Bug Summary

Warning:line 1603, column 35
Called function pointer is null (null dereference)

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name liftoff-compiler.cc -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=cplusplus -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -pic-is-pie -mframe-pointer=all -relaxed-aliasing -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/home/maurizio/node-v18.6.0/out -resource-dir /usr/local/lib/clang/16.0.0 -D _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1 -D NODE_OPENSSL_CONF_NAME=nodejs_conf -D NODE_OPENSSL_HAS_QUIC -D V8_GYP_BUILD -D V8_TYPED_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE_IN_HEAP=64 -D __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D OPENSSL_NO_PINSHARED -D OPENSSL_THREADS -D V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 -D V8_HAVE_TARGET_OS -D V8_TARGET_OS_LINUX -D V8_EMBEDDER_STRING="-node.8" -D ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER -D V8_PROMISE_INTERNAL_FIELD_COUNT=1 -D V8_SHORT_BUILTIN_CALLS -D OBJECT_PRINT -D V8_INTL_SUPPORT -D V8_ATOMIC_OBJECT_FIELD_WRITES -D V8_ENABLE_LAZY_SOURCE_POSITIONS -D V8_USE_SIPHASH -D V8_SHARED_RO_HEAP -D V8_WIN64_UNWINDING_INFO -D V8_ENABLE_REGEXP_INTERPRETER_THREADED_DISPATCH -D V8_SNAPSHOT_COMPRESSION -D V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY -D V8_ENABLE_JAVASCRIPT_PROMISE_HOOKS -D V8_ALLOCATION_FOLDING -D V8_ALLOCATION_SITE_TRACKING -D V8_SCRIPTORMODULE_LEGACY_LIFETIME -D V8_ADVANCED_BIGINT_ALGORITHMS -D ICU_UTIL_DATA_IMPL=ICU_UTIL_DATA_STATIC -D UCONFIG_NO_SERVICE=1 -D U_ENABLE_DYLOAD=0 -D U_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION=1 -D U_HAVE_STD_STRING=1 -D UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION=0 -I ../deps/v8 -I ../deps/v8/include -I /home/maurizio/node-v18.6.0/out/Release/obj/gen/inspector-generated-output-root -I ../deps/v8/third_party/inspector_protocol -I /home/maurizio/node-v18.6.0/out/Release/obj/gen -I /home/maurizio/node-v18.6.0/out/Release/obj/gen/generate-bytecode-output-root -I ../deps/icu-small/source/i18n -I ../deps/icu-small/source/common -I ../deps/v8/third_party/zlib -I ../deps/v8/third_party/zlib/google -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/../../../../include/c++/8 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/../../../../include/c++/8/x86_64-redhat-linux -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/../../../../include/c++/8/backward -internal-isystem /usr/local/lib/clang/16.0.0/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/../../../../x86_64-redhat-linux/include -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O3 -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-return-type -std=gnu++17 -fdeprecated-macro -fdebug-compilation-dir=/home/maurizio/node-v18.6.0/out -ferror-limit 19 -fno-rtti -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /tmp/scan-build-2022-08-22-142216-507842-1 -x c++ ../deps/v8/src/wasm/baseline/liftoff-compiler.cc
1// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "src/wasm/baseline/liftoff-compiler.h"
7#include "src/base/enum-set.h"
8#include "src/base/optional.h"
9#include "src/base/platform/wrappers.h"
10#include "src/codegen/assembler-inl.h"
11// TODO(clemensb): Remove dependences on compiler stuff.
12#include "src/codegen/external-reference.h"
13#include "src/codegen/interface-descriptors-inl.h"
14#include "src/codegen/machine-type.h"
15#include "src/codegen/macro-assembler-inl.h"
16#include "src/compiler/linkage.h"
17#include "src/compiler/wasm-compiler.h"
18#include "src/logging/counters.h"
19#include "src/logging/log.h"
20#include "src/objects/smi.h"
21#include "src/tracing/trace-event.h"
22#include "src/utils/ostreams.h"
23#include "src/utils/utils.h"
24#include "src/wasm/baseline/liftoff-assembler.h"
25#include "src/wasm/baseline/liftoff-register.h"
26#include "src/wasm/function-body-decoder-impl.h"
27#include "src/wasm/function-compiler.h"
28#include "src/wasm/memory-tracing.h"
29#include "src/wasm/object-access.h"
30#include "src/wasm/simd-shuffle.h"
31#include "src/wasm/wasm-debug.h"
32#include "src/wasm/wasm-engine.h"
33#include "src/wasm/wasm-linkage.h"
34#include "src/wasm/wasm-objects.h"
35#include "src/wasm/wasm-opcodes-inl.h"
37namespace v8 {
38namespace internal {
39namespace wasm {
41constexpr auto kRegister = LiftoffAssembler::VarState::kRegister;
42constexpr auto kIntConst = LiftoffAssembler::VarState::kIntConst;
43constexpr auto kStack = LiftoffAssembler::VarState::kStack;
45namespace {
47#define __ asm_.
49#define TRACE(...) \
50 do { \
51 if (FLAG_trace_liftoff) PrintF("[liftoff] " __VA_ARGS__); \
52 } while (false)
55 ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmInstanceObject::k##name##Offset)
57template <int expected_size, int actual_size>
58struct assert_field_size {
59 static_assert(expected_size == actual_size,
60 "field in WasmInstance does not have the expected size");
61 static constexpr int size = actual_size;
65 FIELD_SIZE(WasmInstanceObject::k##name##Offset)(WasmInstanceObject::k##name##OffsetEnd + 1 - WasmInstanceObject
67#define LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(dst, name, load_size, pinned) \
68 __ LoadFromInstance(dst, LoadInstanceIntoRegister(pinned, dst), \
70 assert_field_size<WASM_INSTANCE_OBJECT_FIELD_SIZE(name), \
71 load_size>::size);
73#define LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(dst, name, pinned) \
74 static_assert(WASM_INSTANCE_OBJECT_FIELD_SIZE(name) == kTaggedSize, \
75 "field in WasmInstance does not have the expected size"); \
76 __ LoadTaggedPointerFromInstance(dst, LoadInstanceIntoRegister(pinned, dst), \
80#define CODE_COMMENT(str) \
81 do { \
82 __ RecordComment(str); \
83 } while (false)
85#define CODE_COMMENT(str) ((void)0)
88constexpr LoadType::LoadTypeValue kPointerLoadType =
89 kSystemPointerSize == 8 ? LoadType::kI64Load : LoadType::kI32Load;
91constexpr ValueKind kPointerKind = LiftoffAssembler::kPointerKind;
92constexpr ValueKind kSmiKind = LiftoffAssembler::kSmiKind;
93constexpr ValueKind kTaggedKind = LiftoffAssembler::kTaggedKind;
95// Used to construct fixed-size signatures: MakeSig::Returns(...).Params(...);
96using MakeSig = FixedSizeSignature<ValueKind>;
99// On ARM64, the Assembler keeps track of pointers to Labels to resolve
100// branches to distant targets. Moving labels would confuse the Assembler,
101// thus store the label on the heap and keep a unique_ptr.
102class MovableLabel {
103 public:
104 MOVE_ONLY_NO_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR(MovableLabel)MovableLabel(MovableLabel&&) noexcept = default; MovableLabel
& operator=(MovableLabel&&) noexcept = default; MovableLabel
(const MovableLabel&) = delete; MovableLabel& operator
=(const MovableLabel&) = delete
105 MovableLabel() : label_(new Label()) {}
107 Label* get() { return label_.get(); }
109 private:
110 std::unique_ptr<Label> label_;
113// On all other platforms, just store the Label directly.
114class MovableLabel {
115 public:
116 MOVE_ONLY_WITH_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTORS(MovableLabel)MovableLabel() = default; MovableLabel(MovableLabel&&
) noexcept = default; MovableLabel& operator=(MovableLabel
&&) noexcept = default; MovableLabel(const MovableLabel
&) = delete; MovableLabel& operator=(const MovableLabel
&) = delete
118 Label* get() { return &label_; }
120 private:
121 Label label_;
125compiler::CallDescriptor* GetLoweredCallDescriptor(
126 Zone* zone, compiler::CallDescriptor* call_desc) {
127 return kSystemPointerSize == 4
128 ? compiler::GetI32WasmCallDescriptor(zone, call_desc)
129 : call_desc;
132constexpr LiftoffRegList GetGpParamRegisters() {
133 LiftoffRegList registers;
134 for (auto reg : kGpParamRegisters) registers.set(reg);
135 return registers;
138constexpr LiftoffCondition GetCompareCondition(WasmOpcode opcode) {
139 switch (opcode) {
140 case kExprI32Eq:
141 return kEqual;
142 case kExprI32Ne:
143 return kUnequal;
144 case kExprI32LtS:
145 return kSignedLessThan;
146 case kExprI32LtU:
147 return kUnsignedLessThan;
148 case kExprI32GtS:
149 return kSignedGreaterThan;
150 case kExprI32GtU:
151 return kUnsignedGreaterThan;
152 case kExprI32LeS:
153 return kSignedLessEqual;
154 case kExprI32LeU:
155 return kUnsignedLessEqual;
156 case kExprI32GeS:
157 return kSignedGreaterEqual;
158 case kExprI32GeU:
159 return kUnsignedGreaterEqual;
160 default:
161 UNREACHABLE()V8_Fatal("unreachable code");
162 }
165// Builds a {DebugSideTable}.
166class DebugSideTableBuilder {
167 using Entry = DebugSideTable::Entry;
168 using Value = Entry::Value;
170 public:
171 enum AssumeSpilling {
172 // All register values will be spilled before the pc covered by the debug
173 // side table entry. Register slots will be marked as stack slots in the
174 // generated debug side table entry.
175 kAssumeSpilling,
176 // Register slots will be written out as they are.
177 kAllowRegisters,
178 // Register slots cannot appear since we already spilled.
179 kDidSpill
180 };
182 class EntryBuilder {
183 public:
184 explicit EntryBuilder(int pc_offset, int stack_height,
185 std::vector<Value> changed_values)
186 : pc_offset_(pc_offset),
187 stack_height_(stack_height),
188 changed_values_(std::move(changed_values)) {}
190 Entry ToTableEntry() {
191 return Entry{pc_offset_, stack_height_, std::move(changed_values_)};
192 }
194 void MinimizeBasedOnPreviousStack(const std::vector<Value>& last_values) {
195 auto dst = changed_values_.begin();
196 auto end = changed_values_.end();
197 for (auto src = dst; src != end; ++src) {
198 if (src->index < static_cast<int>(last_values.size()) &&
199 *src == last_values[src->index]) {
200 continue;
201 }
202 if (dst != src) *dst = *src;
203 ++dst;
204 }
205 changed_values_.erase(dst, end);
206 }
208 int pc_offset() const { return pc_offset_; }
209 void set_pc_offset(int new_pc_offset) { pc_offset_ = new_pc_offset; }
211 private:
212 int pc_offset_;
213 int stack_height_;
214 std::vector<Value> changed_values_;
215 };
217 // Adds a new entry in regular code.
218 void NewEntry(int pc_offset,
219 base::Vector<DebugSideTable::Entry::Value> values) {
220 entries_.emplace_back(pc_offset, static_cast<int>(values.size()),
221 GetChangedStackValues(last_values_, values));
222 }
224 // Adds a new entry for OOL code, and returns a pointer to a builder for
225 // modifying that entry.
226 EntryBuilder* NewOOLEntry(base::Vector<DebugSideTable::Entry::Value> values) {
227 constexpr int kNoPcOffsetYet = -1;
228 ool_entries_.emplace_back(kNoPcOffsetYet, static_cast<int>(values.size()),
229 GetChangedStackValues(last_ool_values_, values));
230 return &ool_entries_.back();
231 }
233 void SetNumLocals(int num_locals) {
234 DCHECK_EQ(-1, num_locals_)((void) 0);
235 DCHECK_LE(0, num_locals)((void) 0);
236 num_locals_ = num_locals;
237 }
239 std::unique_ptr<DebugSideTable> GenerateDebugSideTable() {
240 DCHECK_LE(0, num_locals_)((void) 0);
242 // Connect {entries_} and {ool_entries_} by removing redundant stack
243 // information from the first {ool_entries_} entry (based on
244 // {last_values_}).
245 if (!entries_.empty() && !ool_entries_.empty()) {
246 ool_entries_.front().MinimizeBasedOnPreviousStack(last_values_);
247 }
249 std::vector<Entry> entries;
250 entries.reserve(entries_.size() + ool_entries_.size());
251 for (auto& entry : entries_) entries.push_back(entry.ToTableEntry());
252 for (auto& entry : ool_entries_) entries.push_back(entry.ToTableEntry());
253 DCHECK(std::is_sorted(((void) 0)
254 entries.begin(), entries.end(),((void) 0)
255 [](Entry& a, Entry& b) { return a.pc_offset() < b.pc_offset(); }))((void) 0);
256 return std::make_unique<DebugSideTable>(num_locals_, std::move(entries));
257 }
259 private:
260 static std::vector<Value> GetChangedStackValues(
261 std::vector<Value>& last_values,
262 base::Vector<DebugSideTable::Entry::Value> values) {
263 std::vector<Value> changed_values;
264 int old_stack_size = static_cast<int>(last_values.size());
265 last_values.resize(values.size());
267 int index = 0;
268 for (const auto& value : values) {
269 if (index >= old_stack_size || last_values[index] != value) {
270 changed_values.push_back(value);
271 last_values[index] = value;
272 }
273 ++index;
274 }
275 return changed_values;
276 }
278 int num_locals_ = -1;
279 // Keep a snapshot of the stack of the last entry, to generate a delta to the
280 // next entry.
281 std::vector<Value> last_values_;
282 std::vector<EntryBuilder> entries_;
283 // Keep OOL code entries separate so we can do proper delta-encoding (more
284 // entries might be added between the existing {entries_} and the
285 // {ool_entries_}). Store the entries in a list so the pointer is not
286 // invalidated by adding more entries.
287 std::vector<Value> last_ool_values_;
288 std::list<EntryBuilder> ool_entries_;
291void CheckBailoutAllowed(LiftoffBailoutReason reason, const char* detail,
292 const CompilationEnv* env) {
293 // Decode errors are ok.
294 if (reason == kDecodeError) return;
296 // --liftoff-only ensures that tests actually exercise the Liftoff path
297 // without bailing out. We also fail for missing CPU support, to avoid
298 // running any TurboFan code under --liftoff-only.
299 if (FLAG_liftoff_only) {
300 FATAL("--liftoff-only: treating bailout as fatal error. Cause: %s", detail)V8_Fatal("--liftoff-only: treating bailout as fatal error. Cause: %s"
, detail)
301 }
303 // Missing CPU features are generally OK, except with --liftoff-only.
304 if (reason == kMissingCPUFeature) return;
306 // If --enable-testing-opcode-in-wasm is set, we are expected to bailout with
307 // "testing opcode".
308 if (FLAG_enable_testing_opcode_in_wasm &&
309 strcmp(detail, "testing opcode") == 0) {
310 return;
311 }
313 // Some externally maintained architectures don't fully implement Liftoff yet.
316 return;
320 // Allow bailout for missing ARMv7 support.
321 if (!CpuFeatures::IsSupported(ARMv7) && reason == kUnsupportedArchitecture) {
322 return;
323 }
326#define LIST_FEATURE(name, ...) kFeature_##name,
327 constexpr WasmFeatures kExperimentalFeatures{
328 FOREACH_WASM_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURE_FLAG(LIST_FEATURE)LIST_FEATURE(compilation_hints, "compilation hints section", false
) LIST_FEATURE(gc, "garbage collection", false) LIST_FEATURE(
nn_locals, "allow non-defaultable/non-nullable locals, validated with 'until end of "
"block' semantics", false) LIST_FEATURE(unsafe_nn_locals, "allow non-defaultable/non-nullable locals, no validation"
, false) LIST_FEATURE(assume_ref_cast_succeeds, "assume ref.cast always succeeds and skip the related type check "
"(unsafe)", false) LIST_FEATURE(skip_null_checks, "skip null checks for call.ref and array and struct operations (unsafe)"
, false) LIST_FEATURE(skip_bounds_checks, "skip array bounds checks (unsafe)"
, false) LIST_FEATURE(typed_funcref, "typed function references"
, false) LIST_FEATURE(memory64, "memory64", false) LIST_FEATURE
(relaxed_simd, "relaxed simd", false) LIST_FEATURE(branch_hinting
, "branch hinting", false) LIST_FEATURE(stack_switching, "stack switching"
, false) LIST_FEATURE(extended_const, "extended constant expressions"
, false)
329#undef LIST_FEATURE
331 // Bailout is allowed if any experimental feature is enabled.
332 if (env->enabled_features.contains_any(kExperimentalFeatures)) return;
334 // Otherwise, bailout is not allowed.
335 FATAL("Liftoff bailout should not happen. Cause: %s\n", detail)V8_Fatal("Liftoff bailout should not happen. Cause: %s\n", detail
338class LiftoffCompiler {
339 public:
340 // TODO(clemensb): Make this a template parameter.
341 static constexpr Decoder::ValidateFlag validate = Decoder::kBooleanValidation;
343 using Value = ValueBase<validate>;
345 struct ElseState {
346 MovableLabel label;
347 LiftoffAssembler::CacheState state;
348 };
350 struct TryInfo {
351 TryInfo() = default;
352 LiftoffAssembler::CacheState catch_state;
353 Label catch_label;
354 bool catch_reached = false;
355 bool in_handler = false;
356 };
358 struct Control : public ControlBase<Value, validate> {
359 std::unique_ptr<ElseState> else_state;
360 LiftoffAssembler::CacheState label_state;
361 MovableLabel label;
362 std::unique_ptr<TryInfo> try_info;
363 // Number of exceptions on the stack below this control.
364 int num_exceptions = 0;
366 MOVE_ONLY_NO_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR(Control)Control(Control&&) noexcept = default; Control& operator
=(Control&&) noexcept = default; Control(const Control
&) = delete; Control& operator=(const Control&) =
368 template <typename... Args>
369 explicit Control(Args&&... args) V8_NOEXCEPTnoexcept
370 : ControlBase(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
371 };
373 using FullDecoder = WasmFullDecoder<validate, LiftoffCompiler>;
374 using ValueKindSig = LiftoffAssembler::ValueKindSig;
376 class MostlySmallValueKindSig : public Signature<ValueKind> {
377 public:
378 MostlySmallValueKindSig(Zone* zone, const FunctionSig* sig)
379 : Signature<ValueKind>(sig->return_count(), sig->parameter_count(),
380 MakeKinds(inline_storage_, zone, sig)) {}
382 private:
383 static constexpr size_t kInlineStorage = 8;
385 static ValueKind* MakeKinds(ValueKind* storage, Zone* zone,
386 const FunctionSig* sig) {
387 const size_t size = sig->parameter_count() + sig->return_count();
388 if (V8_UNLIKELY(size > kInlineStorage)(__builtin_expect(!!(size > kInlineStorage), 0))) {
389 storage = zone->NewArray<ValueKind>(size);
390 }
391 std::transform(sig->all().begin(), sig->all().end(), storage,
392 [](ValueType type) { return type.kind(); });
393 return storage;
394 }
396 ValueKind inline_storage_[kInlineStorage];
397 };
399 // For debugging, we need to spill registers before a trap or a stack check to
400 // be able to inspect them.
401 struct SpilledRegistersForInspection : public ZoneObject {
402 struct Entry {
403 int offset;
404 LiftoffRegister reg;
405 ValueKind kind;
406 };
407 ZoneVector<Entry> entries;
409 explicit SpilledRegistersForInspection(Zone* zone) : entries(zone) {}
410 };
412 struct OutOfLineSafepointInfo {
413 ZoneVector<int> slots;
414 LiftoffRegList spills;
416 explicit OutOfLineSafepointInfo(Zone* zone) : slots(zone) {}
417 };
419 struct OutOfLineCode {
420 MovableLabel label;
421 MovableLabel continuation;
422 WasmCode::RuntimeStubId stub;
423 WasmCodePosition position;
424 LiftoffRegList regs_to_save;
425 Register cached_instance;
426 OutOfLineSafepointInfo* safepoint_info;
427 uint32_t pc; // for trap handler.
428 // These two pointers will only be used for debug code:
429 SpilledRegistersForInspection* spilled_registers;
430 DebugSideTableBuilder::EntryBuilder* debug_sidetable_entry_builder;
432 // Named constructors:
433 static OutOfLineCode Trap(
434 WasmCode::RuntimeStubId s, WasmCodePosition pos,
435 SpilledRegistersForInspection* spilled_registers,
436 OutOfLineSafepointInfo* safepoint_info, uint32_t pc,
437 DebugSideTableBuilder::EntryBuilder* debug_sidetable_entry_builder) {
438 DCHECK_LT(0, pos)((void) 0);
439 return {
440 {}, // label
441 {}, // continuation
442 s, // stub
443 pos, // position
444 {}, // regs_to_save
445 no_reg, // cached_instance
446 safepoint_info, // safepoint_info
447 pc, // pc
448 spilled_registers, // spilled_registers
449 debug_sidetable_entry_builder // debug_side_table_entry_builder
450 };
451 }
452 static OutOfLineCode StackCheck(
453 WasmCodePosition pos, LiftoffRegList regs_to_save,
454 Register cached_instance, SpilledRegistersForInspection* spilled_regs,
455 OutOfLineSafepointInfo* safepoint_info,
456 DebugSideTableBuilder::EntryBuilder* debug_sidetable_entry_builder) {
457 return {
458 {}, // label
459 {}, // continuation
460 WasmCode::kWasmStackGuard, // stub
461 pos, // position
462 regs_to_save, // regs_to_save
463 cached_instance, // cached_instance
464 safepoint_info, // safepoint_info
465 0, // pc
466 spilled_regs, // spilled_registers
467 debug_sidetable_entry_builder // debug_side_table_entry_builder
468 };
469 }
470 static OutOfLineCode TierupCheck(
471 WasmCodePosition pos, LiftoffRegList regs_to_save,
472 Register cached_instance, SpilledRegistersForInspection* spilled_regs,
473 OutOfLineSafepointInfo* safepoint_info,
474 DebugSideTableBuilder::EntryBuilder* debug_sidetable_entry_builder) {
475 return {
476 {}, // label
477 {}, // continuation,
478 WasmCode::kWasmTriggerTierUp, // stub
479 pos, // position
480 regs_to_save, // regs_to_save
481 cached_instance, // cached_instance
482 safepoint_info, // safepoint_info
483 0, // pc
484 spilled_regs, // spilled_registers
485 debug_sidetable_entry_builder // debug_side_table_entry_builder
486 };
487 }
488 };
490 LiftoffCompiler(compiler::CallDescriptor* call_descriptor,
491 CompilationEnv* env, Zone* compilation_zone,
492 std::unique_ptr<AssemblerBuffer> buffer,
493 DebugSideTableBuilder* debug_sidetable_builder,
494 ForDebugging for_debugging, int func_index,
495 base::Vector<const int> breakpoints = {},
496 int dead_breakpoint = 0, int32_t* max_steps = nullptr,
497 int32_t* nondeterminism = nullptr)
498 : asm_(std::move(buffer)),
499 descriptor_(
500 GetLoweredCallDescriptor(compilation_zone, call_descriptor)),
501 env_(env),
502 debug_sidetable_builder_(debug_sidetable_builder),
503 for_debugging_(for_debugging),
504 func_index_(func_index),
505 out_of_line_code_(compilation_zone),
506 source_position_table_builder_(compilation_zone),
507 protected_instructions_(compilation_zone),
508 compilation_zone_(compilation_zone),
509 safepoint_table_builder_(compilation_zone_),
510 next_breakpoint_ptr_(breakpoints.begin()),
511 next_breakpoint_end_(breakpoints.end()),
512 dead_breakpoint_(dead_breakpoint),
513 handlers_(compilation_zone),
514 max_steps_(max_steps),
515 nondeterminism_(nondeterminism) {
516 if (breakpoints.empty()) {
517 next_breakpoint_ptr_ = next_breakpoint_end_ = nullptr;
518 }
519 }
521 bool did_bailout() const { return bailout_reason_ != kSuccess; }
522 LiftoffBailoutReason bailout_reason() const { return bailout_reason_; }
524 void GetCode(CodeDesc* desc) {
525 asm_.GetCode(nullptr, desc, &safepoint_table_builder_,
526 handler_table_offset_);
527 }
529 std::unique_ptr<AssemblerBuffer> ReleaseBuffer() {
530 return asm_.ReleaseBuffer();
531 }
533 base::OwnedVector<uint8_t> GetSourcePositionTable() {
534 return source_position_table_builder_.ToSourcePositionTableVector();
535 }
537 base::OwnedVector<uint8_t> GetProtectedInstructionsData() const {
538 return base::OwnedVector<uint8_t>::Of(base::Vector<const uint8_t>::cast(
539 base::VectorOf(protected_instructions_)));
540 }
542 uint32_t GetTotalFrameSlotCountForGC() const {
543 return __ GetTotalFrameSlotCountForGC();
544 }
546 int GetFeedbackVectorSlots() const {
547 // The number of instructions is capped by max function size.
548 STATIC_ASSERT(kV8MaxWasmFunctionSize < std::numeric_limits<int>::max())static_assert(kV8MaxWasmFunctionSize < std::numeric_limits
<int>::max(), "kV8MaxWasmFunctionSize < std::numeric_limits<int>::max()"
549 return static_cast<int>(num_call_instructions_) * 2;
550 }
552 void unsupported(FullDecoder* decoder, LiftoffBailoutReason reason,
553 const char* detail) {
554 DCHECK_NE(kSuccess, reason)((void) 0);
555 if (did_bailout()) return;
556 bailout_reason_ = reason;
557 TRACE("unsupported: %s\n", detail);
558 decoder->errorf(decoder->pc_offset(), "unsupported liftoff operation: %s",
559 detail);
560 UnuseLabels(decoder);
561 CheckBailoutAllowed(reason, detail, env_);
562 }
564 bool DidAssemblerBailout(FullDecoder* decoder) {
565 if (decoder->failed() || !__ did_bailout()) return false;
566 unsupported(decoder, __ bailout_reason(), __ bailout_detail());
567 return true;
568 }
570 V8_INLINEinline __attribute__((always_inline)) bool CheckSupportedType(FullDecoder* decoder, ValueKind kind,
571 const char* context) {
572 if (V8_LIKELY(supported_types_.contains(kind))(__builtin_expect(!!(supported_types_.contains(kind)), 1))) return true;
573 return MaybeBailoutForUnsupportedType(decoder, kind, context);
574 }
576 V8_NOINLINE__attribute__((noinline)) bool MaybeBailoutForUnsupportedType(FullDecoder* decoder,
577 ValueKind kind,
578 const char* context) {
579 DCHECK(!supported_types_.contains(kind))((void) 0);
581 // Lazily update {supported_types_}; then check again.
582 if (CpuFeatures::SupportsWasmSimd128()) supported_types_.Add(kS128);
583 if (supported_types_.contains(kind)) return true;
585 LiftoffBailoutReason bailout_reason;
586 switch (kind) {
587 case kS128:
588 bailout_reason = kMissingCPUFeature;
589 break;
590 case kRef:
591 case kOptRef:
592 case kRtt:
593 case kI8:
594 case kI16:
595 bailout_reason = kGC;
596 break;
597 default:
598 UNREACHABLE()V8_Fatal("unreachable code");
599 }
600 base::EmbeddedVector<char, 128> buffer;
601 SNPrintF(buffer, "%s %s", name(kind), context);
602 unsupported(decoder, bailout_reason, buffer.begin());
603 return false;
604 }
606 void UnuseLabels(FullDecoder* decoder) {
607#ifdef DEBUG
608 auto Unuse = [](Label* label) {
609 label->Unuse();
610 label->UnuseNear();
611 };
612 // Unuse all labels now, otherwise their destructor will fire a DCHECK error
613 // if they where referenced before.
614 uint32_t control_depth = decoder ? decoder->control_depth() : 0;
615 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < control_depth; ++i) {
616 Control* c = decoder->control_at(i);
617 Unuse(c->label.get());
618 if (c->else_state) Unuse(c->else_state->label.get());
619 if (c->try_info != nullptr) Unuse(&c->try_info->catch_label);
620 }
621 for (auto& ool : out_of_line_code_) Unuse(ool.label.get());
623 }
625 void StartFunction(FullDecoder* decoder) {
626 if (FLAG_trace_liftoff && !FLAG_trace_wasm_decoder) {
627 StdoutStream{} << "hint: add --trace-wasm-decoder to also see the wasm "
628 "instructions being decoded\n";
629 }
630 int num_locals = decoder->num_locals();
631 __ set_num_locals(num_locals);
632 for (int i = 0; i < num_locals; ++i) {
633 ValueKind kind = decoder->local_type(i).kind();
634 __ set_local_kind(i, kind);
635 }
636 }
638 constexpr static LiftoffRegList RegsUnusedByParams() {
639 LiftoffRegList regs = kGpCacheRegList;
640 for (auto reg : kGpParamRegisters) {
641 regs.clear(reg);
642 }
643 return regs;
644 }
646 // Returns the number of inputs processed (1 or 2).
647 uint32_t ProcessParameter(ValueKind kind, uint32_t input_idx) {
648 const bool needs_pair = needs_gp_reg_pair(kind);
649 const ValueKind reg_kind = needs_pair ? kI32 : kind;
650 const RegClass rc = reg_class_for(reg_kind);
652 auto LoadToReg = [this, reg_kind, rc](compiler::LinkageLocation location,
653 LiftoffRegList pinned) {
654 if (location.IsRegister()) {
655 DCHECK(!location.IsAnyRegister())((void) 0);
656 return LiftoffRegister::from_external_code(rc, reg_kind,
657 location.AsRegister());
658 }
659 DCHECK(location.IsCallerFrameSlot())((void) 0);
660 // For reference type parameters we have to use registers that were not
661 // used for parameters because some reference type stack parameters may
662 // get processed before some value type register parameters.
663 static constexpr auto kRegsUnusedByParams = RegsUnusedByParams();
664 LiftoffRegister reg = is_reference(reg_kind)
665 ? __ GetUnusedRegister(kRegsUnusedByParams)
666 : __ GetUnusedRegister(rc, pinned);
667 __ LoadCallerFrameSlot(reg, -location.AsCallerFrameSlot(), reg_kind);
668 return reg;
669 };
671 LiftoffRegister reg =
672 LoadToReg(descriptor_->GetInputLocation(input_idx), {});
673 if (needs_pair) {
674 LiftoffRegister reg2 = LoadToReg(
675 descriptor_->GetInputLocation(input_idx + 1), LiftoffRegList{reg});
676 reg = LiftoffRegister::ForPair(reg.gp(), reg2.gp());
677 }
678 __ PushRegister(kind, reg);
680 return needs_pair ? 2 : 1;
681 }
683 void StackCheck(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmCodePosition position) {
684 CODE_COMMENT("stack check");
685 if (!FLAG_wasm_stack_checks || !env_->runtime_exception_support) return;
687 // Loading the limit address can change the stack state, hence do this
688 // before storing information about registers.
689 Register limit_address = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {}).gp();
690 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(limit_address, StackLimitAddress, kSystemPointerSize,
691 {});
693 LiftoffRegList regs_to_save = __ cache_state()->used_registers;
694 // The cached instance will be reloaded separately.
695 if (__ cache_state()->cached_instance != no_reg) {
696 DCHECK(regs_to_save.has(__ cache_state()->cached_instance))((void) 0);
697 regs_to_save.clear(__ cache_state()->cached_instance);
698 }
699 SpilledRegistersForInspection* spilled_regs = nullptr;
701 OutOfLineSafepointInfo* safepoint_info =
702 compilation_zone_->New<OutOfLineSafepointInfo>(compilation_zone_);
703 __ cache_state()->GetTaggedSlotsForOOLCode(
704 &safepoint_info->slots, &safepoint_info->spills,
705 for_debugging_
706 ? LiftoffAssembler::CacheState::SpillLocation::kStackSlots
707 : LiftoffAssembler::CacheState::SpillLocation::kTopOfStack);
708 if (V8_UNLIKELY(for_debugging_)(__builtin_expect(!!(for_debugging_), 0))) {
709 // When debugging, we do not just push all registers to the stack, but we
710 // spill them to their proper stack locations such that we can inspect
711 // them.
712 // The only exception is the cached memory start, which we just push
713 // before the stack check and pop afterwards.
714 regs_to_save = {};
715 if (__ cache_state()->cached_mem_start != no_reg) {
716 regs_to_save.set(__ cache_state()->cached_mem_start);
717 }
718 spilled_regs = GetSpilledRegistersForInspection();
719 }
720 out_of_line_code_.push_back(OutOfLineCode::StackCheck(
721 position, regs_to_save, __ cache_state()->cached_instance, spilled_regs,
722 safepoint_info, RegisterOOLDebugSideTableEntry(decoder)));
723 OutOfLineCode& ool = out_of_line_code_.back();
724 __ StackCheck(ool.label.get(), limit_address);
725 __ bind(ool.continuation.get());
726 }
728 void TierupCheck(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmCodePosition position,
729 int budget_used) {
730 // We should always decrement the budget, and we don't expect integer
731 // overflows in the budget calculation.
732 DCHECK_LE(1, budget_used)((void) 0);
734 if (for_debugging_ != kNoDebugging) return;
735 CODE_COMMENT("tierup check");
736 // We never want to blow the entire budget at once.
737 const int kMax = FLAG_wasm_tiering_budget / 4;
738 if (budget_used > kMax) budget_used = kMax;
740 LiftoffRegister budget_reg = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {});
741 __ Fill(budget_reg, liftoff::kTierupBudgetOffset, ValueKind::kI32);
742 LiftoffRegList regs_to_save = __ cache_state()->used_registers;
743 // The cached instance will be reloaded separately.
744 if (__ cache_state()->cached_instance != no_reg) {
745 DCHECK(regs_to_save.has(__ cache_state()->cached_instance))((void) 0);
746 regs_to_save.clear(__ cache_state()->cached_instance);
747 }
748 SpilledRegistersForInspection* spilled_regs = nullptr;
750 OutOfLineSafepointInfo* safepoint_info =
751 compilation_zone_->New<OutOfLineSafepointInfo>(compilation_zone_);
752 __ cache_state()->GetTaggedSlotsForOOLCode(
753 &safepoint_info->slots, &safepoint_info->spills,
754 LiftoffAssembler::CacheState::SpillLocation::kTopOfStack);
755 out_of_line_code_.push_back(OutOfLineCode::TierupCheck(
756 position, regs_to_save, __ cache_state()->cached_instance, spilled_regs,
757 safepoint_info, RegisterOOLDebugSideTableEntry(decoder)));
758 OutOfLineCode& ool = out_of_line_code_.back();
759 __ emit_i32_subi_jump_negative(budget_reg.gp(), budget_used,
760 ool.label.get());
761 __ Spill(liftoff::kTierupBudgetOffset, budget_reg, ValueKind::kI32);
762 __ bind(ool.continuation.get());
763 }
765 bool SpillLocalsInitially(FullDecoder* decoder, uint32_t num_params) {
766 int actual_locals = __ num_locals() - num_params;
767 DCHECK_LE(0, actual_locals)((void) 0);
768 constexpr int kNumCacheRegisters = kLiftoffAssemblerGpCacheRegs.Count();
769 // If we have many locals, we put them on the stack initially. This avoids
770 // having to spill them on merge points. Use of these initial values should
771 // be rare anyway.
772 if (actual_locals > kNumCacheRegisters / 2) return true;
773 // If there are locals which are not i32 or i64, we also spill all locals,
774 // because other types cannot be initialized to constants.
775 for (uint32_t param_idx = num_params; param_idx < __ num_locals();
776 ++param_idx) {
777 ValueKind kind = __ local_kind(param_idx);
778 if (kind != kI32 && kind != kI64) return true;
779 }
780 return false;
781 }
783 void TraceFunctionEntry(FullDecoder* decoder) {
784 CODE_COMMENT("trace function entry");
785 __ SpillAllRegisters();
786 source_position_table_builder_.AddPosition(
787 __ pc_offset(), SourcePosition(decoder->position()), false);
788 __ CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmTraceEnter);
789 DefineSafepoint();
790 }
792 bool dynamic_tiering() {
793 return env_->dynamic_tiering == DynamicTiering::kEnabled &&
794 for_debugging_ == kNoDebugging &&
795 (FLAG_wasm_tier_up_filter == -1 ||
796 FLAG_wasm_tier_up_filter == func_index_);
797 }
799 void StartFunctionBody(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* block) {
800 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < __ num_locals(); ++i) {
801 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, __ local_kind(i), "param")) return;
802 }
804 // Parameter 0 is the instance parameter.
805 uint32_t num_params =
806 static_cast<uint32_t>(decoder->sig_->parameter_count());
808 __ CodeEntry();
810 __ EnterFrame(StackFrame::WASM);
811 __ set_has_frame(true);
812 pc_offset_stack_frame_construction_ = __ PrepareStackFrame();
813 // {PrepareStackFrame} is the first platform-specific assembler method.
814 // If this failed, we can bail out immediately, avoiding runtime overhead
815 // and potential failures because of other unimplemented methods.
816 // A platform implementing {PrepareStackFrame} must ensure that we can
817 // finish compilation without errors even if we hit unimplemented
818 // LiftoffAssembler methods.
819 if (DidAssemblerBailout(decoder)) return;
821 // Input 0 is the call target, the instance is at 1.
822 constexpr int kInstanceParameterIndex = 1;
823 // Check that {kWasmInstanceRegister} matches our call descriptor.
824 DCHECK_EQ(kWasmInstanceRegister,((void) 0)
825 Register::from_code(((void) 0)
826 descriptor_->GetInputLocation(kInstanceParameterIndex)((void) 0)
827 .AsRegister()))((void) 0);
828 __ cache_state()->SetInstanceCacheRegister(kWasmInstanceRegister);
829 // Load the feedback vector and cache it in a stack slot.
830 constexpr LiftoffRegList kGpParamRegisters = GetGpParamRegisters();
831 if (FLAG_wasm_speculative_inlining) {
832 CODE_COMMENT("load feedback vector");
833 int declared_func_index =
834 func_index_ - env_->module->num_imported_functions;
835 DCHECK_GE(declared_func_index, 0)((void) 0);
836 LiftoffRegList pinned = kGpParamRegisters;
837 LiftoffRegister tmp = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
838 __ LoadTaggedPointerFromInstance(
839 tmp.gp(), kWasmInstanceRegister,
841 __ LoadTaggedPointer(tmp.gp(), tmp.gp(), no_reg,
842 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(
843 declared_func_index),
844 pinned);
845 __ Spill(liftoff::kFeedbackVectorOffset, tmp, kPointerKind);
846 }
847 if (dynamic_tiering()) {
848 CODE_COMMENT("load tier up budget");
849 LiftoffRegList pinned = kGpParamRegisters;
850 LiftoffRegister tmp = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
851 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(tmp.gp(), TieringBudgetArray, kSystemPointerSize,
852 pinned);
853 uint32_t offset =
854 kInt32Size * declared_function_index(env_->module, func_index_);
855 __ Load(tmp, tmp.gp(), no_reg, offset, LoadType::kI32Load, pinned);
856 __ Spill(liftoff::kTierupBudgetOffset, tmp, ValueKind::kI32);
857 }
858 if (for_debugging_) __ ResetOSRTarget();
860 // Process parameters.
861 if (num_params) CODE_COMMENT("process parameters");
862 // Input 0 is the code target, 1 is the instance. First parameter at 2.
863 uint32_t input_idx = kInstanceParameterIndex + 1;
864 for (uint32_t param_idx = 0; param_idx < num_params; ++param_idx) {
865 input_idx += ProcessParameter(__ local_kind(param_idx), input_idx);
866 }
867 int params_size = __ TopSpillOffset();
868 DCHECK_EQ(input_idx, descriptor_->InputCount())((void) 0);
870 // Initialize locals beyond parameters.
871 if (num_params < __ num_locals()) CODE_COMMENT("init locals");
872 if (SpillLocalsInitially(decoder, num_params)) {
873 bool has_refs = false;
874 for (uint32_t param_idx = num_params; param_idx < __ num_locals();
875 ++param_idx) {
876 ValueKind kind = __ local_kind(param_idx);
877 has_refs |= is_reference(kind);
878 __ PushStack(kind);
879 }
880 int spill_size = __ TopSpillOffset() - params_size;
881 __ FillStackSlotsWithZero(params_size, spill_size);
883 // Initialize all reference type locals with ref.null.
884 if (has_refs) {
885 Register null_ref_reg = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {}).gp();
886 LoadNullValue(null_ref_reg, {});
887 for (uint32_t local_index = num_params; local_index < __ num_locals();
888 ++local_index) {
889 ValueKind kind = __ local_kind(local_index);
890 if (is_reference(kind)) {
891 __ Spill(__ cache_state()->stack_state[local_index].offset(),
892 LiftoffRegister(null_ref_reg), kind);
893 }
894 }
895 }
896 } else {
897 for (uint32_t param_idx = num_params; param_idx < __ num_locals();
898 ++param_idx) {
899 ValueKind kind = __ local_kind(param_idx);
900 // Anything which is not i32 or i64 requires spilling.
901 DCHECK(kind == kI32 || kind == kI64)((void) 0);
902 __ PushConstant(kind, int32_t{0});
903 }
904 }
906 DCHECK_EQ(__ num_locals(), __ cache_state()->stack_height())((void) 0);
908 if (V8_UNLIKELY(debug_sidetable_builder_)(__builtin_expect(!!(debug_sidetable_builder_), 0))) {
909 debug_sidetable_builder_->SetNumLocals(__ num_locals());
910 }
912 // The function-prologue stack check is associated with position 0, which
913 // is never a position of any instruction in the function.
914 StackCheck(decoder, 0);
916 if (FLAG_trace_wasm) TraceFunctionEntry(decoder);
917 }
919 void GenerateOutOfLineCode(OutOfLineCode* ool) {
921 (std::string("OOL: ") + GetRuntimeStubName(ool->stub)).c_str());
922 __ bind(ool->label.get());
923 const bool is_stack_check = ool->stub == WasmCode::kWasmStackGuard;
924 const bool is_tierup = ool->stub == WasmCode::kWasmTriggerTierUp;
926 // Only memory OOB traps need a {pc}, but not unconditionally. Static OOB
927 // accesses do not need protected instruction information, hence they also
928 // do not set {pc}.
929 DCHECK_IMPLIES(ool->stub != WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds,((void) 0)
930 ool->pc == 0)((void) 0);
932 if (env_->bounds_checks == kTrapHandler && ool->pc != 0) {
933 uint32_t pc = static_cast<uint32_t>(__ pc_offset());
934 DCHECK_EQ(pc, __ pc_offset())((void) 0);
935 protected_instructions_.emplace_back(
936 trap_handler::ProtectedInstructionData{ool->pc, pc});
937 }
939 if (!env_->runtime_exception_support) {
940 // We cannot test calls to the runtime in cctest/test-run-wasm.
941 // Therefore we emit a call to C here instead of a call to the runtime.
942 // In this mode, we never generate stack checks.
943 DCHECK(!is_stack_check)((void) 0);
944 __ CallTrapCallbackForTesting();
945 __ LeaveFrame(StackFrame::WASM);
946 __ DropStackSlotsAndRet(
947 static_cast<uint32_t>(descriptor_->ParameterSlotCount()));
948 return;
949 }
951 if (!ool->regs_to_save.is_empty()) {
952 __ PushRegisters(ool->regs_to_save);
953 }
954 if (V8_UNLIKELY(ool->spilled_registers != nullptr)(__builtin_expect(!!(ool->spilled_registers != nullptr), 0
) {
955 for (auto& entry : ool->spilled_registers->entries) {
956 // We should not push and spill the same register.
957 DCHECK(!ool->regs_to_save.has(entry.reg))((void) 0);
958 __ Spill(entry.offset, entry.reg, entry.kind);
959 }
960 }
962 source_position_table_builder_.AddPosition(
963 __ pc_offset(), SourcePosition(ool->position), true);
964 __ CallRuntimeStub(ool->stub);
965 auto safepoint = safepoint_table_builder_.DefineSafepoint(&asm_);
967 if (ool->safepoint_info) {
968 for (auto index : ool->safepoint_info->slots) {
969 safepoint.DefineTaggedStackSlot(index);
970 }
972 int total_frame_size = __ GetTotalFrameSize();
973 LiftoffRegList gp_regs = ool->regs_to_save & kGpCacheRegList;
974 // {total_frame_size} is the highest offset from the FP that is used to
975 // store a value. The offset of the first spill slot should therefore be
976 // {(total_frame_size / kSystemPointerSize) + 1}. However, spill slots
977 // don't start at offset '0' but at offset '-1' (or
978 // {-kSystemPointerSize}). Therefore we have to add another '+ 1' to the
979 // index of the first spill slot.
980 int index = (total_frame_size / kSystemPointerSize) + 2;
982 __ RecordSpillsInSafepoint(safepoint, gp_regs,
983 ool->safepoint_info->spills, index);
984 }
985 if (is_tierup) {
986 // Reset the budget.
987 __ Spill(liftoff::kTierupBudgetOffset,
988 WasmValue(FLAG_wasm_tiering_budget));
989 }
991 DCHECK_EQ(!debug_sidetable_builder_, !ool->debug_sidetable_entry_builder)((void) 0);
992 if (V8_UNLIKELY(ool->debug_sidetable_entry_builder)(__builtin_expect(!!(ool->debug_sidetable_entry_builder), 0
) {
993 ool->debug_sidetable_entry_builder->set_pc_offset(__ pc_offset());
994 }
995 DCHECK_EQ(ool->continuation.get()->is_bound(), is_stack_check || is_tierup)((void) 0);
996 if (is_stack_check) {
997 MaybeOSR();
998 }
999 if (!ool->regs_to_save.is_empty()) __ PopRegisters(ool->regs_to_save);
1000 if (is_stack_check || is_tierup) {
1001 if (V8_UNLIKELY(ool->spilled_registers != nullptr)(__builtin_expect(!!(ool->spilled_registers != nullptr), 0
) {
1002 DCHECK(for_debugging_)((void) 0);
1003 for (auto& entry : ool->spilled_registers->entries) {
1004 __ Fill(entry.reg, entry.offset, entry.kind);
1005 }
1006 }
1007 if (ool->cached_instance != no_reg) {
1008 __ LoadInstanceFromFrame(ool->cached_instance);
1009 }
1010 __ emit_jump(ool->continuation.get());
1011 } else {
1012 __ AssertUnreachable(AbortReason::kUnexpectedReturnFromWasmTrap);
1013 }
1014 }
1016 void FinishFunction(FullDecoder* decoder) {
1017 if (DidAssemblerBailout(decoder)) return;
1018 __ AlignFrameSize();
1019#if DEBUG
1020 int frame_size = __ GetTotalFrameSize();
1022 for (OutOfLineCode& ool : out_of_line_code_) {
1023 GenerateOutOfLineCode(&ool);
1024 }
1025 DCHECK_EQ(frame_size, __ GetTotalFrameSize())((void) 0);
1026 __ PatchPrepareStackFrame(pc_offset_stack_frame_construction_,
1027 &safepoint_table_builder_);
1028 __ FinishCode();
1029 safepoint_table_builder_.Emit(&asm_, __ GetTotalFrameSlotCountForGC());
1030 // Emit the handler table.
1031 if (!handlers_.empty()) {
1032 handler_table_offset_ = HandlerTable::EmitReturnTableStart(&asm_);
1033 for (auto& handler : handlers_) {
1034 HandlerTable::EmitReturnEntry(&asm_, handler.pc_offset,
1035 handler.handler.get()->pos());
1036 }
1037 }
1038 __ MaybeEmitOutOfLineConstantPool();
1039 // The previous calls may have also generated a bailout.
1040 DidAssemblerBailout(decoder);
1041 DCHECK_EQ(num_exceptions_, 0)((void) 0);
1042 }
1044 void OnFirstError(FullDecoder* decoder) {
1045 if (!did_bailout()) bailout_reason_ = kDecodeError;
1046 UnuseLabels(decoder);
1047 asm_.AbortCompilation();
1048 }
1050 V8_NOINLINE__attribute__((noinline)) void EmitDebuggingInfo(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode) {
1051 DCHECK(for_debugging_)((void) 0);
1052 if (!WasmOpcodes::IsBreakable(opcode)) return;
1053 bool has_breakpoint = false;
1054 if (next_breakpoint_ptr_) {
1055 if (*next_breakpoint_ptr_ == 0) {
1056 // A single breakpoint at offset 0 indicates stepping.
1057 DCHECK_EQ(next_breakpoint_ptr_ + 1, next_breakpoint_end_)((void) 0);
1058 has_breakpoint = true;
1059 } else {
1060 while (next_breakpoint_ptr_ != next_breakpoint_end_ &&
1061 *next_breakpoint_ptr_ < decoder->position()) {
1062 // Skip unreachable breakpoints.
1063 ++next_breakpoint_ptr_;
1064 }
1065 if (next_breakpoint_ptr_ == next_breakpoint_end_) {
1066 next_breakpoint_ptr_ = next_breakpoint_end_ = nullptr;
1067 } else if (*next_breakpoint_ptr_ == decoder->position()) {
1068 has_breakpoint = true;
1069 }
1070 }
1071 }
1072 if (has_breakpoint) {
1073 CODE_COMMENT("breakpoint");
1074 EmitBreakpoint(decoder);
1075 // Once we emitted an unconditional breakpoint, we don't need to check
1076 // function entry breaks any more.
1077 did_function_entry_break_checks_ = true;
1078 } else if (!did_function_entry_break_checks_) {
1079 did_function_entry_break_checks_ = true;
1080 CODE_COMMENT("check function entry break");
1081 Label do_break;
1082 Label no_break;
1083 Register flag = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {}).gp();
1085 // Check the "hook on function call" flag. If set, trigger a break.
1086 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(flag, HookOnFunctionCallAddress, kSystemPointerSize,
1087 {});
1088 __ Load(LiftoffRegister{flag}, flag, no_reg, 0, LoadType::kI32Load8U, {});
1089 __ emit_cond_jump(kNotEqualZero, &do_break, kI32, flag);
1091 // Check if we should stop on "script entry".
1092 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(flag, BreakOnEntry, kUInt8Size, {});
1093 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqualZero, &no_break, kI32, flag);
1095 __ bind(&do_break);
1096 EmitBreakpoint(decoder);
1097 __ bind(&no_break);
1098 } else if (dead_breakpoint_ == decoder->position()) {
1099 DCHECK(!next_breakpoint_ptr_ ||((void) 0)
1100 *next_breakpoint_ptr_ != dead_breakpoint_)((void) 0);
1101 // The top frame is paused at this position, but the breakpoint was
1102 // removed. Adding a dead breakpoint here ensures that the source
1103 // position exists, and that the offset to the return address is the
1104 // same as in the old code.
1105 CODE_COMMENT("dead breakpoint");
1106 Label cont;
1107 __ emit_jump(&cont);
1108 EmitBreakpoint(decoder);
1109 __ bind(&cont);
1110 }
1111 if (V8_UNLIKELY(max_steps_ != nullptr)(__builtin_expect(!!(max_steps_ != nullptr), 0))) {
1112 CODE_COMMENT("check max steps");
1113 LiftoffRegList pinned;
1114 LiftoffRegister max_steps = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {});
1115 pinned.set(max_steps);
1116 LiftoffRegister max_steps_addr = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned);
1117 pinned.set(max_steps_addr);
1118 __ LoadConstant(
1119 max_steps_addr,
1120 WasmValue::ForUintPtr(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(max_steps_)));
1121 __ Load(max_steps, max_steps_addr.gp(), no_reg, 0, LoadType::kI32Load,
1122 pinned);
1123 Label cont;
1124 __ emit_i32_cond_jumpi(kUnequal, &cont, max_steps.gp(), 0);
1125 // Abort.
1126 Trap(decoder, kTrapUnreachable);
1127 __ bind(&cont);
1128 __ emit_i32_subi(max_steps.gp(), max_steps.gp(), 1);
1129 __ Store(max_steps_addr.gp(), no_reg, 0, max_steps, StoreType::kI32Store,
1130 pinned);
1131 }
1132 }
1134 void NextInstruction(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode) {
1135 // Add a single check, so that the fast path can be inlined while
1136 // {EmitDebuggingInfo} stays outlined.
1137 if (V8_UNLIKELY(for_debugging_)(__builtin_expect(!!(for_debugging_), 0))) EmitDebuggingInfo(decoder, opcode);
1138 TraceCacheState(decoder);
1139 SLOW_DCHECK(__ ValidateCacheState())((void)0);
1140 CODE_COMMENT(WasmOpcodes::OpcodeName(
1141 WasmOpcodes::IsPrefixOpcode(opcode)
1142 ? decoder->read_prefixed_opcode<Decoder::kFullValidation>(
1143 decoder->pc())
1144 : opcode));
1145 }
1147 void EmitBreakpoint(FullDecoder* decoder) {
1148 DCHECK(for_debugging_)((void) 0);
1149 source_position_table_builder_.AddPosition(
1150 __ pc_offset(), SourcePosition(decoder->position()), true);
1151 __ CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmDebugBreak);
1152 DefineSafepointWithCalleeSavedRegisters();
1153 RegisterDebugSideTableEntry(decoder,
1154 DebugSideTableBuilder::kAllowRegisters);
1155 MaybeOSR();
1156 }
1158 void PushControl(Control* block) {
1159 // The Liftoff stack includes implicit exception refs stored for catch
1160 // blocks, so that they can be rethrown.
1161 block->num_exceptions = num_exceptions_;
1162 }
1164 void Block(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* block) { PushControl(block); }
1166 void Loop(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* loop) {
1167 // Before entering a loop, spill all locals to the stack, in order to free
1168 // the cache registers, and to avoid unnecessarily reloading stack values
1169 // into registers at branches.
1170 // TODO(clemensb): Come up with a better strategy here, involving
1171 // pre-analysis of the function.
1172 __ SpillLocals();
1174 __ PrepareLoopArgs(loop->start_merge.arity);
1176 // Loop labels bind at the beginning of the block.
1177 __ bind(loop->label.get());
1179 // Save the current cache state for the merge when jumping to this loop.
1180 loop->label_state.Split(*__ cache_state());
1182 PushControl(loop);
1184 if (!dynamic_tiering()) {
1185 // When the budget-based tiering mechanism is enabled, use that to
1186 // check for interrupt requests; otherwise execute a stack check in the
1187 // loop header.
1188 StackCheck(decoder, decoder->position());
1189 }
1190 }
1192 void Try(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* block) {
1193 block->try_info = std::make_unique<TryInfo>();
1194 PushControl(block);
1195 }
1197 // Load the property in {kReturnRegister0}.
1198 LiftoffRegister GetExceptionProperty(LiftoffAssembler::VarState& exception,
1199 RootIndex root_index) {
1200 DCHECK(root_index == RootIndex::kwasm_exception_tag_symbol ||((void) 0)
1201 root_index == RootIndex::kwasm_exception_values_symbol)((void) 0);
1203 LiftoffRegList pinned;
1204 LiftoffRegister tag_symbol_reg =
1205 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
1206 LoadExceptionSymbol(tag_symbol_reg.gp(), pinned, root_index);
1207 LiftoffRegister context_reg =
1208 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
1209 LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(context_reg.gp(), NativeContext, pinned);
1211 LiftoffAssembler::VarState tag_symbol(kPointerKind, tag_symbol_reg, 0);
1212 LiftoffAssembler::VarState context(kPointerKind, context_reg, 0);
1214 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmGetOwnProperty,
1215 MakeSig::Returns(kPointerKind)
1216 .Params(kPointerKind, kPointerKind, kPointerKind),
1217 {exception, tag_symbol, context}, kNoSourcePosition);
1219 return LiftoffRegister(kReturnRegister0);
1220 }
1222 void CatchException(FullDecoder* decoder,
1223 const TagIndexImmediate<validate>& imm, Control* block,
1224 base::Vector<Value> values) {
1225 DCHECK(block->is_try_catch())((void) 0);
1226 __ emit_jump(block->label.get());
1228 // The catch block is unreachable if no possible throws in the try block
1229 // exist. We only build a landing pad if some node in the try block can
1230 // (possibly) throw. Otherwise the catch environments remain empty.
1231 if (!block->try_info->catch_reached) {
1232 block->reachability = kSpecOnlyReachable;
1233 return;
1234 }
1236 // This is the last use of this label. Re-use the field for the label of the
1237 // next catch block, and jump there if the tag does not match.
1238 __ bind(&block->try_info->catch_label);
1239 new (&block->try_info->catch_label) Label();
1241 __ cache_state()->Split(block->try_info->catch_state);
1243 CODE_COMMENT("load caught exception tag");
1244 DCHECK_EQ(__ cache_state()->stack_state.back().kind(), kRef)((void) 0);
1245 LiftoffRegister caught_tag =
1246 GetExceptionProperty(__ cache_state()->stack_state.back(),
1247 RootIndex::kwasm_exception_tag_symbol);
1248 LiftoffRegList pinned;
1249 pinned.set(caught_tag);
1251 CODE_COMMENT("load expected exception tag");
1252 Register imm_tag = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
1253 LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(imm_tag, TagsTable, pinned);
1254 __ LoadTaggedPointer(
1255 imm_tag, imm_tag, no_reg,
1256 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(imm.index), {});
1258 CODE_COMMENT("compare tags");
1259 Label caught;
1260 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, &caught, kI32, imm_tag, caught_tag.gp());
1261 // The tags don't match, merge the current state into the catch state and
1262 // jump to the next handler.
1263 __ MergeFullStackWith(block->try_info->catch_state, *__ cache_state());
1264 __ emit_jump(&block->try_info->catch_label);
1266 __ bind(&caught);
1267 if (!block->try_info->in_handler) {
1268 block->try_info->in_handler = true;
1269 num_exceptions_++;
1270 }
1271 GetExceptionValues(decoder, __ cache_state()->stack_state.back(), imm.tag);
1272 }
1274 void Rethrow(FullDecoder* decoder,
1275 const LiftoffAssembler::VarState& exception) {
1276 DCHECK_EQ(exception.kind(), kRef)((void) 0);
1277 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmRethrow, MakeSig::Params(kPointerKind),
1278 {exception}, decoder->position());
1279 }
1281 void Delegate(FullDecoder* decoder, uint32_t depth, Control* block) {
1282 DCHECK_EQ(block, decoder->control_at(0))((void) 0);
1283 Control* target = decoder->control_at(depth);
1284 DCHECK(block->is_incomplete_try())((void) 0);
1285 __ bind(&block->try_info->catch_label);
1286 if (block->try_info->catch_reached) {
1287 __ cache_state()->Steal(block->try_info->catch_state);
1288 if (depth == decoder->control_depth() - 1) {
1289 // Delegate to the caller, do not emit a landing pad.
1290 Rethrow(decoder, __ cache_state()->stack_state.back());
1291 MaybeOSR();
1292 } else {
1293 DCHECK(target->is_incomplete_try())((void) 0);
1294 if (!target->try_info->catch_reached) {
1295 target->try_info->catch_state.InitMerge(
1296 *__ cache_state(), __ num_locals(), 1,
1297 target->stack_depth + target->num_exceptions);
1298 target->try_info->catch_reached = true;
1299 }
1300 __ MergeStackWith(target->try_info->catch_state, 1,
1301 LiftoffAssembler::kForwardJump);
1302 __ emit_jump(&target->try_info->catch_label);
1303 }
1304 }
1305 }
1307 void Rethrow(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* try_block) {
1308 int index = try_block->try_info->catch_state.stack_height() - 1;
1309 auto& exception = __ cache_state()->stack_state[index];
1310 Rethrow(decoder, exception);
1311 int pc_offset = __ pc_offset();
1312 MaybeOSR();
1313 EmitLandingPad(decoder, pc_offset);
1314 }
1316 void CatchAll(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* block) {
1317 DCHECK(block->is_try_catchall() || block->is_try_catch())((void) 0);
1318 DCHECK_EQ(decoder->control_at(0), block)((void) 0);
1320 // The catch block is unreachable if no possible throws in the try block
1321 // exist. We only build a landing pad if some node in the try block can
1322 // (possibly) throw. Otherwise the catch environments remain empty.
1323 if (!block->try_info->catch_reached) {
1324 decoder->SetSucceedingCodeDynamicallyUnreachable();
1325 return;
1326 }
1328 __ bind(&block->try_info->catch_label);
1329 __ cache_state()->Steal(block->try_info->catch_state);
1330 if (!block->try_info->in_handler) {
1331 block->try_info->in_handler = true;
1332 num_exceptions_++;
1333 }
1334 }
1336 void JumpIfFalse(FullDecoder* decoder, Label* false_dst) {
1337 LiftoffCondition cond =
1338 test_and_reset_outstanding_op(kExprI32Eqz) ? kNotEqualZero : kEqualZero;
1340 if (!has_outstanding_op()) {
1341 // Unary comparison.
1342 Register value = __ PopToRegister().gp();
1343 __ emit_cond_jump(cond, false_dst, kI32, value);
1344 return;
1345 }
1347 // Binary comparison of i32 values.
1348 cond = Negate(GetCompareCondition(outstanding_op_));
1349 outstanding_op_ = kNoOutstandingOp;
1350 LiftoffAssembler::VarState rhs_slot = __ cache_state()->stack_state.back();
1351 if (rhs_slot.is_const()) {
1352 // Compare to a constant.
1353 int32_t rhs_imm = rhs_slot.i32_const();
1354 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back();
1355 Register lhs = __ PopToRegister().gp();
1356 __ emit_i32_cond_jumpi(cond, false_dst, lhs, rhs_imm);
1357 return;
1358 }
1360 Register rhs = __ PopToRegister().gp();
1361 LiftoffAssembler::VarState lhs_slot = __ cache_state()->stack_state.back();
1362 if (lhs_slot.is_const()) {
1363 // Compare a constant to an arbitrary value.
1364 int32_t lhs_imm = lhs_slot.i32_const();
1365 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back();
1366 // Flip the condition, because {lhs} and {rhs} are swapped.
1367 __ emit_i32_cond_jumpi(Flip(cond), false_dst, rhs, lhs_imm);
1368 return;
1369 }
1371 // Compare two arbitrary values.
1372 Register lhs = __ PopToRegister(LiftoffRegList{rhs}).gp();
1373 __ emit_cond_jump(cond, false_dst, kI32, lhs, rhs);
1374 }
1376 void If(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& cond, Control* if_block) {
1377 DCHECK_EQ(if_block, decoder->control_at(0))((void) 0);
1378 DCHECK(if_block->is_if())((void) 0);
1380 // Allocate the else state.
1381 if_block->else_state = std::make_unique<ElseState>();
1383 // Test the condition on the value stack, jump to else if zero.
1384 JumpIfFalse(decoder, if_block->else_state->label.get());
1386 // Store the state (after popping the value) for executing the else branch.
1387 if_block->else_state->state.Split(*__ cache_state());
1389 PushControl(if_block);
1390 }
1392 void FallThruTo(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* c) {
1393 if (!c->end_merge.reached) {
1394 c->label_state.InitMerge(*__ cache_state(), __ num_locals(),
1395 c->end_merge.arity,
1396 c->stack_depth + c->num_exceptions);
1397 }
1398 DCHECK(!c->is_try_catchall())((void) 0);
1399 if (c->is_try_catch()) {
1400 // Drop the implicit exception ref if any. There may be none if this is a
1401 // catch-less try block.
1402 __ MergeStackWith(c->label_state, c->br_merge()->arity,
1403 LiftoffAssembler::kForwardJump);
1404 } else {
1405 __ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, *__ cache_state());
1406 }
1407 __ emit_jump(c->label.get());
1408 TraceCacheState(decoder);
1409 }
1411 void FinishOneArmedIf(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* c) {
1412 DCHECK(c->is_onearmed_if())((void) 0);
1413 if (c->end_merge.reached) {
1414 // Someone already merged to the end of the if. Merge both arms into that.
1415 if (c->reachable()) {
1416 // Merge the if state into the end state.
1417 __ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, *__ cache_state());
1418 __ emit_jump(c->label.get());
1419 }
1420 // Merge the else state into the end state.
1421 __ bind(c->else_state->label.get());
1422 __ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, c->else_state->state);
1423 __ cache_state()->Steal(c->label_state);
1424 } else if (c->reachable()) {
1425 // No merge yet at the end of the if, but we need to create a merge for
1426 // the both arms of this if. Thus init the merge point from the else
1427 // state, then merge the if state into that.
1428 DCHECK_EQ(c->start_merge.arity, c->end_merge.arity)((void) 0);
1429 c->label_state.InitMerge(c->else_state->state, __ num_locals(),
1430 c->start_merge.arity,
1431 c->stack_depth + c->num_exceptions);
1432 __ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, *__ cache_state());
1433 __ emit_jump(c->label.get());
1434 // Merge the else state into the end state.
1435 __ bind(c->else_state->label.get());
1436 __ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, c->else_state->state);
1437 __ cache_state()->Steal(c->label_state);
1438 } else {
1439 // No merge needed, just continue with the else state.
1440 __ bind(c->else_state->label.get());
1441 __ cache_state()->Steal(c->else_state->state);
1442 }
1443 }
1445 void FinishTry(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* c) {
1446 DCHECK(c->is_try_catch() || c->is_try_catchall())((void) 0);
1447 if (!c->end_merge.reached) {
1448 if (c->try_info->catch_reached) {
1449 // Drop the implicit exception ref.
1450 __ DropValue(__ num_locals() + c->stack_depth + c->num_exceptions);
1451 }
1452 // Else we did not enter the catch state, continue with the current state.
1453 } else {
1454 if (c->reachable()) {
1455 __ MergeStackWith(c->label_state, c->br_merge()->arity,
1456 LiftoffAssembler::kForwardJump);
1457 }
1458 __ cache_state()->Steal(c->label_state);
1459 }
1460 if (c->try_info->catch_reached) {
1461 num_exceptions_--;
1462 }
1463 }
1465 void PopControl(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* c) {
1466 if (c->is_loop()) return; // A loop just falls through.
1467 if (c->is_onearmed_if()) {
1468 // Special handling for one-armed ifs.
1469 FinishOneArmedIf(decoder, c);
1470 } else if (c->is_try_catch() || c->is_try_catchall()) {
1471 FinishTry(decoder, c);
1472 } else if (c->end_merge.reached) {
1473 // There is a merge already. Merge our state into that, then continue with
1474 // that state.
1475 if (c->reachable()) {
1476 __ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, *__ cache_state());
1477 }
1478 __ cache_state()->Steal(c->label_state);
1479 } else {
1480 // No merge, just continue with our current state.
1481 }
1483 if (!c->label.get()->is_bound()) __ bind(c->label.get());
1484 }
1486 void GenerateCCall(const LiftoffRegister* result_regs,
1487 const ValueKindSig* sig, ValueKind out_argument_kind,
1488 const LiftoffRegister* arg_regs,
1489 ExternalReference ext_ref) {
1490 // Before making a call, spill all cache registers.
1491 __ SpillAllRegisters();
1493 // Store arguments on our stack, then align the stack for calling to C.
1494 int param_bytes = 0;
1495 for (ValueKind param_kind : sig->parameters()) {
1496 param_bytes += value_kind_size(param_kind);
1497 }
1498 int out_arg_bytes =
1499 out_argument_kind == kVoid ? 0 : value_kind_size(out_argument_kind);
1500 int stack_bytes = std::max(param_bytes, out_arg_bytes);
1501 __ CallC(sig, arg_regs, result_regs, out_argument_kind, stack_bytes,
1502 ext_ref);
1503 }
1505 template <typename EmitFn, typename... Args>
1506 typename std::enable_if<!std::is_member_function_pointer<EmitFn>::value>::type
1507 CallEmitFn(EmitFn fn, Args... args) {
1508 fn(args...);
1509 }
1511 template <typename EmitFn, typename... Args>
1512 typename std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<EmitFn>::value>::type
1513 CallEmitFn(EmitFn fn, Args... args) {
1514 (asm_.*fn)(ConvertAssemblerArg(args)...);
1515 }
1517 // Wrap a {LiftoffRegister} with implicit conversions to {Register} and
1518 // {DoubleRegister}.
1519 struct AssemblerRegisterConverter {
1520 LiftoffRegister reg;
1521 operator LiftoffRegister() { return reg; }
1522 operator Register() { return reg.gp(); }
1523 operator DoubleRegister() { return reg.fp(); }
1524 };
1526 // Convert {LiftoffRegister} to {AssemblerRegisterConverter}, other types stay
1527 // unchanged.
1528 template <typename T>
1529 typename std::conditional<std::is_same<LiftoffRegister, T>::value,
1530 AssemblerRegisterConverter, T>::type
1531 ConvertAssemblerArg(T t) {
1532 return {t};
1533 }
1535 template <typename EmitFn, typename ArgType>
1536 struct EmitFnWithFirstArg {
1537 EmitFn fn;
1538 ArgType first_arg;
1539 };
1541 template <typename EmitFn, typename ArgType>
1542 EmitFnWithFirstArg<EmitFn, ArgType> BindFirst(EmitFn fn, ArgType arg) {
1543 return {fn, arg};
1544 }
1546 template <typename EmitFn, typename T, typename... Args>
1547 void CallEmitFn(EmitFnWithFirstArg<EmitFn, T> bound_fn, Args... args) {
1548 CallEmitFn(bound_fn.fn, bound_fn.first_arg, ConvertAssemblerArg(args)...);
1549 }
1551 template <ValueKind src_kind, ValueKind result_kind,
1552 ValueKind result_lane_kind = kVoid, class EmitFn>
1553 void EmitUnOp(EmitFn fn) {
1554 constexpr RegClass src_rc = reg_class_for(src_kind);
1555 constexpr RegClass result_rc = reg_class_for(result_kind);
1556 LiftoffRegister src = __ PopToRegister();
1557 LiftoffRegister dst = src_rc == result_rc
1558 ? __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {src}, {})
1559 : __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {});
1560 CallEmitFn(fn, dst, src);
1561 if (V8_UNLIKELY(nondeterminism_)(__builtin_expect(!!(nondeterminism_), 0))) {
1562 LiftoffRegList pinned = {dst};
1563 if (result_kind == ValueKind::kF32 || result_kind == ValueKind::kF64) {
1564 CheckNan(dst, pinned, result_kind);
1565 } else if (result_kind == ValueKind::kS128 &&
1566 (result_lane_kind == kF32 || result_lane_kind == kF64)) {
1567 CheckS128Nan(dst, pinned, result_lane_kind);
1568 }
1569 }
1570 __ PushRegister(result_kind, dst);
1571 }
1573 template <ValueKind kind>
1574 void EmitFloatUnOpWithCFallback(
1575 bool (LiftoffAssembler::*emit_fn)(DoubleRegister, DoubleRegister),
1576 ExternalReference (*fallback_fn)()) {
1577 auto emit_with_c_fallback = [=](LiftoffRegister dst, LiftoffRegister src) {
1578 if ((asm_.*emit_fn)(dst.fp(), src.fp())) return;
1579 ExternalReference ext_ref = fallback_fn();
1580 auto sig = MakeSig::Params(kind);
1581 GenerateCCall(&dst, &sig, kind, &src, ext_ref);
1582 };
1583 EmitUnOp<kind, kind>(emit_with_c_fallback);
1584 }
1586 enum TypeConversionTrapping : bool { kCanTrap = true, kNoTrap = false };
1587 template <ValueKind dst_kind, ValueKind src_kind,
1588 TypeConversionTrapping can_trap>
1589 void EmitTypeConversion(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode,
1590 ExternalReference (*fallback_fn)()) {
1591 static constexpr RegClass src_rc = reg_class_for(src_kind);
1592 static constexpr RegClass dst_rc = reg_class_for(dst_kind);
1593 LiftoffRegister src = __ PopToRegister();
1594 LiftoffRegister dst = src_rc == dst_rc
Assuming 'src_rc' is not equal to 'dst_rc'
'?' condition is false
1595 ? __ GetUnusedRegister(dst_rc, {src}, {})
1596 : __ GetUnusedRegister(dst_rc, {});
1597 Label* trap =
1598 can_trap ? AddOutOfLineTrap(
'?' condition is false
1599 decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapFloatUnrepresentable)
1600 : nullptr;
1601 if (!__ emit_type_conversion(opcode, dst, src, trap)) {
Assuming the condition is true
Taking true branch
1602 DCHECK_NOT_NULL(fallback_fn)((void) 0);
1603 ExternalReference ext_ref = fallback_fn();
Called function pointer is null (null dereference)
1604 if (can_trap) {
1605 // External references for potentially trapping conversions return int.
1606 auto sig = MakeSig::Returns(kI32).Params(src_kind);
1607 LiftoffRegister ret_reg =
1608 __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, LiftoffRegList{dst});
1609 LiftoffRegister dst_regs[] = {ret_reg, dst};
1610 GenerateCCall(dst_regs, &sig, dst_kind, &src, ext_ref);
1611 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, trap, kI32, ret_reg.gp());
1612 } else {
1613 ValueKind sig_kinds[] = {src_kind};
1614 ValueKindSig sig(0, 1, sig_kinds);
1615 GenerateCCall(&dst, &sig, dst_kind, &src, ext_ref);
1616 }
1617 }
1618 __ PushRegister(dst_kind, dst);
1619 }
1621 void UnOp(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode, const Value& value,
1622 Value* result) {
1623#define CASE_I32_UNOP(opcode, fn) \
1624 case kExpr##opcode: \
1625 return EmitUnOp<kI32, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_##fn);
1626#define CASE_I64_UNOP(opcode, fn) \
1627 case kExpr##opcode: \
1628 return EmitUnOp<kI64, kI64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_##fn);
1629#define CASE_FLOAT_UNOP(opcode, kind, fn) \
1630 case kExpr##opcode: \
1631 return EmitUnOp<k##kind, k##kind>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_##fn);
1632#define CASE_FLOAT_UNOP_WITH_CFALLBACK(opcode, kind, fn) \
1633 case kExpr##opcode: \
1634 return EmitFloatUnOpWithCFallback<k##kind>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_##fn, \
1635 &ExternalReference::wasm_##fn);
1636#define CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(opcode, dst_kind, src_kind, ext_ref, can_trap) \
1637 case kExpr##opcode: \
1638 return EmitTypeConversion<k##dst_kind, k##src_kind, can_trap>( \
1639 decoder, kExpr##opcode, ext_ref);
1640 switch (opcode) {
Control jumps to 'case kExprI32UConvertSatF64:' at line 1700
1641 CASE_I32_UNOP(I32Clz, i32_clz)
1642 CASE_I32_UNOP(I32Ctz, i32_ctz)
1643 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP(F32Abs, F32, f32_abs)
1644 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP(F32Neg, F32, f32_neg)
1645 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP_WITH_CFALLBACK(F32Ceil, F32, f32_ceil)
1646 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP_WITH_CFALLBACK(F32Floor, F32, f32_floor)
1647 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP_WITH_CFALLBACK(F32Trunc, F32, f32_trunc)
1648 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP_WITH_CFALLBACK(F32NearestInt, F32, f32_nearest_int)
1649 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP(F32Sqrt, F32, f32_sqrt)
1650 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP(F64Abs, F64, f64_abs)
1651 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP(F64Neg, F64, f64_neg)
1652 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP_WITH_CFALLBACK(F64Ceil, F64, f64_ceil)
1653 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP_WITH_CFALLBACK(F64Floor, F64, f64_floor)
1654 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP_WITH_CFALLBACK(F64Trunc, F64, f64_trunc)
1655 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP_WITH_CFALLBACK(F64NearestInt, F64, f64_nearest_int)
1656 CASE_FLOAT_UNOP(F64Sqrt, F64, f64_sqrt)
1657 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I32ConvertI64, I32, I64, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1658 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I32SConvertF32, I32, F32, nullptr, kCanTrap)
1659 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I32UConvertF32, I32, F32, nullptr, kCanTrap)
1660 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I32SConvertF64, I32, F64, nullptr, kCanTrap)
1661 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I32UConvertF64, I32, F64, nullptr, kCanTrap)
1662 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I32ReinterpretF32, I32, F32, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1663 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I64SConvertI32, I64, I32, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1664 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I64UConvertI32, I64, I32, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1665 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I64SConvertF32, I64, F32,
1666 &ExternalReference::wasm_float32_to_int64, kCanTrap)
1667 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I64UConvertF32, I64, F32,
1668 &ExternalReference::wasm_float32_to_uint64, kCanTrap)
1669 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I64SConvertF64, I64, F64,
1670 &ExternalReference::wasm_float64_to_int64, kCanTrap)
1671 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I64UConvertF64, I64, F64,
1672 &ExternalReference::wasm_float64_to_uint64, kCanTrap)
1673 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I64ReinterpretF64, I64, F64, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1674 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(F32SConvertI32, F32, I32, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1675 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(F32UConvertI32, F32, I32, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1676 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(F32SConvertI64, F32, I64,
1677 &ExternalReference::wasm_int64_to_float32, kNoTrap)
1678 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(F32UConvertI64, F32, I64,
1679 &ExternalReference::wasm_uint64_to_float32, kNoTrap)
1680 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(F32ConvertF64, F32, F64, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1681 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(F32ReinterpretI32, F32, I32, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1682 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(F64SConvertI32, F64, I32, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1683 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(F64UConvertI32, F64, I32, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1684 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(F64SConvertI64, F64, I64,
1685 &ExternalReference::wasm_int64_to_float64, kNoTrap)
1686 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(F64UConvertI64, F64, I64,
1687 &ExternalReference::wasm_uint64_to_float64, kNoTrap)
1688 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(F64ConvertF32, F64, F32, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1689 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(F64ReinterpretI64, F64, I64, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1690 CASE_I32_UNOP(I32SExtendI8, i32_signextend_i8)
1691 CASE_I32_UNOP(I32SExtendI16, i32_signextend_i16)
1692 CASE_I64_UNOP(I64SExtendI8, i64_signextend_i8)
1693 CASE_I64_UNOP(I64SExtendI16, i64_signextend_i16)
1694 CASE_I64_UNOP(I64SExtendI32, i64_signextend_i32)
1695 CASE_I64_UNOP(I64Clz, i64_clz)
1696 CASE_I64_UNOP(I64Ctz, i64_ctz)
1697 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I32SConvertSatF32, I32, F32, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1698 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I32UConvertSatF32, I32, F32, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1699 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I32SConvertSatF64, I32, F64, nullptr, kNoTrap)
1700 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I32UConvertSatF64, I32, F64, nullptr, kNoTrap)
Passing null pointer value via 3rd parameter 'fallback_fn'
Calling 'LiftoffCompiler::EmitTypeConversion'
1701 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I64SConvertSatF32, I64, F32,
1702 &ExternalReference::wasm_float32_to_int64_sat,
1703 kNoTrap)
1704 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I64UConvertSatF32, I64, F32,
1705 &ExternalReference::wasm_float32_to_uint64_sat,
1706 kNoTrap)
1707 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I64SConvertSatF64, I64, F64,
1708 &ExternalReference::wasm_float64_to_int64_sat,
1709 kNoTrap)
1710 CASE_TYPE_CONVERSION(I64UConvertSatF64, I64, F64,
1711 &ExternalReference::wasm_float64_to_uint64_sat,
1712 kNoTrap)
1713 case kExprI32Eqz:
1714 DCHECK(decoder->lookahead(0, kExprI32Eqz))((void) 0);
1715 if ((decoder->lookahead(1, kExprBrIf) ||
1716 decoder->lookahead(1, kExprIf)) &&
1717 !for_debugging_) {
1718 DCHECK(!has_outstanding_op())((void) 0);
1719 outstanding_op_ = kExprI32Eqz;
1720 break;
1721 }
1722 return EmitUnOp<kI32, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_eqz);
1723 case kExprI64Eqz:
1724 return EmitUnOp<kI64, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_eqz);
1725 case kExprI32Popcnt:
1726 return EmitUnOp<kI32, kI32>(
1727 [=](LiftoffRegister dst, LiftoffRegister src) {
1728 if (__ emit_i32_popcnt(dst.gp(), src.gp())) return;
1729 auto sig = MakeSig::Returns(kI32).Params(kI32);
1730 GenerateCCall(&dst, &sig, kVoid, &src,
1731 ExternalReference::wasm_word32_popcnt());
1732 });
1733 case kExprI64Popcnt:
1734 return EmitUnOp<kI64, kI64>(
1735 [=](LiftoffRegister dst, LiftoffRegister src) {
1736 if (__ emit_i64_popcnt(dst, src)) return;
1737 // The c function returns i32. We will zero-extend later.
1738 auto sig = MakeSig::Returns(kI32).Params(kI64);
1739 LiftoffRegister c_call_dst = kNeedI64RegPair ? dst.low() : dst;
1740 GenerateCCall(&c_call_dst, &sig, kVoid, &src,
1741 ExternalReference::wasm_word64_popcnt());
1742 // Now zero-extend the result to i64.
1743 __ emit_type_conversion(kExprI64UConvertI32, dst, c_call_dst,
1744 nullptr);
1745 });
1746 case kExprRefIsNull:
1747 // We abuse ref.as_non_null, which isn't otherwise used in this switch, as
1748 // a sentinel for the negation of ref.is_null.
1749 case kExprRefAsNonNull: {
1750 LiftoffRegList pinned;
1751 LiftoffRegister ref = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister());
1752 LiftoffRegister null = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned);
1753 LoadNullValue(null.gp(), pinned);
1754 // Prefer to overwrite one of the input registers with the result
1755 // of the comparison.
1756 LiftoffRegister dst = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {ref, null}, {});
1757 __ emit_ptrsize_set_cond(opcode == kExprRefIsNull ? kEqual : kUnequal,
1758 dst.gp(), ref, null);
1759 __ PushRegister(kI32, dst);
1760 return;
1761 }
1762 default:
1763 UNREACHABLE()V8_Fatal("unreachable code");
1764 }
1765#undef CASE_I32_UNOP
1766#undef CASE_I64_UNOP
1767#undef CASE_FLOAT_UNOP
1770 }
1772 template <ValueKind src_kind, ValueKind result_kind, typename EmitFn,
1773 typename EmitFnImm>
1774 void EmitBinOpImm(EmitFn fn, EmitFnImm fnImm) {
1775 static constexpr RegClass src_rc = reg_class_for(src_kind);
1776 static constexpr RegClass result_rc = reg_class_for(result_kind);
1778 LiftoffAssembler::VarState rhs_slot = __ cache_state()->stack_state.back();
1779 // Check if the RHS is an immediate.
1780 if (rhs_slot.is_const()) {
1781 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back();
1782 int32_t imm = rhs_slot.i32_const();
1784 LiftoffRegister lhs = __ PopToRegister();
1785 // Either reuse {lhs} for {dst}, or choose a register (pair) which does
1786 // not overlap, for easier code generation.
1787 LiftoffRegList pinned = {lhs};
1788 LiftoffRegister dst = src_rc == result_rc
1789 ? __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {lhs}, pinned)
1790 : __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, pinned);
1792 CallEmitFn(fnImm, dst, lhs, imm);
1793 static_assert(result_kind != kF32 && result_kind != kF64,
1794 "Unhandled nondeterminism for fuzzing.");
1795 __ PushRegister(result_kind, dst);
1796 } else {
1797 // The RHS was not an immediate.
1798 EmitBinOp<src_kind, result_kind>(fn);
1799 }
1800 }
1802 template <ValueKind src_kind, ValueKind result_kind,
1803 bool swap_lhs_rhs = false, ValueKind result_lane_kind = kVoid,
1804 typename EmitFn>
1805 void EmitBinOp(EmitFn fn) {
1806 static constexpr RegClass src_rc = reg_class_for(src_kind);
1807 static constexpr RegClass result_rc = reg_class_for(result_kind);
1808 LiftoffRegister rhs = __ PopToRegister();
1809 LiftoffRegister lhs = __ PopToRegister(LiftoffRegList{rhs});
1810 LiftoffRegister dst = src_rc == result_rc
1811 ? __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {lhs, rhs}, {})
1812 : __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {});
1814 if (swap_lhs_rhs) std::swap(lhs, rhs);
1816 CallEmitFn(fn, dst, lhs, rhs);
1817 if (V8_UNLIKELY(nondeterminism_)(__builtin_expect(!!(nondeterminism_), 0))) {
1818 LiftoffRegList pinned = {dst};
1819 if (result_kind == ValueKind::kF32 || result_kind == ValueKind::kF64) {
1820 CheckNan(dst, pinned, result_kind);
1821 } else if (result_kind == ValueKind::kS128 &&
1822 (result_lane_kind == kF32 || result_lane_kind == kF64)) {
1823 CheckS128Nan(dst, pinned, result_lane_kind);
1824 }
1825 }
1826 __ PushRegister(result_kind, dst);
1827 }
1829 void EmitDivOrRem64CCall(LiftoffRegister dst, LiftoffRegister lhs,
1830 LiftoffRegister rhs, ExternalReference ext_ref,
1831 Label* trap_by_zero,
1832 Label* trap_unrepresentable = nullptr) {
1833 // Cannot emit native instructions, build C call.
1834 LiftoffRegister ret = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, LiftoffRegList{dst});
1835 LiftoffRegister tmp =
1836 __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, LiftoffRegList{dst, ret});
1837 LiftoffRegister arg_regs[] = {lhs, rhs};
1838 LiftoffRegister result_regs[] = {ret, dst};
1839 auto sig = MakeSig::Returns(kI32).Params(kI64, kI64);
1840 GenerateCCall(result_regs, &sig, kI64, arg_regs, ext_ref);
1841 __ LoadConstant(tmp, WasmValue(int32_t{0}));
1842 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, trap_by_zero, kI32, ret.gp(), tmp.gp());
1843 if (trap_unrepresentable) {
1844 __ LoadConstant(tmp, WasmValue(int32_t{-1}));
1845 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, trap_unrepresentable, kI32, ret.gp(), tmp.gp());
1846 }
1847 }
1849 template <WasmOpcode opcode>
1850 void EmitI32CmpOp(FullDecoder* decoder) {
1851 DCHECK(decoder->lookahead(0, opcode))((void) 0);
1852 if ((decoder->lookahead(1, kExprBrIf) || decoder->lookahead(1, kExprIf)) &&
1853 !for_debugging_) {
1854 DCHECK(!has_outstanding_op())((void) 0);
1855 outstanding_op_ = opcode;
1856 return;
1857 }
1858 return EmitBinOp<kI32, kI32>(BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_set_cond,
1859 GetCompareCondition(opcode)));
1860 }
1862 void BinOp(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode, const Value& lhs,
1863 const Value& rhs, Value* result) {
1864#define CASE_I64_SHIFTOP(opcode, fn) \
1865 case kExpr##opcode: \
1866 return EmitBinOpImm<kI64, kI64>( \
1867 [=](LiftoffRegister dst, LiftoffRegister src, \
1868 LiftoffRegister amount) { \
1869 __ emit_##fn(dst, src, \
1870 amount.is_gp_pair() ? amount.low_gp() : amount.gp()); \
1871 }, \
1872 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_##fn##i);
1873#define CASE_CCALL_BINOP(opcode, kind, ext_ref_fn) \
1874 case kExpr##opcode: \
1875 return EmitBinOp<k##kind, k##kind>( \
1876 [=](LiftoffRegister dst, LiftoffRegister lhs, LiftoffRegister rhs) { \
1877 LiftoffRegister args[] = {lhs, rhs}; \
1878 auto ext_ref = ExternalReference::ext_ref_fn(); \
1879 ValueKind sig_kinds[] = {k##kind, k##kind, k##kind}; \
1880 const bool out_via_stack = k##kind == kI64; \
1881 ValueKindSig sig(out_via_stack ? 0 : 1, 2, sig_kinds); \
1882 ValueKind out_arg_kind = out_via_stack ? kI64 : kVoid; \
1883 GenerateCCall(&dst, &sig, out_arg_kind, args, ext_ref); \
1884 });
1885 switch (opcode) {
1886 case kExprI32Add:
1887 return EmitBinOpImm<kI32, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_add,
1888 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_addi);
1889 case kExprI32Sub:
1890 return EmitBinOp<kI32, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_sub);
1891 case kExprI32Mul:
1892 return EmitBinOp<kI32, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_mul);
1893 case kExprI32And:
1894 return EmitBinOpImm<kI32, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_and,
1895 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_andi);
1896 case kExprI32Ior:
1897 return EmitBinOpImm<kI32, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_or,
1898 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_ori);
1899 case kExprI32Xor:
1900 return EmitBinOpImm<kI32, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_xor,
1901 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_xori);
1902 case kExprI32Eq:
1903 return EmitI32CmpOp<kExprI32Eq>(decoder);
1904 case kExprI32Ne:
1905 return EmitI32CmpOp<kExprI32Ne>(decoder);
1906 case kExprI32LtS:
1907 return EmitI32CmpOp<kExprI32LtS>(decoder);
1908 case kExprI32LtU:
1909 return EmitI32CmpOp<kExprI32LtU>(decoder);
1910 case kExprI32GtS:
1911 return EmitI32CmpOp<kExprI32GtS>(decoder);
1912 case kExprI32GtU:
1913 return EmitI32CmpOp<kExprI32GtU>(decoder);
1914 case kExprI32LeS:
1915 return EmitI32CmpOp<kExprI32LeS>(decoder);
1916 case kExprI32LeU:
1917 return EmitI32CmpOp<kExprI32LeU>(decoder);
1918 case kExprI32GeS:
1919 return EmitI32CmpOp<kExprI32GeS>(decoder);
1920 case kExprI32GeU:
1921 return EmitI32CmpOp<kExprI32GeU>(decoder);
1922 case kExprI64Add:
1923 return EmitBinOpImm<kI64, kI64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_add,
1924 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_addi);
1925 case kExprI64Sub:
1926 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_sub);
1927 case kExprI64Mul:
1928 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_mul);
1929 case kExprI64And:
1930 return EmitBinOpImm<kI64, kI64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_and,
1931 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_andi);
1932 case kExprI64Ior:
1933 return EmitBinOpImm<kI64, kI64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_or,
1934 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_ori);
1935 case kExprI64Xor:
1936 return EmitBinOpImm<kI64, kI64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_xor,
1937 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_xori);
1938 case kExprI64Eq:
1939 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI32>(
1940 BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_set_cond, kEqual));
1941 case kExprI64Ne:
1942 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI32>(
1943 BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_set_cond, kUnequal));
1944 case kExprI64LtS:
1945 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI32>(
1946 BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_set_cond, kSignedLessThan));
1947 case kExprI64LtU:
1948 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI32>(
1949 BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_set_cond, kUnsignedLessThan));
1950 case kExprI64GtS:
1951 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI32>(BindFirst(
1952 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_set_cond, kSignedGreaterThan));
1953 case kExprI64GtU:
1954 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI32>(BindFirst(
1955 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_set_cond, kUnsignedGreaterThan));
1956 case kExprI64LeS:
1957 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI32>(
1958 BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_set_cond, kSignedLessEqual));
1959 case kExprI64LeU:
1960 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI32>(BindFirst(
1961 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_set_cond, kUnsignedLessEqual));
1962 case kExprI64GeS:
1963 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI32>(BindFirst(
1964 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_set_cond, kSignedGreaterEqual));
1965 case kExprI64GeU:
1966 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI32>(BindFirst(
1967 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64_set_cond, kUnsignedGreaterEqual));
1968 case kExprF32Eq:
1969 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kI32>(
1970 BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_set_cond, kEqual));
1971 case kExprF32Ne:
1972 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kI32>(
1973 BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_set_cond, kUnequal));
1974 case kExprF32Lt:
1975 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kI32>(
1976 BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_set_cond, kUnsignedLessThan));
1977 case kExprF32Gt:
1978 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kI32>(BindFirst(
1979 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_set_cond, kUnsignedGreaterThan));
1980 case kExprF32Le:
1981 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kI32>(BindFirst(
1982 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_set_cond, kUnsignedLessEqual));
1983 case kExprF32Ge:
1984 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kI32>(BindFirst(
1985 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_set_cond, kUnsignedGreaterEqual));
1986 case kExprF64Eq:
1987 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kI32>(
1988 BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_set_cond, kEqual));
1989 case kExprF64Ne:
1990 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kI32>(
1991 BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_set_cond, kUnequal));
1992 case kExprF64Lt:
1993 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kI32>(
1994 BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_set_cond, kUnsignedLessThan));
1995 case kExprF64Gt:
1996 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kI32>(BindFirst(
1997 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_set_cond, kUnsignedGreaterThan));
1998 case kExprF64Le:
1999 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kI32>(BindFirst(
2000 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_set_cond, kUnsignedLessEqual));
2001 case kExprF64Ge:
2002 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kI32>(BindFirst(
2003 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_set_cond, kUnsignedGreaterEqual));
2004 case kExprI32Shl:
2005 return EmitBinOpImm<kI32, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_shl,
2006 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_shli);
2007 case kExprI32ShrS:
2008 return EmitBinOpImm<kI32, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_sar,
2009 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_sari);
2010 case kExprI32ShrU:
2011 return EmitBinOpImm<kI32, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_shr,
2012 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32_shri);
2013 CASE_CCALL_BINOP(I32Rol, I32, wasm_word32_rol)
2014 CASE_CCALL_BINOP(I32Ror, I32, wasm_word32_ror)
2015 CASE_I64_SHIFTOP(I64Shl, i64_shl)
2016 CASE_I64_SHIFTOP(I64ShrS, i64_sar)
2017 CASE_I64_SHIFTOP(I64ShrU, i64_shr)
2018 CASE_CCALL_BINOP(I64Rol, I64, wasm_word64_rol)
2019 CASE_CCALL_BINOP(I64Ror, I64, wasm_word64_ror)
2020 case kExprF32Add:
2021 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kF32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_add);
2022 case kExprF32Sub:
2023 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kF32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_sub);
2024 case kExprF32Mul:
2025 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kF32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_mul);
2026 case kExprF32Div:
2027 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kF32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_div);
2028 case kExprF32Min:
2029 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kF32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_min);
2030 case kExprF32Max:
2031 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kF32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_max);
2032 case kExprF32CopySign:
2033 return EmitBinOp<kF32, kF32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32_copysign);
2034 case kExprF64Add:
2035 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kF64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_add);
2036 case kExprF64Sub:
2037 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kF64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_sub);
2038 case kExprF64Mul:
2039 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kF64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_mul);
2040 case kExprF64Div:
2041 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kF64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_div);
2042 case kExprF64Min:
2043 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kF64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_min);
2044 case kExprF64Max:
2045 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kF64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_max);
2046 case kExprF64CopySign:
2047 return EmitBinOp<kF64, kF64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64_copysign);
2048 case kExprI32DivS:
2049 return EmitBinOp<kI32, kI32>([this, decoder](LiftoffRegister dst,
2050 LiftoffRegister lhs,
2051 LiftoffRegister rhs) {
2052 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapDivByZero);
2053 // Adding the second trap might invalidate the pointer returned for
2054 // the first one, thus get both pointers afterwards.
2055 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapDivUnrepresentable);
2056 Label* div_by_zero = out_of_line_code_.end()[-2].label.get();
2057 Label* div_unrepresentable = out_of_line_code_.end()[-1].label.get();
2058 __ emit_i32_divs(dst.gp(), lhs.gp(), rhs.gp(), div_by_zero,
2059 div_unrepresentable);
2060 });
2061 case kExprI32DivU:
2062 return EmitBinOp<kI32, kI32>([this, decoder](LiftoffRegister dst,
2063 LiftoffRegister lhs,
2064 LiftoffRegister rhs) {
2065 Label* div_by_zero =
2066 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapDivByZero);
2067 __ emit_i32_divu(dst.gp(), lhs.gp(), rhs.gp(), div_by_zero);
2068 });
2069 case kExprI32RemS:
2070 return EmitBinOp<kI32, kI32>([this, decoder](LiftoffRegister dst,
2071 LiftoffRegister lhs,
2072 LiftoffRegister rhs) {
2073 Label* rem_by_zero =
2074 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapRemByZero);
2075 __ emit_i32_rems(dst.gp(), lhs.gp(), rhs.gp(), rem_by_zero);
2076 });
2077 case kExprI32RemU:
2078 return EmitBinOp<kI32, kI32>([this, decoder](LiftoffRegister dst,
2079 LiftoffRegister lhs,
2080 LiftoffRegister rhs) {
2081 Label* rem_by_zero =
2082 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapRemByZero);
2083 __ emit_i32_remu(dst.gp(), lhs.gp(), rhs.gp(), rem_by_zero);
2084 });
2085 case kExprI64DivS:
2086 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI64>([this, decoder](LiftoffRegister dst,
2087 LiftoffRegister lhs,
2088 LiftoffRegister rhs) {
2089 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapDivByZero);
2090 // Adding the second trap might invalidate the pointer returned for
2091 // the first one, thus get both pointers afterwards.
2092 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapDivUnrepresentable);
2093 Label* div_by_zero = out_of_line_code_.end()[-2].label.get();
2094 Label* div_unrepresentable = out_of_line_code_.end()[-1].label.get();
2095 if (!__ emit_i64_divs(dst, lhs, rhs, div_by_zero,
2096 div_unrepresentable)) {
2097 ExternalReference ext_ref = ExternalReference::wasm_int64_div();
2098 EmitDivOrRem64CCall(dst, lhs, rhs, ext_ref, div_by_zero,
2099 div_unrepresentable);
2100 }
2101 });
2102 case kExprI64DivU:
2103 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI64>([this, decoder](LiftoffRegister dst,
2104 LiftoffRegister lhs,
2105 LiftoffRegister rhs) {
2106 Label* div_by_zero =
2107 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapDivByZero);
2108 if (!__ emit_i64_divu(dst, lhs, rhs, div_by_zero)) {
2109 ExternalReference ext_ref = ExternalReference::wasm_uint64_div();
2110 EmitDivOrRem64CCall(dst, lhs, rhs, ext_ref, div_by_zero);
2111 }
2112 });
2113 case kExprI64RemS:
2114 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI64>([this, decoder](LiftoffRegister dst,
2115 LiftoffRegister lhs,
2116 LiftoffRegister rhs) {
2117 Label* rem_by_zero =
2118 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapRemByZero);
2119 if (!__ emit_i64_rems(dst, lhs, rhs, rem_by_zero)) {
2120 ExternalReference ext_ref = ExternalReference::wasm_int64_mod();
2121 EmitDivOrRem64CCall(dst, lhs, rhs, ext_ref, rem_by_zero);
2122 }
2123 });
2124 case kExprI64RemU:
2125 return EmitBinOp<kI64, kI64>([this, decoder](LiftoffRegister dst,
2126 LiftoffRegister lhs,
2127 LiftoffRegister rhs) {
2128 Label* rem_by_zero =
2129 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapRemByZero);
2130 if (!__ emit_i64_remu(dst, lhs, rhs, rem_by_zero)) {
2131 ExternalReference ext_ref = ExternalReference::wasm_uint64_mod();
2132 EmitDivOrRem64CCall(dst, lhs, rhs, ext_ref, rem_by_zero);
2133 }
2134 });
2135 case kExprRefEq: {
2136 return EmitBinOp<kOptRef, kI32>(
2137 BindFirst(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_ptrsize_set_cond, kEqual));
2138 }
2140 default:
2141 UNREACHABLE()V8_Fatal("unreachable code");
2142 }
2143#undef CASE_I64_SHIFTOP
2145 }
2147 void I32Const(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result, int32_t value) {
2148 __ PushConstant(kI32, value);
2149 }
2151 void I64Const(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result, int64_t value) {
2152 // The {VarState} stores constant values as int32_t, thus we only store
2153 // 64-bit constants in this field if it fits in an int32_t. Larger values
2154 // cannot be used as immediate value anyway, so we can also just put them in
2155 // a register immediately.
2156 int32_t value_i32 = static_cast<int32_t>(value);
2157 if (value_i32 == value) {
2158 __ PushConstant(kI64, value_i32);
2159 } else {
2160 LiftoffRegister reg = __ GetUnusedRegister(reg_class_for(kI64), {});
2161 __ LoadConstant(reg, WasmValue(value));
2162 __ PushRegister(kI64, reg);
2163 }
2164 }
2166 void F32Const(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result, float value) {
2167 LiftoffRegister reg = __ GetUnusedRegister(kFpReg, {});
2168 __ LoadConstant(reg, WasmValue(value));
2169 __ PushRegister(kF32, reg);
2170 }
2172 void F64Const(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result, double value) {
2173 LiftoffRegister reg = __ GetUnusedRegister(kFpReg, {});
2174 __ LoadConstant(reg, WasmValue(value));
2175 __ PushRegister(kF64, reg);
2176 }
2178 void RefNull(FullDecoder* decoder, ValueType type, Value*) {
2179 LiftoffRegister null = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {});
2180 LoadNullValue(null.gp(), {});
2181 __ PushRegister(type.kind(), null);
2182 }
2184 void RefFunc(FullDecoder* decoder, uint32_t function_index, Value* result) {
2185 LiftoffRegister func_index_reg = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {});
2186 __ LoadConstant(func_index_reg, WasmValue(function_index));
2187 LiftoffAssembler::VarState func_index_var(kI32, func_index_reg, 0);
2188 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmRefFunc, MakeSig::Returns(kRef).Params(kI32),
2189 {func_index_var}, decoder->position());
2190 __ PushRegister(kRef, LiftoffRegister(kReturnRegister0));
2191 }
2193 void RefAsNonNull(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& arg, Value* result) {
2194 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2195 LiftoffRegister obj = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
2196 MaybeEmitNullCheck(decoder, obj.gp(), pinned, arg.type);
2197 __ PushRegister(kRef, obj);
2198 }
2200 void Drop(FullDecoder* decoder) { __ DropValues(1); }
2202 void TraceFunctionExit(FullDecoder* decoder) {
2203 CODE_COMMENT("trace function exit");
2204 // Before making the runtime call, spill all cache registers.
2205 __ SpillAllRegisters();
2206 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2207 // Get a register to hold the stack slot for the return value.
2208 LiftoffRegister info = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
2209 __ AllocateStackSlot(info.gp(), sizeof(int64_t));
2211 // Store the return value if there is exactly one. Multiple return values
2212 // are not handled yet.
2213 size_t num_returns = decoder->sig_->return_count();
2214 if (num_returns == 1) {
2215 ValueKind return_kind = decoder->sig_->GetReturn(0).kind();
2216 LiftoffRegister return_reg =
2217 __ LoadToRegister(__ cache_state()->stack_state.back(), pinned);
2218 if (is_reference(return_kind)) {
2219 __ StoreTaggedPointer(info.gp(), no_reg, 0, return_reg, pinned);
2220 } else {
2221 __ Store(info.gp(), no_reg, 0, return_reg,
2222 StoreType::ForValueKind(return_kind), pinned);
2223 }
2224 }
2225 // Put the parameter in its place.
2226 WasmTraceExitDescriptor descriptor;
2227 DCHECK_EQ(0, descriptor.GetStackParameterCount())((void) 0);
2228 DCHECK_EQ(1, descriptor.GetRegisterParameterCount())((void) 0);
2229 Register param_reg = descriptor.GetRegisterParameter(0);
2230 if (info.gp() != param_reg) {
2231 __ Move(param_reg, info.gp(), kPointerKind);
2232 }
2234 source_position_table_builder_.AddPosition(
2235 __ pc_offset(), SourcePosition(decoder->position()), false);
2236 __ CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmTraceExit);
2237 DefineSafepoint();
2239 __ DeallocateStackSlot(sizeof(int64_t));
2240 }
2242 void TierupCheckOnExit(FullDecoder* decoder) {
2243 if (!dynamic_tiering()) return;
2244 TierupCheck(decoder, decoder->position(), __ pc_offset());
2245 CODE_COMMENT("update tiering budget");
2246 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2247 LiftoffRegister budget = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
2248 LiftoffRegister array = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
2249 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(array.gp(), TieringBudgetArray, kSystemPointerSize,
2250 pinned);
2251 uint32_t offset =
2252 kInt32Size * declared_function_index(env_->module, func_index_);
2253 __ Fill(budget, liftoff::kTierupBudgetOffset, ValueKind::kI32);
2254 __ Store(array.gp(), no_reg, offset, budget, StoreType::kI32Store, pinned);
2255 }
2257 void DoReturn(FullDecoder* decoder, uint32_t /* drop_values */) {
2258 if (FLAG_trace_wasm) TraceFunctionExit(decoder);
2259 TierupCheckOnExit(decoder);
2260 size_t num_returns = decoder->sig_->return_count();
2261 if (num_returns > 0) __ MoveToReturnLocations(decoder->sig_, descriptor_);
2262 __ LeaveFrame(StackFrame::WASM);
2263 __ DropStackSlotsAndRet(
2264 static_cast<uint32_t>(descriptor_->ParameterSlotCount()));
2265 }
2267 void LocalGet(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result,
2268 const IndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
2269 auto local_slot = __ cache_state()->stack_state[imm.index];
2270 __ cache_state()->stack_state.emplace_back(
2271 local_slot.kind(), __ NextSpillOffset(local_slot.kind()));
2272 auto* slot = &__ cache_state()->stack_state.back();
2273 if (local_slot.is_reg()) {
2274 __ cache_state()->inc_used(local_slot.reg());
2275 slot->MakeRegister(local_slot.reg());
2276 } else if (local_slot.is_const()) {
2277 slot->MakeConstant(local_slot.i32_const());
2278 } else {
2279 DCHECK(local_slot.is_stack())((void) 0);
2280 auto rc = reg_class_for(local_slot.kind());
2281 LiftoffRegister reg = __ GetUnusedRegister(rc, {});
2282 __ cache_state()->inc_used(reg);
2283 slot->MakeRegister(reg);
2284 __ Fill(reg, local_slot.offset(), local_slot.kind());
2285 }
2286 }
2288 void LocalSetFromStackSlot(LiftoffAssembler::VarState* dst_slot,
2289 uint32_t local_index) {
2290 auto& state = *__ cache_state();
2291 auto& src_slot = state.stack_state.back();
2292 ValueKind kind = dst_slot->kind();
2293 if (dst_slot->is_reg()) {
2294 LiftoffRegister slot_reg = dst_slot->reg();
2295 if (state.get_use_count(slot_reg) == 1) {
2296 __ Fill(dst_slot->reg(), src_slot.offset(), kind);
2297 return;
2298 }
2299 state.dec_used(slot_reg);
2300 dst_slot->MakeStack();
2301 }
2302 DCHECK(CheckCompatibleStackSlotTypes(kind, __ local_kind(local_index)))((void) 0);
2303 RegClass rc = reg_class_for(kind);
2304 LiftoffRegister dst_reg = __ GetUnusedRegister(rc, {});
2305 __ Fill(dst_reg, src_slot.offset(), kind);
2306 *dst_slot = LiftoffAssembler::VarState(kind, dst_reg, dst_slot->offset());
2307 __ cache_state()->inc_used(dst_reg);
2308 }
2310 void LocalSet(uint32_t local_index, bool is_tee) {
2311 auto& state = *__ cache_state();
2312 auto& source_slot = state.stack_state.back();
2313 auto& target_slot = state.stack_state[local_index];
2314 switch (source_slot.loc()) {
2315 case kRegister:
2316 if (target_slot.is_reg()) state.dec_used(target_slot.reg());
2317 target_slot.Copy(source_slot);
2318 if (is_tee) state.inc_used(target_slot.reg());
2319 break;
2320 case kIntConst:
2321 if (target_slot.is_reg()) state.dec_used(target_slot.reg());
2322 target_slot.Copy(source_slot);
2323 break;
2324 case kStack:
2325 LocalSetFromStackSlot(&target_slot, local_index);
2326 break;
2327 }
2328 if (!is_tee) __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back();
2329 }
2331 void LocalSet(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& value,
2332 const IndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
2333 LocalSet(imm.index, false);
2334 }
2336 void LocalTee(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& value, Value* result,
2337 const IndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
2338 LocalSet(imm.index, true);
2339 }
2341 void AllocateLocals(FullDecoder* decoder, base::Vector<Value> local_values) {
2342 // TODO(7748): Introduce typed functions bailout reason
2343 unsupported(decoder, kGC, "let");
2344 }
2346 void DeallocateLocals(FullDecoder* decoder, uint32_t count) {
2347 // TODO(7748): Introduce typed functions bailout reason
2348 unsupported(decoder, kGC, "let");
2349 }
2351 Register GetGlobalBaseAndOffset(const WasmGlobal* global,
2352 LiftoffRegList* pinned, uint32_t* offset) {
2353 Register addr = pinned->set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {})).gp();
2354 if (global->mutability && global->imported) {
2355 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(addr, ImportedMutableGlobals, kSystemPointerSize,
2356 *pinned);
2357 __ Load(LiftoffRegister(addr), addr, no_reg,
2358 global->index * sizeof(Address), kPointerLoadType, *pinned);
2359 *offset = 0;
2360 } else {
2361 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(addr, GlobalsStart, kSystemPointerSize, *pinned);
2362 *offset = global->offset;
2363 }
2364 return addr;
2365 }
2367 void GetBaseAndOffsetForImportedMutableExternRefGlobal(
2368 const WasmGlobal* global, LiftoffRegList* pinned, Register* base,
2369 Register* offset) {
2370 Register globals_buffer =
2371 pinned->set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, *pinned)).gp();
2373 ImportedMutableGlobalsBuffers, *pinned);
2374 *base = globals_buffer;
2375 __ LoadTaggedPointer(
2376 *base, globals_buffer, no_reg,
2377 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(global->offset),
2378 *pinned);
2380 // For the offset we need the index of the global in the buffer, and
2381 // then calculate the actual offset from the index. Load the index from
2382 // the ImportedMutableGlobals array of the instance.
2383 Register imported_mutable_globals =
2384 pinned->set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, *pinned)).gp();
2386 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(imported_mutable_globals, ImportedMutableGlobals,
2387 kSystemPointerSize, *pinned);
2388 *offset = imported_mutable_globals;
2389 __ Load(LiftoffRegister(*offset), imported_mutable_globals, no_reg,
2390 global->index * sizeof(Address),
2391 kSystemPointerSize == 4 ? LoadType::kI32Load : LoadType::kI64Load,
2392 *pinned);
2393 __ emit_i32_shli(*offset, *offset, kTaggedSizeLog2);
2394 __ emit_i32_addi(*offset, *offset,
2395 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(0));
2396 }
2398 void GlobalGet(FullDecoder* decoder, Value* result,
2399 const GlobalIndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
2400 const auto* global = &env_->module->globals[imm.index];
2401 ValueKind kind = global->type.kind();
2402 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, kind, "global")) {
2403 return;
2404 }
2406 if (is_reference(kind)) {
2407 if (global->mutability && global->imported) {
2408 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2409 Register base = no_reg;
2410 Register offset = no_reg;
2411 GetBaseAndOffsetForImportedMutableExternRefGlobal(global, &pinned,
2412 &base, &offset);
2413 __ LoadTaggedPointer(base, base, offset, 0, pinned);
2414 __ PushRegister(kind, LiftoffRegister(base));
2415 return;
2416 }
2418 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2419 Register globals_buffer =
2420 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
2421 LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(globals_buffer, TaggedGlobalsBuffer,
2422 pinned);
2423 Register value = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
2424 __ LoadTaggedPointer(value, globals_buffer, no_reg,
2425 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(
2426 imm.global->offset),
2427 pinned);
2428 __ PushRegister(kind, LiftoffRegister(value));
2429 return;
2430 }
2431 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2432 uint32_t offset = 0;
2433 Register addr = GetGlobalBaseAndOffset(global, &pinned, &offset);
2434 LiftoffRegister value =
2435 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(reg_class_for(kind), pinned));
2436 LoadType type = LoadType::ForValueKind(kind);
2437 __ Load(value, addr, no_reg, offset, type, pinned, nullptr, false);
2438 __ PushRegister(kind, value);
2439 }
2441 void GlobalSet(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value&,
2442 const GlobalIndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
2443 auto* global = &env_->module->globals[imm.index];
2444 ValueKind kind = global->type.kind();
2445 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, kind, "global")) {
2446 return;
2447 }
2449 if (is_reference(kind)) {
2450 if (global->mutability && global->imported) {
2451 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2452 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
2453 Register base = no_reg;
2454 Register offset = no_reg;
2455 GetBaseAndOffsetForImportedMutableExternRefGlobal(global, &pinned,
2456 &base, &offset);
2457 __ StoreTaggedPointer(base, offset, 0, value, pinned);
2458 return;
2459 }
2461 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2462 Register globals_buffer =
2463 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
2464 LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(globals_buffer, TaggedGlobalsBuffer,
2465 pinned);
2466 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
2467 __ StoreTaggedPointer(globals_buffer, no_reg,
2468 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(
2469 imm.global->offset),
2470 value, pinned);
2471 return;
2472 }
2473 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2474 uint32_t offset = 0;
2475 Register addr = GetGlobalBaseAndOffset(global, &pinned, &offset);
2476 LiftoffRegister reg = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
2477 StoreType type = StoreType::ForValueKind(kind);
2478 __ Store(addr, no_reg, offset, reg, type, {}, nullptr, false);
2479 }
2481 void TableGet(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value&, Value*,
2482 const IndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
2483 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2485 LiftoffRegister table_index_reg =
2486 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
2487 __ LoadConstant(table_index_reg, WasmValue(imm.index));
2488 LiftoffAssembler::VarState table_index(kPointerKind, table_index_reg, 0);
2490 LiftoffAssembler::VarState index = __ cache_state()->stack_state.back();
2492 ValueKind result_kind = env_->module->tables[imm.index].type.kind();
2493 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmTableGet,
2494 MakeSig::Returns(result_kind).Params(kI32, kI32),
2495 {table_index, index}, decoder->position());
2497 // Pop parameters from the value stack.
2498 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back(1);
2500 RegisterDebugSideTableEntry(decoder, DebugSideTableBuilder::kDidSpill);
2502 __ PushRegister(result_kind, LiftoffRegister(kReturnRegister0));
2503 }
2505 void TableSet(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value&, const Value&,
2506 const IndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
2507 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2509 LiftoffRegister table_index_reg =
2510 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
2511 __ LoadConstant(table_index_reg, WasmValue(imm.index));
2512 LiftoffAssembler::VarState table_index(kPointerKind, table_index_reg, 0);
2514 LiftoffAssembler::VarState value = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1];
2515 LiftoffAssembler::VarState index = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-2];
2517 ValueKind table_kind = env_->module->tables[imm.index].type.kind();
2519 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmTableSet,
2520 MakeSig::Params(kI32, kI32, table_kind),
2521 {table_index, index, value}, decoder->position());
2523 // Pop parameters from the value stack.
2524 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back(2);
2526 RegisterDebugSideTableEntry(decoder, DebugSideTableBuilder::kDidSpill);
2527 }
2529 WasmCode::RuntimeStubId GetRuntimeStubIdForTrapReason(TrapReason reason) {
2530 switch (reason) {
2531#define RUNTIME_STUB_FOR_TRAP(trap_reason) \
2532 case k##trap_reason: \
2533 return WasmCode::kThrowWasm##trap_reason;
TrapMemOutOfBounds) RUNTIME_STUB_FOR_TRAP(TrapUnalignedAccess
(TrapFloatUnrepresentable) RUNTIME_STUB_FOR_TRAP(TrapFuncSigMismatch
(TrapElemSegmentDropped) RUNTIME_STUB_FOR_TRAP(TrapTableOutOfBounds
(TrapArrayOutOfBounds) RUNTIME_STUB_FOR_TRAP(TrapArrayTooLarge
2537 default:
2538 UNREACHABLE()V8_Fatal("unreachable code");
2539 }
2540 }
2542 void Trap(FullDecoder* decoder, TrapReason reason) {
2543 Label* trap_label =
2544 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, GetRuntimeStubIdForTrapReason(reason));
2545 __ emit_jump(trap_label);
2546 __ AssertUnreachable(AbortReason::kUnexpectedReturnFromWasmTrap);
2547 }
2549 void AssertNull(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& arg, Value* result) {
2550 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2551 LiftoffRegister obj = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
2552 Label* trap_label =
2553 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapIllegalCast);
2554 LiftoffRegister null = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned);
2555 LoadNullValue(null.gp(), pinned);
2556 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnequal, trap_label, kOptRef, obj.gp(), null.gp());
2557 __ PushRegister(kOptRef, obj);
2558 }
2560 void NopForTestingUnsupportedInLiftoff(FullDecoder* decoder) {
2561 unsupported(decoder, kOtherReason, "testing opcode");
2562 }
2564 void Select(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& cond, const Value& fval,
2565 const Value& tval, Value* result) {
2566 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2567 Register condition = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister()).gp();
2568 ValueKind kind = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1].kind();
2569 DCHECK(CheckCompatibleStackSlotTypes(((void) 0)
2570 kind, __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-2].kind()))((void) 0);
2571 LiftoffRegister false_value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
2572 LiftoffRegister true_value = __ PopToRegister(pinned);
2573 LiftoffRegister dst = __ GetUnusedRegister(true_value.reg_class(),
2574 {true_value, false_value}, {});
2575 if (!__ emit_select(dst, condition, true_value, false_value, kind)) {
2576 // Emit generic code (using branches) instead.
2577 Label cont;
2578 Label case_false;
2579 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, &case_false, kI32, condition);
2580 if (dst != true_value) __ Move(dst, true_value, kind);
2581 __ emit_jump(&cont);
2583 __ bind(&case_false);
2584 if (dst != false_value) __ Move(dst, false_value, kind);
2585 __ bind(&cont);
2586 }
2587 __ PushRegister(kind, dst);
2588 }
2590 void BrImpl(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* target) {
2591 if (dynamic_tiering()) {
2592 if (target->is_loop()) {
2593 DCHECK(target->label.get()->is_bound())((void) 0);
2594 int jump_distance = __ pc_offset() - target->label.get()->pos();
2595 // For now we just add one as the cost for the tier up check. We might
2596 // want to revisit this when tuning tiering budgets later.
2597 const int kTierUpCheckCost = 1;
2598 TierupCheck(decoder, decoder->position(),
2599 jump_distance + kTierUpCheckCost);
2600 } else {
2601 // To estimate time spent in this function more accurately, we could
2602 // increment the tiering budget on forward jumps. However, we don't
2603 // know the jump distance yet; using a blanket value has been tried
2604 // and found to not make a difference.
2605 }
2606 }
2607 if (!target->br_merge()->reached) {
2608 target->label_state.InitMerge(
2609 *__ cache_state(), __ num_locals(), target->br_merge()->arity,
2610 target->stack_depth + target->num_exceptions);
2611 }
2612 __ MergeStackWith(target->label_state, target->br_merge()->arity,
2613 target->is_loop() ? LiftoffAssembler::kBackwardJump
2614 : LiftoffAssembler::kForwardJump);
2615 __ jmp(target->label.get());
2616 }
2618 void BrOrRet(FullDecoder* decoder, uint32_t depth,
2619 uint32_t /* drop_values */) {
2620 BrOrRetImpl(decoder, depth);
2621 }
2623 void BrOrRetImpl(FullDecoder* decoder, uint32_t depth) {
2624 if (depth == decoder->control_depth() - 1) {
2625 DoReturn(decoder, 0);
2626 } else {
2627 BrImpl(decoder, decoder->control_at(depth));
2628 }
2629 }
2631 void BrIf(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& /* cond */, uint32_t depth) {
2632 // Before branching, materialize all constants. This avoids repeatedly
2633 // materializing them for each conditional branch.
2634 // TODO(clemensb): Do the same for br_table.
2635 if (depth != decoder->control_depth() - 1) {
2636 __ MaterializeMergedConstants(
2637 decoder->control_at(depth)->br_merge()->arity);
2638 }
2640 Label cont_false;
2642 // Test the condition on the value stack, jump to {cont_false} if zero.
2643 JumpIfFalse(decoder, &cont_false);
2645 // As a quickfix for https://crbug.com/1314184 we store the cache state
2646 // before calling {BrOrRetImpl} under dynamic tiering, because the tier up
2647 // check modifies the cache state (GetUnusedRegister,
2648 // LoadInstanceIntoRegister).
2649 // TODO(wasm): This causes significant overhead during compilation; try to
2650 // avoid this, maybe by passing in scratch registers.
2651 if (dynamic_tiering()) {
2652 LiftoffAssembler::CacheState old_cache_state;
2653 old_cache_state.Split(*__ cache_state());
2654 BrOrRetImpl(decoder, depth);
2655 __ cache_state()->Steal(old_cache_state);
2656 } else {
2657 BrOrRetImpl(decoder, depth);
2658 }
2660 __ bind(&cont_false);
2661 }
2663 // Generate a branch table case, potentially reusing previously generated
2664 // stack transfer code.
2665 void GenerateBrCase(FullDecoder* decoder, uint32_t br_depth,
2666 std::map<uint32_t, MovableLabel>* br_targets) {
2667 MovableLabel& label = (*br_targets)[br_depth];
2668 if (label.get()->is_bound()) {
2669 __ jmp(label.get());
2670 } else {
2671 __ bind(label.get());
2672 BrOrRet(decoder, br_depth, 0);
2673 }
2674 }
2676 // Generate a branch table for input in [min, max).
2677 // TODO(wasm): Generate a real branch table (like TF TableSwitch).
2678 void GenerateBrTable(FullDecoder* decoder, LiftoffRegister tmp,
2679 LiftoffRegister value, uint32_t min, uint32_t max,
2680 BranchTableIterator<validate>* table_iterator,
2681 std::map<uint32_t, MovableLabel>* br_targets) {
2682 DCHECK_LT(min, max)((void) 0);
2683 // Check base case.
2684 if (max == min + 1) {
2685 DCHECK_EQ(min, table_iterator->cur_index())((void) 0);
2686 GenerateBrCase(decoder, table_iterator->next(), br_targets);
2687 return;
2688 }
2690 uint32_t split = min + (max - min) / 2;
2691 Label upper_half;
2692 __ LoadConstant(tmp, WasmValue(split));
2693 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnsignedGreaterEqual, &upper_half, kI32, value.gp(),
2694 tmp.gp());
2695 // Emit br table for lower half:
2696 GenerateBrTable(decoder, tmp, value, min, split, table_iterator,
2697 br_targets);
2698 __ bind(&upper_half);
2699 // table_iterator will trigger a DCHECK if we don't stop decoding now.
2700 if (did_bailout()) return;
2701 // Emit br table for upper half:
2702 GenerateBrTable(decoder, tmp, value, split, max, table_iterator,
2703 br_targets);
2704 }
2706 void BrTable(FullDecoder* decoder, const BranchTableImmediate<validate>& imm,
2707 const Value& key) {
2708 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2709 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister());
2710 BranchTableIterator<validate> table_iterator(decoder, imm);
2711 std::map<uint32_t, MovableLabel> br_targets;
2713 if (imm.table_count > 0) {
2714 LiftoffRegister tmp = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned);
2715 __ LoadConstant(tmp, WasmValue(uint32_t{imm.table_count}));
2716 Label case_default;
2717 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnsignedGreaterEqual, &case_default, kI32, value.gp(),
2718 tmp.gp());
2720 GenerateBrTable(decoder, tmp, value, 0, imm.table_count, &table_iterator,
2721 &br_targets);
2723 __ bind(&case_default);
2724 // table_iterator will trigger a DCHECK if we don't stop decoding now.
2725 if (did_bailout()) return;
2726 }
2728 // Generate the default case.
2729 GenerateBrCase(decoder, table_iterator.next(), &br_targets);
2730 DCHECK(!table_iterator.has_next())((void) 0);
2731 }
2733 void Else(FullDecoder* decoder, Control* c) {
2734 if (c->reachable()) {
2735 if (!c->end_merge.reached) {
2736 c->label_state.InitMerge(*__ cache_state(), __ num_locals(),
2737 c->end_merge.arity,
2738 c->stack_depth + c->num_exceptions);
2739 }
2740 __ MergeFullStackWith(c->label_state, *__ cache_state());
2741 __ emit_jump(c->label.get());
2742 }
2743 __ bind(c->else_state->label.get());
2744 __ cache_state()->Steal(c->else_state->state);
2745 }
2747 SpilledRegistersForInspection* GetSpilledRegistersForInspection() {
2748 DCHECK(for_debugging_)((void) 0);
2749 // If we are generating debugging code, we really need to spill all
2750 // registers to make them inspectable when stopping at the trap.
2751 auto* spilled = compilation_zone_->New<SpilledRegistersForInspection>(
2752 compilation_zone_);
2753 for (uint32_t i = 0, e = __ cache_state()->stack_height(); i < e; ++i) {
2754 auto& slot = __ cache_state()->stack_state[i];
2755 if (!slot.is_reg()) continue;
2756 spilled->entries.push_back(SpilledRegistersForInspection::Entry{
2757 slot.offset(), slot.reg(), slot.kind()});
2758 __ RecordUsedSpillOffset(slot.offset());
2759 }
2760 return spilled;
2761 }
2763 Label* AddOutOfLineTrap(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmCode::RuntimeStubId stub,
2764 uint32_t pc = 0) {
2765 // Only memory OOB traps need a {pc}.
2766 DCHECK_IMPLIES(stub != WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds, pc == 0)((void) 0);
2767 DCHECK(FLAG_wasm_bounds_checks)((void) 0);
2768 OutOfLineSafepointInfo* safepoint_info = nullptr;
2769 if (V8_UNLIKELY(for_debugging_)(__builtin_expect(!!(for_debugging_), 0))) {
2770 // Execution does not return after a trap. Therefore we don't have to
2771 // define a safepoint for traps that would preserve references on the
2772 // stack. However, if this is debug code, then we have to preserve the
2773 // references so that they can be inspected.
2774 safepoint_info =
2775 compilation_zone_->New<OutOfLineSafepointInfo>(compilation_zone_);
2776 __ cache_state()->GetTaggedSlotsForOOLCode(
2777 &safepoint_info->slots, &safepoint_info->spills,
2778 LiftoffAssembler::CacheState::SpillLocation::kStackSlots);
2779 }
2780 out_of_line_code_.push_back(OutOfLineCode::Trap(
2781 stub, decoder->position(),
2782 V8_UNLIKELY(for_debugging_)(__builtin_expect(!!(for_debugging_), 0)) ? GetSpilledRegistersForInspection()
2783 : nullptr,
2784 safepoint_info, pc, RegisterOOLDebugSideTableEntry(decoder)));
2785 return out_of_line_code_.back().label.get();
2786 }
2788 enum ForceCheck : bool { kDoForceCheck = true, kDontForceCheck = false };
2790 // Returns {no_reg} if the memory access is statically known to be out of
2791 // bounds (a jump to the trap was generated then); return the GP {index}
2792 // register otherwise (holding the ptrsized index).
2793 Register BoundsCheckMem(FullDecoder* decoder, uint32_t access_size,
2794 uint64_t offset, LiftoffRegister index,
2795 LiftoffRegList pinned, ForceCheck force_check) {
2796 const bool statically_oob =
2797 !base::IsInBounds<uintptr_t>(offset, access_size,
2798 env_->max_memory_size);
2800 // After bounds checking, we know that the index must be ptrsize, hence only
2801 // look at the lower word on 32-bit systems (the high word is bounds-checked
2802 // further down).
2803 Register index_ptrsize =
2804 kNeedI64RegPair && index.is_gp_pair() ? index.low_gp() : index.gp();
2806 // Without bounds checks (testing only), just return the ptrsize index.
2807 if (V8_UNLIKELY(env_->bounds_checks == kNoBoundsChecks)(__builtin_expect(!!(env_->bounds_checks == kNoBoundsChecks
), 0))
) {
2808 return index_ptrsize;
2809 }
2811 // Early return for trap handler.
2812 DCHECK_IMPLIES(env_->module->is_memory64,((void) 0)
2813 env_->bounds_checks == kExplicitBoundsChecks)((void) 0);
2814 if (!force_check && !statically_oob &&
2815 env_->bounds_checks == kTrapHandler) {
2816 // With trap handlers we should not have a register pair as input (we
2817 // would only return the lower half).
2818 DCHECK(index.is_gp())((void) 0);
2819 return index_ptrsize;
2820 }
2822 CODE_COMMENT("bounds check memory");
2824 // Set {pc} of the OOL code to {0} to avoid generation of protected
2825 // instruction information (see {GenerateOutOfLineCode}.
2826 Label* trap_label =
2827 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds, 0);
2829 if (V8_UNLIKELY(statically_oob)(__builtin_expect(!!(statically_oob), 0))) {
2830 __ emit_jump(trap_label);
2831 decoder->SetSucceedingCodeDynamicallyUnreachable();
2832 return no_reg;
2833 }
2835 // Convert the index to ptrsize, bounds-checking the high word on 32-bit
2836 // systems for memory64.
2837 if (!env_->module->is_memory64) {
2838 __ emit_u32_to_uintptr(index_ptrsize, index_ptrsize);
2839 } else if (kSystemPointerSize == kInt32Size) {
2840 DCHECK_GE(kMaxUInt32, env_->max_memory_size)((void) 0);
2841 __ emit_cond_jump(kNotEqualZero, trap_label, kI32, index.high_gp());
2842 }
2844 uintptr_t end_offset = offset + access_size - 1u;
2846 pinned.set(index_ptrsize);
2847 LiftoffRegister end_offset_reg =
2848 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
2849 LiftoffRegister mem_size = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned);
2850 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(mem_size.gp(), MemorySize, kSystemPointerSize, pinned);
2852 __ LoadConstant(end_offset_reg, WasmValue::ForUintPtr(end_offset));
2854 // If the end offset is larger than the smallest memory, dynamically check
2855 // the end offset against the actual memory size, which is not known at
2856 // compile time. Otherwise, only one check is required (see below).
2857 if (end_offset > env_->min_memory_size) {
2858 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnsignedGreaterEqual, trap_label, kPointerKind,
2859 end_offset_reg.gp(), mem_size.gp());
2860 }
2862 // Just reuse the end_offset register for computing the effective size
2863 // (which is >= 0 because of the check above).
2864 LiftoffRegister effective_size_reg = end_offset_reg;
2865 __ emit_ptrsize_sub(effective_size_reg.gp(), mem_size.gp(),
2866 end_offset_reg.gp());
2868 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnsignedGreaterEqual, trap_label, kPointerKind,
2869 index_ptrsize, effective_size_reg.gp());
2870 return index_ptrsize;
2871 }
2873 void AlignmentCheckMem(FullDecoder* decoder, uint32_t access_size,
2874 uintptr_t offset, Register index,
2875 LiftoffRegList pinned) {
2876 CODE_COMMENT("alignment check");
2877 Label* trap_label =
2878 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapUnalignedAccess, 0);
2879 Register address = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned).gp();
2881 const uint32_t align_mask = access_size - 1;
2882 if ((offset & align_mask) == 0) {
2883 // If {offset} is aligned, we can produce faster code.
2885 // TODO(ahaas): On Intel, the "test" instruction implicitly computes the
2886 // AND of two operands. We could introduce a new variant of
2887 // {emit_cond_jump} to use the "test" instruction without the "and" here.
2888 // Then we can also avoid using the temp register here.
2889 __ emit_i32_andi(address, index, align_mask);
2890 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnequal, trap_label, kI32, address);
2891 } else {
2892 // For alignment checks we only look at the lower 32-bits in {offset}.
2893 __ emit_i32_addi(address, index, static_cast<uint32_t>(offset));
2894 __ emit_i32_andi(address, address, align_mask);
2895 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnequal, trap_label, kI32, address);
2896 }
2897 }
2899 void TraceMemoryOperation(bool is_store, MachineRepresentation rep,
2900 Register index, uintptr_t offset,
2901 WasmCodePosition position) {
2902 // Before making the runtime call, spill all cache registers.
2903 __ SpillAllRegisters();
2905 LiftoffRegList pinned;
2906 if (index != no_reg) pinned.set(index);
2907 // Get one register for computing the effective offset (offset + index).
2908 LiftoffRegister effective_offset =
2909 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
2910 DCHECK_GE(kMaxUInt32, offset)((void) 0);
2911 __ LoadConstant(effective_offset, WasmValue(static_cast<uint32_t>(offset)));
2912 if (index != no_reg) {
2913 // TODO(clemensb): Do a 64-bit addition here if memory64 is used.
2914 __ emit_i32_add(effective_offset.gp(), effective_offset.gp(), index);
2915 }
2917 // Get a register to hold the stack slot for MemoryTracingInfo.
2918 LiftoffRegister info = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
2919 // Allocate stack slot for MemoryTracingInfo.
2920 __ AllocateStackSlot(info.gp(), sizeof(MemoryTracingInfo));
2922 // Reuse the {effective_offset} register for all information to be stored in
2923 // the MemoryTracingInfo struct.
2924 LiftoffRegister data = effective_offset;
2926 // Now store all information into the MemoryTracingInfo struct.
2927 if (kSystemPointerSize == 8) {
2928 // Zero-extend the effective offset to u64.
2929 CHECK(__ emit_type_conversion(kExprI64UConvertI32, data, effective_offset,do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(__ emit_type_conversion(kExprI64UConvertI32
, data, effective_offset, nullptr))), 0))) { V8_Fatal("Check failed: %s."
, "__ emit_type_conversion(kExprI64UConvertI32, data, effective_offset, nullptr)"
); } } while (false)
2930 nullptr))do { if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(__ emit_type_conversion(kExprI64UConvertI32
, data, effective_offset, nullptr))), 0))) { V8_Fatal("Check failed: %s."
, "__ emit_type_conversion(kExprI64UConvertI32, data, effective_offset, nullptr)"
); } } while (false)
2931 }
2932 __ Store(
2933 info.gp(), no_reg, offsetof(MemoryTracingInfo, offset)__builtin_offsetof(MemoryTracingInfo, offset), data,
2934 kSystemPointerSize == 8 ? StoreType::kI64Store : StoreType::kI32Store,
2935 pinned);
2936 __ LoadConstant(data, WasmValue(is_store ? 1 : 0));
2937 __ Store(info.gp(), no_reg, offsetof(MemoryTracingInfo, is_store)__builtin_offsetof(MemoryTracingInfo, is_store), data,
2938 StoreType::kI32Store8, pinned);
2939 __ LoadConstant(data, WasmValue(static_cast<int>(rep)));
2940 __ Store(info.gp(), no_reg, offsetof(MemoryTracingInfo, mem_rep)__builtin_offsetof(MemoryTracingInfo, mem_rep), data,
2941 StoreType::kI32Store8, pinned);
2943 WasmTraceMemoryDescriptor descriptor;
2944 DCHECK_EQ(0, descriptor.GetStackParameterCount())((void) 0);
2945 DCHECK_EQ(1, descriptor.GetRegisterParameterCount())((void) 0);
2946 Register param_reg = descriptor.GetRegisterParameter(0);
2947 if (info.gp() != param_reg) {
2948 __ Move(param_reg, info.gp(), kPointerKind);
2949 }
2951 source_position_table_builder_.AddPosition(__ pc_offset(),
2952 SourcePosition(position), false);
2953 __ CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmTraceMemory);
2954 DefineSafepoint();
2956 __ DeallocateStackSlot(sizeof(MemoryTracingInfo));
2957 }
2959 bool IndexStaticallyInBounds(const LiftoffAssembler::VarState& index_slot,
2960 int access_size, uintptr_t* offset) {
2961 if (!index_slot.is_const()) return false;
2963 // Potentially zero extend index (which is a 32-bit constant).
2964 const uintptr_t index = static_cast<uint32_t>(index_slot.i32_const());
2965 const uintptr_t effective_offset = index + *offset;
2967 if (effective_offset < index // overflow
2968 || !base::IsInBounds<uintptr_t>(effective_offset, access_size,
2969 env_->min_memory_size)) {
2970 return false;
2971 }
2973 *offset = effective_offset;
2974 return true;
2975 }
2977 Register GetMemoryStart(LiftoffRegList pinned) {
2978 Register memory_start = __ cache_state()->cached_mem_start;
2979 if (memory_start == no_reg) {
2980 memory_start = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned).gp();
2981 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(memory_start, MemoryStart, kSystemPointerSize,
2982 pinned);
2984 __ DecodeSandboxedPointer(memory_start);
2986 __ cache_state()->SetMemStartCacheRegister(memory_start);
2987 }
2988 return memory_start;
2989 }
2991 void LoadMem(FullDecoder* decoder, LoadType type,
2992 const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm,
2993 const Value& index_val, Value* result) {
2994 ValueKind kind = type.value_type().kind();
2995 RegClass rc = reg_class_for(kind);
2996 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, kind, "load")) return;
2998 uintptr_t offset = imm.offset;
2999 Register index = no_reg;
3001 // Only look at the slot, do not pop it yet (will happen in PopToRegister
3002 // below, if this is not a statically-in-bounds index).
3003 auto& index_slot = __ cache_state()->stack_state.back();
3004 bool i64_offset = index_val.type == kWasmI64;
3005 if (IndexStaticallyInBounds(index_slot, type.size(), &offset)) {
3006 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back();
3007 CODE_COMMENT("load from memory (constant offset)");
3008 LiftoffRegList pinned;
3009 Register mem = pinned.set(GetMemoryStart(pinned));
3010 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(rc, pinned));
3011 __ Load(value, mem, no_reg, offset, type, pinned, nullptr, true,
3012 i64_offset);
3013 __ PushRegister(kind, value);
3014 } else {
3015 LiftoffRegister full_index = __ PopToRegister();
3016 index = BoundsCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), offset, full_index, {},
3017 kDontForceCheck);
3018 if (index == no_reg) return;
3020 CODE_COMMENT("load from memory");
3021 LiftoffRegList pinned = {index};
3023 // Load the memory start address only now to reduce register pressure
3024 // (important on ia32).
3025 Register mem = pinned.set(GetMemoryStart(pinned));
3026 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(rc, pinned));
3028 uint32_t protected_load_pc = 0;
3029 __ Load(value, mem, index, offset, type, pinned, &protected_load_pc, true,
3030 i64_offset);
3031 if (env_->bounds_checks == kTrapHandler) {
3032 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds,
3033 protected_load_pc);
3034 }
3035 __ PushRegister(kind, value);
3036 }
3038 if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory)(__builtin_expect(!!(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory), 0))) {
3039 TraceMemoryOperation(false, type.mem_type().representation(), index,
3040 offset, decoder->position());
3041 }
3042 }
3044 void LoadTransform(FullDecoder* decoder, LoadType type,
3045 LoadTransformationKind transform,
3046 const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm,
3047 const Value& index_val, Value* result) {
3048 // LoadTransform requires SIMD support, so check for it here. If
3049 // unsupported, bailout and let TurboFan lower the code.
3050 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, kS128, "LoadTransform")) {
3051 return;
3052 }
3054 LiftoffRegister full_index = __ PopToRegister();
3055 // For load splats and load zero, LoadType is the size of the load, and for
3056 // load extends, LoadType is the size of the lane, and it always loads 8
3057 // bytes.
3058 uint32_t access_size =
3059 transform == LoadTransformationKind::kExtend ? 8 : type.size();
3060 Register index = BoundsCheckMem(decoder, access_size, imm.offset,
3061 full_index, {}, kDontForceCheck);
3062 if (index == no_reg) return;
3064 uintptr_t offset = imm.offset;
3065 LiftoffRegList pinned = {index};
3066 CODE_COMMENT("load with transformation");
3067 Register addr = GetMemoryStart(pinned);
3068 LiftoffRegister value = __ GetUnusedRegister(reg_class_for(kS128), {});
3069 uint32_t protected_load_pc = 0;
3070 __ LoadTransform(value, addr, index, offset, type, transform,
3071 &protected_load_pc);
3073 if (env_->bounds_checks == kTrapHandler) {
3074 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds,
3075 protected_load_pc);
3076 }
3077 __ PushRegister(kS128, value);
3079 if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory)(__builtin_expect(!!(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory), 0))) {
3080 // Again load extend is different.
3081 MachineRepresentation mem_rep =
3082 transform == LoadTransformationKind::kExtend
3083 ? MachineRepresentation::kWord64
3084 : type.mem_type().representation();
3085 TraceMemoryOperation(false, mem_rep, index, offset, decoder->position());
3086 }
3087 }
3089 void LoadLane(FullDecoder* decoder, LoadType type, const Value& _value,
3090 const Value& _index, const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm,
3091 const uint8_t laneidx, Value* _result) {
3092 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, kS128, "LoadLane")) {
3093 return;
3094 }
3096 LiftoffRegList pinned;
3097 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister());
3098 LiftoffRegister full_index = __ PopToRegister();
3099 Register index = BoundsCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset,
3100 full_index, pinned, kDontForceCheck);
3101 if (index == no_reg) return;
3103 uintptr_t offset = imm.offset;
3104 pinned.set(index);
3105 CODE_COMMENT("load lane");
3106 Register addr = GetMemoryStart(pinned);
3107 LiftoffRegister result = __ GetUnusedRegister(reg_class_for(kS128), {});
3108 uint32_t protected_load_pc = 0;
3110 __ LoadLane(result, value, addr, index, offset, type, laneidx,
3111 &protected_load_pc);
3112 if (env_->bounds_checks == kTrapHandler) {
3113 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds,
3114 protected_load_pc);
3115 }
3117 __ PushRegister(kS128, result);
3119 if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory)(__builtin_expect(!!(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory), 0))) {
3120 TraceMemoryOperation(false, type.mem_type().representation(), index,
3121 offset, decoder->position());
3122 }
3123 }
3125 void StoreMem(FullDecoder* decoder, StoreType type,
3126 const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm,
3127 const Value& index_val, const Value& value_val) {
3128 ValueKind kind = type.value_type().kind();
3129 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, kind, "store")) return;
3131 LiftoffRegList pinned;
3132 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister());
3134 uintptr_t offset = imm.offset;
3135 Register index = no_reg;
3137 auto& index_slot = __ cache_state()->stack_state.back();
3138 if (IndexStaticallyInBounds(index_slot, type.size(), &offset)) {
3139 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back();
3140 CODE_COMMENT("store to memory (constant offset)");
3141 Register mem = pinned.set(GetMemoryStart(pinned));
3142 __ Store(mem, no_reg, offset, value, type, pinned, nullptr, true);
3143 } else {
3144 LiftoffRegister full_index = __ PopToRegister(pinned);
3145 index = BoundsCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset, full_index,
3146 pinned, kDontForceCheck);
3147 if (index == no_reg) return;
3149 pinned.set(index);
3150 CODE_COMMENT("store to memory");
3151 uint32_t protected_store_pc = 0;
3152 // Load the memory start address only now to reduce register pressure
3153 // (important on ia32).
3154 Register mem = pinned.set(GetMemoryStart(pinned));
3155 LiftoffRegList outer_pinned;
3156 if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory)(__builtin_expect(!!(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory), 0))) outer_pinned.set(index);
3157 __ Store(mem, index, offset, value, type, outer_pinned,
3158 &protected_store_pc, true);
3159 if (env_->bounds_checks == kTrapHandler) {
3160 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds,
3161 protected_store_pc);
3162 }
3163 }
3165 if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory)(__builtin_expect(!!(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory), 0))) {
3166 TraceMemoryOperation(true, type.mem_rep(), index, offset,
3167 decoder->position());
3168 }
3169 }
3171 void StoreLane(FullDecoder* decoder, StoreType type,
3172 const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm,
3173 const Value& _index, const Value& _value, const uint8_t lane) {
3174 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, kS128, "StoreLane")) return;
3175 LiftoffRegList pinned;
3176 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister());
3177 LiftoffRegister full_index = __ PopToRegister(pinned);
3178 Register index = BoundsCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset,
3179 full_index, pinned, kDontForceCheck);
3180 if (index == no_reg) return;
3182 uintptr_t offset = imm.offset;
3183 pinned.set(index);
3184 CODE_COMMENT("store lane to memory");
3185 Register addr = pinned.set(GetMemoryStart(pinned));
3186 uint32_t protected_store_pc = 0;
3187 __ StoreLane(addr, index, offset, value, type, lane, &protected_store_pc);
3188 if (env_->bounds_checks == kTrapHandler) {
3189 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds,
3190 protected_store_pc);
3191 }
3192 if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory)(__builtin_expect(!!(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory), 0))) {
3193 TraceMemoryOperation(true, type.mem_rep(), index, offset,
3194 decoder->position());
3195 }
3196 }
3198 void CurrentMemoryPages(FullDecoder* /* decoder */, Value* /* result */) {
3199 Register mem_size = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {}).gp();
3200 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(mem_size, MemorySize, kSystemPointerSize, {});
3201 __ emit_ptrsize_shri(mem_size, mem_size, kWasmPageSizeLog2);
3202 LiftoffRegister result{mem_size};
3203 if (env_->module->is_memory64 && kNeedI64RegPair) {
3204 LiftoffRegister high_word =
3205 __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, LiftoffRegList{mem_size});
3206 // The high word is always 0 on 32-bit systems.
3207 __ LoadConstant(high_word, WasmValue{uint32_t{0}});
3208 result = LiftoffRegister::ForPair(mem_size, high_word.gp());
3209 }
3210 __ PushRegister(env_->module->is_memory64 ? kI64 : kI32, result);
3211 }
3213 void MemoryGrow(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& value, Value* result_val) {
3214 // Pop the input, then spill all cache registers to make the runtime call.
3215 LiftoffRegList pinned;
3216 LiftoffRegister input = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister());
3217 __ SpillAllRegisters();
3219 LiftoffRegister result = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
3221 Label done;
3223 if (env_->module->is_memory64) {
3224 // If the high word is not 0, this will always fail (would grow by
3225 // >=256TB). The int32_t value will be sign-extended below.
3226 __ LoadConstant(result, WasmValue(int32_t{-1}));
3227 if (kNeedI64RegPair) {
3228 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnequal /* neq */, &done, kI32, input.high_gp());
3229 input = input.low();
3230 } else {
3231 LiftoffRegister high_word = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned);
3232 __ emit_i64_shri(high_word, input, 32);
3233 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnequal /* neq */, &done, kI32, high_word.gp());
3234 }
3235 }
3237 WasmMemoryGrowDescriptor descriptor;
3238 DCHECK_EQ(0, descriptor.GetStackParameterCount())((void) 0);
3239 DCHECK_EQ(1, descriptor.GetRegisterParameterCount())((void) 0);
3240 DCHECK_EQ(machine_type(kI32), descriptor.GetParameterType(0))((void) 0);
3242 Register param_reg = descriptor.GetRegisterParameter(0);
3243 if (input.gp() != param_reg) __ Move(param_reg, input.gp(), kI32);
3245 __ CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmMemoryGrow);
3246 DefineSafepoint();
3247 RegisterDebugSideTableEntry(decoder, DebugSideTableBuilder::kDidSpill);
3249 if (kReturnRegister0 != result.gp()) {
3250 __ Move(result.gp(), kReturnRegister0, kI32);
3251 }
3253 __ bind(&done);
3255 if (env_->module->is_memory64) {
3256 LiftoffRegister result64 = result;
3257 if (kNeedI64RegPair) result64 = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpRegPair, pinned);
3258 __ emit_type_conversion(kExprI64SConvertI32, result64, result, nullptr);
3259 __ PushRegister(kI64, result64);
3260 } else {
3261 __ PushRegister(kI32, result);
3262 }
3263 }
3265 base::OwnedVector<DebugSideTable::Entry::Value>
3266 GetCurrentDebugSideTableEntries(
3267 FullDecoder* decoder,
3268 DebugSideTableBuilder::AssumeSpilling assume_spilling) {
3269 auto& stack_state = __ cache_state()->stack_state;
3270 auto values =
3271 base::OwnedVector<DebugSideTable::Entry::Value>::NewForOverwrite(
3272 stack_state.size());
3274 // For function calls, the decoder still has the arguments on the stack, but
3275 // Liftoff already popped them. Hence {decoder->stack_size()} can be bigger
3276 // than expected. Just ignore that and use the lower part only.
3277 DCHECK_LE(stack_state.size() - num_exceptions_,((void) 0)
3278 decoder->num_locals() + decoder->stack_size())((void) 0);
3279 int index = 0;
3280 int decoder_stack_index = decoder->stack_size();
3281 // Iterate the operand stack control block by control block, so that we can
3282 // handle the implicit exception value for try blocks.
3283 for (int j = decoder->control_depth() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
3284 Control* control = decoder->control_at(j);
3285 Control* next_control = j > 0 ? decoder->control_at(j - 1) : nullptr;
3286 int end_index = next_control
3287 ? next_control->stack_depth + __ num_locals() +
3288 next_control->num_exceptions
3289 : __ cache_state()->stack_height();
3290 bool exception = control->is_try_catch() || control->is_try_catchall();
3291 for (; index < end_index; ++index) {
3292 auto& slot = stack_state[index];
3293 auto& value = values[index];
3294 value.index = index;
3295 ValueType type =
3296 index < static_cast<int>(__ num_locals())
3297 ? decoder->local_type(index)
3298 : exception ? ValueType::Ref(HeapType::kAny, kNonNullable)
3299 : decoder->stack_value(decoder_stack_index--)->type;
3300 DCHECK(CheckCompatibleStackSlotTypes(slot.kind(), type.kind()))((void) 0);
3301 value.type = type;
3302 switch (slot.loc()) {
3303 case kIntConst:
3304 value.storage = DebugSideTable::Entry::kConstant;
3305 value.i32_const = slot.i32_const();
3306 break;
3307 case kRegister:
3308 DCHECK_NE(DebugSideTableBuilder::kDidSpill, assume_spilling)((void) 0);
3309 if (assume_spilling == DebugSideTableBuilder::kAllowRegisters) {
3310 value.storage = DebugSideTable::Entry::kRegister;
3311 value.reg_code = slot.reg().liftoff_code();
3312 break;
3313 }
3314 DCHECK_EQ(DebugSideTableBuilder::kAssumeSpilling, assume_spilling)((void) 0);
3315 V8_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
3316 case kStack:
3317 value.storage = DebugSideTable::Entry::kStack;
3318 value.stack_offset = slot.offset();
3319 break;
3320 }
3321 exception = false;
3322 }
3323 }
3324 DCHECK_EQ(values.size(), index)((void) 0);
3325 return values;
3326 }
3328 void RegisterDebugSideTableEntry(
3329 FullDecoder* decoder,
3330 DebugSideTableBuilder::AssumeSpilling assume_spilling) {
3331 if (V8_LIKELY(!debug_sidetable_builder_)(__builtin_expect(!!(!debug_sidetable_builder_), 1))) return;
3332 debug_sidetable_builder_->NewEntry(
3333 __ pc_offset(),
3334 GetCurrentDebugSideTableEntries(decoder, assume_spilling).as_vector());
3335 }
3337 DebugSideTableBuilder::EntryBuilder* RegisterOOLDebugSideTableEntry(
3338 FullDecoder* decoder) {
3339 if (V8_LIKELY(!debug_sidetable_builder_)(__builtin_expect(!!(!debug_sidetable_builder_), 1))) return nullptr;
3340 return debug_sidetable_builder_->NewOOLEntry(
3341 GetCurrentDebugSideTableEntries(decoder,
3342 DebugSideTableBuilder::kAssumeSpilling)
3343 .as_vector());
3344 }
3346 enum TailCall : bool { kTailCall = true, kNoTailCall = false };
3348 void CallDirect(FullDecoder* decoder,
3349 const CallFunctionImmediate<validate>& imm,
3350 const Value args[], Value[]) {
3351 CallDirect(decoder, imm, args, nullptr, kNoTailCall);
3352 }
3354 void CallIndirect(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& index_val,
3355 const CallIndirectImmediate<validate>& imm,
3356 const Value args[], Value returns[]) {
3357 CallIndirect(decoder, index_val, imm, kNoTailCall);
3358 }
3360 void CallRef(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& func_ref,
3361 const FunctionSig* sig, uint32_t sig_index, const Value args[],
3362 Value returns[]) {
3363 CallRef(decoder, func_ref.type, sig, kNoTailCall);
3364 }
3366 void ReturnCall(FullDecoder* decoder,
3367 const CallFunctionImmediate<validate>& imm,
3368 const Value args[]) {
3369 TierupCheckOnExit(decoder);
3370 CallDirect(decoder, imm, args, nullptr, kTailCall);
3371 }
3373 void ReturnCallIndirect(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& index_val,
3374 const CallIndirectImmediate<validate>& imm,
3375 const Value args[]) {
3376 TierupCheckOnExit(decoder);
3377 CallIndirect(decoder, index_val, imm, kTailCall);
3378 }
3380 void ReturnCallRef(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& func_ref,
3381 const FunctionSig* sig, uint32_t sig_index,
3382 const Value args[]) {
3383 TierupCheckOnExit(decoder);
3384 CallRef(decoder, func_ref.type, sig, kTailCall);
3385 }
3387 void BrOnNull(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& ref_object, uint32_t depth,
3388 bool pass_null_along_branch,
3389 Value* /* result_on_fallthrough */) {
3390 // Before branching, materialize all constants. This avoids repeatedly
3391 // materializing them for each conditional branch.
3392 if (depth != decoder->control_depth() - 1) {
3393 __ MaterializeMergedConstants(
3394 decoder->control_at(depth)->br_merge()->arity);
3395 }
3397 Label cont_false;
3398 LiftoffRegList pinned;
3399 LiftoffRegister ref = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
3400 Register null = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned).gp();
3401 LoadNullValue(null, pinned);
3402 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnequal, &cont_false, ref_object.type.kind(), ref.gp(),
3403 null);
3404 if (pass_null_along_branch) LoadNullValue(null, pinned);
3405 BrOrRet(decoder, depth, 0);
3406 __ bind(&cont_false);
3407 __ PushRegister(kRef, ref);
3408 }
3410 void BrOnNonNull(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& ref_object,
3411 uint32_t depth) {
3412 // Before branching, materialize all constants. This avoids repeatedly
3413 // materializing them for each conditional branch.
3414 if (depth != decoder->control_depth() - 1) {
3415 __ MaterializeMergedConstants(
3416 decoder->control_at(depth)->br_merge()->arity);
3417 }
3419 Label cont_false;
3420 LiftoffRegList pinned;
3421 LiftoffRegister ref = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
3422 // Put the reference back onto the stack for the branch.
3423 __ PushRegister(kRef, ref);
3425 Register null = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned).gp();
3426 LoadNullValue(null, pinned);
3427 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, &cont_false, ref_object.type.kind(), ref.gp(),
3428 null);
3430 BrOrRet(decoder, depth, 0);
3431 // Drop the reference if we are not branching.
3432 __ DropValues(1);
3433 __ bind(&cont_false);
3434 }
3436 template <ValueKind src_kind, ValueKind result_kind,
3437 ValueKind result_lane_kind = kVoid, typename EmitFn>
3438 void EmitTerOp(EmitFn fn) {
3439 static constexpr RegClass src_rc = reg_class_for(src_kind);
3440 static constexpr RegClass result_rc = reg_class_for(result_kind);
3441 LiftoffRegister src3 = __ PopToRegister();
3442 LiftoffRegister src2 = __ PopToRegister(LiftoffRegList{src3});
3443 LiftoffRegister src1 = __ PopToRegister(LiftoffRegList{src3, src2});
3444 // Reusing src1 and src2 will complicate codegen for select for some
3445 // backend, so we allow only reusing src3 (the mask), and pin src1 and src2.
3446 LiftoffRegister dst = src_rc == result_rc
3447 ? __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {src3},
3448 LiftoffRegList{src1, src2})
3449 : __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {});
3450 CallEmitFn(fn, dst, src1, src2, src3);
3451 if (V8_UNLIKELY(nondeterminism_)(__builtin_expect(!!(nondeterminism_), 0))) {
3452 LiftoffRegList pinned = {dst};
3453 if (result_kind == ValueKind::kF32 || result_kind == ValueKind::kF64) {
3454 CheckNan(dst, pinned, result_kind);
3455 } else if (result_kind == ValueKind::kS128 &&
3456 (result_lane_kind == kF32 || result_lane_kind == kF64)) {
3457 CheckS128Nan(dst, LiftoffRegList{src1, src2, src3, dst},
3458 result_lane_kind);
3459 }
3460 }
3461 __ PushRegister(result_kind, dst);
3462 }
3464 template <typename EmitFn, typename EmitFnImm>
3465 void EmitSimdShiftOp(EmitFn fn, EmitFnImm fnImm) {
3466 static constexpr RegClass result_rc = reg_class_for(kS128);
3468 LiftoffAssembler::VarState rhs_slot = __ cache_state()->stack_state.back();
3469 // Check if the RHS is an immediate.
3470 if (rhs_slot.is_const()) {
3471 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back();
3472 int32_t imm = rhs_slot.i32_const();
3474 LiftoffRegister operand = __ PopToRegister();
3475 LiftoffRegister dst = __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {operand}, {});
3477 CallEmitFn(fnImm, dst, operand, imm);
3478 __ PushRegister(kS128, dst);
3479 } else {
3480 LiftoffRegister count = __ PopToRegister();
3481 LiftoffRegister operand = __ PopToRegister();
3482 LiftoffRegister dst = __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {operand}, {});
3484 CallEmitFn(fn, dst, operand, count);
3485 __ PushRegister(kS128, dst);
3486 }
3487 }
3489 template <ValueKind result_lane_kind>
3490 void EmitSimdFloatRoundingOpWithCFallback(
3491 bool (LiftoffAssembler::*emit_fn)(LiftoffRegister, LiftoffRegister),
3492 ExternalReference (*ext_ref)()) {
3493 static constexpr RegClass rc = reg_class_for(kS128);
3494 LiftoffRegister src = __ PopToRegister();
3495 LiftoffRegister dst = __ GetUnusedRegister(rc, {src}, {});
3496 if (!(asm_.*emit_fn)(dst, src)) {
3497 // Return v128 via stack for ARM.
3498 auto sig_v_s = MakeSig::Params(kS128);
3499 GenerateCCall(&dst, &sig_v_s, kS128, &src, ext_ref());
3500 }
3501 if (V8_UNLIKELY(nondeterminism_)(__builtin_expect(!!(nondeterminism_), 0))) {
3502 LiftoffRegList pinned = {dst};
3503 CheckS128Nan(dst, pinned, result_lane_kind);
3504 }
3505 __ PushRegister(kS128, dst);
3506 }
3508 void SimdOp(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode, base::Vector<Value> args,
3509 Value* result) {
3510 if (!CpuFeatures::SupportsWasmSimd128()) {
3511 return unsupported(decoder, kSimd, "simd");
3512 }
3513 switch (opcode) {
3514 case wasm::kExprI8x16Swizzle:
3515 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_swizzle);
3516 case wasm::kExprI8x16Popcnt:
3517 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_popcnt);
3518 case wasm::kExprI8x16Splat:
3519 return EmitUnOp<kI32, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_splat);
3520 case wasm::kExprI16x8Splat:
3521 return EmitUnOp<kI32, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_splat);
3522 case wasm::kExprI32x4Splat:
3523 return EmitUnOp<kI32, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_splat);
3524 case wasm::kExprI64x2Splat:
3525 return EmitUnOp<kI64, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_splat);
3526 case wasm::kExprF32x4Splat:
3527 return EmitUnOp<kF32, kS128, kF32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_splat);
3528 case wasm::kExprF64x2Splat:
3529 return EmitUnOp<kF64, kS128, kF64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_splat);
3530 case wasm::kExprI8x16Eq:
3531 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_eq);
3532 case wasm::kExprI8x16Ne:
3533 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_ne);
3534 case wasm::kExprI8x16LtS:
3535 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3536 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_gt_s);
3537 case wasm::kExprI8x16LtU:
3538 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3539 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_gt_u);
3540 case wasm::kExprI8x16GtS:
3541 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_gt_s);
3542 case wasm::kExprI8x16GtU:
3543 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_gt_u);
3544 case wasm::kExprI8x16LeS:
3545 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3546 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_ge_s);
3547 case wasm::kExprI8x16LeU:
3548 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3549 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_ge_u);
3550 case wasm::kExprI8x16GeS:
3551 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_ge_s);
3552 case wasm::kExprI8x16GeU:
3553 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_ge_u);
3554 case wasm::kExprI16x8Eq:
3555 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_eq);
3556 case wasm::kExprI16x8Ne:
3557 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_ne);
3558 case wasm::kExprI16x8LtS:
3559 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3560 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_gt_s);
3561 case wasm::kExprI16x8LtU:
3562 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3563 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_gt_u);
3564 case wasm::kExprI16x8GtS:
3565 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_gt_s);
3566 case wasm::kExprI16x8GtU:
3567 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_gt_u);
3568 case wasm::kExprI16x8LeS:
3569 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3570 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_ge_s);
3571 case wasm::kExprI16x8LeU:
3572 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3573 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_ge_u);
3574 case wasm::kExprI16x8GeS:
3575 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_ge_s);
3576 case wasm::kExprI16x8GeU:
3577 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_ge_u);
3578 case wasm::kExprI32x4Eq:
3579 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_eq);
3580 case wasm::kExprI32x4Ne:
3581 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_ne);
3582 case wasm::kExprI32x4LtS:
3583 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3584 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_gt_s);
3585 case wasm::kExprI32x4LtU:
3586 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3587 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_gt_u);
3588 case wasm::kExprI32x4GtS:
3589 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_gt_s);
3590 case wasm::kExprI32x4GtU:
3591 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_gt_u);
3592 case wasm::kExprI32x4LeS:
3593 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3594 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_ge_s);
3595 case wasm::kExprI32x4LeU:
3596 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3597 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_ge_u);
3598 case wasm::kExprI32x4GeS:
3599 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_ge_s);
3600 case wasm::kExprI32x4GeU:
3601 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_ge_u);
3602 case wasm::kExprI64x2Eq:
3603 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_eq);
3604 case wasm::kExprI64x2Ne:
3605 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_ne);
3606 case wasm::kExprI64x2LtS:
3607 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3608 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_gt_s);
3609 case wasm::kExprI64x2GtS:
3610 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_gt_s);
3611 case wasm::kExprI64x2LeS:
3612 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(
3613 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_ge_s);
3614 case wasm::kExprI64x2GeS:
3615 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_ge_s);
3616 case wasm::kExprF32x4Eq:
3617 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_eq);
3618 case wasm::kExprF32x4Ne:
3619 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_ne);
3620 case wasm::kExprF32x4Lt:
3621 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_lt);
3622 case wasm::kExprF32x4Gt:
3623 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_lt);
3624 case wasm::kExprF32x4Le:
3625 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_le);
3626 case wasm::kExprF32x4Ge:
3627 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_le);
3628 case wasm::kExprF64x2Eq:
3629 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_eq);
3630 case wasm::kExprF64x2Ne:
3631 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_ne);
3632 case wasm::kExprF64x2Lt:
3633 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_lt);
3634 case wasm::kExprF64x2Gt:
3635 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_lt);
3636 case wasm::kExprF64x2Le:
3637 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_le);
3638 case wasm::kExprF64x2Ge:
3639 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, true>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_le);
3640 case wasm::kExprS128Not:
3641 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_s128_not);
3642 case wasm::kExprS128And:
3643 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_s128_and);
3644 case wasm::kExprS128Or:
3645 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_s128_or);
3646 case wasm::kExprS128Xor:
3647 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_s128_xor);
3648 case wasm::kExprS128Select:
3649 return EmitTerOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_s128_select);
3650 case wasm::kExprI8x16Neg:
3651 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_neg);
3652 case wasm::kExprV128AnyTrue:
3653 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_v128_anytrue);
3654 case wasm::kExprI8x16AllTrue:
3655 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_alltrue);
3656 case wasm::kExprI8x16BitMask:
3657 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_bitmask);
3658 case wasm::kExprI8x16Shl:
3659 return EmitSimdShiftOp(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_shl,
3660 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_shli);
3661 case wasm::kExprI8x16ShrS:
3662 return EmitSimdShiftOp(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_shr_s,
3663 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_shri_s);
3664 case wasm::kExprI8x16ShrU:
3665 return EmitSimdShiftOp(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_shr_u,
3666 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_shri_u);
3667 case wasm::kExprI8x16Add:
3668 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_add);
3669 case wasm::kExprI8x16AddSatS:
3670 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_add_sat_s);
3671 case wasm::kExprI8x16AddSatU:
3672 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_add_sat_u);
3673 case wasm::kExprI8x16Sub:
3674 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_sub);
3675 case wasm::kExprI8x16SubSatS:
3676 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_sub_sat_s);
3677 case wasm::kExprI8x16SubSatU:
3678 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_sub_sat_u);
3679 case wasm::kExprI8x16MinS:
3680 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_min_s);
3681 case wasm::kExprI8x16MinU:
3682 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_min_u);
3683 case wasm::kExprI8x16MaxS:
3684 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_max_s);
3685 case wasm::kExprI8x16MaxU:
3686 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_max_u);
3687 case wasm::kExprI16x8Neg:
3688 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_neg);
3689 case wasm::kExprI16x8AllTrue:
3690 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_alltrue);
3691 case wasm::kExprI16x8BitMask:
3692 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_bitmask);
3693 case wasm::kExprI16x8Shl:
3694 return EmitSimdShiftOp(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_shl,
3695 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_shli);
3696 case wasm::kExprI16x8ShrS:
3697 return EmitSimdShiftOp(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_shr_s,
3698 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_shri_s);
3699 case wasm::kExprI16x8ShrU:
3700 return EmitSimdShiftOp(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_shr_u,
3701 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_shri_u);
3702 case wasm::kExprI16x8Add:
3703 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_add);
3704 case wasm::kExprI16x8AddSatS:
3705 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_add_sat_s);
3706 case wasm::kExprI16x8AddSatU:
3707 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_add_sat_u);
3708 case wasm::kExprI16x8Sub:
3709 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_sub);
3710 case wasm::kExprI16x8SubSatS:
3711 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_sub_sat_s);
3712 case wasm::kExprI16x8SubSatU:
3713 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_sub_sat_u);
3714 case wasm::kExprI16x8Mul:
3715 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_mul);
3716 case wasm::kExprI16x8MinS:
3717 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_min_s);
3718 case wasm::kExprI16x8MinU:
3719 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_min_u);
3720 case wasm::kExprI16x8MaxS:
3721 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_max_s);
3722 case wasm::kExprI16x8MaxU:
3723 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_max_u);
3724 case wasm::kExprI16x8ExtAddPairwiseI8x16S:
3725 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3726 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_extadd_pairwise_i8x16_s);
3727 case wasm::kExprI16x8ExtAddPairwiseI8x16U:
3728 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3729 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_extadd_pairwise_i8x16_u);
3730 case wasm::kExprI16x8ExtMulLowI8x16S:
3731 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3732 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_extmul_low_i8x16_s);
3733 case wasm::kExprI16x8ExtMulLowI8x16U:
3734 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3735 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_extmul_low_i8x16_u);
3736 case wasm::kExprI16x8ExtMulHighI8x16S:
3737 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3738 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_extmul_high_i8x16_s);
3739 case wasm::kExprI16x8ExtMulHighI8x16U:
3740 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3741 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_extmul_high_i8x16_u);
3742 case wasm::kExprI16x8Q15MulRSatS:
3743 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3744 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_q15mulr_sat_s);
3745 case wasm::kExprI32x4Neg:
3746 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_neg);
3747 case wasm::kExprI32x4AllTrue:
3748 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_alltrue);
3749 case wasm::kExprI32x4BitMask:
3750 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_bitmask);
3751 case wasm::kExprI32x4Shl:
3752 return EmitSimdShiftOp(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_shl,
3753 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_shli);
3754 case wasm::kExprI32x4ShrS:
3755 return EmitSimdShiftOp(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_shr_s,
3756 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_shri_s);
3757 case wasm::kExprI32x4ShrU:
3758 return EmitSimdShiftOp(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_shr_u,
3759 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_shri_u);
3760 case wasm::kExprI32x4Add:
3761 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_add);
3762 case wasm::kExprI32x4Sub:
3763 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_sub);
3764 case wasm::kExprI32x4Mul:
3765 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_mul);
3766 case wasm::kExprI32x4MinS:
3767 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_min_s);
3768 case wasm::kExprI32x4MinU:
3769 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_min_u);
3770 case wasm::kExprI32x4MaxS:
3771 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_max_s);
3772 case wasm::kExprI32x4MaxU:
3773 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_max_u);
3774 case wasm::kExprI32x4DotI16x8S:
3775 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3776 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_dot_i16x8_s);
3777 case wasm::kExprI32x4ExtAddPairwiseI16x8S:
3778 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3779 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_extadd_pairwise_i16x8_s);
3780 case wasm::kExprI32x4ExtAddPairwiseI16x8U:
3781 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3782 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_extadd_pairwise_i16x8_u);
3783 case wasm::kExprI32x4ExtMulLowI16x8S:
3784 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3785 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_extmul_low_i16x8_s);
3786 case wasm::kExprI32x4ExtMulLowI16x8U:
3787 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3788 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_extmul_low_i16x8_u);
3789 case wasm::kExprI32x4ExtMulHighI16x8S:
3790 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3791 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_extmul_high_i16x8_s);
3792 case wasm::kExprI32x4ExtMulHighI16x8U:
3793 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3794 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_extmul_high_i16x8_u);
3795 case wasm::kExprI64x2Neg:
3796 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_neg);
3797 case wasm::kExprI64x2AllTrue:
3798 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_alltrue);
3799 case wasm::kExprI64x2Shl:
3800 return EmitSimdShiftOp(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_shl,
3801 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_shli);
3802 case wasm::kExprI64x2ShrS:
3803 return EmitSimdShiftOp(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_shr_s,
3804 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_shri_s);
3805 case wasm::kExprI64x2ShrU:
3806 return EmitSimdShiftOp(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_shr_u,
3807 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_shri_u);
3808 case wasm::kExprI64x2Add:
3809 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_add);
3810 case wasm::kExprI64x2Sub:
3811 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_sub);
3812 case wasm::kExprI64x2Mul:
3813 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_mul);
3814 case wasm::kExprI64x2ExtMulLowI32x4S:
3815 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3816 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_extmul_low_i32x4_s);
3817 case wasm::kExprI64x2ExtMulLowI32x4U:
3818 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3819 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_extmul_low_i32x4_u);
3820 case wasm::kExprI64x2ExtMulHighI32x4S:
3821 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3822 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_extmul_high_i32x4_s);
3823 case wasm::kExprI64x2ExtMulHighI32x4U:
3824 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3825 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_extmul_high_i32x4_u);
3826 case wasm::kExprI64x2BitMask:
3827 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kI32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_bitmask);
3828 case wasm::kExprI64x2SConvertI32x4Low:
3829 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3830 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_sconvert_i32x4_low);
3831 case wasm::kExprI64x2SConvertI32x4High:
3832 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3833 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_sconvert_i32x4_high);
3834 case wasm::kExprI64x2UConvertI32x4Low:
3835 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3836 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_uconvert_i32x4_low);
3837 case wasm::kExprI64x2UConvertI32x4High:
3838 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3839 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_uconvert_i32x4_high);
3840 case wasm::kExprF32x4Abs:
3841 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_abs);
3842 case wasm::kExprF32x4Neg:
3843 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_neg);
3844 case wasm::kExprF32x4Sqrt:
3845 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF32>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_sqrt);
3846 case wasm::kExprF32x4Ceil:
3847 return EmitSimdFloatRoundingOpWithCFallback<kF32>(
3848 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_ceil,
3849 &ExternalReference::wasm_f32x4_ceil);
3850 case wasm::kExprF32x4Floor:
3851 return EmitSimdFloatRoundingOpWithCFallback<kF32>(
3852 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_floor,
3853 ExternalReference::wasm_f32x4_floor);
3854 case wasm::kExprF32x4Trunc:
3855 return EmitSimdFloatRoundingOpWithCFallback<kF32>(
3856 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_trunc,
3857 ExternalReference::wasm_f32x4_trunc);
3858 case wasm::kExprF32x4NearestInt:
3859 return EmitSimdFloatRoundingOpWithCFallback<kF32>(
3860 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_nearest_int,
3861 ExternalReference::wasm_f32x4_nearest_int);
3862 case wasm::kExprF32x4Add:
3863 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF32>(
3864 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_add);
3865 case wasm::kExprF32x4Sub:
3866 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF32>(
3867 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_sub);
3868 case wasm::kExprF32x4Mul:
3869 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF32>(
3870 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_mul);
3871 case wasm::kExprF32x4Div:
3872 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF32>(
3873 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_div);
3874 case wasm::kExprF32x4Min:
3875 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF32>(
3876 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_min);
3877 case wasm::kExprF32x4Max:
3878 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF32>(
3879 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_max);
3880 case wasm::kExprF32x4Pmin:
3881 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF32>(
3882 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_pmin);
3883 case wasm::kExprF32x4Pmax:
3884 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF32>(
3885 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_pmax);
3886 case wasm::kExprF64x2Abs:
3887 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_abs);
3888 case wasm::kExprF64x2Neg:
3889 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_neg);
3890 case wasm::kExprF64x2Sqrt:
3891 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF64>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_sqrt);
3892 case wasm::kExprF64x2Ceil:
3893 return EmitSimdFloatRoundingOpWithCFallback<kF64>(
3894 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_ceil,
3895 &ExternalReference::wasm_f64x2_ceil);
3896 case wasm::kExprF64x2Floor:
3897 return EmitSimdFloatRoundingOpWithCFallback<kF64>(
3898 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_floor,
3899 ExternalReference::wasm_f64x2_floor);
3900 case wasm::kExprF64x2Trunc:
3901 return EmitSimdFloatRoundingOpWithCFallback<kF64>(
3902 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_trunc,
3903 ExternalReference::wasm_f64x2_trunc);
3904 case wasm::kExprF64x2NearestInt:
3905 return EmitSimdFloatRoundingOpWithCFallback<kF64>(
3906 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_nearest_int,
3907 ExternalReference::wasm_f64x2_nearest_int);
3908 case wasm::kExprF64x2Add:
3909 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF64>(
3910 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_add);
3911 case wasm::kExprF64x2Sub:
3912 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF64>(
3913 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_sub);
3914 case wasm::kExprF64x2Mul:
3915 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF64>(
3916 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_mul);
3917 case wasm::kExprF64x2Div:
3918 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF64>(
3919 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_div);
3920 case wasm::kExprF64x2Min:
3921 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF64>(
3922 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_min);
3923 case wasm::kExprF64x2Max:
3924 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF64>(
3925 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_max);
3926 case wasm::kExprF64x2Pmin:
3927 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF64>(
3928 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_pmin);
3929 case wasm::kExprF64x2Pmax:
3930 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128, false, kF64>(
3931 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_pmax);
3932 case wasm::kExprI32x4SConvertF32x4:
3933 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF32>(
3934 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_sconvert_f32x4);
3935 case wasm::kExprI32x4UConvertF32x4:
3936 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF32>(
3937 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_uconvert_f32x4);
3938 case wasm::kExprF32x4SConvertI32x4:
3939 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF32>(
3940 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_sconvert_i32x4);
3941 case wasm::kExprF32x4UConvertI32x4:
3942 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF32>(
3943 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_uconvert_i32x4);
3944 case wasm::kExprI8x16SConvertI16x8:
3945 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3946 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_sconvert_i16x8);
3947 case wasm::kExprI8x16UConvertI16x8:
3948 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3949 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_uconvert_i16x8);
3950 case wasm::kExprI16x8SConvertI32x4:
3951 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3952 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_sconvert_i32x4);
3953 case wasm::kExprI16x8UConvertI32x4:
3954 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3955 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_uconvert_i32x4);
3956 case wasm::kExprI16x8SConvertI8x16Low:
3957 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3958 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_sconvert_i8x16_low);
3959 case wasm::kExprI16x8SConvertI8x16High:
3960 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3961 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_sconvert_i8x16_high);
3962 case wasm::kExprI16x8UConvertI8x16Low:
3963 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3964 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_uconvert_i8x16_low);
3965 case wasm::kExprI16x8UConvertI8x16High:
3966 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3967 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_uconvert_i8x16_high);
3968 case wasm::kExprI32x4SConvertI16x8Low:
3969 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3970 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_sconvert_i16x8_low);
3971 case wasm::kExprI32x4SConvertI16x8High:
3972 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3973 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_sconvert_i16x8_high);
3974 case wasm::kExprI32x4UConvertI16x8Low:
3975 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3976 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_uconvert_i16x8_low);
3977 case wasm::kExprI32x4UConvertI16x8High:
3978 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
3979 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_uconvert_i16x8_high);
3980 case wasm::kExprS128AndNot:
3981 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_s128_and_not);
3982 case wasm::kExprI8x16RoundingAverageU:
3983 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3984 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_rounding_average_u);
3985 case wasm::kExprI16x8RoundingAverageU:
3986 return EmitBinOp<kS128, kS128>(
3987 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_rounding_average_u);
3988 case wasm::kExprI8x16Abs:
3989 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_abs);
3990 case wasm::kExprI16x8Abs:
3991 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i16x8_abs);
3992 case wasm::kExprI32x4Abs:
3993 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_abs);
3994 case wasm::kExprI64x2Abs:
3995 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(&LiftoffAssembler::emit_i64x2_abs);
3996 case wasm::kExprF64x2ConvertLowI32x4S:
3997 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF64>(
3998 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_convert_low_i32x4_s);
3999 case wasm::kExprF64x2ConvertLowI32x4U:
4000 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF64>(
4001 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_convert_low_i32x4_u);
4002 case wasm::kExprF64x2PromoteLowF32x4:
4003 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF64>(
4004 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f64x2_promote_low_f32x4);
4005 case wasm::kExprF32x4DemoteF64x2Zero:
4006 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128, kF32>(
4007 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_f32x4_demote_f64x2_zero);
4008 case wasm::kExprI32x4TruncSatF64x2SZero:
4009 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
4010 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_trunc_sat_f64x2_s_zero);
4011 case wasm::kExprI32x4TruncSatF64x2UZero:
4012 return EmitUnOp<kS128, kS128>(
4013 &LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_trunc_sat_f64x2_u_zero);
4014 default:
4015 unsupported(decoder, kSimd, "simd");
4016 }
4017 }
4019 template <ValueKind src_kind, ValueKind result_kind, typename EmitFn>
4020 void EmitSimdExtractLaneOp(EmitFn fn,
4021 const SimdLaneImmediate<validate>& imm) {
4022 static constexpr RegClass src_rc = reg_class_for(src_kind);
4023 static constexpr RegClass result_rc = reg_class_for(result_kind);
4024 LiftoffRegister lhs = __ PopToRegister();
4025 LiftoffRegister dst = src_rc == result_rc
4026 ? __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {lhs}, {})
4027 : __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {});
4028 fn(dst, lhs, imm.lane);
4029 __ PushRegister(result_kind, dst);
4030 }
4032 template <ValueKind src2_kind, typename EmitFn>
4033 void EmitSimdReplaceLaneOp(EmitFn fn,
4034 const SimdLaneImmediate<validate>& imm) {
4035 static constexpr RegClass src1_rc = reg_class_for(kS128);
4036 static constexpr RegClass src2_rc = reg_class_for(src2_kind);
4037 static constexpr RegClass result_rc = reg_class_for(kS128);
4038 // On backends which need fp pair, src1_rc and result_rc end up being
4039 // kFpRegPair, which is != kFpReg, but we still want to pin src2 when it is
4040 // kFpReg, since it can overlap with those pairs.
4041 static constexpr bool pin_src2 = kNeedS128RegPair && src2_rc == kFpReg;
4043 // Does not work for arm
4044 LiftoffRegister src2 = __ PopToRegister();
4045 LiftoffRegister src1 = (src1_rc == src2_rc || pin_src2)
4046 ? __ PopToRegister(LiftoffRegList{src2})
4047 : __
4048 PopToRegister();
4049 LiftoffRegister dst =
4050 (src2_rc == result_rc || pin_src2)
4051 ? __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {src1}, LiftoffRegList{src2})
4052 : __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {src1}, {});
4053 fn(dst, src1, src2, imm.lane);
4054 __ PushRegister(kS128, dst);
4055 }
4057 void SimdLaneOp(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode,
4058 const SimdLaneImmediate<validate>& imm,
4059 const base::Vector<Value> inputs, Value* result) {
4060 if (!CpuFeatures::SupportsWasmSimd128()) {
4061 return unsupported(decoder, kSimd, "simd");
4062 }
4063 switch (opcode) {
4064#define CASE_SIMD_EXTRACT_LANE_OP(opcode, kind, fn) \
4065 case wasm::kExpr##opcode: \
4066 EmitSimdExtractLaneOp<kS128, k##kind>( \
4067 [=](LiftoffRegister dst, LiftoffRegister lhs, uint8_t imm_lane_idx) { \
4068 __ emit_##fn(dst, lhs, imm_lane_idx); \
4069 }, \
4070 imm); \
4071 break;
4072 CASE_SIMD_EXTRACT_LANE_OP(I8x16ExtractLaneS, I32, i8x16_extract_lane_s)
4073 CASE_SIMD_EXTRACT_LANE_OP(I8x16ExtractLaneU, I32, i8x16_extract_lane_u)
4074 CASE_SIMD_EXTRACT_LANE_OP(I16x8ExtractLaneS, I32, i16x8_extract_lane_s)
4075 CASE_SIMD_EXTRACT_LANE_OP(I16x8ExtractLaneU, I32, i16x8_extract_lane_u)
4076 CASE_SIMD_EXTRACT_LANE_OP(I32x4ExtractLane, I32, i32x4_extract_lane)
4077 CASE_SIMD_EXTRACT_LANE_OP(I64x2ExtractLane, I64, i64x2_extract_lane)
4078 CASE_SIMD_EXTRACT_LANE_OP(F32x4ExtractLane, F32, f32x4_extract_lane)
4079 CASE_SIMD_EXTRACT_LANE_OP(F64x2ExtractLane, F64, f64x2_extract_lane)
4081#define CASE_SIMD_REPLACE_LANE_OP(opcode, kind, fn) \
4082 case wasm::kExpr##opcode: \
4083 EmitSimdReplaceLaneOp<k##kind>( \
4084 [=](LiftoffRegister dst, LiftoffRegister src1, LiftoffRegister src2, \
4085 uint8_t imm_lane_idx) { \
4086 __ emit_##fn(dst, src1, src2, imm_lane_idx); \
4087 }, \
4088 imm); \
4089 break;
4090 CASE_SIMD_REPLACE_LANE_OP(I8x16ReplaceLane, I32, i8x16_replace_lane)
4091 CASE_SIMD_REPLACE_LANE_OP(I16x8ReplaceLane, I32, i16x8_replace_lane)
4092 CASE_SIMD_REPLACE_LANE_OP(I32x4ReplaceLane, I32, i32x4_replace_lane)
4093 CASE_SIMD_REPLACE_LANE_OP(I64x2ReplaceLane, I64, i64x2_replace_lane)
4094 CASE_SIMD_REPLACE_LANE_OP(F32x4ReplaceLane, F32, f32x4_replace_lane)
4095 CASE_SIMD_REPLACE_LANE_OP(F64x2ReplaceLane, F64, f64x2_replace_lane)
4097 default:
4098 unsupported(decoder, kSimd, "simd");
4099 }
4100 }
4102 void S128Const(FullDecoder* decoder, const Simd128Immediate<validate>& imm,
4103 Value* result) {
4104 if (!CpuFeatures::SupportsWasmSimd128()) {
4105 return unsupported(decoder, kSimd, "simd");
4106 }
4107 constexpr RegClass result_rc = reg_class_for(kS128);
4108 LiftoffRegister dst = __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {});
4109 bool all_zeroes = std::all_of(std::begin(imm.value), std::end(imm.value),
4110 [](uint8_t v) { return v == 0; });
4111 bool all_ones = std::all_of(std::begin(imm.value), std::end(imm.value),
4112 [](uint8_t v) { return v == 0xff; });
4113 if (all_zeroes) {
4114 __ LiftoffAssembler::emit_s128_xor(dst, dst, dst);
4115 } else if (all_ones) {
4116 // Any SIMD eq will work, i32x4 is efficient on all archs.
4117 __ LiftoffAssembler::emit_i32x4_eq(dst, dst, dst);
4118 } else {
4119 __ LiftoffAssembler::emit_s128_const(dst, imm.value);
4120 }
4121 __ PushRegister(kS128, dst);
4122 }
4124 void Simd8x16ShuffleOp(FullDecoder* decoder,
4125 const Simd128Immediate<validate>& imm,
4126 const Value& input0, const Value& input1,
4127 Value* result) {
4128 if (!CpuFeatures::SupportsWasmSimd128()) {
4129 return unsupported(decoder, kSimd, "simd");
4130 }
4131 static constexpr RegClass result_rc = reg_class_for(kS128);
4132 LiftoffRegister rhs = __ PopToRegister();
4133 LiftoffRegister lhs = __ PopToRegister(LiftoffRegList{rhs});
4134 LiftoffRegister dst = __ GetUnusedRegister(result_rc, {lhs, rhs}, {});
4136 uint8_t shuffle[kSimd128Size];
4137 memcpy(shuffle, imm.value, sizeof(shuffle));
4138 bool is_swizzle;
4139 bool needs_swap;
4140 wasm::SimdShuffle::CanonicalizeShuffle(lhs == rhs, shuffle, &needs_swap,
4141 &is_swizzle);
4142 if (needs_swap) {
4143 std::swap(lhs, rhs);
4144 }
4145 __ LiftoffAssembler::emit_i8x16_shuffle(dst, lhs, rhs, shuffle, is_swizzle);
4146 __ PushRegister(kS128, dst);
4147 }
4149 void ToSmi(Register reg) {
4150 if (COMPRESS_POINTERS_BOOLfalse || kSystemPointerSize == 4) {
4151 __ emit_i32_shli(reg, reg, kSmiShiftSize + kSmiTagSize);
4152 } else {
4153 __ emit_i64_shli(LiftoffRegister{reg}, LiftoffRegister{reg},
4154 kSmiShiftSize + kSmiTagSize);
4155 }
4156 }
4158 void Store32BitExceptionValue(Register values_array, int* index_in_array,
4159 Register value, LiftoffRegList pinned) {
4160 LiftoffRegister tmp_reg = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned);
4161 // Get the lower half word into tmp_reg and extend to a Smi.
4162 --*index_in_array;
4163 __ emit_i32_andi(tmp_reg.gp(), value, 0xffff);
4164 ToSmi(tmp_reg.gp());
4165 __ StoreTaggedPointer(
4166 values_array, no_reg,
4167 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(*index_in_array),
4168 tmp_reg, pinned, LiftoffAssembler::kSkipWriteBarrier);
4170 // Get the upper half word into tmp_reg and extend to a Smi.
4171 --*index_in_array;
4172 __ emit_i32_shri(tmp_reg.gp(), value, 16);
4173 ToSmi(tmp_reg.gp());
4174 __ StoreTaggedPointer(
4175 values_array, no_reg,
4176 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(*index_in_array),
4177 tmp_reg, pinned, LiftoffAssembler::kSkipWriteBarrier);
4178 }
4180 void Store64BitExceptionValue(Register values_array, int* index_in_array,
4181 LiftoffRegister value, LiftoffRegList pinned) {
4182 if (kNeedI64RegPair) {
4183 Store32BitExceptionValue(values_array, index_in_array, value.low_gp(),
4184 pinned);
4185 Store32BitExceptionValue(values_array, index_in_array, value.high_gp(),
4186 pinned);
4187 } else {
4188 Store32BitExceptionValue(values_array, index_in_array, value.gp(),
4189 pinned);
4190 __ emit_i64_shri(value, value, 32);
4191 Store32BitExceptionValue(values_array, index_in_array, value.gp(),
4192 pinned);
4193 }
4194 }
4196 void Load16BitExceptionValue(LiftoffRegister dst,
4197 LiftoffRegister values_array, uint32_t* index,
4198 LiftoffRegList pinned) {
4199 __ LoadSmiAsInt32(
4200 dst, values_array.gp(),
4201 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(*index), pinned);
4202 (*index)++;
4203 }
4205 void Load32BitExceptionValue(Register dst, LiftoffRegister values_array,
4206 uint32_t* index, LiftoffRegList pinned) {
4207 LiftoffRegister upper = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
4208 Load16BitExceptionValue(upper, values_array, index, pinned);
4209 __ emit_i32_shli(upper.gp(), upper.gp(), 16);
4210 Load16BitExceptionValue(LiftoffRegister(dst), values_array, index, pinned);
4211 __ emit_i32_or(dst, upper.gp(), dst);
4212 }
4214 void Load64BitExceptionValue(LiftoffRegister dst,
4215 LiftoffRegister values_array, uint32_t* index,
4216 LiftoffRegList pinned) {
4217 if (kNeedI64RegPair) {
4218 Load32BitExceptionValue(dst.high_gp(), values_array, index, pinned);
4219 Load32BitExceptionValue(dst.low_gp(), values_array, index, pinned);
4220 } else {
4221 Load16BitExceptionValue(dst, values_array, index, pinned);
4222 __ emit_i64_shli(dst, dst, 48);
4223 LiftoffRegister tmp_reg =
4224 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
4225 Load16BitExceptionValue(tmp_reg, values_array, index, pinned);
4226 __ emit_i64_shli(tmp_reg, tmp_reg, 32);
4227 __ emit_i64_or(dst, tmp_reg, dst);
4228 Load16BitExceptionValue(tmp_reg, values_array, index, pinned);
4229 __ emit_i64_shli(tmp_reg, tmp_reg, 16);
4230 __ emit_i64_or(dst, tmp_reg, dst);
4231 Load16BitExceptionValue(tmp_reg, values_array, index, pinned);
4232 __ emit_i64_or(dst, tmp_reg, dst);
4233 }
4234 }
4236 void StoreExceptionValue(ValueType type, Register values_array,
4237 int* index_in_array, LiftoffRegList pinned) {
4238 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
4239 switch (type.kind()) {
4240 case kI32:
4241 Store32BitExceptionValue(values_array, index_in_array, value.gp(),
4242 pinned);
4243 break;
4244 case kF32: {
4245 LiftoffRegister gp_reg =
4246 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
4247 __ emit_type_conversion(kExprI32ReinterpretF32, gp_reg, value, nullptr);
4248 Store32BitExceptionValue(values_array, index_in_array, gp_reg.gp(),
4249 pinned);
4250 break;
4251 }
4252 case kI64:
4253 Store64BitExceptionValue(values_array, index_in_array, value, pinned);
4254 break;
4255 case kF64: {
4256 LiftoffRegister tmp_reg =
4257 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(reg_class_for(kI64), pinned));
4258 __ emit_type_conversion(kExprI64ReinterpretF64, tmp_reg, value,
4259 nullptr);
4260 Store64BitExceptionValue(values_array, index_in_array, tmp_reg, pinned);
4261 break;
4262 }
4263 case kS128: {
4264 LiftoffRegister tmp_reg =
4265 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
4266 for (int i : {3, 2, 1, 0}) {
4267 __ emit_i32x4_extract_lane(tmp_reg, value, i);
4268 Store32BitExceptionValue(values_array, index_in_array, tmp_reg.gp(),
4269 pinned);
4270 }
4271 break;
4272 }
4273 case wasm::kRef:
4274 case wasm::kOptRef:
4275 case wasm::kRtt: {
4276 --(*index_in_array);
4277 __ StoreTaggedPointer(
4278 values_array, no_reg,
4279 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(
4280 *index_in_array),
4281 value, pinned);
4282 break;
4283 }
4284 case wasm::kI8:
4285 case wasm::kI16:
4286 case wasm::kVoid:
4287 case wasm::kBottom:
4288 UNREACHABLE()V8_Fatal("unreachable code");
4289 }
4290 }
4292 void LoadExceptionValue(ValueKind kind, LiftoffRegister values_array,
4293 uint32_t* index, LiftoffRegList pinned) {
4294 RegClass rc = reg_class_for(kind);
4295 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(rc, pinned));
4296 switch (kind) {
4297 case kI32:
4298 Load32BitExceptionValue(value.gp(), values_array, index, pinned);
4299 break;
4300 case kF32: {
4301 LiftoffRegister tmp_reg =
4302 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
4303 Load32BitExceptionValue(tmp_reg.gp(), values_array, index, pinned);
4304 __ emit_type_conversion(kExprF32ReinterpretI32, value, tmp_reg,
4305 nullptr);
4306 break;
4307 }
4308 case kI64:
4309 Load64BitExceptionValue(value, values_array, index, pinned);
4310 break;
4311 case kF64: {
4312 RegClass rc_i64 = reg_class_for(kI64);
4313 LiftoffRegister tmp_reg =
4314 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(rc_i64, pinned));
4315 Load64BitExceptionValue(tmp_reg, values_array, index, pinned);
4316 __ emit_type_conversion(kExprF64ReinterpretI64, value, tmp_reg,
4317 nullptr);
4318 break;
4319 }
4320 case kS128: {
4321 LiftoffRegister tmp_reg =
4322 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
4323 Load32BitExceptionValue(tmp_reg.gp(), values_array, index, pinned);
4324 __ emit_i32x4_splat(value, tmp_reg);
4325 for (int lane : {1, 2, 3}) {
4326 Load32BitExceptionValue(tmp_reg.gp(), values_array, index, pinned);
4327 __ emit_i32x4_replace_lane(value, value, tmp_reg, lane);
4328 }
4329 break;
4330 }
4331 case wasm::kRef:
4332 case wasm::kOptRef:
4333 case wasm::kRtt: {
4334 __ LoadTaggedPointer(
4335 value.gp(), values_array.gp(), no_reg,
4336 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(*index),
4337 pinned);
4338 (*index)++;
4339 break;
4340 }
4341 case wasm::kI8:
4342 case wasm::kI16:
4343 case wasm::kVoid:
4344 case wasm::kBottom:
4345 UNREACHABLE()V8_Fatal("unreachable code");
4346 }
4347 __ PushRegister(kind, value);
4348 }
4350 void GetExceptionValues(FullDecoder* decoder,
4351 LiftoffAssembler::VarState& exception_var,
4352 const WasmTag* tag) {
4353 LiftoffRegList pinned;
4354 CODE_COMMENT("get exception values");
4355 LiftoffRegister values_array = GetExceptionProperty(
4356 exception_var, RootIndex::kwasm_exception_values_symbol);
4357 pinned.set(values_array);
4358 uint32_t index = 0;
4359 const WasmTagSig* sig = tag->sig;
4360 for (ValueType param : sig->parameters()) {
4361 LoadExceptionValue(param.kind(), values_array, &index, pinned);
4362 }
4363 DCHECK_EQ(index, WasmExceptionPackage::GetEncodedSize(tag))((void) 0);
4364 }
4366 void EmitLandingPad(FullDecoder* decoder, int handler_offset) {
4367 if (decoder->current_catch() == -1) return;
4368 MovableLabel handler;
4370 // If we return from the throwing code normally, just skip over the handler.
4371 Label skip_handler;
4372 __ emit_jump(&skip_handler);
4374 // Handler: merge into the catch state, and jump to the catch body.
4375 CODE_COMMENT("-- landing pad --");
4376 __ bind(handler.get());
4377 __ ExceptionHandler();
4378 __ PushException();
4379 handlers_.push_back({std::move(handler), handler_offset});
4380 Control* current_try =
4381 decoder->control_at(decoder->control_depth_of_current_catch());
4382 DCHECK_NOT_NULL(current_try->try_info)((void) 0);
4383 if (!current_try->try_info->catch_reached) {
4384 current_try->try_info->catch_state.InitMerge(
4385 *__ cache_state(), __ num_locals(), 1,
4386 current_try->stack_depth + current_try->num_exceptions);
4387 current_try->try_info->catch_reached = true;
4388 }
4389 __ MergeStackWith(current_try->try_info->catch_state, 1,
4390 LiftoffAssembler::kForwardJump);
4391 __ emit_jump(&current_try->try_info->catch_label);
4393 __ bind(&skip_handler);
4394 // Drop the exception.
4395 __ DropValues(1);
4396 }
4398 void Throw(FullDecoder* decoder, const TagIndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
4399 const base::Vector<Value>& /* args */) {
4400 LiftoffRegList pinned;
4402 // Load the encoded size in a register for the builtin call.
4403 int encoded_size = WasmExceptionPackage::GetEncodedSize(imm.tag);
4404 LiftoffRegister encoded_size_reg =
4405 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
4406 __ LoadConstant(encoded_size_reg, WasmValue(encoded_size));
4408 // Call the WasmAllocateFixedArray builtin to create the values array.
4409 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmAllocateFixedArray,
4410 MakeSig::Returns(kPointerKind).Params(kPointerKind),
4411 {LiftoffAssembler::VarState{
4412 kSmiKind, LiftoffRegister{encoded_size_reg}, 0}},
4413 decoder->position());
4414 MaybeOSR();
4416 // The FixedArray for the exception values is now in the first gp return
4417 // register.
4418 LiftoffRegister values_array{kReturnRegister0};
4419 pinned.set(values_array);
4421 // Now store the exception values in the FixedArray. Do this from last to
4422 // first value, such that we can just pop them from the value stack.
4423 CODE_COMMENT("fill values array");
4424 int index = encoded_size;
4425 auto* sig = imm.tag->sig;
4426 for (size_t param_idx = sig->parameter_count(); param_idx > 0;
4427 --param_idx) {
4428 ValueType type = sig->GetParam(param_idx - 1);
4429 StoreExceptionValue(type, values_array.gp(), &index, pinned);
4430 }
4431 DCHECK_EQ(0, index)((void) 0);
4433 // Load the exception tag.
4434 CODE_COMMENT("load exception tag");
4435 LiftoffRegister exception_tag =
4436 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
4437 LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(exception_tag.gp(), TagsTable, pinned);
4438 __ LoadTaggedPointer(
4439 exception_tag.gp(), exception_tag.gp(), no_reg,
4440 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(imm.index), {});
4442 // Finally, call WasmThrow.
4443 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmThrow,
4444 MakeSig::Params(kPointerKind, kPointerKind),
4445 {LiftoffAssembler::VarState{kPointerKind, exception_tag, 0},
4446 LiftoffAssembler::VarState{kPointerKind, values_array, 0}},
4447 decoder->position());
4449 int pc_offset = __ pc_offset();
4450 MaybeOSR();
4451 EmitLandingPad(decoder, pc_offset);
4452 }
4454 void AtomicStoreMem(FullDecoder* decoder, StoreType type,
4455 const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm) {
4456 LiftoffRegList pinned;
4457 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister());
4458 LiftoffRegister full_index = __ PopToRegister(pinned);
4459 Register index = BoundsCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset,
4460 full_index, pinned, kDoForceCheck);
4461 if (index == no_reg) return;
4463 pinned.set(index);
4464 AlignmentCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset, index, pinned);
4465 uintptr_t offset = imm.offset;
4466 CODE_COMMENT("atomic store to memory");
4467 Register addr = pinned.set(GetMemoryStart(pinned));
4468 LiftoffRegList outer_pinned;
4469 if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory)(__builtin_expect(!!(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory), 0))) outer_pinned.set(index);
4470 __ AtomicStore(addr, index, offset, value, type, outer_pinned);
4471 if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory)(__builtin_expect(!!(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory), 0))) {
4472 TraceMemoryOperation(true, type.mem_rep(), index, offset,
4473 decoder->position());
4474 }
4475 }
4477 void AtomicLoadMem(FullDecoder* decoder, LoadType type,
4478 const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm) {
4479 ValueKind kind = type.value_type().kind();
4480 LiftoffRegister full_index = __ PopToRegister();
4481 Register index = BoundsCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset,
4482 full_index, {}, kDoForceCheck);
4483 if (index == no_reg) return;
4485 LiftoffRegList pinned = {index};
4486 AlignmentCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset, index, pinned);
4487 uintptr_t offset = imm.offset;
4488 CODE_COMMENT("atomic load from memory");
4489 Register addr = pinned.set(GetMemoryStart(pinned));
4490 RegClass rc = reg_class_for(kind);
4491 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(rc, pinned));
4492 __ AtomicLoad(value, addr, index, offset, type, pinned);
4493 __ PushRegister(kind, value);
4495 if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory)(__builtin_expect(!!(FLAG_trace_wasm_memory), 0))) {
4496 TraceMemoryOperation(false, type.mem_type().representation(), index,
4497 offset, decoder->position());
4498 }
4499 }
4501 void AtomicBinop(FullDecoder* decoder, StoreType type,
4502 const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm,
4503 void (LiftoffAssembler::*emit_fn)(Register, Register,
4504 uintptr_t, LiftoffRegister,
4505 LiftoffRegister,
4506 StoreType)) {
4507 ValueKind result_kind = type.value_type().kind();
4508 LiftoffRegList pinned;
4509 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister());
4510#ifdef V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32
4511 // We have to reuse the value register as the result register so that we
4512 // don't run out of registers on ia32. For this we use the value register as
4513 // the result register if it has no other uses. Otherwise we allocate a new
4514 // register and let go of the value register to get spilled.
4515 LiftoffRegister result = value;
4516 if (__ cache_state()->is_used(value)) {
4517 result = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(value.reg_class(), pinned));
4518 __ Move(result, value, result_kind);
4519 pinned.clear(value);
4520 value = result;
4521 }
4523 LiftoffRegister result =
4524 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(value.reg_class(), pinned));
4526 LiftoffRegister full_index = __ PopToRegister(pinned);
4527 Register index = BoundsCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset,
4528 full_index, pinned, kDoForceCheck);
4529 if (index == no_reg) return;
4531 pinned.set(index);
4532 AlignmentCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset, index, pinned);
4534 CODE_COMMENT("atomic binop");
4535 uintptr_t offset = imm.offset;
4536 Register addr = pinned.set(GetMemoryStart(pinned));
4538 (asm_.*emit_fn)(addr, index, offset, value, result, type);
4539 __ PushRegister(result_kind, result);
4540 }
4542 void AtomicCompareExchange(FullDecoder* decoder, StoreType type,
4543 const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm) {
4544#ifdef V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32
4545 // On ia32 we don't have enough registers to first pop all the values off
4546 // the stack and then start with the code generation. Instead we do the
4547 // complete address calculation first, so that the address only needs a
4548 // single register. Afterwards we load all remaining values into the
4549 // other registers.
4550 LiftoffRegister full_index = __ PeekToRegister(2, {});
4551 Register index = BoundsCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset,
4552 full_index, {}, kDoForceCheck);
4553 if (index == no_reg) return;
4554 LiftoffRegList pinned = {index};
4555 AlignmentCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset, index, pinned);
4557 uintptr_t offset = imm.offset;
4558 Register addr = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
4559 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(addr, MemoryStart, kSystemPointerSize, pinned);
4561 __ DecodeSandboxedPointer(addr);
4563 __ emit_i32_add(addr, addr, index);
4564 pinned.clear(LiftoffRegister(index));
4565 LiftoffRegister new_value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
4566 LiftoffRegister expected = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
4568 // Pop the index from the stack.
4569 __ DropValues(1);
4571 LiftoffRegister result = expected;
4572 if (__ cache_state()->is_used(result)) __ SpillRegister(result);
4574 // We already added the index to addr, so we can just pass no_reg to the
4575 // assembler now.
4576 __ AtomicCompareExchange(addr, no_reg, offset, expected, new_value, result,
4577 type);
4578 __ PushRegister(type.value_type().kind(), result);
4579 return;
4581 ValueKind result_kind = type.value_type().kind();
4582 LiftoffRegList pinned;
4583 LiftoffRegister new_value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister());
4584 LiftoffRegister expected = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
4585 LiftoffRegister full_index = __ PopToRegister(pinned);
4586 Register index = BoundsCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset,
4587 full_index, pinned, kDoForceCheck);
4588 if (index == no_reg) return;
4589 pinned.set(index);
4590 AlignmentCheckMem(decoder, type.size(), imm.offset, index, pinned);
4592 uintptr_t offset = imm.offset;
4593 Register addr = pinned.set(GetMemoryStart(pinned));
4594 LiftoffRegister result =
4595 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(reg_class_for(result_kind), pinned));
4597 __ AtomicCompareExchange(addr, index, offset, expected, new_value, result,
4598 type);
4599 __ PushRegister(result_kind, result);
4601 }
4603 void CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::RuntimeStubId stub_id, const ValueKindSig& sig,
4604 std::initializer_list<LiftoffAssembler::VarState> params,
4605 int position) {
4607 (std::string{"call builtin: "} + GetRuntimeStubName(stub_id)).c_str());
4608 auto interface_descriptor = Builtins::CallInterfaceDescriptorFor(
4609 RuntimeStubIdToBuiltinName(stub_id));
4610 auto* call_descriptor = compiler::Linkage::GetStubCallDescriptor(
4611 compilation_zone_, // zone
4612 interface_descriptor, // descriptor
4613 interface_descriptor.GetStackParameterCount(), // stack parameter count
4614 compiler::CallDescriptor::kNoFlags, // flags
4615 compiler::Operator::kNoProperties, // properties
4616 StubCallMode::kCallWasmRuntimeStub); // stub call mode
4618 __ PrepareBuiltinCall(&sig, call_descriptor, params);
4619 if (position != kNoSourcePosition) {
4620 source_position_table_builder_.AddPosition(
4621 __ pc_offset(), SourcePosition(position), true);
4622 }
4623 __ CallRuntimeStub(stub_id);
4624 DefineSafepoint();
4625 }
4627 void AtomicWait(FullDecoder* decoder, ValueKind kind,
4628 const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm) {
4629 LiftoffRegister full_index = __ PeekToRegister(2, {});
4630 Register index_reg =
4631 BoundsCheckMem(decoder, value_kind_size(kind), imm.offset, full_index,
4632 {}, kDoForceCheck);
4633 if (index_reg == no_reg) return;
4634 LiftoffRegList pinned = {index_reg};
4635 AlignmentCheckMem(decoder, value_kind_size(kind), imm.offset, index_reg,
4636 pinned);
4638 uintptr_t offset = imm.offset;
4639 Register index_plus_offset =
4640 __ cache_state()->is_used(LiftoffRegister(index_reg))
4641 ? pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp()
4642 : index_reg;
4643 // TODO(clemensb): Skip this if memory is 64 bit.
4644 __ emit_ptrsize_zeroextend_i32(index_plus_offset, index_reg);
4645 if (offset) {
4646 __ emit_ptrsize_addi(index_plus_offset, index_plus_offset, offset);
4647 }
4649 LiftoffAssembler::VarState timeout =
4650 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1];
4651 LiftoffAssembler::VarState expected_value =
4652 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-2];
4653 LiftoffAssembler::VarState index = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-3];
4655 // We have to set the correct register for the index.
4656 index.MakeRegister(LiftoffRegister(index_plus_offset));
4658 static constexpr WasmCode::RuntimeStubId kTargets[2][2]{
4659 // 64 bit systems (kNeedI64RegPair == false):
4660 {WasmCode::kWasmI64AtomicWait64, WasmCode::kWasmI32AtomicWait64},
4661 // 32 bit systems (kNeedI64RegPair == true):
4662 {WasmCode::kWasmI64AtomicWait32, WasmCode::kWasmI32AtomicWait32}};
4663 auto target = kTargets[kNeedI64RegPair][kind == kI32];
4665 CallRuntimeStub(target, MakeSig::Params(kPointerKind, kind, kI64),
4666 {index, expected_value, timeout}, decoder->position());
4667 // Pop parameters from the value stack.
4668 __ DropValues(3);
4670 RegisterDebugSideTableEntry(decoder, DebugSideTableBuilder::kDidSpill);
4672 __ PushRegister(kI32, LiftoffRegister(kReturnRegister0));
4673 }
4675 void AtomicNotify(FullDecoder* decoder,
4676 const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm) {
4677 LiftoffRegister full_index = __ PeekToRegister(1, {});
4678 Register index_reg = BoundsCheckMem(decoder, kInt32Size, imm.offset,
4679 full_index, {}, kDoForceCheck);
4680 if (index_reg == no_reg) return;
4681 LiftoffRegList pinned = {index_reg};
4682 AlignmentCheckMem(decoder, kInt32Size, imm.offset, index_reg, pinned);
4684 uintptr_t offset = imm.offset;
4685 Register index_plus_offset =
4686 __ cache_state()->is_used(LiftoffRegister(index_reg))
4687 ? pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp()
4688 : index_reg;
4689 // TODO(clemensb): Skip this if memory is 64 bit.
4690 __ emit_ptrsize_zeroextend_i32(index_plus_offset, index_reg);
4691 if (offset) {
4692 __ emit_ptrsize_addi(index_plus_offset, index_plus_offset, offset);
4693 }
4695 LiftoffAssembler::VarState count = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1];
4696 LiftoffAssembler::VarState index = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-2];
4697 index.MakeRegister(LiftoffRegister(index_plus_offset));
4699 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmAtomicNotify,
4700 MakeSig::Returns(kI32).Params(kPointerKind, kI32),
4701 {index, count}, decoder->position());
4702 // Pop parameters from the value stack.
4703 __ DropValues(2);
4705 RegisterDebugSideTableEntry(decoder, DebugSideTableBuilder::kDidSpill);
4707 __ PushRegister(kI32, LiftoffRegister(kReturnRegister0));
4708 }
4710#define ATOMIC_STORE_LIST(V) \
4711 V(I32AtomicStore, kI32Store) \
4712 V(I64AtomicStore, kI64Store) \
4713 V(I32AtomicStore8U, kI32Store8) \
4714 V(I32AtomicStore16U, kI32Store16) \
4715 V(I64AtomicStore8U, kI64Store8) \
4716 V(I64AtomicStore16U, kI64Store16) \
4717 V(I64AtomicStore32U, kI64Store32)
4719#define ATOMIC_LOAD_LIST(V) \
4720 V(I32AtomicLoad, kI32Load) \
4721 V(I64AtomicLoad, kI64Load) \
4722 V(I32AtomicLoad8U, kI32Load8U) \
4723 V(I32AtomicLoad16U, kI32Load16U) \
4724 V(I64AtomicLoad8U, kI64Load8U) \
4725 V(I64AtomicLoad16U, kI64Load16U) \
4726 V(I64AtomicLoad32U, kI64Load32U)
4729 V(Add, I32AtomicAdd, kI32Store) \
4730 V(Add, I64AtomicAdd, kI64Store) \
4731 V(Add, I32AtomicAdd8U, kI32Store8) \
4732 V(Add, I32AtomicAdd16U, kI32Store16) \
4733 V(Add, I64AtomicAdd8U, kI64Store8) \
4734 V(Add, I64AtomicAdd16U, kI64Store16) \
4735 V(Add, I64AtomicAdd32U, kI64Store32) \
4736 V(Sub, I32AtomicSub, kI32Store) \
4737 V(Sub, I64AtomicSub, kI64Store) \
4738 V(Sub, I32AtomicSub8U, kI32Store8) \
4739 V(Sub, I32AtomicSub16U, kI32Store16) \
4740 V(Sub, I64AtomicSub8U, kI64Store8) \
4741 V(Sub, I64AtomicSub16U, kI64Store16) \
4742 V(Sub, I64AtomicSub32U, kI64Store32) \
4743 V(And, I32AtomicAnd, kI32Store) \
4744 V(And, I64AtomicAnd, kI64Store) \
4745 V(And, I32AtomicAnd8U, kI32Store8) \
4746 V(And, I32AtomicAnd16U, kI32Store16) \
4747 V(And, I64AtomicAnd8U, kI64Store8) \
4748 V(And, I64AtomicAnd16U, kI64Store16) \
4749 V(And, I64AtomicAnd32U, kI64Store32) \
4750 V(Or, I32AtomicOr, kI32Store) \
4751 V(Or, I64AtomicOr, kI64Store) \
4752 V(Or, I32AtomicOr8U, kI32Store8) \
4753 V(Or, I32AtomicOr16U, kI32Store16) \
4754 V(Or, I64AtomicOr8U, kI64Store8) \
4755 V(Or, I64AtomicOr16U, kI64Store16) \
4756 V(Or, I64AtomicOr32U, kI64Store32) \
4757 V(Xor, I32AtomicXor, kI32Store) \
4758 V(Xor, I64AtomicXor, kI64Store) \
4759 V(Xor, I32AtomicXor8U, kI32Store8) \
4760 V(Xor, I32AtomicXor16U, kI32Store16) \
4761 V(Xor, I64AtomicXor8U, kI64Store8) \
4762 V(Xor, I64AtomicXor16U, kI64Store16) \
4763 V(Xor, I64AtomicXor32U, kI64Store32) \
4764 V(Exchange, I32AtomicExchange, kI32Store) \
4765 V(Exchange, I64AtomicExchange, kI64Store) \
4766 V(Exchange, I32AtomicExchange8U, kI32Store8) \
4767 V(Exchange, I32AtomicExchange16U, kI32Store16) \
4768 V(Exchange, I64AtomicExchange8U, kI64Store8) \
4769 V(Exchange, I64AtomicExchange16U, kI64Store16) \
4770 V(Exchange, I64AtomicExchange32U, kI64Store32)
4773 V(I32AtomicCompareExchange, kI32Store) \
4774 V(I64AtomicCompareExchange, kI64Store) \
4775 V(I32AtomicCompareExchange8U, kI32Store8) \
4776 V(I32AtomicCompareExchange16U, kI32Store16) \
4777 V(I64AtomicCompareExchange8U, kI64Store8) \
4778 V(I64AtomicCompareExchange16U, kI64Store16) \
4779 V(I64AtomicCompareExchange32U, kI64Store32)
4781 void AtomicOp(FullDecoder* decoder, WasmOpcode opcode,
4782 base::Vector<Value> args,
4783 const MemoryAccessImmediate<validate>& imm, Value* result) {
4784 switch (opcode) {
4785#define ATOMIC_STORE_OP(name, type) \
4786 case wasm::kExpr##name: \
4787 AtomicStoreMem(decoder, StoreType::type, imm); \
4788 break;
4791#undef ATOMIC_STORE_OP
4793#define ATOMIC_LOAD_OP(name, type) \
4794 case wasm::kExpr##name: \
4795 AtomicLoadMem(decoder, LoadType::type, imm); \
4796 break;
4799#undef ATOMIC_LOAD_OP
4801#define ATOMIC_BINOP_OP(op, name, type) \
4802 case wasm::kExpr##name: \
4803 AtomicBinop(decoder, StoreType::type, imm, &LiftoffAssembler::Atomic##op); \
4804 break;
4807#undef ATOMIC_BINOP_OP
4809#define ATOMIC_COMPARE_EXCHANGE_OP(name, type) \
4810 case wasm::kExpr##name: \
4811 AtomicCompareExchange(decoder, StoreType::type, imm); \
4812 break;
4817 case kExprI32AtomicWait:
4818 AtomicWait(decoder, kI32, imm);
4819 break;
4820 case kExprI64AtomicWait:
4821 AtomicWait(decoder, kI64, imm);
4822 break;
4823 case kExprAtomicNotify:
4824 AtomicNotify(decoder, imm);
4825 break;
4826 default:
4827 unsupported(decoder, kAtomics, "atomicop");
4828 }
4829 }
4836 void AtomicFence(FullDecoder* decoder) { __ AtomicFence(); }
4838 // Pop a memtype (i32 or i64 depending on {WasmModule::is_memory64}) to a
4839 // register, updating {*high_word} to contain the ORed combination of all
4840 // popped high words. Returns the ptrsized register holding the popped value.
4841 LiftoffRegister PopMemTypeToRegister(FullDecoder* decoder,
4842 Register* high_word,
4843 LiftoffRegList* pinned) {
4844 LiftoffRegister reg = __ PopToRegister(*pinned);
4845 LiftoffRegister intptr_reg = reg;
4846 // For memory32 on 64-bit hosts, zero-extend.
4847 if (kSystemPointerSize == kInt64Size && !env_->module->is_memory64) {
4848 // Only overwrite {reg} if it's not used otherwise.
4849 if (pinned->has(reg) || __ cache_state()->is_used(reg)) {
4850 intptr_reg = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, *pinned);
4851 }
4852 __ emit_u32_to_uintptr(intptr_reg.gp(), reg.gp());
4853 }
4854 // For memory32 or memory64 on 64-bit, we are done here.
4855 if (kSystemPointerSize == kInt64Size || !env_->module->is_memory64) {
4856 pinned->set(intptr_reg);
4857 return intptr_reg;
4858 }
4860 // For memory64 on 32-bit systems, combine all high words for a zero-check
4861 // and only use the low words afterwards. This keeps the register pressure
4862 // managable.
4863 DCHECK_GE(kMaxUInt32, env_->max_memory_size)((void) 0);
4864 pinned->set(reg.low());
4865 if (*high_word == no_reg) {
4866 // Choose a register to hold the (combination of) high word(s). It cannot
4867 // be one of the pinned registers, and it cannot be used in the value
4868 // stack.
4869 *high_word =
4870 pinned->has(reg.high())
4871 ? __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, *pinned).gp()
4872 : __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {reg.high()}, *pinned).gp();
4873 pinned->set(*high_word);
4874 if (*high_word != reg.high_gp()) {
4875 __ Move(*high_word, reg.high_gp(), kI32);
4876 }
4877 } else if (*high_word != reg.high_gp()) {
4878 // Combine the new high word into existing high words.
4879 __ emit_i32_or(*high_word, *high_word, reg.high_gp());
4880 }
4881 return reg.low();
4882 }
4884 void MemoryInit(FullDecoder* decoder,
4885 const MemoryInitImmediate<validate>& imm, const Value&,
4886 const Value&, const Value&) {
4887 Register mem_offsets_high_word = no_reg;
4888 LiftoffRegList pinned;
4889 LiftoffRegister size = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister());
4890 LiftoffRegister src = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
4891 LiftoffRegister dst =
4892 PopMemTypeToRegister(decoder, &mem_offsets_high_word, &pinned);
4894 Register instance = __ cache_state()->cached_instance;
4895 if (instance == no_reg) {
4896 instance = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned).gp();
4897 __ LoadInstanceFromFrame(instance);
4898 }
4899 pinned.set(instance);
4901 // Only allocate the OOB code now, so the state of the stack is reflected
4902 // correctly.
4903 Label* trap_label =
4904 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds);
4905 if (mem_offsets_high_word != no_reg) {
4906 // If any high word has bits set, jump to the OOB trap.
4907 __ emit_cond_jump(kNotEqualZero, trap_label, kI32, mem_offsets_high_word);
4908 pinned.clear(mem_offsets_high_word);
4909 }
4911 LiftoffRegister segment_index =
4912 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
4913 __ LoadConstant(segment_index, WasmValue(imm.data_segment.index));
4915 auto sig = MakeSig::Returns(kI32).Params(kPointerKind, kPointerKind, kI32,
4916 kI32, kI32);
4917 LiftoffRegister args[] = {LiftoffRegister(instance), dst, src,
4918 segment_index, size};
4919 // We don't need the instance anymore after the call. We can use the
4920 // register for the result.
4921 LiftoffRegister result(instance);
4922 GenerateCCall(&result, &sig, kVoid, args,
4923 ExternalReference::wasm_memory_init());
4924 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, trap_label, kI32, result.gp());
4925 }
4927 void DataDrop(FullDecoder* decoder, const IndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
4928 LiftoffRegList pinned;
4930 Register seg_size_array =
4931 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
4932 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(seg_size_array, DataSegmentSizes, kSystemPointerSize,
4933 pinned);
4935 LiftoffRegister seg_index =
4936 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
4937 // Scale the seg_index for the array access.
4938 __ LoadConstant(seg_index,
4939 WasmValue(imm.index << value_kind_size_log2(kI32)));
4941 // Set the length of the segment to '0' to drop it.
4942 LiftoffRegister null_reg = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
4943 __ LoadConstant(null_reg, WasmValue(0));
4944 __ Store(seg_size_array, seg_index.gp(), 0, null_reg, StoreType::kI32Store,
4945 pinned);
4946 }
4948 void MemoryCopy(FullDecoder* decoder,
4949 const MemoryCopyImmediate<validate>& imm, const Value&,
4950 const Value&, const Value&) {
4951 Register mem_offsets_high_word = no_reg;
4952 LiftoffRegList pinned;
4953 LiftoffRegister size = pinned.set(
4954 PopMemTypeToRegister(decoder, &mem_offsets_high_word, &pinned));
4955 LiftoffRegister src = pinned.set(
4956 PopMemTypeToRegister(decoder, &mem_offsets_high_word, &pinned));
4957 LiftoffRegister dst = pinned.set(
4958 PopMemTypeToRegister(decoder, &mem_offsets_high_word, &pinned));
4960 Register instance = __ cache_state()->cached_instance;
4961 if (instance == no_reg) {
4962 instance = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned).gp();
4963 __ LoadInstanceFromFrame(instance);
4964 }
4966 // Only allocate the OOB code now, so the state of the stack is reflected
4967 // correctly.
4968 Label* trap_label =
4969 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds);
4970 if (mem_offsets_high_word != no_reg) {
4971 // If any high word has bits set, jump to the OOB trap.
4972 __ emit_cond_jump(kNotEqualZero, trap_label, kI32, mem_offsets_high_word);
4973 }
4975 auto sig = MakeSig::Returns(kI32).Params(kPointerKind, kPointerKind,
4976 kPointerKind, kPointerKind);
4977 LiftoffRegister args[] = {LiftoffRegister(instance), dst, src, size};
4978 // We don't need the instance anymore after the call. We can use the
4979 // register for the result.
4980 LiftoffRegister result(instance);
4981 GenerateCCall(&result, &sig, kVoid, args,
4982 ExternalReference::wasm_memory_copy());
4983 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, trap_label, kI32, result.gp());
4984 }
4986 void MemoryFill(FullDecoder* decoder,
4987 const MemoryIndexImmediate<validate>& imm, const Value&,
4988 const Value&, const Value&) {
4989 Register mem_offsets_high_word = no_reg;
4990 LiftoffRegList pinned;
4991 LiftoffRegister size = pinned.set(
4992 PopMemTypeToRegister(decoder, &mem_offsets_high_word, &pinned));
4993 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
4994 LiftoffRegister dst = pinned.set(
4995 PopMemTypeToRegister(decoder, &mem_offsets_high_word, &pinned));
4997 Register instance = __ cache_state()->cached_instance;
4998 if (instance == no_reg) {
4999 instance = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned).gp();
5000 __ LoadInstanceFromFrame(instance);
5001 }
5003 // Only allocate the OOB code now, so the state of the stack is reflected
5004 // correctly.
5005 Label* trap_label =
5006 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds);
5007 if (mem_offsets_high_word != no_reg) {
5008 // If any high word has bits set, jump to the OOB trap.
5009 __ emit_cond_jump(kNotEqualZero, trap_label, kI32, mem_offsets_high_word);
5010 }
5012 auto sig = MakeSig::Returns(kI32).Params(kPointerKind, kPointerKind, kI32,
5013 kPointerKind);
5014 LiftoffRegister args[] = {LiftoffRegister(instance), dst, value, size};
5015 // We don't need the instance anymore after the call. We can use the
5016 // register for the result.
5017 LiftoffRegister result(instance);
5018 GenerateCCall(&result, &sig, kVoid, args,
5019 ExternalReference::wasm_memory_fill());
5020 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, trap_label, kI32, result.gp());
5021 }
5023 void LoadSmi(LiftoffRegister reg, int value) {
5024 Address smi_value = Smi::FromInt(value).ptr();
5025 using smi_type = std::conditional_t<kSmiKind == kI32, int32_t, int64_t>;
5026 __ LoadConstant(reg, WasmValue{static_cast<smi_type>(smi_value)});
5027 }
5029 void TableInit(FullDecoder* decoder, const TableInitImmediate<validate>& imm,
5030 base::Vector<Value> args) {
5031 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5032 LiftoffRegister table_index_reg =
5033 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5035 LoadSmi(table_index_reg, imm.table.index);
5036 LiftoffAssembler::VarState table_index(kPointerKind, table_index_reg, 0);
5038 LiftoffRegister segment_index_reg =
5039 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5040 LoadSmi(segment_index_reg, imm.element_segment.index);
5041 LiftoffAssembler::VarState segment_index(kPointerKind, segment_index_reg,
5042 0);
5044 LiftoffAssembler::VarState size = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1];
5045 LiftoffAssembler::VarState src = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-2];
5046 LiftoffAssembler::VarState dst = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-3];
5048 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmTableInit,
5049 MakeSig::Params(kI32, kI32, kI32, kSmiKind, kSmiKind),
5050 {dst, src, size, table_index, segment_index},
5051 decoder->position());
5053 // Pop parameters from the value stack.
5054 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back(3);
5056 RegisterDebugSideTableEntry(decoder, DebugSideTableBuilder::kDidSpill);
5057 }
5059 void ElemDrop(FullDecoder* decoder, const IndexImmediate<validate>& imm) {
5060 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5061 Register dropped_elem_segments =
5062 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
5063 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(dropped_elem_segments, DroppedElemSegments,
5064 kSystemPointerSize, pinned);
5066 LiftoffRegister seg_index =
5067 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5068 __ LoadConstant(seg_index, WasmValue(imm.index));
5070 // Mark the segment as dropped by setting its value in the dropped
5071 // segments list to 1.
5072 LiftoffRegister one_reg = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5073 __ LoadConstant(one_reg, WasmValue(1));
5074 __ Store(dropped_elem_segments, seg_index.gp(), 0, one_reg,
5075 StoreType::kI32Store8, pinned);
5076 }
5078 void TableCopy(FullDecoder* decoder, const TableCopyImmediate<validate>& imm,
5079 base::Vector<Value> args) {
5080 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5082 LiftoffRegister table_dst_index_reg =
5083 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5084 LoadSmi(table_dst_index_reg, imm.table_dst.index);
5085 LiftoffAssembler::VarState table_dst_index(kPointerKind,
5086 table_dst_index_reg, 0);
5088 LiftoffRegister table_src_index_reg =
5089 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5090 LoadSmi(table_src_index_reg, imm.table_src.index);
5091 LiftoffAssembler::VarState table_src_index(kPointerKind,
5092 table_src_index_reg, 0);
5094 LiftoffAssembler::VarState size = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1];
5095 LiftoffAssembler::VarState src = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-2];
5096 LiftoffAssembler::VarState dst = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-3];
5098 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmTableCopy,
5099 MakeSig::Params(kI32, kI32, kI32, kSmiKind, kSmiKind),
5100 {dst, src, size, table_dst_index, table_src_index},
5101 decoder->position());
5103 // Pop parameters from the value stack.
5104 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back(3);
5106 RegisterDebugSideTableEntry(decoder, DebugSideTableBuilder::kDidSpill);
5107 }
5109 void TableGrow(FullDecoder* decoder, const IndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
5110 const Value&, const Value&, Value* result) {
5111 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5113 LiftoffRegister table_index_reg =
5114 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5115 LoadSmi(table_index_reg, imm.index);
5116 LiftoffAssembler::VarState table_index(kPointerKind, table_index_reg, 0);
5118 LiftoffAssembler::VarState delta = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1];
5119 LiftoffAssembler::VarState value = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-2];
5121 CallRuntimeStub(
5122 WasmCode::kWasmTableGrow,
5123 MakeSig::Returns(kSmiKind).Params(kSmiKind, kI32, kTaggedKind),
5124 {table_index, delta, value}, decoder->position());
5126 // Pop parameters from the value stack.
5127 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back(2);
5129 RegisterDebugSideTableEntry(decoder, DebugSideTableBuilder::kDidSpill);
5130 __ SmiToInt32(kReturnRegister0);
5131 __ PushRegister(kI32, LiftoffRegister(kReturnRegister0));
5132 }
5134 void TableSize(FullDecoder* decoder, const IndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
5135 Value*) {
5136 // We have to look up instance->tables[table_index].length.
5138 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5139 // Get the number of calls array address.
5140 Register tables = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
5141 LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(tables, Tables, pinned);
5143 Register table = tables;
5144 __ LoadTaggedPointer(
5145 table, tables, no_reg,
5146 ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(imm.index), pinned);
5148 int length_field_size = WasmTableObject::kCurrentLengthOffsetEnd -
5149 WasmTableObject::kCurrentLengthOffset + 1;
5151 Register result = table;
5152 __ Load(LiftoffRegister(result), table, no_reg,
5153 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmTableObject::kCurrentLengthOffset),
5154 length_field_size == 4 ? LoadType::kI32Load : LoadType::kI64Load,
5155 pinned);
5157 __ SmiUntag(result);
5158 __ PushRegister(kI32, LiftoffRegister(result));
5159 }
5161 void TableFill(FullDecoder* decoder, const IndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
5162 const Value&, const Value&, const Value&) {
5163 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5165 LiftoffRegister table_index_reg =
5166 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5167 LoadSmi(table_index_reg, imm.index);
5168 LiftoffAssembler::VarState table_index(kPointerKind, table_index_reg, 0);
5170 LiftoffAssembler::VarState count = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1];
5171 LiftoffAssembler::VarState value = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-2];
5172 LiftoffAssembler::VarState start = __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-3];
5174 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmTableFill,
5175 MakeSig::Params(kSmiKind, kI32, kI32, kTaggedKind),
5176 {table_index, start, count, value}, decoder->position());
5178 // Pop parameters from the value stack.
5179 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back(3);
5181 RegisterDebugSideTableEntry(decoder, DebugSideTableBuilder::kDidSpill);
5182 }
5184 void StructNew(FullDecoder* decoder,
5185 const StructIndexImmediate<validate>& imm, const Value& rtt,
5186 bool initial_values_on_stack) {
5187 LiftoffAssembler::VarState rtt_value =
5188 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1];
5189 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmAllocateStructWithRtt,
5190 MakeSig::Returns(kRef).Params(rtt.type.kind()), {rtt_value},
5191 decoder->position());
5192 // Drop the RTT.
5193 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back(1);
5195 LiftoffRegister obj(kReturnRegister0);
5196 LiftoffRegList pinned = {obj};
5197 for (uint32_t i = imm.struct_type->field_count(); i > 0;) {
5198 i--;
5199 int offset = StructFieldOffset(imm.struct_type, i);
5200 ValueKind field_kind = imm.struct_type->field(i).kind();
5201 LiftoffRegister value = initial_values_on_stack
5202 ? pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned))
5203 : pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(
5204 reg_class_for(field_kind), pinned));
5205 if (!initial_values_on_stack) {
5206 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, field_kind, "default value")) return;
5207 SetDefaultValue(value, field_kind, pinned);
5208 }
5209 StoreObjectField(obj.gp(), no_reg, offset, value, pinned, field_kind);
5210 pinned.clear(value);
5211 }
5212 // If this assert fails then initialization of padding field might be
5213 // necessary.
5214 static_assert(Heap::kMinObjectSizeInTaggedWords == 2 &&
5215 WasmStruct::kHeaderSize == 2 * kTaggedSize,
5216 "empty struct might require initialization of padding field");
5217 __ PushRegister(kRef, obj);
5218 }
5220 void StructNewWithRtt(FullDecoder* decoder,
5221 const StructIndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
5222 const Value& rtt, const Value args[], Value* result) {
5223 StructNew(decoder, imm, rtt, true);
5224 }
5226 void StructNewDefault(FullDecoder* decoder,
5227 const StructIndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
5228 const Value& rtt, Value* result) {
5229 StructNew(decoder, imm, rtt, false);
5230 }
5232 void StructGet(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& struct_obj,
5233 const FieldImmediate<validate>& field, bool is_signed,
5234 Value* result) {
5235 const StructType* struct_type = field.struct_imm.struct_type;
5236 ValueKind field_kind = struct_type->field(field.field_imm.index).kind();
5237 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, field_kind, "field load")) return;
5238 int offset = StructFieldOffset(struct_type, field.field_imm.index);
5239 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5240 LiftoffRegister obj = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
5241 MaybeEmitNullCheck(decoder, obj.gp(), pinned, struct_obj.type);
5242 LiftoffRegister value =
5243 __ GetUnusedRegister(reg_class_for(field_kind), pinned);
5244 LoadObjectField(value, obj.gp(), no_reg, offset, field_kind, is_signed,
5245 pinned);
5246 __ PushRegister(unpacked(field_kind), value);
5247 }
5249 void StructSet(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& struct_obj,
5250 const FieldImmediate<validate>& field,
5251 const Value& field_value) {
5252 const StructType* struct_type = field.struct_imm.struct_type;
5253 ValueKind field_kind = struct_type->field(field.field_imm.index).kind();
5254 int offset = StructFieldOffset(struct_type, field.field_imm.index);
5255 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5256 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
5257 LiftoffRegister obj = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
5258 MaybeEmitNullCheck(decoder, obj.gp(), pinned, struct_obj.type);
5259 StoreObjectField(obj.gp(), no_reg, offset, value, pinned, field_kind);
5260 }
5262 void ArrayNew(FullDecoder* decoder, const ArrayIndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
5263 ValueKind rtt_kind, bool initial_value_on_stack) {
5264 // Max length check.
5265 {
5266 LiftoffRegister length =
5267 __ LoadToRegister(__ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-2], {});
5268 Label* trap_label =
5269 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapArrayTooLarge);
5270 __ emit_i32_cond_jumpi(kUnsignedGreaterThan, trap_label, length.gp(),
5271 WasmArray::MaxLength(imm.array_type));
5272 }
5273 ValueKind elem_kind = imm.array_type->element_type().kind();
5274 int elem_size = value_kind_size(elem_kind);
5275 // Allocate the array.
5276 {
5277 LiftoffRegister elem_size_reg = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {});
5278 LiftoffAssembler::VarState rtt_var =
5279 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1];
5280 LiftoffAssembler::VarState length_var =
5281 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-2];
5282 __ LoadConstant(elem_size_reg, WasmValue(elem_size));
5283 LiftoffAssembler::VarState elem_size_var(kI32, elem_size_reg, 0);
5285 WasmCode::RuntimeStubId stub_id =
5286 initial_value_on_stack
5287 ? WasmCode::kWasmAllocateArray_Uninitialized
5288 : is_reference(elem_kind) ? WasmCode::kWasmAllocateArray_InitNull
5289 : WasmCode::kWasmAllocateArray_InitZero;
5290 CallRuntimeStub(
5291 stub_id, MakeSig::Returns(kRef).Params(rtt_kind, kI32, kI32),
5292 {rtt_var, length_var, elem_size_var}, decoder->position());
5293 // Drop the RTT.
5294 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back(1);
5295 }
5297 LiftoffRegister obj(kReturnRegister0);
5298 if (initial_value_on_stack) {
5299 LiftoffRegList pinned = {obj};
5300 LiftoffRegister length = pinned.set(__ PopToModifiableRegister(pinned));
5301 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
5303 // Initialize the array's elements.
5304 LiftoffRegister offset = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5305 __ LoadConstant(
5306 offset,
5307 WasmValue(wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmArray::kHeaderSize)));
5308 LiftoffRegister end_offset = length;
5309 if (value_kind_size_log2(elem_kind) != 0) {
5310 __ emit_i32_shli(end_offset.gp(), length.gp(),
5311 value_kind_size_log2(elem_kind));
5312 }
5313 __ emit_i32_add(end_offset.gp(), end_offset.gp(), offset.gp());
5314 Label loop, done;
5315 __ bind(&loop);
5316 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnsignedGreaterEqual, &done, kI32, offset.gp(),
5317 end_offset.gp());
5318 StoreObjectField(obj.gp(), offset.gp(), 0, value, pinned, elem_kind);
5319 __ emit_i32_addi(offset.gp(), offset.gp(), elem_size);
5320 __ emit_jump(&loop);
5322 __ bind(&done);
5323 } else {
5324 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, elem_kind, "default value")) return;
5325 // Drop the length.
5326 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back(1);
5327 }
5328 __ PushRegister(kRef, obj);
5329 }
5331 void ArrayNewWithRtt(FullDecoder* decoder,
5332 const ArrayIndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
5333 const Value& length_value, const Value& initial_value,
5334 const Value& rtt, Value* result) {
5335 ArrayNew(decoder, imm, rtt.type.kind(), true);
5336 }
5338 void ArrayNewDefault(FullDecoder* decoder,
5339 const ArrayIndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
5340 const Value& length, const Value& rtt, Value* result) {
5341 ArrayNew(decoder, imm, rtt.type.kind(), false);
5342 }
5344 void ArrayGet(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& array_obj,
5345 const ArrayIndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
5346 const Value& index_val, bool is_signed, Value* result) {
5347 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5348 LiftoffRegister index = pinned.set(__ PopToModifiableRegister(pinned));
5349 LiftoffRegister array = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
5350 MaybeEmitNullCheck(decoder, array.gp(), pinned, array_obj.type);
5351 BoundsCheckArray(decoder, array, index, pinned);
5352 ValueKind elem_kind = imm.array_type->element_type().kind();
5353 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, elem_kind, "array load")) return;
5354 int elem_size_shift = value_kind_size_log2(elem_kind);
5355 if (elem_size_shift != 0) {
5356 __ emit_i32_shli(index.gp(), index.gp(), elem_size_shift);
5357 }
5358 LiftoffRegister value =
5359 __ GetUnusedRegister(reg_class_for(elem_kind), pinned);
5360 LoadObjectField(value, array.gp(), index.gp(),
5361 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmArray::kHeaderSize),
5362 elem_kind, is_signed, pinned);
5363 __ PushRegister(unpacked(elem_kind), value);
5364 }
5366 void ArraySet(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& array_obj,
5367 const ArrayIndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
5368 const Value& index_val, const Value& value_val) {
5369 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5370 LiftoffRegister value = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
5371 DCHECK_EQ(reg_class_for(imm.array_type->element_type().kind()),((void) 0)
5372 value.reg_class())((void) 0);
5373 LiftoffRegister index = pinned.set(__ PopToModifiableRegister(pinned));
5374 LiftoffRegister array = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
5375 MaybeEmitNullCheck(decoder, array.gp(), pinned, array_obj.type);
5376 BoundsCheckArray(decoder, array, index, pinned);
5377 ValueKind elem_kind = imm.array_type->element_type().kind();
5378 int elem_size_shift = value_kind_size_log2(elem_kind);
5379 if (elem_size_shift != 0) {
5380 __ emit_i32_shli(index.gp(), index.gp(), elem_size_shift);
5381 }
5382 StoreObjectField(array.gp(), index.gp(),
5383 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmArray::kHeaderSize),
5384 value, pinned, elem_kind);
5385 }
5387 void ArrayLen(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& array_obj, Value* result) {
5388 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5389 LiftoffRegister obj = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
5390 MaybeEmitNullCheck(decoder, obj.gp(), pinned, array_obj.type);
5391 LiftoffRegister len = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned);
5392 int kLengthOffset = wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmArray::kLengthOffset);
5393 LoadObjectField(len, obj.gp(), no_reg, kLengthOffset, kI32, false, pinned);
5394 __ PushRegister(kI32, len);
5395 }
5397 void ArrayCopy(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& dst, const Value& dst_index,
5398 const Value& src, const Value& src_index,
5399 const Value& length) {
5400 // TODO(7748): Unify implementation with TF: Implement this with
5401 // GenerateCCall. Remove runtime function and builtin in wasm.tq.
5402 CallRuntimeStub(FLAG_experimental_wasm_skip_bounds_checks
5403 ? WasmCode::kWasmArrayCopy
5404 : WasmCode::kWasmArrayCopyWithChecks,
5405 MakeSig::Params(kI32, kI32, kI32, kOptRef, kOptRef),
5406 // Builtin parameter order:
5407 // [dst_index, src_index, length, dst, src].
5408 {__ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-4],
5409 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-2],
5410 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1],
5411 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-5],
5412 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-3]},
5413 decoder->position());
5414 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back(5);
5415 }
5417 void ArrayInit(FullDecoder* decoder, const ArrayIndexImmediate<validate>& imm,
5418 const base::Vector<Value>& elements, const Value& rtt,
5419 Value* result) {
5420 ValueKind rtt_kind = rtt.type.kind();
5421 ValueKind elem_kind = imm.array_type->element_type().kind();
5422 // Allocate the array.
5423 {
5424 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5425 LiftoffRegister elem_size_reg =
5426 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5428 __ LoadConstant(elem_size_reg, WasmValue(value_kind_size(elem_kind)));
5429 LiftoffAssembler::VarState elem_size_var(kI32, elem_size_reg, 0);
5431 LiftoffRegister length_reg =
5432 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5433 __ LoadConstant(length_reg,
5434 WasmValue(static_cast<int32_t>(elements.size())));
5435 LiftoffAssembler::VarState length_var(kI32, length_reg, 0);
5437 LiftoffAssembler::VarState rtt_var =
5438 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1];
5440 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmAllocateArray_Uninitialized,
5441 MakeSig::Returns(kRef).Params(rtt_kind, kI32, kI32),
5442 {rtt_var, length_var, elem_size_var},
5443 decoder->position());
5444 // Drop the RTT.
5445 __ DropValues(1);
5446 }
5448 // Initialize the array with stack arguments.
5449 LiftoffRegister array(kReturnRegister0);
5450 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, elem_kind, "array.init")) return;
5451 for (int i = static_cast<int>(elements.size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
5452 LiftoffRegList pinned = {array};
5453 LiftoffRegister element = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
5454 LiftoffRegister offset_reg =
5455 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5456 __ LoadConstant(offset_reg,
5457 WasmValue(i << value_kind_size_log2(elem_kind)));
5458 StoreObjectField(array.gp(), offset_reg.gp(),
5459 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmArray::kHeaderSize),
5460 element, pinned, elem_kind);
5461 }
5463 // Push the array onto the stack.
5464 __ PushRegister(kRef, array);
5465 }
5467 void ArrayInitFromData(FullDecoder* decoder,
5468 const ArrayIndexImmediate<validate>& array_imm,
5469 const IndexImmediate<validate>& data_segment,
5470 const Value& /* offset */, const Value& /* length */,
5471 const Value& /* rtt */, Value* /* result */) {
5472 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5473 LiftoffRegister data_segment_reg =
5474 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5475 __ LoadConstant(data_segment_reg,
5476 WasmValue(static_cast<int32_t>(data_segment.index)));
5477 LiftoffAssembler::VarState data_segment_var(kI32, data_segment_reg, 0);
5479 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kWasmArrayInitFromData,
5480 MakeSig::Returns(kRef).Params(kI32, kI32, kI32, kRtt),
5481 {
5482 data_segment_var,
5483 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-3], // offset
5484 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-2], // length
5485 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1] // rtt
5486 },
5487 decoder->position());
5489 LiftoffRegister result(kReturnRegister0);
5490 // Reuse the data segment register for error handling.
5491 LiftoffRegister error_smi = data_segment_reg;
5492 LoadSmi(error_smi, kArrayInitFromDataArrayTooLargeErrorCode);
5493 Label* trap_label_array_too_large =
5494 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapArrayTooLarge);
5495 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, trap_label_array_too_large, kRef, result.gp(),
5496 error_smi.gp());
5497 LoadSmi(error_smi, kArrayInitFromDataSegmentOutOfBoundsErrorCode);
5498 Label* trap_label_segment_out_of_bounds = AddOutOfLineTrap(
5499 decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapDataSegmentOutOfBounds);
5500 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, trap_label_segment_out_of_bounds, kRef,
5501 result.gp(), error_smi.gp());
5503 __ PushRegister(kRef, result);
5504 }
5506 // 1 bit Smi tag, 31 bits Smi shift, 1 bit i31ref high-bit truncation.
5507 constexpr static int kI31To32BitSmiShift = 33;
5509 void I31New(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& input, Value* result) {
5510 LiftoffRegister src = __ PopToRegister();
5511 LiftoffRegister dst = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {src}, {});
5512 if (SmiValuesAre31Bits()) {
5513 STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0)static_assert(kSmiTag == 0, "kSmiTag == 0");
5514 __ emit_i32_shli(dst.gp(), src.gp(), kSmiTagSize);
5515 } else {
5516 DCHECK(SmiValuesAre32Bits())((void) 0);
5517 __ emit_i64_shli(dst, src, kI31To32BitSmiShift);
5518 }
5519 __ PushRegister(kRef, dst);
5520 }
5522 void I31GetS(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& input, Value* result) {
5523 LiftoffRegister src = __ PopToRegister();
5524 LiftoffRegister dst = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {src}, {});
5525 if (SmiValuesAre31Bits()) {
5526 __ emit_i32_sari(dst.gp(), src.gp(), kSmiTagSize);
5527 } else {
5528 DCHECK(SmiValuesAre32Bits())((void) 0);
5529 __ emit_i64_sari(dst, src, kI31To32BitSmiShift);
5530 }
5531 __ PushRegister(kI32, dst);
5532 }
5534 void I31GetU(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& input, Value* result) {
5535 LiftoffRegister src = __ PopToRegister();
5536 LiftoffRegister dst = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {src}, {});
5537 if (SmiValuesAre31Bits()) {
5538 __ emit_i32_shri(dst.gp(), src.gp(), kSmiTagSize);
5539 } else {
5540 DCHECK(SmiValuesAre32Bits())((void) 0);
5541 __ emit_i64_shri(dst, src, kI31To32BitSmiShift);
5542 }
5543 __ PushRegister(kI32, dst);
5544 }
5546 void RttCanon(FullDecoder* decoder, uint32_t type_index, Value* result) {
5547 LiftoffRegister rtt = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {});
5548 LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(rtt.gp(), ManagedObjectMaps, {});
5549 __ LoadTaggedPointer(
5550 rtt.gp(), rtt.gp(), no_reg,
5551 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(type_index), {});
5552 __ PushRegister(kRtt, rtt);
5553 }
5555 enum NullSucceeds : bool { // --
5556 kNullSucceeds = true,
5557 kNullFails = false
5558 };
5560 // Falls through on match (=successful type check).
5561 // Returns the register containing the object.
5562 LiftoffRegister SubtypeCheck(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& obj,
5563 const Value& rtt, Label* no_match,
5564 NullSucceeds null_succeeds,
5565 LiftoffRegList pinned = {},
5566 Register opt_scratch = no_reg) {
5567 Label match;
5568 LiftoffRegister rtt_reg = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
5569 LiftoffRegister obj_reg = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
5571 // Reserve all temporary registers up front, so that the cache state
5572 // tracking doesn't get confused by the following conditional jumps.
5573 LiftoffRegister tmp1 =
5574 opt_scratch != no_reg
5575 ? LiftoffRegister(opt_scratch)
5576 : pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5577 LiftoffRegister tmp2 = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
5578 if (obj.type.is_nullable()) {
5579 LoadNullValue(tmp1.gp(), pinned);
5580 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, null_succeeds ? &match : no_match,
5581 obj.type.kind(), obj_reg.gp(), tmp1.gp());
5582 }
5584 __ LoadMap(tmp1.gp(), obj_reg.gp());
5585 // {tmp1} now holds the object's map.
5587 // Check for rtt equality, and if not, check if the rtt is a struct/array
5588 // rtt.
5589 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, &match, rtt.type.kind(), tmp1.gp(), rtt_reg.gp());
5591 // Constant-time subtyping check: load exactly one candidate RTT from the
5592 // supertypes list.
5593 // Step 1: load the WasmTypeInfo into {tmp1}.
5594 constexpr int kTypeInfoOffset = wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(
5595 Map::kConstructorOrBackPointerOrNativeContextOffset);
5596 __ LoadTaggedPointer(tmp1.gp(), tmp1.gp(), no_reg, kTypeInfoOffset, pinned);
5597 // Step 2: load the supertypes list into {tmp1}.
5598 constexpr int kSuperTypesOffset =
5599 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmTypeInfo::kSupertypesOffset);
5600 __ LoadTaggedPointer(tmp1.gp(), tmp1.gp(), no_reg, kSuperTypesOffset,
5601 pinned);
5602 // Step 3: check the list's length if needed.
5603 uint32_t rtt_depth =
5604 GetSubtypingDepth(decoder->module_, rtt.type.ref_index());
5605 if (rtt_depth >= kMinimumSupertypeArraySize) {
5606 LiftoffRegister list_length = tmp2;
5607 __ LoadFixedArrayLengthAsInt32(list_length, tmp1.gp(), pinned);
5608 __ emit_i32_cond_jumpi(kUnsignedLessEqual, no_match, list_length.gp(),
5609 rtt_depth);
5610 }
5611 // Step 4: load the candidate list slot into {tmp1}, and compare it.
5612 __ LoadTaggedPointer(
5613 tmp1.gp(), tmp1.gp(), no_reg,
5614 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(rtt_depth), pinned);
5615 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnequal, no_match, rtt.type.kind(), tmp1.gp(),
5616 rtt_reg.gp());
5618 // Fall through to {match}.
5619 __ bind(&match);
5620 return obj_reg;
5621 }
5623 void RefTest(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& obj, const Value& rtt,
5624 Value* /* result_val */) {
5625 Label return_false, done;
5626 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5627 LiftoffRegister result = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {}));
5629 SubtypeCheck(decoder, obj, rtt, &return_false, kNullFails, pinned,
5630 result.gp());
5632 __ LoadConstant(result, WasmValue(1));
5633 // TODO(jkummerow): Emit near jumps on platforms where it's more efficient.
5634 __ emit_jump(&done);
5636 __ bind(&return_false);
5637 __ LoadConstant(result, WasmValue(0));
5638 __ bind(&done);
5639 __ PushRegister(kI32, result);
5640 }
5642 void RefCast(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& obj, const Value& rtt,
5643 Value* result) {
5644 if (FLAG_experimental_wasm_assume_ref_cast_succeeds) {
5645 // Just drop the rtt.
5646 __ DropValues(1);
5647 } else {
5648 Label* trap_label =
5649 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapIllegalCast);
5650 LiftoffRegister obj_reg =
5651 SubtypeCheck(decoder, obj, rtt, trap_label, kNullSucceeds);
5652 __ PushRegister(obj.type.kind(), obj_reg);
5653 }
5654 }
5656 void BrOnCast(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& obj, const Value& rtt,
5657 Value* /* result_on_branch */, uint32_t depth) {
5658 // Before branching, materialize all constants. This avoids repeatedly
5659 // materializing them for each conditional branch.
5660 if (depth != decoder->control_depth() - 1) {
5661 __ MaterializeMergedConstants(
5662 decoder->control_at(depth)->br_merge()->arity);
5663 }
5665 Label cont_false;
5666 LiftoffRegister obj_reg =
5667 SubtypeCheck(decoder, obj, rtt, &cont_false, kNullFails);
5669 __ PushRegister(rtt.type.is_bottom() ? kBottom : obj.type.kind(), obj_reg);
5670 BrOrRet(decoder, depth, 0);
5672 __ bind(&cont_false);
5673 // Drop the branch's value, restore original value.
5674 Drop(decoder);
5675 __ PushRegister(obj.type.kind(), obj_reg);
5676 }
5678 void BrOnCastFail(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& obj, const Value& rtt,
5679 Value* /* result_on_fallthrough */, uint32_t depth) {
5680 // Before branching, materialize all constants. This avoids repeatedly
5681 // materializing them for each conditional branch.
5682 if (depth != decoder->control_depth() - 1) {
5683 __ MaterializeMergedConstants(
5684 decoder->control_at(depth)->br_merge()->arity);
5685 }
5687 Label cont_branch, fallthrough;
5688 LiftoffRegister obj_reg =
5689 SubtypeCheck(decoder, obj, rtt, &cont_branch, kNullFails);
5690 __ PushRegister(obj.type.kind(), obj_reg);
5691 __ emit_jump(&fallthrough);
5693 __ bind(&cont_branch);
5694 BrOrRet(decoder, depth, 0);
5696 __ bind(&fallthrough);
5697 }
5699 // Abstract type checkers. They all return the object register and fall
5700 // through to match.
5701 LiftoffRegister DataCheck(const Value& obj, Label* no_match,
5702 LiftoffRegList pinned, Register opt_scratch) {
5703 TypeCheckRegisters registers =
5704 TypeCheckPrelude(obj, no_match, pinned, opt_scratch);
5705 EmitDataRefCheck(registers.map_reg.gp(), no_match, registers.tmp_reg,
5706 pinned);
5707 return registers.obj_reg;
5708 }
5710 LiftoffRegister ArrayCheck(const Value& obj, Label* no_match,
5711 LiftoffRegList pinned, Register opt_scratch) {
5712 TypeCheckRegisters registers =
5713 TypeCheckPrelude(obj, no_match, pinned, opt_scratch);
5714 __ Load(registers.map_reg, registers.map_reg.gp(), no_reg,
5715 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(Map::kInstanceTypeOffset),
5716 LoadType::kI32Load16U, pinned);
5717 __ emit_i32_cond_jumpi(kUnequal, no_match, registers.map_reg.gp(),
5719 return registers.obj_reg;
5720 }
5722 LiftoffRegister FuncCheck(const Value& obj, Label* no_match,
5723 LiftoffRegList pinned, Register opt_scratch) {
5724 TypeCheckRegisters registers =
5725 TypeCheckPrelude(obj, no_match, pinned, opt_scratch);
5726 __ Load(registers.map_reg, registers.map_reg.gp(), no_reg,
5727 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(Map::kInstanceTypeOffset),
5728 LoadType::kI32Load16U, pinned);
5729 __ emit_i32_cond_jumpi(kUnequal, no_match, registers.map_reg.gp(),
5731 return registers.obj_reg;
5732 }
5734 LiftoffRegister I31Check(const Value& object, Label* no_match,
5735 LiftoffRegList pinned, Register opt_scratch) {
5736 LiftoffRegister obj_reg = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
5738 __ emit_smi_check(obj_reg.gp(), no_match, LiftoffAssembler::kJumpOnNotSmi);
5740 return obj_reg;
5741 }
5743 using TypeChecker = LiftoffRegister (LiftoffCompiler::*)(
5744 const Value& obj, Label* no_match, LiftoffRegList pinned,
5745 Register opt_scratch);
5747 template <TypeChecker type_checker>
5748 void AbstractTypeCheck(const Value& object) {
5749 Label match, no_match, done;
5750 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5751 LiftoffRegister result = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {}));
5753 (this->*type_checker)(object, &no_match, pinned, result.gp());
5755 __ bind(&match);
5756 __ LoadConstant(result, WasmValue(1));
5757 // TODO(jkummerow): Emit near jumps on platforms where it's more efficient.
5758 __ emit_jump(&done);
5760 __ bind(&no_match);
5761 __ LoadConstant(result, WasmValue(0));
5762 __ bind(&done);
5763 __ PushRegister(kI32, result);
5764 }
5766 void RefIsData(FullDecoder* /* decoder */, const Value& object,
5767 Value* /* result_val */) {
5768 return AbstractTypeCheck<&LiftoffCompiler::DataCheck>(object);
5769 }
5771 void RefIsFunc(FullDecoder* /* decoder */, const Value& object,
5772 Value* /* result_val */) {
5773 return AbstractTypeCheck<&LiftoffCompiler::FuncCheck>(object);
5774 }
5776 void RefIsArray(FullDecoder* /* decoder */, const Value& object,
5777 Value* /* result_val */) {
5778 return AbstractTypeCheck<&LiftoffCompiler::ArrayCheck>(object);
5779 }
5781 void RefIsI31(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object,
5782 Value* /* result */) {
5783 return AbstractTypeCheck<&LiftoffCompiler::I31Check>(object);
5784 }
5786 template <TypeChecker type_checker>
5787 void AbstractTypeCast(const Value& object, FullDecoder* decoder,
5788 ValueKind result_kind) {
5789 Label* trap_label =
5790 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapIllegalCast);
5791 Label match;
5792 LiftoffRegister obj_reg =
5793 (this->*type_checker)(object, trap_label, {}, no_reg);
5794 __ bind(&match);
5795 __ PushRegister(result_kind, obj_reg);
5796 }
5798 void RefAsData(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object,
5799 Value* /* result */) {
5800 return AbstractTypeCast<&LiftoffCompiler::DataCheck>(object, decoder, kRef);
5801 }
5803 void RefAsFunc(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object,
5804 Value* /* result */) {
5805 return AbstractTypeCast<&LiftoffCompiler::FuncCheck>(object, decoder, kRef);
5806 }
5808 void RefAsI31(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object, Value* result) {
5809 return AbstractTypeCast<&LiftoffCompiler::I31Check>(object, decoder, kRef);
5810 }
5812 void RefAsArray(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object, Value* result) {
5813 return AbstractTypeCast<&LiftoffCompiler::ArrayCheck>(object, decoder,
5814 kRef);
5815 }
5817 template <TypeChecker type_checker>
5818 void BrOnAbstractType(const Value& object, FullDecoder* decoder,
5819 uint32_t br_depth) {
5820 // Before branching, materialize all constants. This avoids repeatedly
5821 // materializing them for each conditional branch.
5822 if (br_depth != decoder->control_depth() - 1) {
5823 __ MaterializeMergedConstants(
5824 decoder->control_at(br_depth)->br_merge()->arity);
5825 }
5827 Label no_match;
5828 LiftoffRegister obj_reg =
5829 (this->*type_checker)(object, &no_match, {}, no_reg);
5831 __ PushRegister(kRef, obj_reg);
5832 BrOrRet(decoder, br_depth, 0);
5834 __ bind(&no_match);
5835 }
5837 template <TypeChecker type_checker>
5838 void BrOnNonAbstractType(const Value& object, FullDecoder* decoder,
5839 uint32_t br_depth) {
5840 // Before branching, materialize all constants. This avoids repeatedly
5841 // materializing them for each conditional branch.
5842 if (br_depth != decoder->control_depth() - 1) {
5843 __ MaterializeMergedConstants(
5844 decoder->control_at(br_depth)->br_merge()->arity);
5845 }
5847 Label no_match, end;
5848 LiftoffRegister obj_reg =
5849 (this->*type_checker)(object, &no_match, {}, no_reg);
5850 __ PushRegister(kRef, obj_reg);
5851 __ emit_jump(&end);
5853 __ bind(&no_match);
5854 BrOrRet(decoder, br_depth, 0);
5856 __ bind(&end);
5857 }
5859 void BrOnData(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object,
5860 Value* /* value_on_branch */, uint32_t br_depth) {
5861 return BrOnAbstractType<&LiftoffCompiler::DataCheck>(object, decoder,
5862 br_depth);
5863 }
5865 void BrOnFunc(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object,
5866 Value* /* value_on_branch */, uint32_t br_depth) {
5867 return BrOnAbstractType<&LiftoffCompiler::FuncCheck>(object, decoder,
5868 br_depth);
5869 }
5871 void BrOnI31(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object,
5872 Value* /* value_on_branch */, uint32_t br_depth) {
5873 return BrOnAbstractType<&LiftoffCompiler::I31Check>(object, decoder,
5874 br_depth);
5875 }
5877 void BrOnArray(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object,
5878 Value* /* value_on_branch */, uint32_t br_depth) {
5879 return BrOnAbstractType<&LiftoffCompiler::ArrayCheck>(object, decoder,
5880 br_depth);
5881 }
5883 void BrOnNonData(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object,
5884 Value* /* value_on_branch */, uint32_t br_depth) {
5885 return BrOnNonAbstractType<&LiftoffCompiler::DataCheck>(object, decoder,
5886 br_depth);
5887 }
5889 void BrOnNonFunc(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object,
5890 Value* /* value_on_branch */, uint32_t br_depth) {
5891 return BrOnNonAbstractType<&LiftoffCompiler::FuncCheck>(object, decoder,
5892 br_depth);
5893 }
5895 void BrOnNonI31(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object,
5896 Value* /* value_on_branch */, uint32_t br_depth) {
5897 return BrOnNonAbstractType<&LiftoffCompiler::I31Check>(object, decoder,
5898 br_depth);
5899 }
5901 void BrOnNonArray(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& object,
5902 Value* /* value_on_branch */, uint32_t br_depth) {
5903 return BrOnNonAbstractType<&LiftoffCompiler::ArrayCheck>(object, decoder,
5904 br_depth);
5905 }
5907 void Forward(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& from, Value* to) {
5908 // Nothing to do here.
5909 }
5911 private:
5912 void CallDirect(FullDecoder* decoder,
5913 const CallFunctionImmediate<validate>& imm,
5914 const Value args[], Value returns[], TailCall tail_call) {
5915 MostlySmallValueKindSig sig(compilation_zone_, imm.sig);
5916 for (ValueKind ret : sig.returns()) {
5917 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, ret, "return")) return;
5918 }
5920 auto call_descriptor =
5921 compiler::GetWasmCallDescriptor(compilation_zone_, imm.sig);
5922 call_descriptor =
5923 GetLoweredCallDescriptor(compilation_zone_, call_descriptor);
5925 // One slot would be enough for call_direct, but would make index
5926 // computations much more complicated.
5927 uintptr_t vector_slot = num_call_instructions_ * 2;
5928 if (FLAG_wasm_speculative_inlining) {
5929 base::MutexGuard mutex_guard(&decoder->module_->type_feedback.mutex);
5930 decoder->module_->type_feedback.feedback_for_function[func_index_]
5931 .positions[decoder->position()] =
5932 static_cast<int>(num_call_instructions_);
5933 num_call_instructions_++;
5934 }
5936 if (imm.index < env_->module->num_imported_functions) {
5937 // A direct call to an imported function.
5938 LiftoffRegList pinned;
5939 Register tmp = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
5940 Register target = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
5942 Register imported_targets = tmp;
5943 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(imported_targets, ImportedFunctionTargets,
5944 kSystemPointerSize, pinned);
5945 __ Load(LiftoffRegister(target), imported_targets, no_reg,
5946 imm.index * sizeof(Address), kPointerLoadType, pinned);
5948 Register imported_function_refs = tmp;
5949 LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(imported_function_refs,
5950 ImportedFunctionRefs, pinned);
5951 Register imported_function_ref = tmp;
5952 __ LoadTaggedPointer(
5953 imported_function_ref, imported_function_refs, no_reg,
5954 ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(imm.index), pinned);
5956 Register* explicit_instance = &imported_function_ref;
5957 __ PrepareCall(&sig, call_descriptor, &target, explicit_instance);
5958 if (tail_call) {
5959 __ PrepareTailCall(
5960 static_cast<int>(call_descriptor->ParameterSlotCount()),
5961 static_cast<int>(
5962 call_descriptor->GetStackParameterDelta(descriptor_)));
5963 __ TailCallIndirect(target);
5964 } else {
5965 source_position_table_builder_.AddPosition(
5966 __ pc_offset(), SourcePosition(decoder->position()), true);
5967 __ CallIndirect(&sig, call_descriptor, target);
5968 FinishCall(decoder, &sig, call_descriptor);
5969 }
5970 } else {
5971 // Inlining direct calls isn't speculative, but existence of the
5972 // feedback vector currently depends on this flag.
5973 if (FLAG_wasm_speculative_inlining) {
5974 LiftoffRegister vector = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, {});
5975 __ Fill(vector, liftoff::kFeedbackVectorOffset, kPointerKind);
5976 __ IncrementSmi(vector,
5977 wasm::ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(
5978 static_cast<int>(vector_slot)));
5979 }
5980 // A direct call within this module just gets the current instance.
5981 __ PrepareCall(&sig, call_descriptor);
5982 // Just encode the function index. This will be patched at instantiation.
5983 Address addr = static_cast<Address>(imm.index);
5984 if (tail_call) {
5985 DCHECK(descriptor_->CanTailCall(call_descriptor))((void) 0);
5986 __ PrepareTailCall(
5987 static_cast<int>(call_descriptor->ParameterSlotCount()),
5988 static_cast<int>(
5989 call_descriptor->GetStackParameterDelta(descriptor_)));
5990 __ TailCallNativeWasmCode(addr);
5991 } else {
5992 source_position_table_builder_.AddPosition(
5993 __ pc_offset(), SourcePosition(decoder->position()), true);
5994 __ CallNativeWasmCode(addr);
5995 FinishCall(decoder, &sig, call_descriptor);
5996 }
5997 }
5998 }
6000 void CallIndirect(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& index_val,
6001 const CallIndirectImmediate<validate>& imm,
6002 TailCall tail_call) {
6003 MostlySmallValueKindSig sig(compilation_zone_, imm.sig);
6004 for (ValueKind ret : sig.returns()) {
6005 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, ret, "return")) return;
6006 }
6008 // Pop the index. We'll modify the register's contents later.
6009 Register index = __ PopToModifiableRegister().gp();
6011 LiftoffRegList pinned = {index};
6012 // Get three temporary registers.
6013 Register table = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
6014 Register tmp_const = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
6015 Register scratch = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
6016 Register indirect_function_table = no_reg;
6017 if (imm.table_imm.index != 0) {
6018 Register indirect_function_tables =
6019 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
6020 LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(indirect_function_tables,
6021 IndirectFunctionTables, pinned);
6023 indirect_function_table = indirect_function_tables;
6024 __ LoadTaggedPointer(
6025 indirect_function_table, indirect_function_tables, no_reg,
6026 ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(imm.table_imm.index),
6027 pinned);
6028 }
6030 // Bounds check against the table size.
6031 Label* invalid_func_label =
6032 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapTableOutOfBounds);
6034 uint32_t canonical_sig_num =
6035 env_->module->canonicalized_type_ids[imm.sig_imm.index];
6036 DCHECK_GE(canonical_sig_num, 0)((void) 0);
6037 DCHECK_GE(kMaxInt, canonical_sig_num)((void) 0);
6039 // Compare against table size stored in
6040 // {instance->indirect_function_table_size}.
6041 if (imm.table_imm.index == 0) {
6042 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(tmp_const, IndirectFunctionTableSize, kUInt32Size,
6043 pinned);
6044 } else {
6045 __ Load(
6046 LiftoffRegister(tmp_const), indirect_function_table, no_reg,
6047 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmIndirectFunctionTable::kSizeOffset),
6048 LoadType::kI32Load, pinned);
6049 }
6050 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnsignedGreaterEqual, invalid_func_label, kI32, index,
6051 tmp_const);
6053 CODE_COMMENT("Check indirect call signature");
6054 // Load the signature from {instance->ift_sig_ids[key]}
6055 if (imm.table_imm.index == 0) {
6056 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(table, IndirectFunctionTableSigIds,
6057 kSystemPointerSize, pinned);
6058 } else {
6059 __ Load(LiftoffRegister(table), indirect_function_table, no_reg,
6060 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(
6061 WasmIndirectFunctionTable::kSigIdsOffset),
6062 kPointerLoadType, pinned);
6063 }
6064 // Shift {index} by 2 (multiply by 4) to represent kInt32Size items.
6065 STATIC_ASSERT((1 << 2) == kInt32Size)static_assert((1 << 2) == kInt32Size, "(1 << 2) == kInt32Size"
6066 __ emit_i32_shli(index, index, 2);
6067 __ Load(LiftoffRegister(scratch), table, index, 0, LoadType::kI32Load,
6068 pinned);
6070 // Compare against expected signature.
6071 __ LoadConstant(LiftoffRegister(tmp_const), WasmValue(canonical_sig_num));
6073 Label* sig_mismatch_label =
6074 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapFuncSigMismatch);
6075 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnequal, sig_mismatch_label, kPointerKind, scratch,
6076 tmp_const);
6078 // At this point {index} has already been multiplied by 4.
6079 CODE_COMMENT("Execute indirect call");
6080 if (kTaggedSize != kInt32Size) {
6081 DCHECK_EQ(kTaggedSize, kInt32Size * 2)((void) 0);
6082 // Multiply {index} by another 2 to represent kTaggedSize items.
6083 __ emit_i32_add(index, index, index);
6084 }
6085 // At this point {index} has already been multiplied by kTaggedSize.
6087 // Load the instance from {instance->ift_instances[key]}
6088 if (imm.table_imm.index == 0) {
6089 LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(table, IndirectFunctionTableRefs, pinned);
6090 } else {
6091 __ LoadTaggedPointer(
6092 table, indirect_function_table, no_reg,
6093 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmIndirectFunctionTable::kRefsOffset),
6094 pinned);
6095 }
6096 __ LoadTaggedPointer(tmp_const, table, index,
6097 ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(0),
6098 pinned);
6100 if (kTaggedSize != kSystemPointerSize) {
6101 DCHECK_EQ(kSystemPointerSize, kTaggedSize * 2)((void) 0);
6102 // Multiply {index} by another 2 to represent kSystemPointerSize items.
6103 __ emit_i32_add(index, index, index);
6104 }
6105 // At this point {index} has already been multiplied by kSystemPointerSize.
6107 Register* explicit_instance = &tmp_const;
6109 // Load the target from {instance->ift_targets[key]}
6110 if (imm.table_imm.index == 0) {
6111 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(table, IndirectFunctionTableTargets,
6112 kSystemPointerSize, pinned);
6113 } else {
6114 __ Load(LiftoffRegister(table), indirect_function_table, no_reg,
6115 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(
6116 WasmIndirectFunctionTable::kTargetsOffset),
6117 kPointerLoadType, pinned);
6118 }
6119 __ Load(LiftoffRegister(scratch), table, index, 0, kPointerLoadType,
6120 pinned);
6122 auto call_descriptor =
6123 compiler::GetWasmCallDescriptor(compilation_zone_, imm.sig);
6124 call_descriptor =
6125 GetLoweredCallDescriptor(compilation_zone_, call_descriptor);
6127 Register target = scratch;
6128 __ PrepareCall(&sig, call_descriptor, &target, explicit_instance);
6129 if (tail_call) {
6130 __ PrepareTailCall(
6131 static_cast<int>(call_descriptor->ParameterSlotCount()),
6132 static_cast<int>(
6133 call_descriptor->GetStackParameterDelta(descriptor_)));
6134 __ TailCallIndirect(target);
6135 } else {
6136 source_position_table_builder_.AddPosition(
6137 __ pc_offset(), SourcePosition(decoder->position()), true);
6138 __ CallIndirect(&sig, call_descriptor, target);
6140 FinishCall(decoder, &sig, call_descriptor);
6141 }
6142 }
6144 void CallRef(FullDecoder* decoder, ValueType func_ref_type,
6145 const FunctionSig* type_sig, TailCall tail_call) {
6146 MostlySmallValueKindSig sig(compilation_zone_, type_sig);
6147 for (ValueKind ret : sig.returns()) {
6148 if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, ret, "return")) return;
6149 }
6150 compiler::CallDescriptor* call_descriptor =
6151 compiler::GetWasmCallDescriptor(compilation_zone_, type_sig);
6152 call_descriptor =
6153 GetLoweredCallDescriptor(compilation_zone_, call_descriptor);
6155 Register target_reg = no_reg, instance_reg = no_reg;
6157 if (FLAG_wasm_speculative_inlining) {
6158 ValueKind kIntPtrKind = kPointerKind;
6160 LiftoffRegList pinned;
6161 LiftoffRegister vector = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
6162 LiftoffAssembler::VarState funcref =
6163 __ cache_state()->stack_state.end()[-1];
6164 if (funcref.is_reg()) pinned.set(funcref.reg());
6165 __ Fill(vector, liftoff::kFeedbackVectorOffset, kPointerKind);
6166 LiftoffAssembler::VarState vector_var(kPointerKind, vector, 0);
6167 LiftoffRegister index = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
6168 uintptr_t vector_slot = num_call_instructions_ * 2;
6169 {
6170 base::MutexGuard mutex_guard(&decoder->module_->type_feedback.mutex);
6171 decoder->module_->type_feedback.feedback_for_function[func_index_]
6172 .positions[decoder->position()] =
6173 static_cast<int>(num_call_instructions_);
6174 }
6175 num_call_instructions_++;
6176 __ LoadConstant(index, WasmValue::ForUintPtr(vector_slot));
6177 LiftoffAssembler::VarState index_var(kIntPtrKind, index, 0);
6179 // CallRefIC(vector: FixedArray, index: intptr,
6180 // funcref: WasmInternalFunction)
6181 CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::kCallRefIC,
6182 MakeSig::Returns(kPointerKind, kPointerKind)
6183 .Params(kPointerKind, kIntPtrKind, kPointerKind),
6184 {vector_var, index_var, funcref}, decoder->position());
6186 __ cache_state()->stack_state.pop_back(1); // Drop funcref.
6187 target_reg = LiftoffRegister(kReturnRegister0).gp();
6188 instance_reg = LiftoffRegister(kReturnRegister1).gp();
6190 } else { // FLAG_wasm_speculative_inlining
6191 // Non-feedback-collecting version.
6192 // Executing a write barrier needs temp registers; doing this on a
6193 // conditional branch confuses the LiftoffAssembler's register management.
6194 // Spill everything up front to work around that.
6195 __ SpillAllRegisters();
6197 // We limit ourselves to four registers:
6198 // (1) func_data, initially reused for func_ref.
6199 // (2) instance, initially used as temp.
6200 // (3) target, initially used as temp.
6201 // (4) temp.
6202 LiftoffRegList pinned;
6203 LiftoffRegister func_ref = pinned.set(__ PopToModifiableRegister(pinned));
6204 MaybeEmitNullCheck(decoder, func_ref.gp(), pinned, func_ref_type);
6205 LiftoffRegister instance =
6206 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
6207 LiftoffRegister target = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
6208 LiftoffRegister temp = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
6210 // Load "ref" (instance or WasmApiFunctionRef) and target.
6211 __ LoadTaggedPointer(
6212 instance.gp(), func_ref.gp(), no_reg,
6213 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmInternalFunction::kRefOffset),
6214 pinned);
6217 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(temp.gp(), IsolateRoot, kSystemPointerSize, pinned);
6218 __ LoadExternalPointer(target.gp(), func_ref.gp(),
6219 WasmInternalFunction::kForeignAddressOffset,
6220 kForeignForeignAddressTag, temp.gp());
6222 __ Load(target, func_ref.gp(), no_reg,
6223 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(
6224 WasmInternalFunction::kForeignAddressOffset),
6225 kPointerLoadType, pinned);
6228 Label perform_call;
6230 LiftoffRegister null_address = temp;
6231 __ LoadConstant(null_address, WasmValue::ForUintPtr(0));
6232 __ emit_cond_jump(kUnequal, &perform_call, kRef, target.gp(),
6233 null_address.gp());
6234 // The cached target can only be null for WasmJSFunctions.
6235 __ LoadTaggedPointer(
6236 target.gp(), func_ref.gp(), no_reg,
6237 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmInternalFunction::kCodeOffset),
6238 pinned);
6240 __ LoadCodeDataContainerEntry(target.gp(), target.gp());
6242 __ emit_ptrsize_addi(target.gp(), target.gp(),
6243 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(Code::kHeaderSize));
6245 // Fall through to {perform_call}.
6247 __ bind(&perform_call);
6248 // Now the call target is in {target}, and the right instance object
6249 // is in {instance}.
6250 target_reg = target.gp();
6251 instance_reg = instance.gp();
6252 } // FLAG_wasm_speculative_inlining
6254 __ PrepareCall(&sig, call_descriptor, &target_reg, &instance_reg);
6255 if (tail_call) {
6256 __ PrepareTailCall(
6257 static_cast<int>(call_descriptor->ParameterSlotCount()),
6258 static_cast<int>(
6259 call_descriptor->GetStackParameterDelta(descriptor_)));
6260 __ TailCallIndirect(target_reg);
6261 } else {
6262 source_position_table_builder_.AddPosition(
6263 __ pc_offset(), SourcePosition(decoder->position()), true);
6264 __ CallIndirect(&sig, call_descriptor, target_reg);
6266 FinishCall(decoder, &sig, call_descriptor);
6267 }
6268 }
6270 void LoadNullValue(Register null, LiftoffRegList pinned) {
6271 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(null, IsolateRoot, kSystemPointerSize, pinned);
6272 __ LoadFullPointer(null, null,
6273 IsolateData::root_slot_offset(RootIndex::kNullValue));
6274 }
6276 void LoadExceptionSymbol(Register dst, LiftoffRegList pinned,
6277 RootIndex root_index) {
6278 LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(dst, IsolateRoot, kSystemPointerSize, pinned);
6279 uint32_t offset_imm = IsolateData::root_slot_offset(root_index);
6280 __ LoadFullPointer(dst, dst, offset_imm);
6281 }
6283 void MaybeEmitNullCheck(FullDecoder* decoder, Register object,
6284 LiftoffRegList pinned, ValueType type) {
6285 if (FLAG_experimental_wasm_skip_null_checks || !type.is_nullable()) return;
6286 Label* trap_label =
6287 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapNullDereference);
6288 LiftoffRegister null = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned);
6289 LoadNullValue(null.gp(), pinned);
6290 __ emit_cond_jump(LiftoffCondition::kEqual, trap_label, kOptRef, object,
6291 null.gp());
6292 }
6294 void BoundsCheckArray(FullDecoder* decoder, LiftoffRegister array,
6295 LiftoffRegister index, LiftoffRegList pinned) {
6296 if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_experimental_wasm_skip_bounds_checks)(__builtin_expect(!!(FLAG_experimental_wasm_skip_bounds_checks
), 0))
) return;
6297 Label* trap_label =
6298 AddOutOfLineTrap(decoder, WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapArrayOutOfBounds);
6299 LiftoffRegister length = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned);
6300 constexpr int kLengthOffset =
6301 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmArray::kLengthOffset);
6302 __ Load(length, array.gp(), no_reg, kLengthOffset, LoadType::kI32Load,
6303 pinned);
6304 __ emit_cond_jump(LiftoffCondition::kUnsignedGreaterEqual, trap_label, kI32,
6305 index.gp(), length.gp());
6306 }
6308 int StructFieldOffset(const StructType* struct_type, int field_index) {
6309 return wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(WasmStruct::kHeaderSize +
6310 struct_type->field_offset(field_index));
6311 }
6313 void LoadObjectField(LiftoffRegister dst, Register src, Register offset_reg,
6314 int offset, ValueKind kind, bool is_signed,
6315 LiftoffRegList pinned) {
6316 if (is_reference(kind)) {
6317 __ LoadTaggedPointer(dst.gp(), src, offset_reg, offset, pinned);
6318 } else {
6319 // Primitive kind.
6320 LoadType load_type = LoadType::ForValueKind(kind, is_signed);
6321 __ Load(dst, src, offset_reg, offset, load_type, pinned);
6322 }
6323 }
6325 void StoreObjectField(Register obj, Register offset_reg, int offset,
6326 LiftoffRegister value, LiftoffRegList pinned,
6327 ValueKind kind) {
6328 if (is_reference(kind)) {
6329 __ StoreTaggedPointer(obj, offset_reg, offset, value, pinned);
6330 } else {
6331 // Primitive kind.
6332 StoreType store_type = StoreType::ForValueKind(kind);
6333 __ Store(obj, offset_reg, offset, value, store_type, pinned);
6334 }
6335 }
6337 void SetDefaultValue(LiftoffRegister reg, ValueKind kind,
6338 LiftoffRegList pinned) {
6339 DCHECK(is_defaultable(kind))((void) 0);
6340 switch (kind) {
6341 case kI8:
6342 case kI16:
6343 case kI32:
6344 return __ LoadConstant(reg, WasmValue(int32_t{0}));
6345 case kI64:
6346 return __ LoadConstant(reg, WasmValue(int64_t{0}));
6347 case kF32:
6348 return __ LoadConstant(reg, WasmValue(float{0.0}));
6349 case kF64:
6350 return __ LoadConstant(reg, WasmValue(double{0.0}));
6351 case kS128:
6352 DCHECK(CpuFeatures::SupportsWasmSimd128())((void) 0);
6353 return __ emit_s128_xor(reg, reg, reg);
6354 case kOptRef:
6355 return LoadNullValue(reg.gp(), pinned);
6356 case kRtt:
6357 case kVoid:
6358 case kBottom:
6359 case kRef:
6360 UNREACHABLE()V8_Fatal("unreachable code");
6361 }
6362 }
6364 struct TypeCheckRegisters {
6365 LiftoffRegister obj_reg, map_reg, tmp_reg;
6366 };
6368 TypeCheckRegisters TypeCheckPrelude(const Value& obj, Label* no_match,
6369 LiftoffRegList pinned,
6370 Register opt_scratch) {
6371 LiftoffRegister obj_reg = pinned.set(__ PopToRegister(pinned));
6373 // Reserve all temporary registers up front, so that the cache state
6374 // tracking doesn't get confused by the following conditional jumps.
6375 LiftoffRegister map_reg =
6376 opt_scratch != no_reg
6377 ? LiftoffRegister(opt_scratch)
6378 : pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
6379 LiftoffRegister tmp_reg = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
6381 if (obj.type.is_nullable()) {
6382 LoadNullValue(map_reg.gp(), pinned);
6383 __ emit_cond_jump(kEqual, no_match, kOptRef, obj_reg.gp(), map_reg.gp());
6384 }
6386 __ emit_smi_check(obj_reg.gp(), no_match, LiftoffAssembler::kJumpOnSmi);
6388 __ LoadMap(map_reg.gp(), obj_reg.gp());
6390 return {obj_reg, map_reg, tmp_reg};
6391 }
6393 void EmitDataRefCheck(Register map, Label* not_data_ref, LiftoffRegister tmp,
6394 LiftoffRegList pinned) {
6395 constexpr int kInstanceTypeOffset =
6396 wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(Map::kInstanceTypeOffset);
6397 __ Load(tmp, map, no_reg, kInstanceTypeOffset, LoadType::kI32Load16U,
6398 pinned);
6399 // We're going to test a range of WasmObject instance types with a single
6400 // unsigned comparison.
6401 __ emit_i32_subi(tmp.gp(), tmp.gp(), FIRST_WASM_OBJECT_TYPE);
6402 __ emit_i32_cond_jumpi(kUnsignedGreaterThan, not_data_ref, tmp.gp(),
6404 }
6406 void MaybeOSR() {
6407 if (V8_UNLIKELY(for_debugging_)(__builtin_expect(!!(for_debugging_), 0))) {
6408 __ MaybeOSR();
6409 }
6410 }
6412 void FinishCall(FullDecoder* decoder, ValueKindSig* sig,
6413 compiler::CallDescriptor* call_descriptor) {
6414 DefineSafepoint();
6415 RegisterDebugSideTableEntry(decoder, DebugSideTableBuilder::kDidSpill);
6416 int pc_offset = __ pc_offset();
6417 MaybeOSR();
6418 EmitLandingPad(decoder, pc_offset);
6419 __ FinishCall(sig, call_descriptor);
6420 }
6422 void CheckNan(LiftoffRegister src, LiftoffRegList pinned, ValueKind kind) {
6423 DCHECK(kind == ValueKind::kF32 || kind == ValueKind::kF64)((void) 0);
6424 auto nondeterminism_addr = __ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned);
6425 __ LoadConstant(
6426 nondeterminism_addr,
6427 WasmValue::ForUintPtr(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(nondeterminism_)));
6428 __ emit_set_if_nan(nondeterminism_addr.gp(), src.fp(), kind);
6429 }
6431 void CheckS128Nan(LiftoffRegister dst, LiftoffRegList pinned,
6432 ValueKind lane_kind) {
6433 RegClass rc = reg_class_for(kS128);
6434 LiftoffRegister tmp_gp = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
6435 LiftoffRegister tmp_s128 = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(rc, pinned));
6436 LiftoffRegister nondeterminism_addr =
6437 pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned));
6438 __ LoadConstant(
6439 nondeterminism_addr,
6440 WasmValue::ForUintPtr(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(nondeterminism_)));
6441 __ emit_s128_set_if_nan(nondeterminism_addr.gp(), dst, tmp_gp.gp(),
6442 tmp_s128, lane_kind);
6443 }
6445 bool has_outstanding_op() const {
6446 return outstanding_op_ != kNoOutstandingOp;
6447 }
6449 bool test_and_reset_outstanding_op(WasmOpcode opcode) {
6450 DCHECK_NE(kNoOutstandingOp, opcode)((void) 0);
6451 if (outstanding_op_ != opcode) return false;
6452 outstanding_op_ = kNoOutstandingOp;
6453 return true;
6454 }
6456 void TraceCacheState(FullDecoder* decoder) const {
6457 if (!FLAG_trace_liftoff) return;
6458 StdoutStream os;
6459 for (int control_depth = decoder->control_depth() - 1; control_depth >= -1;
6460 --control_depth) {
6461 auto* cache_state =
6462 control_depth == -1 ? __ cache_state()
6463 : &decoder->control_at(control_depth)
6464 ->label_state;
6465 os << PrintCollection(cache_state->stack_state);
6466 if (control_depth != -1) PrintF("; ");
6467 }
6468 os << "\n";
6469 }
6471 void DefineSafepoint() {
6472 auto safepoint = safepoint_table_builder_.DefineSafepoint(&asm_);
6473 __ cache_state()->DefineSafepoint(safepoint);
6474 }
6476 void DefineSafepointWithCalleeSavedRegisters() {
6477 auto safepoint = safepoint_table_builder_.DefineSafepoint(&asm_);
6478 __ cache_state()->DefineSafepointWithCalleeSavedRegisters(safepoint);
6479 }
6481 Register LoadInstanceIntoRegister(LiftoffRegList pinned, Register fallback) {
6482 Register instance = __ cache_state()->cached_instance;
6483 if (instance == no_reg) {
6484 instance = __ cache_state()->TrySetCachedInstanceRegister(
6485 pinned | LiftoffRegList{fallback});
6486 if (instance == no_reg) instance = fallback;
6487 __ LoadInstanceFromFrame(instance);
6488 }
6489 return instance;
6490 }
6492 static constexpr WasmOpcode kNoOutstandingOp = kExprUnreachable;
6493 static constexpr base::EnumSet<ValueKind> kUnconditionallySupported{
6494 // MVP:
6495 kI32, kI64, kF32, kF64,
6496 // Extern ref:
6497 kRef, kOptRef, kRtt, kI8, kI16};
6499 LiftoffAssembler asm_;
6501 // Used for merging code generation of subsequent operations (via look-ahead).
6502 // Set by the first opcode, reset by the second.
6503 WasmOpcode outstanding_op_ = kNoOutstandingOp;
6505 // {supported_types_} is updated in {MaybeBailoutForUnsupportedType}.
6506 base::EnumSet<ValueKind> supported_types_ = kUnconditionallySupported;
6507 compiler::CallDescriptor* const descriptor_;
6508 CompilationEnv* const env_;
6509 DebugSideTableBuilder* const debug_sidetable_builder_;
6510 const ForDebugging for_debugging_;
6511 LiftoffBailoutReason bailout_reason_ = kSuccess;
6512 const int func_index_;
6513 ZoneVector<OutOfLineCode> out_of_line_code_;
6514 SourcePositionTableBuilder source_position_table_builder_;
6515 ZoneVector<trap_handler::ProtectedInstructionData> protected_instructions_;
6516 // Zone used to store information during compilation. The result will be
6517 // stored independently, such that this zone can die together with the
6518 // LiftoffCompiler after compilation.
6519 Zone* compilation_zone_;
6520 SafepointTableBuilder safepoint_table_builder_;
6521 // The pc offset of the instructions to reserve the stack frame. Needed to
6522 // patch the actually needed stack size in the end.
6523 uint32_t pc_offset_stack_frame_construction_ = 0;
6524 // For emitting breakpoint, we store a pointer to the position of the next
6525 // breakpoint, and a pointer after the list of breakpoints as end marker.
6526 // A single breakpoint at offset 0 indicates that we should prepare the
6527 // function for stepping by flooding it with breakpoints.
6528 const int* next_breakpoint_ptr_ = nullptr;
6529 const int* next_breakpoint_end_ = nullptr;
6531 // Introduce a dead breakpoint to ensure that the calculation of the return
6532 // address in OSR is correct.
6533 int dead_breakpoint_ = 0;
6535 // Remember whether the did function-entry break checks (for "hook on function
6536 // call" and "break on entry" a.k.a. instrumentation breakpoint). This happens
6537 // at the first breakable opcode in the function (if compiling for debugging).
6538 bool did_function_entry_break_checks_ = false;
6540 struct HandlerInfo {
6541 MovableLabel handler;
6542 int pc_offset;
6543 };
6545 ZoneVector<HandlerInfo> handlers_;
6546 int handler_table_offset_ = Assembler::kNoHandlerTable;
6548 // Current number of exception refs on the stack.
6549 int num_exceptions_ = 0;
6551 // Number of feedback-collecting call instructions encountered. While
6552 // compiling, also index of the next such instruction. Used for indexing type
6553 // feedback.
6554 uintptr_t num_call_instructions_ = 0;
6556 int32_t* max_steps_;
6557 int32_t* nondeterminism_;
6559 DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(LiftoffCompiler)LiftoffCompiler() = delete; LiftoffCompiler(const LiftoffCompiler
&) = delete; LiftoffCompiler& operator=(const LiftoffCompiler
&) = delete
6562// static
6563constexpr WasmOpcode LiftoffCompiler::kNoOutstandingOp;
6564// static
6565constexpr base::EnumSet<ValueKind> LiftoffCompiler::kUnconditionallySupported;
6567} // namespace
6569WasmCompilationResult ExecuteLiftoffCompilation(
6570 CompilationEnv* env, const FunctionBody& func_body, int func_index,
6571 ForDebugging for_debugging, const LiftoffOptions& compiler_options) {
6572 base::TimeTicks start_time;
6573 if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_trace_wasm_compilation_times)(__builtin_expect(!!(FLAG_trace_wasm_compilation_times), 0))) {
6574 start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
6575 }
6576 int func_body_size = static_cast<int>(func_body.end - func_body.start);
6577 TRACE_EVENT2(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("v8.wasm.detailed"),static v8::base::AtomicWord trace_event_unique_atomic6579 = 0
; const uint8_t* trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
; trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579 = reinterpret_cast
<const uint8_t*>(v8::base::Relaxed_Load(&(trace_event_unique_atomic6579
))); if (!trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579) { trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
= v8::internal::tracing::TraceEventHelper::GetTracingController
() ->GetCategoryGroupEnabled("disabled-by-default-" "v8.wasm.detailed"
); v8::base::Relaxed_Store(&(trace_event_unique_atomic6579
), (reinterpret_cast<v8::base::AtomicWord>( trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
))); };; v8::internal::tracing::ScopedTracer trace_event_unique_tracer6579
; if (v8::base::Relaxed_Load(reinterpret_cast<const v8::base
::Atomic8*>( trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
)) & (kEnabledForRecording_CategoryGroupEnabledFlags | kEnabledForEventCallback_CategoryGroupEnabledFlags
)) { uint64_t h = v8::internal::tracing::AddTraceEvent( ('X')
, trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579, "wasm.CompileBaseline"
, v8::internal::tracing::kGlobalScope, v8::internal::tracing::
kNoId, v8::internal::tracing::kNoId, (static_cast<unsigned
int>(0)), "funcIndex", func_index, "bodySize", func_body_size
); trace_event_unique_tracer6579 .Initialize(trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
, "wasm.CompileBaseline", h); }
6578 "wasm.CompileBaseline", "funcIndex", func_index, "bodySize",static v8::base::AtomicWord trace_event_unique_atomic6579 = 0
; const uint8_t* trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
; trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579 = reinterpret_cast
<const uint8_t*>(v8::base::Relaxed_Load(&(trace_event_unique_atomic6579
))); if (!trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579) { trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
= v8::internal::tracing::TraceEventHelper::GetTracingController
() ->GetCategoryGroupEnabled("disabled-by-default-" "v8.wasm.detailed"
); v8::base::Relaxed_Store(&(trace_event_unique_atomic6579
), (reinterpret_cast<v8::base::AtomicWord>( trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
))); };; v8::internal::tracing::ScopedTracer trace_event_unique_tracer6579
; if (v8::base::Relaxed_Load(reinterpret_cast<const v8::base
::Atomic8*>( trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
)) & (kEnabledForRecording_CategoryGroupEnabledFlags | kEnabledForEventCallback_CategoryGroupEnabledFlags
)) { uint64_t h = v8::internal::tracing::AddTraceEvent( ('X')
, trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579, "wasm.CompileBaseline"
, v8::internal::tracing::kGlobalScope, v8::internal::tracing::
kNoId, v8::internal::tracing::kNoId, (static_cast<unsigned
int>(0)), "funcIndex", func_index, "bodySize", func_body_size
); trace_event_unique_tracer6579 .Initialize(trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
, "wasm.CompileBaseline", h); }
6579 func_body_size)static v8::base::AtomicWord trace_event_unique_atomic6579 = 0
; const uint8_t* trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
; trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579 = reinterpret_cast
<const uint8_t*>(v8::base::Relaxed_Load(&(trace_event_unique_atomic6579
))); if (!trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579) { trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
= v8::internal::tracing::TraceEventHelper::GetTracingController
() ->GetCategoryGroupEnabled("disabled-by-default-" "v8.wasm.detailed"
); v8::base::Relaxed_Store(&(trace_event_unique_atomic6579
), (reinterpret_cast<v8::base::AtomicWord>( trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
))); };; v8::internal::tracing::ScopedTracer trace_event_unique_tracer6579
; if (v8::base::Relaxed_Load(reinterpret_cast<const v8::base
::Atomic8*>( trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
)) & (kEnabledForRecording_CategoryGroupEnabledFlags | kEnabledForEventCallback_CategoryGroupEnabledFlags
)) { uint64_t h = v8::internal::tracing::AddTraceEvent( ('X')
, trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579, "wasm.CompileBaseline"
, v8::internal::tracing::kGlobalScope, v8::internal::tracing::
kNoId, v8::internal::tracing::kNoId, (static_cast<unsigned
int>(0)), "funcIndex", func_index, "bodySize", func_body_size
); trace_event_unique_tracer6579 .Initialize(trace_event_unique_category_group_enabled6579
, "wasm.CompileBaseline", h); }
6581 Zone zone(GetWasmEngine()->allocator(), "LiftoffCompilationZone");
6582 auto call_descriptor = compiler::GetWasmCallDescriptor(&zone, func_body.sig);
6583 size_t code_size_estimate =
6584 WasmCodeManager::EstimateLiftoffCodeSize(func_body_size);
6585 // Allocate the initial buffer a bit bigger to avoid reallocation during code
6586 // generation. Overflows when casting to int are fine, as we will allocate at
6587 // least {AssemblerBase::kMinimalBufferSize} anyway, so in the worst case we
6588 // have to grow more often.
6589 int initial_buffer_size = static_cast<int>(128 + code_size_estimate * 4 / 3);
6590 std::unique_ptr<DebugSideTableBuilder> debug_sidetable_builder;
6591 if (compiler_options.debug_sidetable) {
6592 debug_sidetable_builder = std::make_unique<DebugSideTableBuilder>();
6593 }
6594 DCHECK_IMPLIES(compiler_options.max_steps, for_debugging == kForDebugging)((void) 0);
6595 WasmFeatures unused_detected_features;
6596 WasmFullDecoder<Decoder::kBooleanValidation, LiftoffCompiler> decoder(
6597 &zone, env->module, env->enabled_features,
6598 compiler_options.detected_features ? compiler_options.detected_features
6599 : &unused_detected_features,
6600 func_body, call_descriptor, env, &zone,
6601 NewAssemblerBuffer(initial_buffer_size), debug_sidetable_builder.get(),
6602 for_debugging, func_index, compiler_options.breakpoints,
6603 compiler_options.dead_breakpoint, compiler_options.max_steps,
6604 compiler_options.nondeterminism);
6605 decoder.Decode();
6606 LiftoffCompiler* compiler = &decoder.interface();
6607 if (decoder.failed()) compiler->OnFirstError(&decoder);
6609 if (auto* counters = compiler_options.counters) {
6610 // Check that the histogram for the bailout reasons has the correct size.
6611 DCHECK_EQ(0, counters->liftoff_bailout_reasons()->min())((void) 0);
6612 DCHECK_EQ(kNumBailoutReasons - 1,((void) 0)
6613 counters->liftoff_bailout_reasons()->max())((void) 0);
6614 DCHECK_EQ(kNumBailoutReasons,((void) 0)
6615 counters->liftoff_bailout_reasons()->num_buckets())((void) 0);
6616 // Register the bailout reason (can also be {kSuccess}).
6617 counters->liftoff_bailout_reasons()->AddSample(
6618 static_cast<int>(compiler->bailout_reason()));
6619 }
6621 if (compiler->did_bailout()) return WasmCompilationResult{};
6623 WasmCompilationResult result;
6624 compiler->GetCode(&result.code_desc);
6625 result.instr_buffer = compiler->ReleaseBuffer();
6626 result.source_positions = compiler->GetSourcePositionTable();
6627 result.protected_instructions_data = compiler->GetProtectedInstructionsData();
6628 result.frame_slot_count = compiler->GetTotalFrameSlotCountForGC();
6629 auto* lowered_call_desc = GetLoweredCallDescriptor(&zone, call_descriptor);
6630 result.tagged_parameter_slots = lowered_call_desc->GetTaggedParameterSlots();
6631 result.func_index = func_index;
6632 result.result_tier = ExecutionTier::kLiftoff;
6633 result.for_debugging = for_debugging;
6634 if (auto* debug_sidetable = compiler_options.debug_sidetable) {
6635 *debug_sidetable = debug_sidetable_builder->GenerateDebugSideTable();
6636 }
6637 result.feedback_vector_slots = compiler->GetFeedbackVectorSlots();
6639 if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_trace_wasm_compilation_times)(__builtin_expect(!!(FLAG_trace_wasm_compilation_times), 0))) {
6640 base::TimeDelta time = base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time;
6641 int codesize = result.code_desc.body_size();
6642 StdoutStream{} << "Compiled function "
6643 << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(env->module) << "#"
6644 << func_index << " using Liftoff, took "
6645 << time.InMilliseconds() << " ms and "
6646 << zone.allocation_size() << " bytes; bodysize "
6647 << func_body_size << " codesize " << codesize << std::endl;
6648 }
6650 DCHECK(result.succeeded())((void) 0);
6651 return result;
6654std::unique_ptr<DebugSideTable> GenerateLiftoffDebugSideTable(
6655 const WasmCode* code) {
6656 auto* native_module = code->native_module();
6657 auto* function = &native_module->module()->functions[code->index()];
6658 ModuleWireBytes wire_bytes{native_module->wire_bytes()};
6659 base::Vector<const byte> function_bytes =
6660 wire_bytes.GetFunctionBytes(function);
6661 CompilationEnv env = native_module->CreateCompilationEnv();
6662 FunctionBody func_body{function->sig, 0, function_bytes.begin(),
6663 function_bytes.end()};
6665 Zone zone(GetWasmEngine()->allocator(), "LiftoffDebugSideTableZone");
6666 auto call_descriptor = compiler::GetWasmCallDescriptor(&zone, function->sig);
6667 DebugSideTableBuilder debug_sidetable_builder;
6668 WasmFeatures detected;
6669 constexpr int kSteppingBreakpoints[] = {0};
6670 DCHECK(code->for_debugging() == kForDebugging ||((void) 0)
6671 code->for_debugging() == kForStepping)((void) 0);
6672 base::Vector<const int> breakpoints =
6673 code->for_debugging() == kForStepping
6674 ? base::ArrayVector(kSteppingBreakpoints)
6675 : base::Vector<const int>{};
6676 WasmFullDecoder<Decoder::kBooleanValidation, LiftoffCompiler> decoder(
6677 &zone, native_module->module(), env.enabled_features, &detected,
6678 func_body, call_descriptor, &env, &zone,
6679 NewAssemblerBuffer(AssemblerBase::kDefaultBufferSize),
6680 &debug_sidetable_builder, code->for_debugging(), code->index(),
6681 breakpoints);
6682 decoder.Decode();
6683 DCHECK(decoder.ok())((void) 0);
6684 DCHECK(!decoder.interface().did_bailout())((void) 0);
6685 return debug_sidetable_builder.GenerateDebugSideTable();
6688#undef __
6689#undef TRACE
6694#undef CODE_COMMENT
6696} // namespace wasm
6697} // namespace internal
6698} // namespace v8