned int) to the negative value until it fits within the range of the unsigned int type. Thus, -1
becomes UINT_MAX
, which is the largest possible value for an unsigned integer.
Here’s the corrected code with explanations:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h> // Required for UINT_MAX constant
int main() {
unsigned int test;
test = -1; // -1 gets converted to UINT_MAX
printf("Test as signed = %d, as unsigned = %u.\n", test, test); // This prints UINT_MAX
if (test == -1) { // This condition will never be true because test is now UINT_MAX
printf("Test == -1.\n");
} else {
printf("Test != -1.\n"); // This will be printed
if (test > 0) { // This condition will always be true because test is UINT_MAX
printf("Test > 0.\n"); // This will be printed
} else {
printf("Test <= 0.\n");
return 0;
To fix this code, you should either change test
to a signed integer type or adjust the comparison logic accordingly. If you want to compare test
with -1
, you need to change its type to int
. If you intend to keep it as an unsigned integer, you should compare it with UINT_MAX
instead of -1
. Here’s how you can adjust the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
int main() {
unsigned int test;
test = UINT_MAX; // Assign the maximum value of unsigned int
printf("Test as signed = %d, as unsigned = %u.\n", (int)test, test);
if (test == UINT_MAX) { // Compare with UINT_MAX
printf("Test == UINT_MAX.\n");
} else {
printf("Test != UINT_MAX.\n");
if (test > 0) {
printf("Test > 0.\n");
} else {
printf("Test <= 0.\n");
return 0;
This adjusted code will produce the correct results for your intended comparisons.
Codellama-70b-instr Answer
The issue with your code is that you have declared “test” as an unsigned integer which means it cannot hold negative values. You then proceed to try assigning “-1” to it but because it is unsigned, it gets assigned some other huge positive value. This causes issues later on when trying to compare it to -1 or check if it is greater than 0.You could change the declaration from “unsigned int test;” to just “int test;” so that it can store negative values properly. Then everything should work fine!
Mixtral-8x7b-instruct Answer
When running your provided code, the output will indicate that the variable test
is both equal to -1 and greater than 0, which is incorrect. To better understand why this happens, let’s examine how negative integers are represented in binary format.
For simplicity, we can focus on 8-bit representations instead of 32-bit representations used in your example. Let’s see how -1 is stored in memory as a signed integer compared to an unsigned integer.
Signed Integer (-1):
Sign Bit | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
1 | 1 0000 001 | 1 0000 000 | 1 0000 000 | 1 0000 000 | 1 0000 000 | 1 0000 000 | 1 0000 000 |
Unsigned Integer (255):
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
1 | 1 1111 111 | 1 1111 111 | 1 1111 111 | 1 1111 111 | 1 1111 111 | 1 1111 111 |
As you can see, they share the same binary representation because the leftmost bit determines whether the number is positive or negative in the case of signed integers. Therefore, storing -1 as an unsigned integer results in the maximum possible value being assigned (2^N – 1), where N is the number of bits.
Now, back to your original code snippet:
unsigned int test;
test = -1;
printf("Test as signed = %d, as unsigned = %u.\n", test, test);
Here, assigning -1 to an unsigned integer causes undefined behavior according to the C Standard. Most modern compilers interpret this assignment as wrapping the value around to the largest representable value within the type boundaries. As a result, test
becomes the maximum value for an unsigned integer (UINT_MAX), which is usually 4,294,967,295 on 32-bit systems.
To fix the issue, declare test
as a signed integer:
int test;
test = -1;
printf("Test as signed = %d, as unsigned = %u.\n", test, test);
This way, the expected output will be displayed correctly:
Test as signed = -1, as unsigned = 4294967295.
Test == -1.
Test <= 0.
Homomorphic Encryption Example (ex4, C++17)
Could you please analyze and verify the following C++ application?
/* Copyright (C) 2023 Spazio IT (https:://spazioit.com)
* This program is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file.
* This program is based IBM HElib Library - https://github.com/homenc/HElib
* It implements a simple homomorphic encryption based
* db search algorithm working on string and numbers for demonstration purposes.
* This program integrates two HElib examples/tests:
* 1. BGV_country_db_lookup.cpp
* 2. Test_binaryCompare.cpp
* It is a small experimemt on HElib written by M. Martignano (Maurizio.Martignano@spazioit.com)
* on the 11/01/2023.
#include <iostream>
#include <helib/helib.h>
#include <helib/EncryptedArray.h>
#include <helib/ArgMap.h>
#include <NTL/BasicThreadPool.h>
#include <helib/intraSlot.h>
#include <helib/binaryCompare.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace helib;
// Function proptotypes (listed more or less in the invocation order)
// Reads a csv file, without header
vector<tuple<long, long, string, long, long, long, long, long,
string, string, long, string, string, long>> read_csv(string filename);
// Reads the actual file and encrypts it, HE parameters are needed for the encryption, most notably the pulic_key
// this function should be called by the Data Owner a.k.a. Client
void read_and_encrypt_data(string db_filename, Context& context, const EncryptedArray& ea, long bitSize, const PubKey& public_key);
// Gets the search conditions from the user, HE parameters are needed to encrypt the values entered by the user
// this function should be called by either the Data Owner or a Data Consumer (who needs to know the public key of the Data Owner)
void get_search_conditions_from_user(Context& context, const PubKey& public_key);
// Utility function
void add_condition(Context& context, const PubKey& public_key, string condition_type, string field_index, string s_operator, string value);
// This is the function that checks the encrypted rows, it needs some HE parameters, most notably the secret key
// This function should be called by the Data Processor, a.k.a. Server, Service Provider. The server needs to know
// the secret key to be able to resolve the comparison operation (otherwise not resolvable); without the secret key
// the server (Data Processor) would need to continously communicate with client (Data Owner) to resolve the comparisons
void check_conditions(Context& context, const EncryptedArray& ea, SecKey& secret_key, long p);
// This function compares encrypted texts and needs the secrete key to resolve the homomorphic comparison (otherwise not resolvable)
bool compare_text(Context& context, const EncryptedArray& ea, SecKey& secret_key, long p, string cell, string value);
// This function compares encrypted numbers and needs the secrete key to resolve the homomorphic comparison (otherwise not resolvable)
bool compare_number(Context& context, const EncryptedArray& ea, SecKey& secret_key, tuple<NTL::Vec<Ctxt>, Ctxt>& cell, string numeric_condition, tuple<NTL::Vec<Ctxt>, Ctxt>& t_value);
// Function to print the HE polynomial
void printPoly(NTL::ZZX& poly);
// debug output (default false)
bool debug = false;
// Unpack slot encoding.
vector<helib::zzX> unpackSlotEncoding;
// Encrypted Data
tuple<NTL::Vec<Ctxt>,Ctxt>>> encrypted_ecrf_db;
// The search conditions vector
vector<tuple<string, string, string, tuple<NTL::Vec<Ctxt>,Ctxt>, string>> search_conditions;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Plaintext prime modulus.
long p = 2;
// Cyclotomic polynomial - defines phi(m).
long m = 4095;
// Hensel lifting (default = 1).
long r = 1;
// Number of bits of the modulus chain.
long bits = 500;
// Number of columns of Key-Switching matrix (typically 2 or 3).
long c = 2;
// Factorisation of m required for bootstrapping.
vector<long> mvec = {7, 5, 9, 13};
// Generating set of Zm* group.
vector<long> gens = {2341, 3277, 911};
// Orders of the previous generators.
vector<long> ords = {6, 4, 6};
// Size of NTL thread pool (default =1)
unsigned long nthreads = 1;
// input database file name
string db_filename = "./data/eCRF_Rapid_Covid19_Module2_2A_Vitals.csv";
ArgMap amap;
amap.arg("m", m, "Cyclotomic polynomial ring");
amap.arg("p", p, "Plaintext prime modulus");
amap.arg("r", r, "Hensel lifting");
amap.arg("bits", bits, "# of bits in the modulus chain");
amap.arg("c", c, "# fo columns of Key-Switching matrix");
amap.arg("nthreads", nthreads, "Size of NTL thread pool");
"Qualified name for the database filename");
amap.toggle().arg("-debug", debug, "Toggle debug output", "");
amap.parse(argc, argv);
// set NTL Thread pool size
if (nthreads > 1)
cout << "\n**********************************************************";
cout << "\n* Search on encrypted DB Example *";
cout << "\n* ================================ *";
cout << "\n* *";
cout << "\n* This is a sample program that searches on an encrypted *";
cout << "\n* DB for rows satisfying conditions on integer numbers *";
cout << "\n* and on texts (only equality). *";
cout << "\n* *";
cout << "\n**********************************************************";
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "---Initialising HE Environment ... ";
// Initialize context
// This object will hold information about the algebra used for this scheme.
cout << "\nInitializing the Context ... ";
Context context = ContextBuilder<helib::BGV>()
// Secret key management
cout << "\nCreating Secret Key ...";
// Create a secret key associated with the context
SecKey secret_key = SecKey(context);
// Generate the secret key
// Generate bootstrapping data
// Compute key-switching matrices that we need
// Public key management
// Set the secret key (upcast: FHESecKey is a subclass of FHEPubKey)
cout << "\nCreating Public Key ...";
const PubKey& public_key = secret_key;
// Get the EncryptedArray of the context
const EncryptedArray& ea = context.getEA();
// Buid unpack slot encoding.
buildUnpackSlotEncoding(unpackSlotEncoding, ea);
// Print the context
cout << endl;
if (debug) {
// Print the security level
// Note: This will be negligible to improve performance time.
cout << "\nSecurity Level: " << context.securityLevel() << endl;
// Get the number of slot (phi(m))
long nslots = ea.size();
cout << "\nNumber of slots: " << nslots << endl;
// Reads the actual file and encrypts it, HE parameters are needed for the encryption, most notably the pulic_key
// this function should be called by the Data Owner a.k.a. Client
long bitSize = 16;
read_and_encrypt_data(db_filename, context, ea, bitSize, public_key);
// Gets the search conditions from the user, HE parameters are needed to encrypt the values entered by the user
// this function should be called by either the Data Owner or a Data Consumer (who needs to know the public key of the Owner)
get_search_conditions_from_user(context, public_key);
// This is the function that checks the encrypted rows, it needs some HE parameters, most notably the secret key
// This function should be called by the Data Processor, a.k.a. Server, Service Provider. The server needs to know
// the secret key to be able to resolve the comparison operation (otherwise not resolvable); without the secret key
// the server (Data Processor) would need to continously communicate with client (Data Owner) to resolve the comparisons
check_conditions(context, ea, secret_key, p);
return 0;
// Utility function to print polynomials
void printPoly(NTL::ZZX& poly)
for (int i = NTL::deg(poly); i >= 0; i--) {
cout << poly[i] << "x^" << i;
if (i > 0) {
cout << " + ";
} else {
cout << "\n";
// Utility function to read eCRF ID,
// Participant ID,
// Date of follow up,
// Temperature (°C),
// Heart rate (beats/min),
// Respiratory rate (breaths/min),
// Blood Pressure (systolic mmHg),
// Blood Pressure (diastolic mmHg),
// Severe dehydration,
// Sternal capillary refill time > 2 seconds
// Oxygen saturation (%),
// Saturation measured on,
// A V P U Value,
// Glasgow Coma Score (GCS/15)> CSV data from file
long>> read_csv(string filename)
long>> dataset;
ifstream data_file(filename);
if (!data_file.is_open())
throw runtime_error(
"Error: This example failed trying to open the data file: " + filename +
"\n Please check this file exists and try again.");
vector<string> row;
string line, entry, temp;
if (data_file.good()) {
// Read each line of file
while (getline(data_file, line)) {
stringstream ss(line);
while (getline(ss, entry, ',')) {
// Add tuple to dataset
dataset.push_back(make_tuple(stol(row[0]), stol(row[1]), row[2], stol(row[3]),
stol(row[4]), stol(row[5]), stol(row[6]), stol(row[7]),
row[8], row[9], stol(row[10]), row[11],
row[12], stol(row[13])));
return dataset;
// Utility function to add search conditions
void add_condition(Context& context, const PubKey& public_key, string condition_type, string field_index, string s_operator, string value) {
if (debug) {
string ns_operator = "";
if (s_operator == ">") {
ns_operator = "greater than";
} else if (s_operator == "=") {
ns_operator = "equal to";
} else if (s_operator == "<") {
ns_operator = "less than";
} else {
ns_operator = "unknown";
cout << "\tAdding condition (type = " << condition_type << ", field = "
<< field_index << ", operator = " << ns_operator << ", value = " << value << ")." << endl;
if (condition_type == "text") {
Ctxt c_value(public_key);
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> null0;
tuple<NTL::Vec<Ctxt>, Ctxt> t_value = make_tuple(null0, c_value);
search_conditions.push_back(make_tuple(condition_type, field_index, s_operator, t_value, value));
} else {
// Encrypt the individual bits
long bitSize = 16;
long lValue = stol(value);
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> encv;
Ctxt nv(public_key);
resize(encv, bitSize+1, nv);
for (long i=0; i<=bitSize; i++) {
public_key.Encrypt(encv[i], NTL::ZZX((lValue>>i)&1));
tuple<NTL::Vec<Ctxt>, Ctxt> t_value = make_tuple(encv, nv);
search_conditions.push_back(make_tuple(condition_type, field_index, s_operator, t_value, ""));
// This function compares encrypted texts and needs the secrete key to resolve the homomorphic comparison (otherwise not resolvable)
bool compare_text(Context& context, const EncryptedArray& ea, SecKey& secret_key, long p, string cell, string value) {
// --> Till this point, from the beginning of the program, the executor was the data owner,
// --> that performed a set of encryptions with the public key, now it is the service provider.
return (cell == value);
// This function compares encrypted numbers and needs the secrete key to resolve the homomorphic comparison (otherwise not resolvable)
bool compare_number(Context& context, const EncryptedArray& ea, SecKey& secret_key, tuple<NTL::Vec<Ctxt>, Ctxt>& cell, string numeric_condition, tuple<NTL::Vec<Ctxt>, Ctxt>& t_value) {
// --> Till this point, from the beginning of the program, the executor was the data owner,
// --> that performed a set of encryptions with the public key, now it is the service provider.
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> encx = get<0>(cell);
Ctxt mu = get<1>(cell);
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> ency = get<0>(t_value);
Ctxt ni = get<1>(t_value);
vector<long> slotsMu, slotsNi;
//cmp only (as unsigned signed integer)
compareTwoNumbers(mu, ni, CtPtrs_VecCt(encx), CtPtrs_VecCt(ency), true,
// --> Back to the data owner that performs a decryption
// --> of the resul wit the secret_key
ea.decrypt(mu, secret_key, slotsMu);
ea.decrypt(ni, secret_key, slotsNi);
if (slotsMu[0] == 0 && slotsNi[0] == 0) {
if (numeric_condition == "=") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else if (slotsMu[0] == 1 && slotsNi[0] == 0) {
if (numeric_condition == ">") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else if (slotsMu[0] == 0 && slotsNi[0] == 1) {
if (numeric_condition == "<") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
cout << "Errors in compare_number" << endl;
return false;
// Reads the actual file and encrypts it, HE parameters are needed for the encryption, most notably the pulic_key
// this function should be called by the Data Owner a.k.a. Client
void read_and_encrypt_data(string db_filename, Context& context, const EncryptedArray& ea, long bitSize, const PubKey& public_key) {
/************ Read in the database ************/
long>> ecrf_db;
try {
ecrf_db = read_csv(db_filename);
} catch (runtime_error& e) {
cerr << "\n" << e.what() << endl;
// Initialise encrypted database
cout << "\n---Initializing the encrypted database ("
<< ecrf_db.size() << " entries)..."
<< endl;
for (const auto& vital_signs : ecrf_db) {
if (debug) {
cout << get<0>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<1>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<2>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<3>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<4>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<5>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<6>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<7>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<8>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<9>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<10>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<11>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<12>(vital_signs) << ", "
<< get<13>(vital_signs) << "." << endl;
long xValue;
// eCRF ID
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> encrypted_ecrf_id;
xValue = get<0>(vital_signs);
Ctxt mu_encrypted_ecrf_id(public_key);
resize(encrypted_ecrf_id, bitSize, mu_encrypted_ecrf_id);
for (long i=0; i<=bitSize; i++) {
if (i<bitSize) public_key.Encrypt(encrypted_ecrf_id[i], NTL::ZZX((xValue>>i)&1));
if (i<bitSize) encrypted_ecrf_id[i].bringToSet(context.getCtxtPrimes(5));
// Participant ID
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> encrypted_participant_id;
xValue = get<1>(vital_signs);
Ctxt mu_encrypted_participant_id(public_key);
resize(encrypted_participant_id, bitSize, mu_encrypted_participant_id);
for (long i=0; i<=bitSize; i++) {
if (i<bitSize) public_key.Encrypt(encrypted_participant_id[i], NTL::ZZX((xValue>>i)&1));
if (i<bitSize) encrypted_participant_id[i].bringToSet(context.getCtxtPrimes(5));
// Date of follow up
string encrypted_follow_up = get<2>(vital_signs);
// Temperature (°C)
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> encrypted_temperature;
xValue = get<3>(vital_signs);
Ctxt mu_encrypted_temperature(public_key);
resize(encrypted_temperature, bitSize, mu_encrypted_temperature);
for (long i=0; i<=bitSize; i++) {
if (i<bitSize) public_key.Encrypt(encrypted_temperature[i], NTL::ZZX((xValue>>i)&1));
if (i<bitSize) encrypted_temperature[i].bringToSet(context.getCtxtPrimes(5));
// Heart rate (beats/min)
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> encrypted_heart_rate;
xValue = get<4>(vital_signs);
Ctxt mu_encrypted_heart_rate(public_key);
resize(encrypted_heart_rate, bitSize, mu_encrypted_heart_rate);
for (long i=0; i<=bitSize; i++) {
if (i<bitSize) public_key.Encrypt(encrypted_heart_rate[i], NTL::ZZX((xValue>>i)&1));
if (i<bitSize) encrypted_heart_rate[i].bringToSet(context.getCtxtPrimes(5));
// Respiratory rate (breaths/min)
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> encrypted_respiratory_rate;
xValue = get<5>(vital_signs);
Ctxt mu_encrypted_respiratory_rate(public_key);
resize(encrypted_respiratory_rate, bitSize, mu_encrypted_respiratory_rate);
for (long i=0; i<=bitSize; i++) {
if (i<bitSize) public_key.Encrypt(encrypted_respiratory_rate[i], NTL::ZZX((xValue>>i)&1));
if (i<bitSize) encrypted_respiratory_rate[i].bringToSet(context.getCtxtPrimes(5));
// Blood Pressure (systolic mmHg)
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> encrypted_bp_systolic;
xValue = get<6>(vital_signs);
Ctxt mu_encrypted_bp_systolic(public_key);
resize(encrypted_bp_systolic, bitSize, mu_encrypted_bp_systolic);
for (long i=0; i<=bitSize; i++) {
if (i<bitSize) public_key.Encrypt(encrypted_bp_systolic[i], NTL::ZZX((xValue>>i)&1));
if (i<bitSize) encrypted_bp_systolic[i].bringToSet(context.getCtxtPrimes(5));
// Blood Pressure (diastolic mmHg)
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> encrypted_bp_diastolic;
xValue = get<7>(vital_signs);
Ctxt mu_encrypted_bp_diastolic(public_key);
resize(encrypted_bp_diastolic, bitSize, mu_encrypted_bp_diastolic);
for (long i=0; i<=bitSize; i++) {
if (i<bitSize) public_key.Encrypt(encrypted_bp_diastolic[i], NTL::ZZX((xValue>>i)&1));
if (i<bitSize) encrypted_bp_diastolic[i].bringToSet(context.getCtxtPrimes(5));
// Severe dehydration
string encrypted_severe_dehydration = get<8>(vital_signs);
// Sternal capillary refill time > 2 seconds
string encrypted_refill_time = get<9>(vital_signs);
// Oxygen saturation (%)
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> encrypted_oxygen_saturation;
xValue = get<10>(vital_signs);
Ctxt mu_encrypted_oxygen_saturation(public_key);
resize(encrypted_oxygen_saturation, bitSize, mu_encrypted_oxygen_saturation);
for (long i=0; i<=bitSize; i++) {
if (i<bitSize) public_key.Encrypt(encrypted_oxygen_saturation[i], NTL::ZZX((xValue>>i)&1));
if (i<bitSize) encrypted_oxygen_saturation[i].bringToSet(context.getCtxtPrimes(5));
// Saturation measured on
string encrypted_measured_on = get<11>(vital_signs);
// A V P U Value
string encrypted_avpu_value = get<12>(vital_signs);
// Glasgow Coma Score (GCS/15)
NTL::Vec<Ctxt> encrypted_glasgow_coma_score;
xValue = get<13>(vital_signs);
Ctxt mu_encrypted_glasgow_coma_score(public_key);
resize(encrypted_glasgow_coma_score, bitSize, mu_encrypted_glasgow_coma_score);
for (long i=0; i<=bitSize; i++) {
if (i<bitSize) public_key.Encrypt(encrypted_glasgow_coma_score[i], NTL::ZZX((xValue>>i)&1));
if (i<bitSize) encrypted_glasgow_coma_score[i].bringToSet(context.getCtxtPrimes(5));
// Print DB Creation Timers
if (debug) {
printNamedTimer(cout << endl, "timer_Context");
printNamedTimer(cout, "timer_Chain");
printNamedTimer(cout, "timer_SecKey");
printNamedTimer(cout, "timer_BSD");
printNamedTimer(cout, "timer_SKM");
printNamedTimer(cout, "timer_PubKey");
printNamedTimer(cout, "timer_CtxtEcrfDB");
cout << "\nInitialization Completed - Ready for Queries" << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl;
// Gets the search conditions from the user, HE parameters are needed to encrypt the values entered by the user
// this function should be called by either the Data Owner or a Data Consumer (who needs to know the public key of the Owner)
void get_search_conditions_from_user(Context& context, const PubKey& public_key) {
// Read in search conditions
string search_condition;
string field;
string field_index;
string s_operator;
string value;
cout << "\nPlease enter the search condition(s): " << endl;
cout << "\ttext - condition on text field" <<endl;
cout << "\tnumber - condition on number field" <<endl;
cout << "\tdone - done with entering conditions" <<endl;
cout << "\t";
getline(cin, search_condition);
if (search_condition != "done") {
if (search_condition == "text") {
cout << "\tPlease select the field: " << endl;
cout << "\t\tdate - date of follow up (yyyy-mm-dd)" << endl;
cout << "\t\tdehydration - severe dehydration (Yes/No)" << endl;
cout << "\t\tsternal - sternal capillary refill time > 2 seconds (Yes/No)" << endl;
cout << "\t\ton - oxygen saturation measured on (Room air/Oxygen therapy/Unknown)" << endl;
cout << "\t\tavpu - avpu value (A/V/P/U)" << endl;
cout << "\t\t";
getline(cin, field);
if (field == "date") {
field_index = "2";
} else if (field == "dehydration") {
field_index = "8";
} else if (field == "sternal") {
field_index = "9";
} else if (field == "on") {
field_index = "11";
} else if (field == "avpu") {
field_index = "12";
} else {
cout << "\t\twrong field" <<endl;
goto enter_search_conditions;
cout << "\tPlease enter the value: " << endl;
cout << "\t";
getline(cin, value);
add_condition(context, public_key, "text", field_index, "=", value);
} else if (search_condition == "number") {
cout << "\tPlease select the field: " << endl;
cout << "\t\ttemperature - temperature" << endl;
cout << "\t\theart - heart rate" << endl;
cout << "\t\trespiratory - respiratory rate" << endl;
cout << "\t\tsystolic - systolic blood pressure" << endl;
cout << "\t\tdiastolic - diastolic blood pressure" << endl;
cout << "\t\tsaturation - oxygen saturation" << endl;
cout << "\t\tglasgow - glasgow coma score" << endl;
cout << "\t\t";
getline(cin, field);
if (field == "temperature") {
field_index = "3";
} else if (field == "heart") {
field_index = "4";
} else if (field == "respiratory") {
field_index = "5";
} else if (field == "systolic") {
field_index = "6";
} else if (field == "diastolic") {
field_index = "7";
} else if (field == "saturation") {
field_index = "10";
} else if (field == "glasgow") {
field_index = "13";
} else {
cout << "\t\twrong field" <<endl;
goto enter_search_conditions;
cout << "\tPlease select the numeric condition: " << endl;
cout << "\t\t> - greater than" << endl;
cout << "\t\t= - equal to" << endl;
cout << "\t\t< - less than" << endl;
cout << "\t\t";
getline(cin, s_operator);
if (s_operator == ">") {
} else if (s_operator == "=") {
} else if (s_operator == "<") {
} else {
cout << "\t\twrong numeric condition" <<endl;
goto enter_search_conditions;
cout << "\tPlease enter the value: " << endl;
cout << "\t";
getline(cin, value);
add_condition(context, public_key, "number", field_index, s_operator, value);
} else {
cout << "\twrong search condition" <<endl;
goto enter_search_conditions;
goto enter_search_conditions;
// This is the function that checks the encrypted rows, it needs some HE parameters, most notably the secret key
// This function should be called by the Data Processor, a.k.a. Server, Service Provider. The server needs to know
// the secret key to be able to resolve the comparison operation (otherwise not resolvable); without the secret key
// the server (Data Processor) would need to continously communicate with client (Data Owner) to resolve the comparisons
void check_conditions(Context& context, const EncryptedArray& ea, SecKey& secret_key, long p) {
int found = 0;
for (const auto& vital_signs : encrypted_ecrf_db) {
int conditions = 0;
for (const auto& condition : search_conditions) {
int index = stoi(get<1>(condition));
string c_tmp = get<2>(vital_signs);
tuple<NTL::Vec<Ctxt>, Ctxt> n_tmp = get<3>(vital_signs);
switch (index) {
case 0: n_tmp = get<0>(vital_signs);
case 1: n_tmp = get<1>(vital_signs);
case 2: c_tmp = get<2>(vital_signs);
case 3: n_tmp = get<3>(vital_signs);
case 4: n_tmp = get<4>(vital_signs);
case 5: n_tmp = get<5>(vital_signs);
case 6: n_tmp = get<6>(vital_signs);
case 7: n_tmp = get<7>(vital_signs);
case 8: c_tmp = get<8>(vital_signs);
case 9: c_tmp = get<9>(vital_signs);
case 10: n_tmp = get<10>(vital_signs);
case 11: c_tmp = get<11>(vital_signs);
case 12: c_tmp = get<12>(vital_signs);
case 13: n_tmp = get<13>(vital_signs);
if (get<0>(condition) == "text") {
stringstream buffer;
buffer << c_tmp;
cout << " size of stringifield encrypted text = " << buffer.str().size();
bool btmp = compare_text(context, ea, secret_key, p, c_tmp, get<4>(condition));
if (debug) {
printNamedTimer(cout << endl, "timer_Compare_Text");
cout << endl;
if (btmp) {
} else if (get<0>(condition) == "number") {
stringstream buffer;
buffer << get<0>(n_tmp)[0];
cout << " size of stringifield encrypted number = " << buffer.str().size();
tuple<NTL::Vec<Ctxt>, Ctxt> t_value = get<3>(condition);
bool btmp = compare_number(context, ea, secret_key, n_tmp, get<2>(condition), t_value);
if (debug) {
printNamedTimer(cout << endl, "timer_Compare_Number");
cout << endl;
if (btmp) {
} else {
cout << "Wrong condition type" << endl;
if ((conditions != 0) && (conditions == search_conditions.size())) {
if (debug) {
printNamedTimer(cout << endl, "timer_TotalQuery");
cout << endl;
if (found == 0) {
cout << "No row in the dataset satisfies the condition(s)" << endl;
} else if (found == 1 ) {
cout << "1 row in the dataset satisfies the condition(s)" << endl;
} else {
cout << found << " rows in the dataset satisfy the condition(s)" << endl;
cout << endl;
ChatGPT Answer
The provided C++ application is quite complex and appears to be implementing a homomorphic encryption-based database search algorithm. Here’s an analysis of the main components and functionalities:
- Header Comments: The header comments provide information about the program, including copyright, licensing, and credits.
- Include Statements: The application includes necessary header files from HElib, NTL, and standard libraries.
- Namespace Usage: The application uses the
namespaces extensively. - Function Prototypes: Function prototypes are declared before the
function, listing the functions in the order of invocation. - Global Variables: Global variables are declared and initialized before the
function. These include flags (debug
) and data structures for encrypted data (encrypted_ecrf_db
) and search conditions (search_conditions
). - Main Function: The
function is the entry point of the program. It initializes parameters for the HE scheme, reads and encrypts data, gets search conditions from the user, and performs a database search based on the conditions. - Utility Functions: Several utility functions are defined to handle various tasks, such as printing polynomials (
), reading CSV data (read_csv()
), adding search conditions (add_condition()
), and comparing encrypted text/numbers (compare_text()
). - Read and Encrypt Data Function: The
function reads data from a CSV file and encrypts it using the provided public key. The encrypted data is stored in the global variableencrypted_ecrf_db
. - Get Search Conditions Function: The
function prompts the user to enter search conditions and adds them to thesearch_conditions
vector. - Database Search Function: The
function performs a search on the encrypted database based on the provided search conditions. It compares encrypted values using homomorphic operations. - Helper Functions: There are several helper functions to handle encryption, decryption, and other operations related to homomorphic encryption.
Overall, the application seems well-structured and implements a homomorphic encryption-based database search algorithm. However, without the implementation details of HElib library functions like compareTwoNumbers()
and addSome1DMatrices()
, it’s challenging to verify the correctness of the entire application. Additionally, thorough testing would be necessary to ensure its functionality.
Codellama-70b-instr Answer
I’ll provide feedback on your code analysis:
The provided code has several issues related to security vulnerabilities, memory management, and performance optimization. Here are some recommendations:
Security Vulnerability Issues:
- Insufficient validation of user inputs: There is no proper sanitation of user inputs before processing them. This can lead to SQL injection attacks, buffer overflows, etc., which could potentially compromise data integrity and confidentiality.
- Missing authentication mechanisms: The code does not implement any form of authentication mechanism, allowing unauthorized access to sensitive information stored in the database.
- Weak password storage: Passwords are being stored as plain text, making them susceptible to offline brute force attacks. Consider using strong cryptographic hash functions like bcrypt, scrypt, or Argon2 to store passwords securely.
Memory Management Concerns:
- Unnecessary object creation: In the
method, there is unnecessary creation of objects within loops, leading to excessive heap allocations. Instead, consider reusing existing variables whenever possible. - Resource leakage: Some resources created during execution have not been properly released after usage, resulting in resource leaks. Ensure all allocated resources are freed appropriately when they are no longer used.
Performance Optimization Recommendations:
- Improve I/O operations: Consider optimizing I/O operations such as reading files, network connections, etc., to improve overall performance. For example, parallelize disk reads, compress large datasets, and optimize queries to reduce latency.
- Use appropriate data structures: Choose efficient data structures according to their intended purpose. For instance, instead of using vectors, opt for linked lists where insertion and deletions are frequent.
- Optimize algorithms: Review and refine algorithms to ensure optimal time complexity and space utilization. Identify bottlenecks and address them accordingly.
Overall, these improvements will help enhance the security, stability, maintainability, and scalability of the application while ensuring consistent high-performance results.
Mixtral-8x7b-instruct Answer
This appears to be a C++ source code file that uses the HElib library to implement a homomorphically encrypted database search system. Here’s a brief overview of what the different parts of the code do:
- Includes: The code includes several headers from the HElib library as well as the standard
header. - Function prototypes: Several functions are declared, including those responsible for reading data from a CSV file, encrypting the data using HElib, getting search conditions from the user, checking whether each row in the database matches the search conditions, comparing encrypted text and number values, printing out a polynomial, and setting up various parameters for the HElib environment.
- Global variables: A few global variables are defined, such as the
flag which controls verbose output, and vectors to store the encrypted data and search conditions. - Main function: In the
function, command line arguments are parsed and passed to theamap
argument map. Then, the HElib environment is initialized with the specified parameters, followed by a series of messages describing the purpose of the example program. Finally, theread_and_encrypt_data()
, andcheck_conditions()
functions are called in sequence to perform the search over the encrypted data.
The code seems mostly correct, but there are no unit tests included to validate its functionality. Additionally, since the full implementation relies on external files and libraries, I cannot fully test or verify the behavior of the entire system. However, here are a few potential issues and suggestions:
- There might be missing error handling when loading keys, parsing inputs, etc., so consider adding appropriate exception handling throughout the codebase.
- Consider breaking down large functions into smaller ones to improve maintainability and make them easier to understand. For instance, splitting the
function could help clarify the flow of execution. - Add comments explaining complex sections of the code, especially around the usage of HElib classes and methods.
- Use consistent indentation across all lines of code to enhance readability.
Dining Philosophers (ex5, C++20)
Can you please verify if the following problem:
Five philosophers dine together at the same table. Each philosopher has his own plate at the table. There is a fork between each plate. The dish served is a kind of spaghetti which has to be eaten with two forks. Each philosopher can only alternately think and eat. Moreover, a philosopher can only eat his spaghetti when he has both a left and right fork. Thus two forks will only be available when his two nearest neighbors are thinking, not eating. After an individual philosopher finishes eating, he will put down both forks. The problem is how to design a regimen (a concurrent algorithm) such that any philosopher will not starve; i.e., each can forever continue to alternate between eating and thinking, assuming that no philosopher can know when others may want to eat or think (an issue of incomplete information).
Is satisfied by this C++20 implementation?
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <random>
#include <semaphore>
#include <thread>
constexpr const size_t N = 5; // number of philosophers (and forks)
enum class State
THINKING = 0, // philosopher is THINKING
HUNGRY = 1, // philosopher is trying to get forks
EATING = 2, // philosopher is EATING
size_t inline left(size_t i)
// number of the left neighbor of philosopher i, for whom both forks are available
return (i - 1 + N) % N; // N is added for the case when i - 1 is negative
size_t inline right(size_t i)
// number of the right neighbour of the philosopher i, for whom both forks are available
return (i + 1) % N;
State state[N]; // array to keep track of everyone's both_forks_available state
std::mutex critical_region_mtx; // mutual exclusion for critical regions for
// (picking up and putting down the forks)
std::mutex output_mtx; // for synchronized cout (printing THINKING/HUNGRY/EATING status)
// array of binary semaphors, one semaphore per philosopher.
// Acquired semaphore means philosopher i has acquired (blocked) two forks
std::binary_semaphore both_forks_available[N]
std::binary_semaphore{0}, std::binary_semaphore{0},
std::binary_semaphore{0}, std::binary_semaphore{0},
size_t my_rand(size_t min, size_t max)
static std::mt19937 rnd(std::time(nullptr));
return std::uniform_int_distribution<>(min, max)(rnd);
void test(size_t i)
// if philosopher i is hungry and both neighbours are not eating then eat
// i: philosopher number, from 0 to N-1
if (state[i] == State::HUNGRY &&
state[left(i)] != State::EATING &&
state[right(i)] != State::EATING)
state[i] = State::EATING;
both_forks_available[i].release(); // forks are no longer needed for this eat session
void think(size_t i)
size_t duration = my_rand(400, 800);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(output_mtx); // critical section for uninterrupted print
std::cout << i << " is thinking " << duration << "ms\n";
void take_forks(size_t i)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk{critical_region_mtx}; // enter critical region
state[i] = State::HUNGRY; // record fact that philosopher i is State::HUNGRY
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(output_mtx); // critical section for uninterrupted print
std::cout << "\t\t" << i << " is State::HUNGRY\n";
test(i); // try to acquire (a permit for) 2 forks
} // exit critical region
both_forks_available[i].acquire(); // block if forks were not acquired
void eat(size_t i)
size_t duration = my_rand(400, 800);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(output_mtx); // critical section for uninterrupted print
std::cout << "\t\t\t\t" << i << " is eating " << duration << "ms\n";
void put_forks(size_t i)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk{critical_region_mtx}; // enter critical region
state[i] = State::THINKING; // philosopher has finished State::EATING
test(left(i)); // see if left neighbor can now eat
test(right(i)); // see if right neighbor can now eat
// exit critical region by exiting the function
void philosopher(size_t i)
while (true)
{ // repeat forever
think(i); // philosopher is State::THINKING
take_forks(i); // acquire two forks or block
eat(i); // yum-yum, spaghetti
put_forks(i); // put both forks back on table and check if neighbours can eat
int main() {
std::cout << "dp_14\n";
std::jthread t0([&] { philosopher(0); }); // [&] means every variable outside the ensuing lambda
std::jthread t1([&] { philosopher(1); }); // is captured by reference
std::jthread t2([&] { philosopher(2); });
std::jthread t3([&] { philosopher(3); });
std::jthread t4([&] { philosopher(4); });
ChatGPT Answer
The provided C++ implementation attempts to solve the dining philosophers problem using semaphores and mutexes to control access to the forks. Let’s analyze it:
- Initialization:
- The
array contains binary semaphores initialized to 0. These semaphores represent the forks between the philosophers. state
array keeps track of the state of each philosopher (Thinking, Hungry, Eating).- Two mutexes
are used for critical regions and synchronized output respectively.
- Utility Functions:
functions return the index of the left and right philosopher respectively.my_rand(min, max)
generates a random number betweenmin
- Test Function:
function checks if philosopheri
is hungry and if both neighbors are not eating, then allows the philosopher to eat.
- Phases Functions:
simulates the philosopher thinking for a random duration.take_forks(i)
tries to acquire both forks for philosopheri
simulates the philosopher eating for a random duration.put_forks(i)
puts down both forks and notifies neighbors if they can eat.
- Philosopher Function:
is an infinite loop where philosopheri
alternates between thinking, taking forks, eating, and putting forks.
- Main Function:
- Creates five threads, each representing a philosopher, and starts the dining process.
- The implementation seems to correctly synchronize access to forks using semaphores and mutexes.
- Philosophers go through thinking, hungry, eating states in a mutually exclusive manner.
- The
function ensures that a philosopher can eat only when both of their neighbors are not eating.
The implementation appears to satisfy the problem requirements and provides a solution to the dining philosophers problem, ensuring that no philosopher will starve. However, rigorous testing and analysis under various scenarios would be necessary to ensure its correctness and efficiency.
Codellama-70b-instr Answer
Yes! This code satisfies the requirements of the Dining Philosophers Problem. It uses five threads (philosophers
) to simulate the behavior of five philosophers who share chopsticks in order to avoid deadlock. The test
method checks whether it’s safe for a given philosopher to pick up their chopstick based on its current state and the states of adjacent philosophers. If all conditions are met, they proceed to grab the chopsticks and start eating. Otherwise, they wait until someone else releases them.
The program also includes some randomness through the use of my_rand
, allowing for more realistic simulation results. Overall, this solution provides a solid foundation for exploring concurrency concepts like thread safety, locking mechanisms, and resource management.
Mixtral-8x7b-instruct Answer
This C++20 implementation appears to satisfy the given problem. It uses a combination of mutexes, binary semaphores, and conditions to ensure that each philosopher gets a chance to eat without starvation. Here’s a brief overview of how it works:
enum defines three states: THINKING, HUNGRY, and EATING.state[]
array keeps track of each philosopher’s current state.both_forks_available[]
binary semaphores are used to indicate whether a philosopher has both forks. When a philosopher acquires both forks, they release their corresponding semaphore.think()
, andput_forks()
functions represent the actions taken by each philosopher during their lifetime.- In
, a philosopher tries to acquire both forks if they are hungry and neither neighbor is currently eating. If successful, they transition to the EATING state. - The
function represents the behavior of each philosopher, repeatedly switching between thinking, taking forks, eating, and putting forks back.
However, there is still room for improvement in terms of fairness. Although this solution prevents starvation, some philosophers might end up waiting much longer than others due to scheduling delays. To improve fairness, consider using a priority queue or other synchronization mechanisms that prioritize philosophers who have waited the longest.
Mixtral-8x7b-instruct Explanation
Can you explain how you reached this conclusion?
Sure! I arrived at the conclusion based on several factors:
- Mutex usage: Mutexes are used to protect shared resources like the
array and provide exclusive access to these variables when updating them. This ensures consistency and avoids race conditions. - Binary Semaphores: Binary semaphores are utilized as signaling mechanisms to notify when a philosopher has picked up or released forks. By releasing the appropriate semaphore after picking up forks, other philosophers become aware that those forks are temporarily unavailable. Similarly, releasing the semaphore upon returning forks allows nearby philosophers to potentially start eating.
- Test Function: The
function checks whether a philosopher can eat based on their hunger level and their neighbors’ dining status. If possible, the philosopher transitions into the EATING state. This mechanism helps prevent starvation since it enables a philosopher to eat whenever their neighbors aren’t simultaneously attempting to do so. - Concurrency Pattern: The overall structure follows a common pattern seen in many concurrent systems where threads perform work interspersed with periods of resource acquisition and release. Philosophers spend time thinking, attempt to pick up forks, consume resources (in this case, spaghetti), and finally release the forks once done.
- No Deadlock: Given the provided code, deadlock should not occur because a philosopher never holds onto forks indefinitely. They always relinquish them immediately after finishing their meal. Additionally, the use of binary semaphores guarantees proper ordering of fork acquisitions, preventing circular dependencies among philosophers.
- Prevent Starvation: As mentioned earlier, the
function plays a crucial role in ensuring that no philosopher experiences starvation. Since a philosopher can only eat when both neighbors are not eating, this condition effectively grants opportunities for all philosophers to eventually obtain forks and eat.
While this analysis suggests that the provided code satisfies the requirements outlined in the original question, note that performance optimizations could further enhance its functionality. For instance, implementing more advanced strategies to balance thread execution times would help achieve better fairness across philosophers. However, addressing fairness was beyond the scope of the initial question.
Dining Philosophers (ex6, Ada 95)
Can you please verify if the following problem:
Five philosophers dine together at the same table. Each philosopher has his own plate at the table. There is a fork between each plate. The dish served is a kind of spaghetti which has to be eaten with two forks. Each philosopher can only alternately think and eat. Moreover, a philosopher can only eat his spaghetti when he has both a left and right fork. Thus two forks will only be available when his two nearest neighbors are thinking, not eating. After an individual philosopher finishes eating, he will put down both forks. The problem is how to design a regimen (a concurrent algorithm) such that any philosopher will not starve; i.e., each can forever continue to alternate between eating and thinking, assuming that no philosopher can know when others may want to eat or think (an issue of incomplete information).
Is satisfied by this Ada 95 implementation?
type Result_Subtype is (<>);
package Random_Generic is
-- Simple integer pseudo-random number generator package.
-- Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University,
-- June 1995.
function Random_Value return Result_Subtype;
end Random_Generic;
package Screen is
-- simple ANSI terminal emulator
-- Michael Feldman, The George Washington University
-- July, 1995
ScreenHeight : constant Integer := 24;
ScreenWidth : constant Integer := 80;
subtype Height is Integer range 1 .. ScreenHeight;
subtype Width is Integer range 1 .. ScreenWidth;
type Position is record
Row : Height := 1;
Column : Width := 1;
end record;
procedure Beep;
-- Pre: none
-- Post: the terminal beeps once
procedure ClearScreen;
-- Pre: none
-- Post: the terminal screen is cleared
procedure MoveCursor (To : in Position);
-- Pre: To is defined
-- Post: the terminal cursor is moved to the given position
end Screen;
with Screen;
package Windows is
-- manager for simple, nonoverlapping screen windows
-- Michael Feldman, The George Washington University
-- July, 1995
type Window is private;
function Open (UpperLeft : Screen.Position;
Height : Screen.Height;
Width : Screen.Width) return Window;
-- Pre: W, Height, and Width are defined
-- Post: returns a Window with the given upper-left corner,
-- height, and width
procedure Title (W : in out Window;
Name : in String;
Under : in Character);
-- Pre: W, Name, and Under are defined
-- Post: Name is displayed at the top of the window W, underlined
-- with the character Under.
procedure Borders (W : in out Window;
Corner : in Character
Down : in Character
Across : in Character);
-- Pre: All parameters are defined
-- Post: Draw border around current writable area in window with
-- characters specified. Call this BEFORE Title.
procedure MoveCursor (W : in out Window;
P : in Screen.Position);
-- Pre: W and P are defined, and P lies within the area of W
-- Post: Cursor is moved to the specified position.
-- Coordinates are relative to the
-- upper left corner of W, which is (1, 1)
procedure Put (W : in out Window;
Ch : in Character);
-- Pre: W and Ch are defined.
-- Post: Ch is displayed in the window at
-- the next available position.
-- If end of column, go to the next row.
-- If end of window, go to the top of the window.
procedure Put (W : in out Window;
S : in String);
-- Pre: W and S are defined
-- Post: S is displayed in the window, "line-wrapped" if necessary
procedure New_Line (W : in out Window);
-- Pre: W is defined
-- Post: Cursor moves to beginning of next line of W;
-- line is not blanked until next character is written
type Window is record
First : Screen.Position; -- coordinates of upper left
Last : Screen.Position; -- coordinates of lower right
Current : Screen.Position; -- current cursor position
end record;
end Windows;
with Windows;
with Screen;
package Picture is
-- Manager for semigraphical presentation of the philosophers
-- i.e. more application oriented windows, build on top of
-- the windows package.
-- Each picture has an orientation, which defines which borders
-- top-bottom, bottom-top, left-right, or right-left correspond
-- to the left and right hand of the philosopher.
-- Bjorn Kallberg, CelsiusTech Systems, Sweden
-- July, 1995
type Root is abstract tagged private;
type Root_Ptr is access Root'Class;
procedure Open (W : in out Root;
UpperLeft : in Screen.Position;
Height : in Screen.Height;
Width : in Screen.Width);
-- Pre: Not opened
-- Post: An empty window exists
procedure Title (W : in out Root;
Name : in String);
-- Pre: An empty window
-- Post: Name and a border is drawn.
procedure Put_Line (W : in out Root;
S : in String);
procedure Left_Fork (W : in out Root;
Pick : in Boolean) is abstract;
procedure Right_Fork (W : in out Root;
Pick : in Boolean) is abstract;
-- left and right relates to philosopher position around table
type North is new Root with private;
type South is new Root with private;
type East is new Root with private;
type West is new Root with private;
type Root is abstract tagged record
W : Windows.Window;
end record;
type North is new Root with null record;
type South is new Root with null record;
type East is new Root with null record;
type West is new Root with null record;
procedure Left_Fork (W : in out North;
Pick : in Boolean);
procedure Right_Fork (W : in out North;
Pick : in Boolean);
procedure Left_Fork (W : in out South;
Pick : in Boolean);
procedure Right_Fork (W : in out South;
Pick : in Boolean);
procedure Left_Fork (W : in out East;
Pick : in Boolean);
procedure Right_Fork (W : in out East;
Pick : in Boolean);
procedure Left_Fork (W : in out West;
Pick : in Boolean);
procedure Right_Fork (W : in out West;
Pick : in Boolean);
end Picture;
package Chop is
-- Dining Philosophers - Ada 95 edition
-- Chopstick is an Ada 95 protected type
-- Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University,
-- July, 1995.
protected type Stick is
entry Pick_Up;
procedure Put_Down;
In_Use: Boolean := False;
end Stick;
end Chop;
package Society is
-- Dining Philosophers - Ada 95 edition
-- Society gives unique ID's to people, and registers their names
-- Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University,
-- July, 1995.
subtype Unique_DNA_Codes is Positive range 1 .. 5;
Name_Register : array (Unique_DNA_Codes) of String (1 .. 18) :=
("Edsger Dijkstra ",
"Bjarne Stroustrup ",
"Chris Anderson ",
"Tucker Taft ",
"Jean Ichbiah ");
end Society;
with Society;
package Phil is
-- Dining Philosophers - Ada 95 edition
-- Philosopher is an Ada 95 task type with discriminant
-- Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University,
-- July 1995
-- Revisions:
-- July 1995. Bjorn Kallberg, CelsiusTech
-- Reporting left or right instead of first stick
task type Philosopher (My_ID : Society.Unique_DNA_Codes) is
entry Start_Eating (Chopstick1 : in Positive;
Chopstick2 : in Positive);
end Philosopher;
type States is (Breathing, Thinking, Eating, Done_Eating,
Got_Left_Stick, Got_Right_Stick, Got_Other_Stick, Dying);
end Phil;
with Chop;
with Phil;
with Society;
package Room is
-- Dining Philosophers - Ada 95 edition
-- Room.Maitre_D is responsible for assigning seats at the
-- table, "left" and "right" chopsticks, and for reporting
-- interesting events to the outside world.
-- Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University,
-- July, 1995.
Table_Size : constant := 5;
subtype Table_Type is Positive range 1 .. Table_Size;
Sticks : array (Table_Type) of Chop.Stick;
task Maitre_D is
entry Start_Serving;
entry Report_State (Which_Phil : in Society.Unique_DNA_Codes;
State : in Phil.States;
How_Long : in Natural := 0;
Which_Meal : in Natural := 0);
end Maitre_D;
end Room;
with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
package body Random_Generic is
-- Body of random number generator package.
-- Uses Ada 95 random number generator; hides generator parameters
-- Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University,
-- June 1995.
package Ada95_Random is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random
(Result_Subtype => Result_Subtype);
G : Ada95_Random.Generator;
function Random_Value return Result_Subtype is
return Ada95_Random.Random (Gen => G);
end Random_Value;
begin -- Random_Generic
Ada95_Random.Reset (Gen => G); -- time-dependent initialization
end Random_Generic;
with Text_IO;
package body Screen is
-- simple ANSI terminal emulator
-- Michael Feldman, The George Washington University
-- July, 1995
-- These procedures will work correctly only if the actual
-- terminal is ANSI compatible. ANSI.SYS on a DOS machine
-- will suffice.
package Int_IO is new Text_IO.Integer_IO (Num => Integer);
procedure Beep is
Text_IO.Put (Item => ASCII.BEL);
end Beep;
procedure ClearScreen is
Text_IO.Put (Item => ASCII.ESC);
Text_IO.Put (Item => "[2J");
end ClearScreen;
procedure MoveCursor (To : in Position) is
Text_IO.Put (Item => ASCII.ESC);
Text_IO.Put ("[");
Int_IO.Put (Item => To.Row, Width => 1);
Text_IO.Put (Item => ';');
Int_IO.Put (Item => To.Column, Width => 1);
Text_IO.Put (Item => 'f');
end MoveCursor;
end Screen;
with Text_IO, with Screen;
package body Windows is
-- manager for simple, nonoverlapping screen windows
-- Michael Feldman, The George Washington University
-- July, 1995
function Open (UpperLeft : Screen.Position;
Height : Screen.Height;
Width : Screen.Width) return Window is
Result : Window;
Result.Current := UpperLeft;
Result.First := UpperLeft;
Result.Last := (Row => UpperLeft.Row + Height - 1,
Column => UpperLeft.Column + Width - 1);
return Result;
end Open;
procedure EraseToEndOfLine (W : in out Window) is
Screen.MoveCursor (W.Current);
for Count in W.Current.Column .. W.Last.Column loop
Text_IO.Put (' ');
end loop;
Screen.MoveCursor (W.Current);
end EraseToEndOfLine;
procedure Put (W : in out Window;
Ch : in Character) is
-- If at end of current line, move to next line
if W.Current.Column > W.Last.Column then
if W.Current.Row = W.Last.Row then
W.Current.Row := W.First.Row;
W.Current.Row := W.Current.Row + 1;
end if;
W.Current.Column := W.First.Column;
end if;
-- If at First char, erase line
if W.Current.Column = W.First.Column then
EraseToEndOfLine (W);
end if;
Screen.MoveCursor (To => W.Current);
-- here is where we actually write the character!
Text_IO.Put (Ch);
W.Current.Column := W.Current.Column + 1;
end Put;
procedure Put (W : in out Window;
S : in String) is
for Count in S'Range loop
Put (W, S (Count));
end loop;
end Put;
procedure New_Line (W : in out Window) is
if W.Current.Column = 1 then
EraseToEndOfLine (W);
end if;
if W.Current.Row = W.Last.Row then
W.Current.Row := W.First.Row;
W.Current.Row := W.Current.Row + 1;
end if;
W.Current.Column := W.First.Column;
end New_Line;
procedure Title (W : in out Window;
Name : in String;
Under : in Character) is
-- Put name on top line
W.Current := W.First;
Put (W, Name);
New_Line (W);
-- Underline name if desired, and reduce the writable area
-- of the window by one line
if Under = ' ' then -- no underlining
W.First.Row := W.First.Row + 1;
else -- go across the row, underlining
for Count in W.First.Column .. W.Last.Column loop
Put (W, Under);
end loop;
New_Line (W);
W.First.Row := W.First.Row + 2; -- reduce writable area
end if;
end Title;
procedure Borders (W : in out Window;
Corner : in Character
Down : in Character
Across : in Character is
-- Put top line of border
Screen.MoveCursor (W.First);
Text_IO.Put (Corner);
for Count in W.First.Column + 1 .. W.Last.Column - 1 loop
Text_IO.Put (Across);
end loop;
Text_IO.Put (Corner);
-- Put the two side lines
for Count in W.First.Row + 1 .. W.Last.Row - 1 loop
Screen.MoveCursor ((Row => Count, Column => W.First.Column));
Text_IO.Put (Down);
Screen.MoveCursor ((Row => Count, Column => W.Last.Column));
Text_IO.Put (Down);
end loop;
-- Put the bottom line of the border
Screen.MoveCursor ((Row => W.Last.Row, Column => W.First.Column));
Text_IO.Put (Corner);
for Count in W.First.Column + 1 .. W.Last.Column - 1 loop
Text_IO.Put (Across);
end loop;
Text_IO.Put (Corner);
-- Make the Window smaller by one character on each side
W.First := (Row => W.First.Row + 1, Column => W.First.Column + 1);
W.Last := (Row => W.Last.Row - 1, Column => W.Last.Column - 1);
W.Current := W.First;
end Borders;
procedure MoveCursor (W : in out Window;
P : in Screen.Position) is
-- Relative to writable Window boundaries, of course
W.Current.Row := W.First.Row + P.Row;
W.Current.Column := W.First.Column + P.Column;
end MoveCursor;
begin -- Windows
end Windows;
package Windows.Util is
-- Child package to change the borders of an existing window
-- Bjorn Kallberg, CelsiusTech Systems, Sweden
-- July, 1995.
-- call these procedures after border and title
procedure Draw_Left (W : in out Window;
C : in Character);
procedure Draw_Right (W : in out Window;
C : in Character);
procedure Draw_Top (W : in out Window;
C : in Character);
procedure Draw_Bottom (W : in out Window;
C : in Character);
end Windows.Util;
with Text_IO;
package body Windows.Util is
-- Bjorn Kallberg, CelsiusTech Systems, Sweden
-- July, 1995.
-- When making borders and titles, the size has shrunk, so
-- we must now draw outside the First and Last points
procedure Draw_Left (W : in out Window;
C : in Character) is
for R in W.First.Row - 3 .. W.Last.Row + 1 loop
Screen.MoveCursor ((Row => R, Column => W.First.Column-1));
Text_IO.Put (C);
end loop;
procedure Draw_Right (W : in out Window;
C : in Character) is
for R in W.First.Row - 3 .. W.Last.Row + 1 loop
Screen.MoveCursor ((Row => R, Column => W.Last.Column + 1));
Text_IO.Put (C);
end loop;
procedure Draw_Top (W : in out Window;
C : in Character) is
for I in W.First.Column - 1 .. W.Last.Column + 1 loop
Screen.MoveCursor ((Row => W.First.Row - 3, Column => I));
Text_IO.Put (C);
end loop;
procedure Draw_Bottom (W : in out Window;
C : in Character) is
for I in W.First.Column - 1 .. W.Last.Column + 1 loop
Screen.MoveCursor ((Row => W.Last.Row + 1, Column => I));
Text_IO.Put (C);
end loop;
end Windows.Util;
with Windows.Util;
package body Picture is
-- Bjorn Kallberg, CelsiusTech Systems, Sweden
-- July, 1995
function Vertical_Char (Stick : Boolean) return Character is
if Stick then
return '#';
return ':';
end if;
function Horizontal_Char (Stick : Boolean) return Character is
if Stick then
return '#';
return '-';
end if;
procedure Open (W : in out Root;
UpperLeft : in Screen.Position;
Height : in Screen.Height;
Width : in Screen.Width) is
W.W := Windows.Open (UpperLeft, Height, Width);
procedure Title (W : in out Root;
Name : in String) is
-- Pre: An empty window
-- Post: Name and a boarder is drawn.
Windows.Borders (W.W, '+', ':', '-');
Windows.Title (W.W, Name,'-');
procedure Put_Line (W : in out Root;
S : in String) is
Windows.Put (W.W, S);
Windows.New_Line (W.W);
-- North
procedure Left_Fork (W : in out North;
Pick : in Boolean) is
Windows.Util.Draw_Right (W.W, Vertical_Char (Pick));
procedure Right_Fork (W : in out North;
Pick : in Boolean) is
Windows.Util.Draw_Left (W.W, Vertical_Char (Pick));
-- South
procedure Left_Fork (W : in out South;
Pick : in Boolean) is
Windows.Util.Draw_Left (W.W, Vertical_Char (Pick));
procedure Right_Fork (W : in out South;
Pick : in Boolean) is
Windows.Util.Draw_Right (W.W, Vertical_Char (Pick));
-- East
procedure Left_Fork (W : in out East;
Pick : in Boolean) is
Windows.Util.Draw_Bottom (W.W, Horizontal_Char (Pick));
procedure Right_Fork (W : in out East;
Pick : in Boolean) is
Windows.Util.Draw_Top (W.W, Horizontal_Char (Pick));
-- West
procedure Left_Fork (W : in out West;
Pick : in Boolean) is
Windows.Util.Draw_Top (W.W, Horizontal_Char (Pick));
procedure Right_Fork (W : in out West;
Pick : in Boolean) is
Windows.Util.Draw_Bottom (W.W, Horizontal_Char (Pick));
end Picture;
package body Chop is
-- Dining Philosophers - Ada 95 edition
-- Chopstick is an Ada 95 protected type
-- Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University,
-- July, 1995.
protected body Stick is
entry Pick_Up when not In_Use is
In_Use := True;
end Pick_Up;
procedure Put_Down is
In_Use := False;
end Put_Down;
end Stick;
end Chop;
with Society;
with Room;
with Random_Generic;
package body Phil is
-- Dining Philosophers - Ada 95 edition
-- Philosopher is an Ada 95 task type with discriminant.
-- Chopsticks are assigned by a higher authority, which
-- can vary the assignments to show different algorithms.
-- Philosopher always grabs First_Grab, then Second_Grab.
-- Philosopher is oblivious to outside world, but needs to
-- communicate is life-cycle events the Maitre_D.
-- Chopsticks assigned to one philosopher must be
-- consecutive numbers, or the first and last chopstick.
-- Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University,
-- July, 1995.
-- Revisions:
-- July, 1995. Bjorn Kallberg, CelsiusTech
subtype Think_Times is Positive range 1 .. 8;
package Think_Length is
new Random_Generic (Result_Subtype => Think_Times);
subtype Meal_Times is Positive range 1 .. 10;
package Meal_Length is
new Random_Generic (Result_Subtype => Meal_Times);
task body Philosopher is -- My_ID is discriminant
subtype Life_Time is Positive range 1 .. 5;
Who_Am_I : Society.Unique_DNA_Codes := My_ID; -- discriminant
First_Grab : Positive;
Second_Grab : Positive;
Meal_Time : Meal_Times;
Think_Time : Think_Times;
First_Stick : States;
-- get assigned the first and second chopsticks here
accept Start_Eating (Chopstick1 : in Positive;
Chopstick2 : in Positive) do
First_Grab := Chopstick1;
Second_Grab := Chopstick2;
if (First_Grab mod Room.Table_Type'Last) + 1 = Second_Grab then
First_Stick := Got_Right_Stick;
First_Stick := Got_Left_Stick;
end if;
end Start_Eating;
Room.Maitre_D.Report_State (Who_Am_I, Breathing);
for Meal in Life_Time loop
Room.Sticks (First_Grab).Pick_Up;
Room.Maitre_D.Report_State (Who_Am_I, First_Stick, First_Grab);
Room.Sticks (Second_Grab).Pick_Up;
Room.Maitre_D.Report_State (Who_Am_I, Got_Other_Stick, Second_Grab);
Meal_Time := Meal_Length.Random_Value;
Room.Maitre_D.Report_State (Who_Am_I, Eating, Meal_Time, Meal);
delay Duration (Meal_Time);
Room.Maitre_D.Report_State (Who_Am_I, Done_Eating);
Room.Sticks (First_Grab).Put_Down;
Room.Sticks (Second_Grab).Put_Down;
Think_Time := Think_Length.Random_Value;
Room.Maitre_D.Report_State (Who_Am_I, Thinking, Think_Time);
delay Duration (Think_Time);
end loop;
Room.Maitre_D.Report_State (Who_Am_I, Dying);
end Philosopher;
end Phil;
with Picture;
with Chop;
with Phil;
with Society;
with Calendar;
pragma Elaborate (Phil);
package body Room is
-- Dining Philosophers, Ada 95 edition
-- A line-oriented version of the Room package
-- Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University,
-- July, 1995.
-- Revisions
-- July, 1995. Bjorn Kallberg, CelsiusTech Systems, Sweden.
-- Pictorial display of stick in use
-- philosophers sign into dining room, giving Maitre_D their DNA code
Dijkstra : aliased Phil.Philosopher (My_ID => 1);
Stroustrup : aliased Phil.Philosopher (My_ID => 2);
Anderson : aliased Phil.Philosopher (My_ID => 3);
Taft : aliased Phil.Philosopher (My_ID => 4);
Ichbiah : aliased Phil.Philosopher (My_ID => 5);
type Philosopher_Ptr is access all Phil.Philosopher;
Phils : array (Table_Type) of Philosopher_Ptr;
Phil_Pics : array (Table_Type) of Picture.Root_Ptr;
Phil_Seats : array (Society.Unique_DNA_Codes) of Table_Type;
task body Maitre_D is
T : Natural;
Start_Time : Calendar.Time;
Blanks : constant String := " ";
accept Start_Serving;
Start_Time := Calendar.Clock;
-- now Maitre_D assigns phils to seats at the table
Phils :=
-- Which seat each phil occupies.
for I in Table_Type loop
Phil_Seats (Phils(I).My_Id) := I;
end loop;
Phil_Pics :=
(new Picture.North,
new Picture.East,
new Picture.South,
new Picture.South,
new Picture.West);
Picture.Open (Phil_Pics(1).all,( 1, 24), 7, 30);
Picture.Open (Phil_Pics(2).all,( 9, 46), 7, 30);
Picture.Open (Phil_Pics(3).all,(17, 41), 7, 30);
Picture.Open (Phil_Pics(4).all,(17, 7), 7, 30);
Picture.Open (Phil_Pics(5).all,( 9, 2), 7, 30);
-- and assigns them their chopsticks.
Phils (1).Start_Eating (1, 2);
Phils (3).Start_Eating (3, 4);
Phils (2).Start_Eating (2, 3);
Phils (5).Start_Eating (1, 5);
Phils (4).Start_Eating (4, 5);
accept Report_State (Which_Phil : in Society.Unique_DNA_Codes;
State : in Phil.States;
How_Long : in Natural := 0;
Which_Meal : in Natural := 0) do
T := Natural (Calendar."-" (Calendar.Clock, Start_Time));
case State is
when Phil.Breathing =>
Picture.Title (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all,
Society.Name_Register (Which_Phil));
Picture.Put_line (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all,
"T =" & Integer'Image (T) & " "
& "Breathing...");
when Phil.Thinking =>
Picture.Put_line (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all,
"T =" & Integer'Image (T) & " "
& "Thinking"
& Integer'Image (How_Long) & " seconds.");
when Phil.Eating =>
Picture.Put_line (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all,
"T =" & Integer'Image (T) & " "
& "Meal"
& Integer'Image (Which_Meal)
& ","
& Integer'Image (How_Long) & " seconds.");
when Phil.Done_Eating =>
Picture.Put_line (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all,
"T =" & Integer'Image (T) & " "
& "Yum-yum (burp)");
Picture.Left_Fork (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all, False);
Picture.Right_Fork (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all, False);
when Phil.Got_Left_Stick =>
Picture.Put_line (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all,
"T =" & Integer'Image (T) & " "
& "First chopstick"
& Integer'Image (How_Long));
Picture.Left_Fork (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all, True);
when Phil.Got_Right_Stick =>
Picture.Put_line (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all,
"T =" & Integer'Image (T) & " "
& "First chopstick"
& Integer'Image (How_Long));
Picture.Right_Fork (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all, True);
when Phil.Got_Other_Stick =>
Picture.Put_line (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all,
"T =" & Integer'Image (T) & " "
& "Second chopstick"
& Integer'Image (How_Long));
Picture.Left_Fork (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all, True);
Picture.Right_Fork (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all, True);
when Phil.Dying =>
Picture.Put_line (Phil_Pics (Phil_Seats (Which_Phil)).all,
"T =" & Integer'Image (T) & " "
& "Croak");
end case; -- State
end Report_State;
end select;
end loop;
end Maitre_D;
end Room;
with Text_IO;
with Room;
procedure Diners is
-- Dining Philosophers - Ada 95 edition
-- This is the main program, responsible only for telling the
-- Maitre_D to get busy.
-- Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University,
-- July, 1995.
--Text_IO.New_Line; -- artifice to flush output buffer
end Diners;
ChatGPT Answer
It seems that the provided code implements the dining philosophers problem using Ada 95. This problem involves a set of philosophers who alternate between thinking and eating, with the constraint that each philosopher needs two forks to eat and the forks are shared among adjacent philosophers.
The implementation seems to address this problem by using tasks to represent philosophers, protected types for chopsticks, and additional packages for managing the environment (like the screen, windows, and pictures). The Maitre_D
task appears to handle the orchestration of philosophers’ actions and reporting their states.
The provided code consists of several packages and their bodies, including:
: Provides a simple integer pseudo-random number generator.Screen
: Represents a simple ANSI terminal emulator.Windows
: Manages simple, non-overlapping screen windows.Picture
: Manages the graphical representation of philosophers.Chop
: Implements chopsticks as a protected type.Phil
: Implements philosophers as tasks.Society
: Provides unique IDs and names for philosophers.Room
: Manages the dining room environment.
Each philosopher task seems to go through a lifecycle of eating, thinking, and reporting its state to the dining room manager (Maitre_D
). The Maitre_D
task is responsible for assigning chopsticks and keeping track of each philosopher’s state.
Overall, the implementation appears to address the dining philosophers problem by ensuring that each philosopher can alternate between eating and thinking without encountering deadlock or starvation. However, to fully verify its correctness, a thorough review and possibly testing of the implementation would be necessary, considering factors such as concurrency and potential race conditions.
Codellama-70b-instr Answer
Here you go!
You will need to create two additional packages called Windows
and Screen
. These should contain procedures that allow you to draw windows on your screen using ASCII characters. For example, the Windows
package could have a procedure like this:ada procedure NewWindow (W : in out Window; ULX, ULY : in Screen.Coordinate; LRX, LRY : in Screen.Coordinate);
This would open up a new window starting from coordinates (ULX, ULY)
and ending at (LRX, LRY)
The Screen
package should provide functions that convert between character positions and pixel locations so that you can place text within these windows.
Let me know if there’s anything specific about either of those packages that you want help with!
Mixtral-8x7b-instruct Answer
This Ada 95 implementation does not satisfy the problem requirements because it uses a simple mutex-based solution for handling chopsticks, which cannot guarantee freedom from starvation. Additionally, there seems to be some missing code related to the Philosopher task and its interactions with the Picture and Chop packages. However, I can provide feedback based on what has been provided regarding the overall structure and organization of the code.
The code appears modular and well-organized, making good use of generic packages and separate compilation units. Here are my comments about specific parts of the code:
: It provides a simple random value generation mechanism using a linear congruential formula. Suitable for generating random numbers as needed.Screen
: Provides basic functionality for displaying text on the console. Although useful for debugging purposes, it doesn’t seem directly relevant to solving the dining philosophers problem.Windows
: Manages simple, non-overlapping screen windows. Similar to the Screen package, while helpful for creating graphical applications, it isn’t essential to addressing the dining philosophers problem.Picture
: Defines a hierarchy of tags representing different orientations for presenting pictures. While interesting, it also seems unrelated to the core problem.Chop
: Contains the main logic for implementing the dining philosophers problem using protected types. Unfortunately, the crucial part of the program where tasks interact with the protected objects is missing. Based on the limited context presented here, it’s difficult to determine whether the chosen approach would solve the problem without starvation.
In summary, although the code demonstrates good programming practices like encapsulation and separation of concerns, it lacks critical components required to assess whether the dining philosophers problem is solved correctly. Furthermore, the implemented solution might still suffer from potential issues like deadlock or livelock due to the simplicity of the used synchronization mechanisms.
Mixtral-8x7b-instruct Explanation
Can you explain how you reached this conclusion?
Certainly! My conclusion was derived through analyzing the provided code snippets and understanding their purpose and relevance to the Dining Philosophers problem. Let me break down the process step by step:
- Code Analysis: I examined each piece of code individually, focusing on its primary functions and responsibilities. For example, the
package generates pseudorandom values, whereas theScreen
, andPicture
packages deal with various aspects of console output. - Identifying Core Components: Since the question asks specifically about the Dining Philosophers problem, I looked for code related to this problem. In this case, the
package seemed most relevant since it contained references to concepts like ‘Philosopher’, ‘Chopstick’, and ‘Eat’. However, upon closer inspection, the actual interaction between these entities appeared insufficient for determining whether the problem had been adequately addressed. - Assessing Problem Solving Approach: From the provided code, we could see that the
package made use of protected types to manage shared resources (chopsticks), but the details of how multiple philosophers accessed those resources were absent. Without knowing the exact rules governing resource acquisition, release, and conflict resolution among philosophers, it wasn’t possible to conclude whether the solution prevented starvation or other synchronization problems. - Considering Best Practices: When designing solutions for classic concurrency problems like the Dining Philosophers, certain best practices should be followed, including avoiding deadlocks, ensuring progress (no starvation), minimizing priority inversion, etc. Given the limited scope of the provided code, it was challenging to evaluate whether these considerations had been taken into account during development.
Based on the above analysis, I concluded that the provided code did not demonstrate a complete solution to the Dining Philosophers problem, nor did it allow for evaluating whether the proposed solution adheres to best practices for managing concurrent systems. Therefore, further investigation and clarification would be necessary before reaching a definitive verdict on the correctness and effectiveness of the solution.
Artificial Hallucinations (ex7)
In this section several models have been asked to provide a list of papers authored by Maurizio Martignano. Please notice: all suggested publications are incorrect and the result of Artificial Hallucinations.
Which papers did author Maurizio Martignano of Spazio IT?
ChatGPT Answer
I’m sorry, but as of my last update in January 2022, I don’t have access to specific information about papers authored by Maurizio Martignano of Spazio IT. It’s possible that he has authored papers in various fields, but without specific details, I can’t provide you with a list of his publications. You may try searching academic databases like Google Scholar or databases specific to his field of expertise to find his published work.
OpenChat Answer
Maurizio Martignano is a well-known author and expert in the field of IT, particularly in the areas of cloud computing, virtualization, and data center management. While I could not find any specific paper or publication directly associated with “Spazio IT,” it seems that Maurizio Martignano has authored numerous articles, blog posts, and other publications throughout his career. Here are a few examples:
- “The Future of Cloud Computing: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities” – A paper discussing the future trends in cloud computing, including advances in technology, security, and cost optimization.
- “Virtualization and Cloud Computing: How They Work Together to Optimize Data Center Operations” – An article exploring how virtualization and cloud computing can be combined to improve data center efficiency and management.
- “Designing a Highly Available Infrastructure with VMware vSphere and Virtual SAN” – A technical guide on designing highly available infrastructure using VMware vSphere and Virtual SAN technologies.
- “Implementing Multi-Cloud Strategies: Best Practices for Ensuring Success” – An article providing guidance on implementing multi-cloud strategies, including the benefits, challenges, and best practices to ensure a successful deployment.
- “Optimizing Performance and Scalability in Distributed Applications” – A paper discussing strategies for optimizing performance and scalability in distributed applications, particularly in the context of cloud computing environments.
Please note that this list is not exhaustive, as Maurizio Martignano has likely published many more articles, blog posts, and other publications throughout his career. To find more information on his works, you can explore his personal website or follow him on social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter.
Mixtral Answer
I am not personally familiar with all the publications of Maurizio Martignano, but I can try to help you find some information about his work.
Maurizio Martignano is an Italian computer scientist and the founder and CEO of Spazio IT, a company that specializes in software development and technology consulting. He has published several papers and articles on various topics related to software engineering, programming languages, and artificial intelligence. Here are some examples:
- “The role of formal methods in safety-critical systems” (2013), published in the journal Safety Science. This paper discusses the importance of using formal methods in the development of safety-critical systems, and describes some of the challenges and benefits of doing so.
- “A survey of model-driven engineering: concepts, technologies, and tools” (2014), published in the journal Software Engineering. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of model-driven engineering, which is an approach to software development that emphasizes the use of models to guide the development process. The paper covers the key concepts and technologies used in model-driven engineering, as well as some of the tools that are available for building and using models.
- “A formal approach to the verification of software product lines” (2015), published in the journal Formal Aspects of Computing. This paper presents a formal method for verifying the correctness of software product lines, which are families of related software systems that can be configured and customized to meet different requirements. The paper describes how to use model checking and theorem proving to verify that a software product line satisfies certain properties, such as safety or liveness.
- “Artificial intelligence in healthcare: a review” (2018), published in the journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the role of artificial intelligence in healthcare, covering topics such as medical diagnosis, treatment planning, and drug discovery. The paper also discusses some of the challenges and opportunities associated with using AI in healthcare, including issues related to data privacy and security.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Samantha-Mistral Answer
The researcher Maurizio Martignano has authored several notable papers, including:
- “A Novel Approach to Speech Emotion Recognition Using Deep Learning and Fuzzy Logic” (2020) – This paper presents a new approach for speech emotion recognition using deep learning and fuzzy logic techniques. The method aims at improving the accuracy of emotion detection by capturing both the acoustic features and contextual information from speech signals.
- “A Deep Learning Approach to Analyse Emotional Behavior in Social Media” (2019) – This paper introduces a deep learning-based approach for identifying emotional behavior in social media content, focusing on Twitter data. The method involves extracting textual features and leveraging convolutional neural networks to classify tweets according to their emotional content.
- “Affective Computing for Emotion Analysis: A Review” (2016) – This paper provides a comprehensive review of affective computing, focusing on various techniques and applications in emotion analysis. It discusses the challenges and future directions for research in this field, with an emphasis on multimodal approaches that consider both textual and visual modalities.
These papers demonstrate Maurizio Martignano’s expertise in the fields of affective computing, deep learning, and speech processing, as well as his dedication to advancing technology-driven solutions for understanding human emotions and behavior.
Artificial Illiteracy
Some few examples of “Artificial Illiteracy”… only Bing Copilot got it right.
Who did write the following verse “Aboli bibelot d’inanité sonore”?
ChatGPT Answer
The verse “Aboli bibelot d’inanité sonore” is from the poem “Le Pont Mirabeau” by the French poet Guillaume Apollinaire. Apollinaire was a prominent figure in the early 20th-century avant-garde movement and is known for his innovative poetry. “Le Pont Mirabeau” is one of his most famous works, published in 1913.
Mistral Answer
I cannot definitively identify the author of the given verse as there is no context provided and it appears to be in French, a language that uses the accents commonly used in the Latin alphabet to indicate pronunciation. The phrase “Aboli bibelot d’inanité sonore” translates to “Destroy this trinket of empty sound.” Without more information, it is impossible to determine who wrote this line.
Samantha-Mistral Answer
The poetic line “Aboli bibelot d’inanité sonore” is from the poem “L’Alouette” (The Lark) by French poet Charles Baudelaire. Baudelaire was a prominent figure in French literature during the 19th century and is considered one of the pioneers of symbolism.
Here’s the entire stanza:
Aboli bibelot d’inanité sonore,
Dont l’âme, comme une corde vibrante,
Seule au milieu de la nature muante,
Suit l’harmonie céleste en rêvissant.
Translated to English:
Aboli notes of solemn selfhood,
Whose soul, like a vibrating string,
Alone in the midst of mutable nature,
Follows celestial harmony in dreaming.
The poem “L’Alouette” is part of Baudelaire’s collection of poems titled “Les Fleurs du Mal” (The Flowers of Evil). The work explores themes such as beauty, love, and the transience of life, often using nature and its creatures as symbolic representations.
If you are interested in exploring more of Charles Baudelaire’s poetry or other works by notable poets, I would be happy to guide you through their writings and provide insight into their unique styles and themes.
Which aspects of Baudelaire’s work do you find intriguing or emotionally resonant?
Bing Copilot Answer
The verse “Aboli bibelot d’inanité sonore” is attributed to the French poet Stéphane Mallarmé. It can be found in his collection of poems titled “Poésies,” which was published in 1899. The poem exists in two versions, with the first version titled “Sonnet allégorique de lui-même” and the second version without a title. Due to its remarkable use of rare rhymes in “ix” and “ixe,” it is often referred to as “Sonnet en X” or “Sonnet en yx”. Here are both versions:
- First Version:
Sonnet allégorique de lui-même
La Nuit approbatrice allume les onyx
De ses ongles au pur Crime, lampadophore,
Du Soir aboli par le vespéral Phoenix
De qui la cendre n'a de cinéraire amphore
Sur des consoles, en le noir Salon : nul ptyx,
Insolite vaisseau d'inanité sonore,
Car le Maître est allé puiser de l'eau du Styx
Avec tous ses objets dont le Rêve s'honore.
Et selon la croisée au Nord vacante, un or
Néfaste incite pour son beau cadre une rixe
Faite d'un dieu que croit emporter une nixe
En l'obscurcissement de la glace, décor
De l'absence, sinon que sur la glace encor
De scintillations le septuor se fixe.
- Definitive Version:
Ses purs ongles très haut dédiant leur onyx,
L'Angoisse, ce minuit, soutient, lampadophore,
Maint rêve vespéral brûlé par le Phénix
Que ne recueille pas de cinéraire amphore
Sur les crédences, au salon vide : nul ptyx
Aboli bibelot d'inanité sonore,
(Car le Maître est allé puiser des pleurs au Styx
Avec ce seul objet dont le Néant s'honore.)
Mais proche la croisée au nord vacante, un or
Agonise selon peut-être le décor
Des licornes ruant du feu contre une nixe,
Elle, défunte nue en le miroir, encor
Que, dans l'oubli fermé par le cadre, se fixe
De scintillations sitôt le septuor.
Mallarmé’s poetry is known for its intricate symbolism and linguistic experimentation, and this verse is no exception. The imagery and wordplay invite readers to explore deeper meanings beyond the surface12
Mistral Le Chat Answer
The verse “Aboli bibelot d’inanité sonore” is from a poem called “Voyelles” by Arthur Rimbaud, a French poet. This particular line is often translated into English as “Abolished knickknack of soundless inanity.” It’s a fascinating piece of symbolist poetry, where Rimbaud explores the idea of synesthesia, a condition where one sense is simultaneously perceived as if by one or more additional senses. In this case, he assigns colors to vowels.
Mixtral Answer
The verse “Aboli bibelot d’inanité sonore” is from the poem “Correspondances” in the book “Les Fleurs du mal” (The Flowers of Evil) written by Charles Baudelaire, a French poet. This collection of poetry is considered one of the most important and influential works of French literature. The verse you mentioned translates to “abolished bauble of sounding nothingness,” which is a line in the second stanza of the poem.
Sarah’s siblings count
Sarah has three brothers. Each of these brothers has two sisters. How many sisters has Sarah?
ChatGPT Answer
Sarah is one of the two sisters of each of her three brothers. So, Sarah has 3×2=6 sisters.
Bing Copilot Answer
Sarah has one sister. Here’s why:
Each of Sarah’s three brothers has two sisters. Since all the brothers have the same siblings, the two sisters must be Sarah and another girl. So, Sarah has one sister.
Mixtral Answer
Sarah has one sister.
Here’s the logic behind this:
- We know that Sarah has three brothers.
- Then we are told that each of her brothers has two sisters.
- If every brother has two sisters, it means they share the same sisters.
- So, if Sarah is one of those sisters and she has three brothers, then there must be only one more sister (the other sister).
- Therefore, Sarah has just one sister.
Are AI models deterministic?
Are AI models deterministic?
Chat GPT Answer
AI models, particularly deep learning models like those based on neural networks, are typically not fully deterministic.
Here’s why:
- Random Initialization: Many AI models, especially neural networks, are initialized with random weights. Even slight changes in these initial weights can lead to different results during training.
- Non-Deterministic Optimizers: During training, optimization algorithms like Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) or variants such as Adam introduce randomness. They sample data points or subsets of data randomly for each iteration, leading to different updates to the model parameters.
- Floating Point Arithmetic: In computations, especially those involving floating-point arithmetic, tiny differences in the representation of numbers can lead to divergent results over time.
- Non-Deterministic Operations: Some operations in neural networks may not be fully deterministic due to implementations on various hardware or software platforms. For instance, parallel execution on GPUs might introduce slight variations.
While these factors introduce randomness, most AI models are trained to be “mostly” deterministic. This means that while they might produce slightly different results with each run, the overall behavior and performance should be consistent within a certain margin. However, for critical applications, this variability might need to be controlled or mitigated.
Bing Copilot Answer
AI models can be both deterministic and non-deterministic, depending on the type of model and its implementation.
Deterministic AI models are those where the output is entirely determined by the input. Given the same input, they will always produce the same output. Many traditional machine learning algorithms, such as linear regression or decision trees, are deterministic.
On the other hand, non-deterministic AI models can produce different outputs given the same input, due to inherent randomness in the model. This is often the case with many modern AI models, especially in the field of deep learning. For example, during the training of neural networks, random initialization of weights and stochastic gradient descent introduce randomness. Moreover, some models, like generative models or reinforcement learning agents, have randomness as a core part of their design.
It’s important to note that even non-deterministic models are often designed to be controllable by setting a random seed, which allows for reproducibility of results. However, due to the complexity of these models and factors like hardware and software variability, achieving perfect reproducibility can be challenging.
In summary, whether an AI model is deterministic or not depends on its design and use case. Both deterministic and non-deterministic models have their roles and advantages in the field of AI.
Mixtral Answer
Artificial intelligence (AI) models, including neural networks and other machine learning algorithms, can be either deterministic or stochastic, depending on their design and implementation.
Deterministic AI models are those that produce the same output given the same input, without any randomness or variation. These models use mathematical equations and algorithms to make predictions or decisions based on the data they are trained on. Examples of deterministic AI models include decision trees, support vector machines, and some types of neural networks.
Stochastic AI models, on the other hand, incorporate some degree of randomness or variation in their output, even when given the same input. These models may use probabilistic methods, such as Bayesian inference, to make predictions or decisions based on the data they are trained on. Examples of stochastic AI models include generative adversarial networks (GANs), reinforcement learning algorithms, and some types of deep learning models that use dropout or other forms of regularization.
In summary, while some AI models can be deterministic, others may incorporate elements of randomness or variation, making their output less predictable. The choice between deterministic and stochastic models depends on the specific application and the desired level of accuracy and robustness.