In the home directory of the "isvv" user, enter this Git command.

git clone

Change the Crazyflie folder name as follows:

mv crazyflie-firmware Crazyflie

and go inside the "Crazyflie" folder:

cd Crazyflie

Now get the submodules as follows:

git submodule init

git submodule update

Chose the latest version and make sure the system compiles properly:

git checkout -b MM-2019.09 2019.09

make PLATFORM=cf2

If the latest version is more recent than 2019.9 use the more recent tag. 

git checkout -b MM-[more-recent-tag] [more-recent-tag]

Generate the Compilation Database File by issuing the following commands:

make clean

compiledb -n make

This will generate the file "compile_commands.json", i.e. the compilation database.

This is a video tutorial showing this step.