List of issues found

  1. nsd/filter.c:163: error: Null Dereference pointer `servPtr` last assigned on line 153 could be null and is dereferenced by call to `FilterLock()` at line 163, column 5. (trace)
  2. nsdbtest/nsdbtest.c:184: error: Null Dereference pointer `null` is dereferenced by call to `Ns_SetPutSz()` at line 184, column 11. (trace)
  3. nsd/tclcrypto.c:231: error: Null Dereference pointer `outputBuffer` last assigned on line 211 could be null and is dereferenced by call to `Ns_HexString()` at line 231, column 9. (trace)
  4. nsd/fastpath.c:237: error: Null Dereference pointer `servPtr->fastpath.serverdir` last assigned on line 236 could be null and is dereferenced by call to `Ns_PathIsAbsolute()` at line 237, column 14. (trace)
  5. nsd/tclcache.c:377: error: Null Dereference pointer `cPtr` last assigned on line 313 could be null and is dereferenced at line 377, column 26. (trace)
  6. nsd/log.c:344: error: Null Dereference pointer `valueString` last assigned on line 341 could be null and is dereferenced by call to `strlen()` at line 344, column 11. (trace)
  7. nsd/quotehtml.c:347: error: Dead Store The value written to &outPtr (type char*) is never used. (trace)
  8. nsd/quotehtml.c:353: error: Dead Store The value written to &outPtr (type char*) is never used. (trace)
  9. nsd/quotehtml.c:360: error: Dead Store The value written to &outPtr (type char*) is never used. (trace)
  10. nsd/adpcmds.c:436: error: Null Dereference pointer `fileName` last assigned on line 379 could be null and is dereferenced by call to `NsAdpInclude()` at line 436, column 22. (trace)
  11. nsd/str.c:454: error: Uninitialized Value The value read from c2 was never initialized. (trace)
  12. nsd/str.c:455: error: Uninitialized Value The value read from c2 was never initialized. (trace)
  13. nsd/tclcache.c:537: error: Null Dereference pointer `cPtr` last assigned on line 469 could be null and is dereferenced at line 537, column 28. (trace)
  14. nsd/tcltime.c:546: error: Null Dereference pointer `tPtr` last assigned on line 534 could be null and is dereferenced by call to `Ns_TimeToMilliseconds()` at line 546, column 14. (trace)
  15. nsd/tcljob.c:725: error: Null Dereference pointer `queue` last assigned on line 698 could be null and is dereferenced at line 725, column 16. (trace)
  16. nsd/tclcache.c:756: error: Null Dereference pointer `cPtr` last assigned on line 703 could be null and is dereferenced at line 756, column 28. (trace)
  17. nsd/sock.c:778: error: Uninitialized Value The value read from pfd.revents was never initialized. (trace)
  18. nsd/sock.c:779: error: Uninitialized Value The value read from pfd.revents was never initialized. (trace)
  19. nsd/sock.c:784: error: Uninitialized Value The value read from pfd.revents was never initialized. (trace)
  20. nsd/tclcache.c:879: error: Null Dereference pointer `cPtr` last assigned on line 829 could be null and is dereferenced at line 879, column 22. (trace)
  21. nsd/tcljob.c:848: error: Null Dereference pointer `queue` last assigned on line 831 could be null and is dereferenced at line 848, column 16. (trace)
  22. nsd/tcljob.c:916: error: Null Dereference pointer `queue` last assigned on line 900 could be null and is dereferenced at line 916, column 16. (trace)
  23. nsd/tclmisc.c:914: error: Null Dereference pointer `death` last assigned on line 913 could be null and is dereferenced at line 914, column 5. (trace)
  24. nsd/tclcache.c:945: error: Null Dereference pointer `cPtr` last assigned on line 919 could be null and is dereferenced at line 945, column 17. (trace)
  25. nsd/tcljob.c:1049: error: Null Dereference pointer `queue` last assigned on line 1026 could be null and is dereferenced at line 1049, column 39. (trace)
  26. nsd/tcljob.c:1053: error: Null Dereference pointer `queue` last assigned on line 1026 could be null and is dereferenced by call to `ReleaseQueue()` at line 1053, column 15. (trace)
  27. nsd/tclcache.c:1058: error: Null Dereference pointer `cPtr` last assigned on line 1035 could be null and is dereferenced at line 1058, column 22. (trace)
  28. nsd/tclcache.c:1139: error: Null Dereference pointer `cPtr` last assigned on line 1116 could be null and is dereferenced at line 1139, column 17. (trace)
  29. nsd/tcljob.c:1163: error: Null Dereference pointer `queue` last assigned on line 1133 could be null and is dereferenced at line 1163, column 26. (trace)
  30. nsd/tcljob.c:1213: error: Null Dereference pointer `queue` last assigned on line 1133 could be null and is dereferenced by call to `ReleaseQueue()` at line 1213, column 15. (trace)
  31. nsd/set.c:1385: error: Null Dereference pointer `new->fields` last assigned on line 1380 could be null and is dereferenced by call to `Ns_SetPut()` at line 1385, column 19. (trace)
  32. nsd/urlencode.c:1469: error: Uninitialized Value The value read from messageDs.string was never initialized. (trace)
  33. nsd/sock.c:1811: error: Uninitialized Value The value read from result was never initialized. (trace)
  34. nsd/sock.c:1813: error: Uninitialized Value The value read from result was never initialized. (trace)
  35. nsd/tclcrypto.c:3102: error: Null Dereference pointer `null` is dereferenced by call to `EncodedObj()` at line 3102, column 38. (trace)
  36. nsd/driver.c:8229: error: Resource Leak resource acquired by call to `open()` at line 8222, column 14 is not released after line 8229, column 13. (trace)