Bug Summary

Warning:line 447, column 3
Value stored to 'status' is never read

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name js-collator.cc -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=cplusplus -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -pic-is-pie -mframe-pointer=all -relaxed-aliasing -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/home/maurizio/node-v18.6.0/out -resource-dir /usr/local/lib/clang/16.0.0 -D _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1 -D NODE_OPENSSL_CONF_NAME=nodejs_conf -D NODE_OPENSSL_HAS_QUIC -D V8_GYP_BUILD -D V8_TYPED_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE_IN_HEAP=64 -D __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D OPENSSL_NO_PINSHARED -D OPENSSL_THREADS -D V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -D V8_HAVE_TARGET_OS -D V8_TARGET_OS_LINUX -D V8_EMBEDDER_STRING="-node.8" -D ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER -D V8_PROMISE_INTERNAL_FIELD_COUNT=1 -D V8_SHORT_BUILTIN_CALLS -D OBJECT_PRINT -D V8_INTL_SUPPORT -D V8_ATOMIC_OBJECT_FIELD_WRITES -D V8_ENABLE_LAZY_SOURCE_POSITIONS -D V8_USE_SIPHASH -D V8_SHARED_RO_HEAP -D V8_WIN64_UNWINDING_INFO -D V8_ENABLE_REGEXP_INTERPRETER_THREADED_DISPATCH -D V8_SNAPSHOT_COMPRESSION -D V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY -D V8_ENABLE_JAVASCRIPT_PROMISE_HOOKS -D V8_ALLOCATION_FOLDING -D V8_ALLOCATION_SITE_TRACKING -D V8_SCRIPTORMODULE_LEGACY_LIFETIME -D V8_ADVANCED_BIGINT_ALGORITHMS -D ICU_UTIL_DATA_IMPL=ICU_UTIL_DATA_STATIC -D UCONFIG_NO_SERVICE=1 -D U_ENABLE_DYLOAD=0 -D U_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION=1 -D U_HAVE_STD_STRING=1 -D UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION=0 -I ../deps/v8 -I ../deps/v8/include -I /home/maurizio/node-v18.6.0/out/Release/obj/gen/inspector-generated-output-root -I ../deps/v8/third_party/inspector_protocol -I /home/maurizio/node-v18.6.0/out/Release/obj/gen -I /home/maurizio/node-v18.6.0/out/Release/obj/gen/generate-bytecode-output-root -I ../deps/icu-small/source/i18n -I ../deps/icu-small/source/common -I ../deps/v8/third_party/zlib -I ../deps/v8/third_party/zlib/google -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/../../../../include/c++/8 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/../../../../include/c++/8/x86_64-redhat-linux -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/../../../../include/c++/8/backward -internal-isystem /usr/local/lib/clang/16.0.0/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/../../../../x86_64-redhat-linux/include -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O3 -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-return-type -std=gnu++17 -fdeprecated-macro -fdebug-compilation-dir=/home/maurizio/node-v18.6.0/out -ferror-limit 19 -fno-rtti -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /tmp/scan-build-2022-08-22-142216-507842-1 -x c++ ../deps/v8/src/objects/js-collator.cc
1// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#ifndef V8_INTL_SUPPORT1
6#error Internationalization is expected to be enabled.
7#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
9#include "src/objects/js-collator.h"
11#include "src/execution/isolate.h"
12#include "src/objects/js-collator-inl.h"
13#include "src/objects/js-locale.h"
14#include "src/objects/managed-inl.h"
15#include "src/objects/objects-inl.h"
16#include "src/objects/option-utils.h"
17#include "unicode/coll.h"
18#include "unicode/locid.h"
19#include "unicode/strenum.h"
20#include "unicode/ucol.h"
21#include "unicode/udata.h"
22#include "unicode/uloc.h"
23#include "unicode/utypes.h"
25namespace v8 {
26namespace internal {
28namespace {
30enum class Usage {
31 SORT,
35enum class Sensitivity {
36 kBase,
37 kAccent,
38 kCase,
39 kVariant,
40 kUndefined,
43// enum for "caseFirst" option.
44enum class CaseFirst { kUndefined, kUpper, kLower, kFalse };
46Maybe<CaseFirst> GetCaseFirst(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> options,
47 const char* method_name) {
48 return GetStringOption<CaseFirst>(
49 isolate, options, "caseFirst", method_name, {"upper", "lower", "false"},
50 {CaseFirst::kUpper, CaseFirst::kLower, CaseFirst::kFalse},
51 CaseFirst::kUndefined);
54// TODO(gsathya): Consider internalizing the value strings.
55void CreateDataPropertyForOptions(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> options,
56 Handle<String> key, const char* value) {
57 DCHECK_NOT_NULL(value)((void) 0);
58 Handle<String> value_str =
59 isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(value);
61 // This is a brand new JSObject that shouldn't already have the same
62 // key so this shouldn't fail.
63 Maybe<bool> maybe = JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty(
64 isolate, options, key, value_str, Just(kDontThrow));
65 DCHECK(maybe.FromJust())((void) 0);
66 USE(maybe)do { ::v8::base::Use unused_tmp_array_for_use_macro[]{maybe};
(void)unused_tmp_array_for_use_macro; } while (false)
69void CreateDataPropertyForOptions(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> options,
70 Handle<String> key, bool value) {
71 Handle<Object> value_obj = isolate->factory()->ToBoolean(value);
73 // This is a brand new JSObject that shouldn't already have the same
74 // key so this shouldn't fail.
75 Maybe<bool> maybe = JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty(
76 isolate, options, key, value_obj, Just(kDontThrow));
77 DCHECK(maybe.FromJust())((void) 0);
78 USE(maybe)do { ::v8::base::Use unused_tmp_array_for_use_macro[]{maybe};
(void)unused_tmp_array_for_use_macro; } while (false)
81} // anonymous namespace
83// static
84Handle<JSObject> JSCollator::ResolvedOptions(Isolate* isolate,
85 Handle<JSCollator> collator) {
86 Handle<JSObject> options =
87 isolate->factory()->NewJSObject(isolate->object_function());
89 icu::Collator* icu_collator = collator->icu_collator().raw();
90 DCHECK_NOT_NULL(icu_collator)((void) 0);
92 UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
93 bool numeric =
94 icu_collator->getAttribute(UCOL_NUMERIC_COLLATION, status) == UCOL_ON;
95 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
97 const char* case_first = nullptr;
98 status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
99 switch (icu_collator->getAttribute(UCOL_CASE_FIRST, status)) {
101 case_first = "lower";
102 break;
104 case_first = "upper";
105 break;
106 default:
107 case_first = "false";
108 }
109 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
111 const char* sensitivity = nullptr;
112 status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
113 switch (icu_collator->getAttribute(UCOL_STRENGTH, status)) {
114 case UCOL_PRIMARY: {
115 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
116 status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
117 // case level: true + s1 -> case, s1 -> base.
118 if (UCOL_ON == icu_collator->getAttribute(UCOL_CASE_LEVEL, status)) {
119 sensitivity = "case";
120 } else {
121 sensitivity = "base";
122 }
123 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
124 break;
125 }
127 sensitivity = "accent";
128 break;
130 sensitivity = "variant";
131 break;
133 // We shouldn't get quaternary and identical from ICU, but if we do
134 // put them into variant.
135 sensitivity = "variant";
136 break;
137 default:
138 sensitivity = "variant";
139 }
140 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
142 status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
143 bool ignore_punctuation = icu_collator->getAttribute(UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING,
144 status) == UCOL_SHIFTED;
145 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
147 status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
149 icu::Locale icu_locale(icu_collator->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, status));
150 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
152 const char* collation = "default";
153 const char* usage = "sort";
154 const char* collation_key = "co";
155 status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
156 std::string collation_value =
157 icu_locale.getUnicodeKeywordValue<std::string>(collation_key, status);
159 std::string locale;
160 if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
161 if (collation_value == "search") {
162 usage = "search";
164 // Search is disallowed as a collation value per spec. Let's
165 // use `default`, instead.
166 //
167 // https://tc39.github.io/ecma402/#sec-properties-of-intl-collator-instances
168 collation = "default";
170 // We clone the icu::Locale because we don't want the
171 // icu_collator to be affected when we remove the collation key
172 // below.
173 icu::Locale new_icu_locale = icu_locale;
175 // The spec forbids the search as a collation value in the
176 // locale tag, so let's filter it out.
177 status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
178 new_icu_locale.setUnicodeKeywordValue(collation_key, nullptr, status);
179 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
181 locale = Intl::ToLanguageTag(new_icu_locale).FromJust();
182 } else {
183 collation = collation_value.c_str();
184 locale = Intl::ToLanguageTag(icu_locale).FromJust();
185 }
186 } else {
187 locale = Intl::ToLanguageTag(icu_locale).FromJust();
188 }
190 // 5. For each row of Table 2, except the header row, in table order, do
191 // ...
192 // Table 2: Resolved Options of Collator Instances
193 // Internal Slot Property Extension Key
194 // [[Locale] "locale"
195 // [[Usage] "usage"
196 // [[Sensitivity]] "sensitivity"
197 // [[IgnorePunctuation]] "ignorePunctuation"
198 // [[Collation]] "collation"
199 // [[Numeric]] "numeric" kn
200 // [[CaseFirst]] "caseFirst" kf
202 // If the collator return the locale differ from what got requested, we stored
203 // it in the collator->locale. Otherwise, we just use the one from the
204 // collator.
205 if (collator->locale().length() != 0) {
206 // Get the locale from collator->locale() since we know in some cases
207 // collator won't be able to return the requested one, such as zh_CN.
208 Handle<String> locale_from_collator(collator->locale(), isolate);
209 Maybe<bool> maybe = JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty(
210 isolate, options, isolate->factory()->locale_string(),
211 locale_from_collator, Just(kDontThrow));
212 DCHECK(maybe.FromJust())((void) 0);
213 USE(maybe)do { ::v8::base::Use unused_tmp_array_for_use_macro[]{maybe};
(void)unused_tmp_array_for_use_macro; } while (false)
214 } else {
215 // Just return from the collator for most of the cases that we can recover
216 // from the collator.
217 CreateDataPropertyForOptions(
218 isolate, options, isolate->factory()->locale_string(), locale.c_str());
219 }
221 CreateDataPropertyForOptions(isolate, options,
222 isolate->factory()->usage_string(), usage);
223 CreateDataPropertyForOptions(
224 isolate, options, isolate->factory()->sensitivity_string(), sensitivity);
225 CreateDataPropertyForOptions(isolate, options,
226 isolate->factory()->ignorePunctuation_string(),
227 ignore_punctuation);
228 CreateDataPropertyForOptions(
229 isolate, options, isolate->factory()->collation_string(), collation);
230 CreateDataPropertyForOptions(isolate, options,
231 isolate->factory()->numeric_string(), numeric);
232 CreateDataPropertyForOptions(
233 isolate, options, isolate->factory()->caseFirst_string(), case_first);
234 return options;
237namespace {
239CaseFirst ToCaseFirst(const char* str) {
240 if (strcmp(str, "upper") == 0) return CaseFirst::kUpper;
241 if (strcmp(str, "lower") == 0) return CaseFirst::kLower;
242 if (strcmp(str, "false") == 0) return CaseFirst::kFalse;
243 return CaseFirst::kUndefined;
246UColAttributeValue ToUColAttributeValue(CaseFirst case_first) {
247 switch (case_first) {
248 case CaseFirst::kUpper:
249 return UCOL_UPPER_FIRST;
250 case CaseFirst::kLower:
251 return UCOL_LOWER_FIRST;
252 case CaseFirst::kFalse:
253 case CaseFirst::kUndefined:
254 return UCOL_OFF;
255 }
258void SetNumericOption(icu::Collator* icu_collator, bool numeric) {
259 DCHECK_NOT_NULL(icu_collator)((void) 0);
260 UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
261 icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_NUMERIC_COLLATION,
262 numeric ? UCOL_ON : UCOL_OFF, status);
263 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
266void SetCaseFirstOption(icu::Collator* icu_collator, CaseFirst case_first) {
267 DCHECK_NOT_NULL(icu_collator)((void) 0);
268 UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
269 icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_CASE_FIRST, ToUColAttributeValue(case_first),
270 status);
271 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
274} // anonymous namespace
276// static
277MaybeHandle<JSCollator> JSCollator::New(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Map> map,
278 Handle<Object> locales,
279 Handle<Object> options_obj,
280 const char* service) {
281 // 1. Let requestedLocales be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(locales).
282 Maybe<std::vector<std::string>> maybe_requested_locales =
283 Intl::CanonicalizeLocaleList(isolate, locales);
284 MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_requested_locales, Handle<JSCollator>())do { if ((maybe_requested_locales).IsNothing()) return Handle
<JSCollator>(); } while (false)
285 std::vector<std::string> requested_locales =
286 maybe_requested_locales.FromJust();
288 // 2. Set options to ? CoerceOptionsToObject(options).
289 Handle<JSReceiver> options;
290 ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(do { if (!(CoerceOptionsToObject(isolate, options_obj, service
)).ToHandle(&options)) { ((void) 0); return MaybeHandle<
JSCollator>(); } } while (false)
291 isolate, options, CoerceOptionsToObject(isolate, options_obj, service),do { if (!(CoerceOptionsToObject(isolate, options_obj, service
)).ToHandle(&options)) { ((void) 0); return MaybeHandle<
JSCollator>(); } } while (false)
292 JSCollator)do { if (!(CoerceOptionsToObject(isolate, options_obj, service
)).ToHandle(&options)) { ((void) 0); return MaybeHandle<
JSCollator>(); } } while (false)
294 // 4. Let usage be ? GetOption(options, "usage", "string", « "sort",
295 // "search" », "sort").
296 Maybe<Usage> maybe_usage = GetStringOption<Usage>(
297 isolate, options, "usage", service, {"sort", "search"},
298 {Usage::SORT, Usage::SEARCH}, Usage::SORT);
299 MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_usage, MaybeHandle<JSCollator>())do { if ((maybe_usage).IsNothing()) return MaybeHandle<JSCollator
>(); } while (false)
300 Usage usage = maybe_usage.FromJust();
302 // 9. Let matcher be ? GetOption(options, "localeMatcher", "string",
303 // « "lookup", "best fit" », "best fit").
304 // 10. Set opt.[[localeMatcher]] to matcher.
305 Maybe<Intl::MatcherOption> maybe_locale_matcher =
306 Intl::GetLocaleMatcher(isolate, options, service);
307 MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_locale_matcher, MaybeHandle<JSCollator>())do { if ((maybe_locale_matcher).IsNothing()) return MaybeHandle
<JSCollator>(); } while (false)
308 Intl::MatcherOption matcher = maybe_locale_matcher.FromJust();
310 // x. Let _collation_ be ? GetOption(_options_, *"collation"*, *"string"*,
311 // *undefined*, *undefined*).
312 std::unique_ptr<char[]> collation_str = nullptr;
313 const std::vector<const char*> empty_values = {};
314 Maybe<bool> maybe_collation = GetStringOption(
315 isolate, options, "collation", empty_values, service, &collation_str);
316 MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_collation, MaybeHandle<JSCollator>())do { if ((maybe_collation).IsNothing()) return MaybeHandle<
JSCollator>(); } while (false)
317 // x. If _collation_ is not *undefined*, then
318 if (maybe_collation.FromJust() && collation_str != nullptr) {
319 // 1. If _collation_ does not match the Unicode Locale Identifier `type`
320 // nonterminal, throw a *RangeError* exception.
321 if (!JSLocale::Is38AlphaNumList(collation_str.get())) {
322 THROW_NEW_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE(do { auto* __isolate__ = (isolate); __isolate__->Throw(*__isolate__
->factory()->NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kInvalid, isolate
->factory()->collation_string(), isolate->factory()->
NewStringFromAsciiChecked( collation_str.get()))); return MaybeHandle
<JSCollator>(); } while (false)
323 isolate,do { auto* __isolate__ = (isolate); __isolate__->Throw(*__isolate__
->factory()->NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kInvalid, isolate
->factory()->collation_string(), isolate->factory()->
NewStringFromAsciiChecked( collation_str.get()))); return MaybeHandle
<JSCollator>(); } while (false)
324 NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kInvalid,do { auto* __isolate__ = (isolate); __isolate__->Throw(*__isolate__
->factory()->NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kInvalid, isolate
->factory()->collation_string(), isolate->factory()->
NewStringFromAsciiChecked( collation_str.get()))); return MaybeHandle
<JSCollator>(); } while (false)
325 isolate->factory()->collation_string(),do { auto* __isolate__ = (isolate); __isolate__->Throw(*__isolate__
->factory()->NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kInvalid, isolate
->factory()->collation_string(), isolate->factory()->
NewStringFromAsciiChecked( collation_str.get()))); return MaybeHandle
<JSCollator>(); } while (false)
326 isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(do { auto* __isolate__ = (isolate); __isolate__->Throw(*__isolate__
->factory()->NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kInvalid, isolate
->factory()->collation_string(), isolate->factory()->
NewStringFromAsciiChecked( collation_str.get()))); return MaybeHandle
<JSCollator>(); } while (false)
327 collation_str.get())),do { auto* __isolate__ = (isolate); __isolate__->Throw(*__isolate__
->factory()->NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kInvalid, isolate
->factory()->collation_string(), isolate->factory()->
NewStringFromAsciiChecked( collation_str.get()))); return MaybeHandle
<JSCollator>(); } while (false)
328 MaybeHandle<JSCollator>())do { auto* __isolate__ = (isolate); __isolate__->Throw(*__isolate__
->factory()->NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kInvalid, isolate
->factory()->collation_string(), isolate->factory()->
NewStringFromAsciiChecked( collation_str.get()))); return MaybeHandle
<JSCollator>(); } while (false)
329 }
330 }
331 // x. Set _opt_.[[co]] to _collation_.
333 // 11. Let numeric be ? GetOption(options, "numeric", "boolean",
334 // undefined, undefined).
335 // 12. If numeric is not undefined, then
336 // a. Let numeric be ! ToString(numeric).
337 //
338 // Note: We omit the ToString(numeric) operation as it's not
339 // observable. GetBoolOption returns a Boolean and
340 // ToString(Boolean) is not side-effecting.
341 //
342 // 13. Set opt.[[kn]] to numeric.
343 bool numeric;
344 Maybe<bool> found_numeric =
345 GetBoolOption(isolate, options, "numeric", service, &numeric);
346 MAYBE_RETURN(found_numeric, MaybeHandle<JSCollator>())do { if ((found_numeric).IsNothing()) return MaybeHandle<JSCollator
>(); } while (false)
348 // 14. Let caseFirst be ? GetOption(options, "caseFirst", "string",
349 // « "upper", "lower", "false" », undefined).
350 Maybe<CaseFirst> maybe_case_first = GetCaseFirst(isolate, options, service);
351 MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_case_first, MaybeHandle<JSCollator>())do { if ((maybe_case_first).IsNothing()) return MaybeHandle<
JSCollator>(); } while (false)
352 CaseFirst case_first = maybe_case_first.FromJust();
354 // The relevant unicode extensions accepted by Collator as specified here:
355 // https://tc39.github.io/ecma402/#sec-intl-collator-internal-slots
356 //
357 // 16. Let relevantExtensionKeys be %Collator%.[[RelevantExtensionKeys]].
358 std::set<std::string> relevant_extension_keys{"co", "kn", "kf"};
360 // 17. Let r be ResolveLocale(%Collator%.[[AvailableLocales]],
361 // requestedLocales, opt, %Collator%.[[RelevantExtensionKeys]],
362 // localeData).
363 Maybe<Intl::ResolvedLocale> maybe_resolve_locale =
364 Intl::ResolveLocale(isolate, JSCollator::GetAvailableLocales(),
365 requested_locales, matcher, relevant_extension_keys);
366 if (maybe_resolve_locale.IsNothing()) {
367 THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kIcuError),do { auto* __isolate__ = (isolate); return __isolate__->template
(MessageTemplate::kIcuError)); } while (false)
368 JSCollator)do { auto* __isolate__ = (isolate); return __isolate__->template
(MessageTemplate::kIcuError)); } while (false)
369 }
370 Intl::ResolvedLocale r = maybe_resolve_locale.FromJust();
372 // 18. Set collator.[[Locale]] to r.[[locale]].
373 icu::Locale icu_locale = r.icu_locale;
374 DCHECK(!icu_locale.isBogus())((void) 0);
376 // 19. Let collation be r.[[co]].
377 UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
378 if (collation_str != nullptr) {
379 auto co_extension_it = r.extensions.find("co");
380 if (co_extension_it != r.extensions.end() &&
381 co_extension_it->second != collation_str.get()) {
382 icu_locale.setUnicodeKeywordValue("co", nullptr, status);
383 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
384 }
385 }
387 // 5. Set collator.[[Usage]] to usage.
388 //
389 // 6. If usage is "sort", then
390 // a. Let localeData be %Collator%.[[SortLocaleData]].
391 // 7. Else,
392 // a. Let localeData be %Collator%.[[SearchLocaleData]].
393 //
394 // The Intl spec doesn't allow us to use "search" as an extension
395 // value for collation as per:
396 // https://tc39.github.io/ecma402/#sec-intl-collator-internal-slots
397 //
398 // But the only way to pass the value "search" for collation from
399 // the options object to ICU is to use the 'co' extension keyword.
400 //
401 // This will need to be filtered out when creating the
402 // resolvedOptions object.
403 if (usage == Usage::SEARCH) {
404 UErrorCode set_status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
405 icu_locale.setUnicodeKeywordValue("co", "search", set_status);
406 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(set_status))((void) 0);
407 } else {
408 if (collation_str != nullptr &&
409 Intl::IsValidCollation(icu_locale, collation_str.get())) {
410 icu_locale.setUnicodeKeywordValue("co", collation_str.get(), status);
411 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
412 }
413 }
415 // 20. If collation is null, let collation be "default".
416 // 21. Set collator.[[Collation]] to collation.
417 //
418 // We don't store the collation value as per the above two steps
419 // here. The collation value can be looked up from icu::Collator on
420 // demand, as part of Intl.Collator.prototype.resolvedOptions.
422 std::unique_ptr<icu::Collator> icu_collator(
423 icu::Collator::createInstance(icu_locale, status));
424 if (U_FAILURE(status) || icu_collator.get() == nullptr) {
425 status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
426 // Remove extensions and try again.
427 icu::Locale no_extension_locale(icu_locale.getBaseName());
428 icu_collator.reset(
429 icu::Collator::createInstance(no_extension_locale, status));
431 if (U_FAILURE(status) || icu_collator.get() == nullptr) {
432 THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kIcuError),do { auto* __isolate__ = (isolate); return __isolate__->template
(MessageTemplate::kIcuError)); } while (false)
433 JSCollator)do { auto* __isolate__ = (isolate); return __isolate__->template
(MessageTemplate::kIcuError)); } while (false)
434 }
435 }
436 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
438 icu::Locale collator_locale(
439 icu_collator->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, status));
441 // 22. If relevantExtensionKeys contains "kn", then
442 // a. Set collator.[[Numeric]] to ! SameValue(r.[[kn]], "true").
443 //
444 // If the numeric value is passed in through the options object,
445 // then we use it. Otherwise, we check if the numeric value is
446 // passed in through the unicode extensions.
447 status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Value stored to 'status' is never read
448 if (found_numeric.FromJust()) {
449 SetNumericOption(icu_collator.get(), numeric);
450 } else {
451 auto kn_extension_it = r.extensions.find("kn");
452 if (kn_extension_it != r.extensions.end()) {
453 SetNumericOption(icu_collator.get(), (kn_extension_it->second == "true"));
454 }
455 }
457 // 23. If relevantExtensionKeys contains "kf", then
458 // a. Set collator.[[CaseFirst]] to r.[[kf]].
459 //
460 // If the caseFirst value is passed in through the options object,
461 // then we use it. Otherwise, we check if the caseFirst value is
462 // passed in through the unicode extensions.
463 if (case_first != CaseFirst::kUndefined) {
464 SetCaseFirstOption(icu_collator.get(), case_first);
465 } else {
466 auto kf_extension_it = r.extensions.find("kf");
467 if (kf_extension_it != r.extensions.end()) {
468 SetCaseFirstOption(icu_collator.get(),
469 ToCaseFirst(kf_extension_it->second.c_str()));
470 }
471 }
473 // Normalization is always on, by the spec. We are free to optimize
474 // if the strings are already normalized (but we don't have a way to tell
475 // that right now).
476 status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
477 icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, UCOL_ON, status);
478 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
480 // 24. Let sensitivity be ? GetOption(options, "sensitivity",
481 // "string", « "base", "accent", "case", "variant" », undefined).
482 Maybe<Sensitivity> maybe_sensitivity =
483 GetStringOption<Sensitivity>(isolate, options, "sensitivity", service,
484 {"base", "accent", "case", "variant"},
485 {Sensitivity::kBase, Sensitivity::kAccent,
486 Sensitivity::kCase, Sensitivity::kVariant},
487 Sensitivity::kUndefined);
488 MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_sensitivity, MaybeHandle<JSCollator>())do { if ((maybe_sensitivity).IsNothing()) return MaybeHandle<
JSCollator>(); } while (false)
489 Sensitivity sensitivity = maybe_sensitivity.FromJust();
491 // 25. If sensitivity is undefined, then
492 if (sensitivity == Sensitivity::kUndefined) {
493 // 25. a. If usage is "sort", then
494 if (usage == Usage::SORT) {
495 // 25. a. i. Let sensitivity be "variant".
496 sensitivity = Sensitivity::kVariant;
497 }
498 }
499 // 26. Set collator.[[Sensitivity]] to sensitivity.
500 switch (sensitivity) {
501 case Sensitivity::kBase:
502 icu_collator->setStrength(icu::Collator::PRIMARY);
503 break;
504 case Sensitivity::kAccent:
505 icu_collator->setStrength(icu::Collator::SECONDARY);
506 break;
507 case Sensitivity::kCase:
508 icu_collator->setStrength(icu::Collator::PRIMARY);
509 status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
510 icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_CASE_LEVEL, UCOL_ON, status);
511 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
512 break;
513 case Sensitivity::kVariant:
514 icu_collator->setStrength(icu::Collator::TERTIARY);
515 break;
516 case Sensitivity::kUndefined:
517 break;
518 }
520 // 27.Let ignorePunctuation be ? GetOption(options,
521 // "ignorePunctuation", "boolean", undefined, false).
522 bool ignore_punctuation;
523 Maybe<bool> found_ignore_punctuation = GetBoolOption(
524 isolate, options, "ignorePunctuation", service, &ignore_punctuation);
525 MAYBE_RETURN(found_ignore_punctuation, MaybeHandle<JSCollator>())do { if ((found_ignore_punctuation).IsNothing()) return MaybeHandle
<JSCollator>(); } while (false)
527 // 28. Set collator.[[IgnorePunctuation]] to ignorePunctuation.
528 if (found_ignore_punctuation.FromJust() && ignore_punctuation) {
529 status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
530 icu_collator->setAttribute(UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING, UCOL_SHIFTED, status);
531 DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status))((void) 0);
532 }
534 Handle<Managed<icu::Collator>> managed_collator =
535 Managed<icu::Collator>::FromUniquePtr(isolate, 0,
536 std::move(icu_collator));
538 // We only need to do so if it is different from the collator would return.
539 Handle<String> locale_str = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(
540 (collator_locale != icu_locale) ? r.locale.c_str() : "");
541 // Now all properties are ready, so we can allocate the result object.
542 Handle<JSCollator> collator = Handle<JSCollator>::cast(
543 isolate->factory()->NewFastOrSlowJSObjectFromMap(map));
544 DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
545 collator->set_icu_collator(*managed_collator);
546 collator->set_locale(*locale_str);
548 // 29. Return collator.
549 return collator;
552namespace {
554class CollatorAvailableLocales {
555 public:
556 CollatorAvailableLocales() {
557 int32_t num_locales = 0;
558 const icu::Locale* icu_available_locales =
559 icu::Collator::getAvailableLocales(num_locales);
560 std::vector<std::string> locales;
561 for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_locales; ++i) {
562 locales.push_back(
563 Intl::ToLanguageTag(icu_available_locales[i]).FromJust());
564 }
565#define U_ICUDATA_COLL U_ICUDATA_NAME"icudt" "71" "l" U_TREE_SEPARATOR_STRING"-" "coll"
566 set_ = Intl::BuildLocaleSet(locales, U_ICUDATA_COLL, nullptr);
567#undef U_ICUDATA_COLL
568 }
569 virtual ~CollatorAvailableLocales() = default;
570 const std::set<std::string>& Get() const { return set_; }
572 private:
573 std::set<std::string> set_;
576} // namespace
578const std::set<std::string>& JSCollator::GetAvailableLocales() {
579 static base::LazyInstance<CollatorAvailableLocales>::type available_locales =
580 LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER{ { 0 }, { {} } };
581 return available_locales.Pointer()->Get();
584} // namespace internal
585} // namespace v8